I just wanted to add to your new found commitment to quit, that I looked back on the spreadsheet, and you barely posted roll leading up to your cave, and then even more rare after caving. Just a testament to how important posting roll is. I know that you posted roll for 40 days while dipping, but look at you roll leading up to your cave. Just sayin, make sure posting roll is important to you. If I see that you stop posting, or are inconsistent =cave in my book.
Quit with you today!! 'nutkick'
Oh for sure! I got lazy, lost focus on my quit and BOOM, my cave was waiting.
The question I keep asking myself is; did I unconsciously get lazy and that lead to my failure, or was it intentional because I didn't really want to quit?
Unfortunately and sadly, I think it was intentional. Not outright, not obtuse, but subconsciously I didn't want to quit.
Also, that scares me, worries me that there's a cave waiting for me, because I can feel a part of me that still wants the nic. It fucking whispers to me.
But that's just the addiction, its the sick part of my mind that's slaved to the chemical dependency created by nicotine.
When I think about isolating that part, sealing it off from the healthy, quit me, I feel much better. My cravings are much more manageable, my nic rage woosahs, I feel proud of myself for putting 6 clean, honest days on the board, and I'm confident I can quit for today.
Sounds easier than it is. Sometimes it takes a constant and significant effort to suppress that sick part. So when I feel it getting bigger, and that fucker starts talking in my ear, I get on KTC and start reading and posting and reading.
I've found things over the last few days I never saw before, like the words of wisdom and Randy's story. That's some quit magic, settles me right down.
But you're totally right dr jones, whether intentional or not, my first sign was slacking on roll. If you see that again, you kick me in the nuts for real. Then tell me to get my shit together.
Thanks for quitting with me.