Discouraged, not me, and you are correct some of you guys have been total dicks. I do appreciate the concern for my wife, but it will be just fine. I do like how you all think I'm leaving myself and out, nothing is further from the truth. You all can call me a caver, or call BS on whatever you want, but it seems to me like you guys are in the same boat I'm in, so what makes you think I should believe you a damn thing you say. We are all liars, cheats, and addicts.
Jake, really man you've been quit for a whole 10 or so days, and you know me better than I know me. I appreciate it but I think I got this one right now. However, I do wish you well and look forward being at the end of 100 days with you.
Thanks for all the guys that have made me feel like I was in the right place.
Mods, since I am new sorry if I crossed the line with this response