I am truly surprised and humbled by the support. I'm going to try to reply to everyone, I've got a lot to explain and answer.
1st, thanks wedge for giving me some initial steps in my quit plan. I'll start working on contacting the "comebacks" like you said.
2nd, and before my quit plan, I wanted to explain my work schedule because its a problem for me. I work a rotating shift, 4 weeks on days (08-1600), 4 wks on swings (16-00), my current schedule), 4 wks on mids (00-08). I also have an 8 day work week, 5 days on, one day on call, two day weekend. Its complicated to explain, but the problem is that my weekends and down time are all over the place, and rarely line up with my fiance, leaving me home alone a lot, which is a VERY difficult time for me.
For example, on a swings weekday I wake up at 0700, spend some time with my fiance while she gets ready for work, go back to sleep, wake up at 1000. Then I've got roughly 4 hours of downtime before leaving for work around 1415. That downtime is so tough, and where I need the most help. Get to work around 1500, get out at 0000, home around 0100. Travel to and from work is also trouble, its a long boring drive. I get home, usually have a snack, read, and go to bed at 0300.
My plan--
NLT 0800 - Post roll in Nov. Thats before my fiance leaves, so my promise is in before I'm alone.
When she leaves, she's going to hide my keys, then tell me where they are in time for me to make the carpool.
Wake up and get busy. Either on KTC, cleaning the house, working out, wedding planning, whatever. Sitting there thinking about not dipping doesn't work, it drives me nuts.
Going to the carpool hasn't been a problem, but I'll text someone that I'm on the way and arrived. Wedge, its you tomorrow.
Also, the fiance is going to monitor my credit and debit cards including receipts. I will turn over any cash at end of day.
Work should be ok. I am not allowed to have my phone with me for security reasons, but sometimes I have downtime to get on a computer and can access KTC (thats what I'm doing now). Sometimes I'm working 8hrs straight and can't leave, sometimes its much less and have free time for additional duties. I have to check in and out of the compound, and don't have transportation to get to a store or anywhere. People at work know not to dip around me or give me any.
The carpool back is fine, but from the carpool home is trouble. I'm hoping to find someone in Nov that works late so I can text or call them.
Once I'm home I can't leave without waking the fiance.
This plan should help protect my weak spots; being alone and traveling to/from work.
All suggestions/comments are welcome and encouraged.