Author Topic: The caver's diary  (Read 6217 times)

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Offline flyingfree

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #53 on: August 10, 2012, 08:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: dr_jones_25
Quote from: carumba10
Quote from: flyingfree
So I had this thought yesterday when playing golf. I know, thinking isn't my strong suit, but ohwells.

Anyways, the thought was that I needed a new set of clubs. Since I quit dipping (9 days ago!) I've been thinking a lot about playing golf. I dunno, I suddenly had all this free time now that I'm not using, and sitting around is a trigger for me. Its weird, I'd never really had the urge while using, but now I'm jonesing to play golf almost as much as nicotine. ?? Whats that about?

Back to point, the idea was I needed a new set of clubs. I'd seen this set in CostCo (fucking love CostCo), that was awesome. Callaway x24s, irons, hybrids, and woods. 11 piece set for $550. Expensive, but a really good price for brand new Cally's.

Man, I want those clubs. But money is tight right now with the wedding  honeymoon coming up.

So I did some math (another dangerous activity), and when I'm quit for about 150 days, I'll have saved $550 dollars.

Bam, there's a goal. Easily defined, reasonably achievable, but will force me to work hard. Then I'm gonna play quit golf.

Also, I'm going to keep my focus on quitting today, everyday, and not that its going to be "x" many days to clubs. I also like this because it gives me a goal after HOF.
That's a great idea.

Calculate what you would spend on chew each week. Then each week deposit that amount of money into a special account. Forget the cash is even there. When the total rises to a point where you could purchase something you really want, buy it!
That's exactly what I did. I told my family that I would buy us a family canoe if I make it to HOF. You know how many times a day I get reminded about our family canoe?? Not to mention the look on my 6 year old daughter's face when she talks about the good times we will have on the canoe!

NO WAY IN HELL I WILL CAVE AND LET THAT LITTLE GIRL DOWN!!! I will be in the HOF, with a new family canoe to boot!! Great idea bro......stay quit!
hey free, check this out to put your idea in perspective

me 1290 days quit = 2 cans per day at $5 per = $12,900 smackers, That'd buy a lotta golf clubs eh? or a bass boat so I could tip over Dr Jones and his canoe
I actually took this a step farther. In 12 years of use, I've spent a little over $17,000 dollars on tobacco. Thats a sad number.

I think about all the things I could have done with $17k, sigh. Put that into a fund and pay for some college for my future kids. Shit, have a real nest egg instead of check to check. Help my sister with her bills. Down payment on that Piper Cherokee in Airplane Trader so I could buzz SM in his bass boat and scare away all the fish (not that they would already run from his face).

Oh wells, no point in lamenting the past. I like the idea of creating a fund of money saved. Thanks carumba/dr jones!
So I quit! I quit for me! Because I don't want to die, life is so much better without nicotine, and I want my honor back. I want to keep my word. I want to be the man I intend to be, and have my actions demonstrate my integrity. I want to live my ideals. And I will, one day at a time.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #52 on: August 10, 2012, 06:42:00 PM »
Quote from: dr_jones_25
Quote from: carumba10
Quote from: flyingfree
So I had this thought yesterday when playing golf. I know, thinking isn't my strong suit, but ohwells.

Anyways, the thought was that I needed a new set of clubs. Since I quit dipping (9 days ago!) I've been thinking a lot about playing golf. I dunno, I suddenly had all this free time now that I'm not using, and sitting around is a trigger for me. Its weird, I'd never really had the urge while using, but now I'm jonesing to play golf almost as much as nicotine. ?? Whats that about?

Back to point, the idea was I needed a new set of clubs. I'd seen this set in CostCo (fucking love CostCo), that was awesome. Callaway x24s, irons, hybrids, and woods. 11 piece set for $550. Expensive, but a really good price for brand new Cally's.

Man, I want those clubs. But money is tight right now with the wedding  honeymoon coming up.

So I did some math (another dangerous activity), and when I'm quit for about 150 days, I'll have saved $550 dollars.

Bam, there's a goal. Easily defined, reasonably achievable, but will force me to work hard. Then I'm gonna play quit golf.

Also, I'm going to keep my focus on quitting today, everyday, and not that its going to be "x" many days to clubs. I also like this because it gives me a goal after HOF.
That's a great idea.

Calculate what you would spend on chew each week. Then each week deposit that amount of money into a special account. Forget the cash is even there. When the total rises to a point where you could purchase something you really want, buy it!
That's exactly what I did. I told my family that I would buy us a family canoe if I make it to HOF. You know how many times a day I get reminded about our family canoe?? Not to mention the look on my 6 year old daughter's face when she talks about the good times we will have on the canoe!

NO WAY IN HELL I WILL CAVE AND LET THAT LITTLE GIRL DOWN!!! I will be in the HOF, with a new family canoe to boot!! Great idea bro......stay quit!
hey free, check this out to put your idea in perspective

me 1290 days quit = 2 cans per day at $5 per = $12,900 smackers, That'd buy a lotta golf clubs eh? or a bass boat so I could tip over Dr Jones and his canoe
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #51 on: August 10, 2012, 05:07:00 PM »
Quote from: carumba10
Quote from: flyingfree
So I had this thought yesterday when playing golf. I know, thinking isn't my strong suit, but ohwells.

Anyways, the thought was that I needed a new set of clubs. Since I quit dipping (9 days ago!) I've been thinking a lot about playing golf. I dunno, I suddenly had all this free time now that I'm not using, and sitting around is a trigger for me. Its weird, I'd never really had the urge while using, but now I'm jonesing to play golf almost as much as nicotine. ?? Whats that about?

Back to point, the idea was I needed a new set of clubs. I'd seen this set in CostCo (fucking love CostCo), that was awesome. Callaway x24s, irons, hybrids, and woods. 11 piece set for $550. Expensive, but a really good price for brand new Cally's.

Man, I want those clubs. But money is tight right now with the wedding  honeymoon coming up.

So I did some math (another dangerous activity), and when I'm quit for about 150 days, I'll have saved $550 dollars.

Bam, there's a goal. Easily defined, reasonably achievable, but will force me to work hard. Then I'm gonna play quit golf.

Also, I'm going to keep my focus on quitting today, everyday, and not that its going to be "x" many days to clubs. I also like this because it gives me a goal after HOF.
That's a great idea.

Calculate what you would spend on chew each week. Then each week deposit that amount of money into a special account. Forget the cash is even there. When the total rises to a point where you could purchase something you really want, buy it!
That's exactly what I did. I told my family that I would buy us a family canoe if I make it to HOF. You know how many times a day I get reminded about our family canoe?? Not to mention the look on my 6 year old daughter's face when she talks about the good times we will have on the canoe!

NO WAY IN HELL I WILL CAVE AND LET THAT LITTLE GIRL DOWN!!! I will be in the HOF, with a new family canoe to boot!! Great idea bro......stay quit!

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #50 on: August 10, 2012, 04:30:00 PM »
Quote from: flyingfree
So I had this thought yesterday when playing golf. I know, thinking isn't my strong suit, but ohwells.

Anyways, the thought was that I needed a new set of clubs. Since I quit dipping (9 days ago!) I've been thinking a lot about playing golf. I dunno, I suddenly had all this free time now that I'm not using, and sitting around is a trigger for me. Its weird, I'd never really had the urge while using, but now I'm jonesing to play golf almost as much as nicotine. ?? Whats that about?

Back to point, the idea was I needed a new set of clubs. I'd seen this set in CostCo (fucking love CostCo), that was awesome. Callaway x24s, irons, hybrids, and woods. 11 piece set for $550. Expensive, but a really good price for brand new Cally's.

Man, I want those clubs. But money is tight right now with the wedding  honeymoon coming up.

So I did some math (another dangerous activity), and when I'm quit for about 150 days, I'll have saved $550 dollars.

Bam, there's a goal. Easily defined, reasonably achievable, but will force me to work hard. Then I'm gonna play quit golf.

Also, I'm going to keep my focus on quitting today, everyday, and not that its going to be "x" many days to clubs. I also like this because it gives me a goal after HOF.
That's a great idea.

Calculate what you would spend on chew each week. Then each week deposit that amount of money into a special account. Forget the cash is even there. When the total rises to a point where you could purchase something you really want, buy it!
Quit Date: March 23 2012

I am Quit today. Tomorrow ?
Not impressed with rants from the 'Do As I Say Not As I Do' crowd.

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #49 on: August 10, 2012, 04:24:00 PM »
So I had this thought yesterday when playing golf. I know, thinking isn't my strong suit, but ohwells.

Anyways, the thought was that I needed a new set of clubs. Since I quit dipping (9 days ago!) I've been thinking a lot about playing golf. I dunno, I suddenly had all this free time now that I'm not using, and sitting around is a trigger for me. Its weird, I'd never really had the urge while using, but now I'm jonesing to play golf almost as much as nicotine. ?? Whats that about?

Back to point, the idea was I needed a new set of clubs. I'd seen this set in CostCo (fucking love CostCo), that was awesome. Callaway x24s, irons, hybrids, and woods. 11 piece set for $550. Expensive, but a really good price for brand new Cally's.

Man, I want those clubs. But money is tight right now with the wedding  honeymoon coming up.

So I did some math (another dangerous activity), and when I'm quit for about 150 days, I'll have saved $550 dollars.

Bam, there's a goal. Easily defined, reasonably achievable, but will force me to work hard. Then I'm gonna play quit golf.

Also, I'm going to keep my focus on quitting today, everyday, and not that its going to be "x" many days to clubs. I also like this because it gives me a goal after HOF.
So I quit! I quit for me! Because I don't want to die, life is so much better without nicotine, and I want my honor back. I want to keep my word. I want to be the man I intend to be, and have my actions demonstrate my integrity. I want to live my ideals. And I will, one day at a time.

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #48 on: August 10, 2012, 06:53:00 AM »
Quote from: flyingfree
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Prove me wrong.
What a great motivator! 30yrAddict is a stud. Nothing would make him happier than for you to prove him wrong.

I think you should print that statement with 30yrs avatar and hang it on the mirror where you brush your teeth in the morning. Look at it and read it everyday.

Take your quit challenged daily. Look at it and say, "I will prove you wrong today". Your daily deposit of trust will go into the KTC bank deposit and you will make the vets smile an applaud your quit.

30yr Just gave you a gift. Love and cherish it and Prove him wrong!!!

I know you can do this and if you don't call or text me when it gets tough, you can kiss my ass because I am your teammate in quit and you don't think I am worthy to pass the ball to? Don't be a ball hog in your quit, utilize your team and all their talents to stay quit!

I am so amp'd up right now! This is what make quitting a game and fun. Fucking get to work bro. Win your match today. Knock the nic bitch out. Then kick her when she's down, cut her throat and never, ever let up!
30Yr....CHALLENGE ACCEPTED SIR!! OHH YEAH! Its fucking on!

I'll meet you on the Roll of Honor tomorrow! I hope you're bringing your quit with you cause I got mine right here!

It'll be you, me, mthomas, November, and a thousand other quitters beating the absolute crap out of nicotine all day long! Our victory will be glorious!

I'm tired of nicotine beating me. It kicked my ass up and down for 12 years. Time for me to get my shots in. I'm gonna beat this shit one day at time.

8 days of success, freedom, and honor, on the way to a lifetime. I'm so on that fucking train. I'll see you when it stops for roll.
Fucking awesome, glad you found your underoos!

QLAFM w/you today

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #47 on: August 10, 2012, 02:43:00 AM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Prove me wrong.
What a great motivator! 30yrAddict is a stud. Nothing would make him happier than for you to prove him wrong.

I think you should print that statement with 30yrs avatar and hang it on the mirror where you brush your teeth in the morning. Look at it and read it everyday.

Take your quit challenged daily. Look at it and say, "I will prove you wrong today". Your daily deposit of trust will go into the KTC bank deposit and you will make the vets smile an applaud your quit.

30yr Just gave you a gift. Love and cherish it and Prove him wrong!!!

I know you can do this and if you don't call or text me when it gets tough, you can kiss my ass because I am your teammate in quit and you don't think I am worthy to pass the ball to? Don't be a ball hog in your quit, utilize your team and all their talents to stay quit!

I am so amp'd up right now! This is what make quitting a game and fun. Fucking get to work bro. Win your match today. Knock the nic bitch out. Then kick her when she's down, cut her throat and never, ever let up!
30Yr....CHALLENGE ACCEPTED SIR!! OHH YEAH! Its fucking on!

I'll meet you on the Roll of Honor tomorrow! I hope you're bringing your quit with you cause I got mine right here!

It'll be you, me, mthomas, November, and a thousand other quitters beating the absolute crap out of nicotine all day long! Our victory will be glorious!

I'm tired of nicotine beating me. It kicked my ass up and down for 12 years. Time for me to get my shots in. I'm gonna beat this shit one day at time.

8 days of success, freedom, and honor, on the way to a lifetime. I'm so on that fucking train. I'll see you when it stops for roll.
So I quit! I quit for me! Because I don't want to die, life is so much better without nicotine, and I want my honor back. I want to keep my word. I want to be the man I intend to be, and have my actions demonstrate my integrity. I want to live my ideals. And I will, one day at a time.

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #46 on: August 09, 2012, 12:23:00 PM »
Prove me wrong.
What a great motivator! 30yrAddict is a stud. Nothing would make him happier than for you to prove him wrong.

I think you should print that statement with 30yrs avatar and hang it on the mirror where you brush your teeth in the morning. Look at it and read it everyday.

Take your quit challenged daily. Look at it and say, "I will prove you wrong today". Your daily deposit of trust will go into the KTC bank deposit and you will make the vets smile an applaud your quit.

30yr Just gave you a gift. Love and cherish it and Prove him wrong!!!

I know you can do this and if you don't call or text me when it gets tough, you can kiss my ass because I am your teammate in quit and you don't think I am worthy to pass the ball to? Don't be a ball hog in your quit, utilize your team and all their talents to stay quit!

I am so amp'd up right now! This is what make quitting a game and fun. Fucking get to work bro. Win your match today. Knock the nic bitch out. Then kick her when she's down, cut her throat and never, ever let up!
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #45 on: August 09, 2012, 11:03:00 AM »
Quote from: flyingfree

kubrick - no hard feelings. I committed the cardinal sin, and I am so sorry. You don't have to forgive me, like me, or support me. Your reaction was justified, if a little late, and certainly deserved. If you want to remove me from the site, I won't fight it. I got my phone numbers and will text my quit in. But please don't, this place does help me.

30 yr,

I've been thinking of how to respond to your advice, but I feel I am showing personal responsibility for my quit. I'm fucking quit. I don't think that soliciting advice is shrugging off responsibility or my quit. I didn't ask you to quit for me, I just wanted to make my quit better by copying what works for you. I've already gotten some great advice from others, like calling someone every time I walk in a gas-station and "calling before I cave" in order to "pause" the addiction routine in my brain. I work mine a little different by texting people when I go places, but its the same effect. By stopping, thinking, and texting, I interrupt the pathways nicotine has built in my mind and reset my thought process.

I do know that bare-knuckling by myself DOES NOT work for me. I find it confusing that asking for help is seen as weakness. I am trying to IMPROVE my quit. Isn't that owning it? And I've got my own balls, thank you, albeit pretty fucking sore from kubrick, but they're mine and the fiance likes them.

But you keep on me, please. I do value and respect your opinion. Especially if you see me ducking roll or not active in my intro or on the site. THEN I'm not owning my quit, and you may proceed with ball-kicking. You'll be right behind my fiance.

I gotta go to dance lessons. Make jokes, you wouldn't laugh if you got to dance with her. Quit today.
Prove me wrong.

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #44 on: August 08, 2012, 07:44:00 PM »

kubrick - no hard feelings. I committed the cardinal sin, and I am so sorry. You don't have to forgive me, like me, or support me. Your reaction was justified, if a little late, and certainly deserved. If you want to remove me from the site, I won't fight it. I got my phone numbers and will text my quit in. But please don't, this place does help me.

30 yr,

I've been thinking of how to respond to your advice, but I feel I am showing personal responsibility for my quit. I'm fucking quit. I don't think that soliciting advice is shrugging off responsibility or my quit. I didn't ask you to quit for me, I just wanted to make my quit better by copying what works for you. I've already gotten some great advice from others, like calling someone every time I walk in a gas-station and "calling before I cave" in order to "pause" the addiction routine in my brain. I work mine a little different by texting people when I go places, but its the same effect. By stopping, thinking, and texting, I interrupt the pathways nicotine has built in my mind and reset my thought process.

I do know that bare-knuckling by myself DOES NOT work for me. I find it confusing that asking for help is seen as weakness. I am trying to IMPROVE my quit. Isn't that owning it? And I've got my own balls, thank you, albeit pretty fucking sore from kubrick, but they're mine and the fiance likes them.

But you keep on me, please. I do value and respect your opinion. Especially if you see me ducking roll or not active in my intro or on the site. THEN I'm not owning my quit, and you may proceed with ball-kicking. You'll be right behind my fiance.

I gotta go to dance lessons. Make jokes, you wouldn't laugh if you got to dance with her. Quit today.
So I quit! I quit for me! Because I don't want to die, life is so much better without nicotine, and I want my honor back. I want to keep my word. I want to be the man I intend to be, and have my actions demonstrate my integrity. I want to live my ideals. And I will, one day at a time.

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #43 on: August 08, 2012, 07:24:00 PM »
Buddy Mac,

How do you know I'm quit?

The answer is you don't. I hate that shitty, fucking awful answer, but you don't know if I'm quit because you don't know if I'm telling the truth.

All you can do is trust me and my word, and its going to take a long, long time for some (most) of KTC to do that. Some may never trust it again. Buddy Mac, you may never trust my word or my quit.

I understand and accept this as one of many consequences of my lies.

I want to ask you to trust me again, but I don't feel I have the right to ask that. I was a lying, using, addicted piece of shit. I'm still addicted, but I'm not using or lying anymore, and I'm working on the shit part too.

I want to earn your trust back, but I can't PROVE to you that I'm quit. All I can say or do is work my quit plan, keep in touch with my supports, talk out my problems/craves here, and post roll 1st thing everyday.

I do know this quit feels different. I was telling someone today that my quit feels deeper. Last time I said the words and made the motions and thought I was quit, like going to communion when you're a kid and you know what you're supposed to do, but you don't really know what it means. Now its like I let Jesus into my heart. I feel this quit in my soul. Posting roll is like taking communion. I literally feel a release of stress. It feels fucking great, like I'm scooping out this sick dark mess inside me and getting back to who I was, who I thought I could be, to the man I need to be for me and my family.

I don't mean to be sacrilegious, just trying to find a proper comparison.

Anyways, you can't know if I'm quit buddy mac. But I know. I quit today, wether you believe it or not doesn't matter to me.

I don't mean offense, I have a great respect for your quit. But in the grand scheme of my quit, your belief in it doesn't matter.

Do/would I appreciate your support? Hell yes I would, your quit is strong like bull. I'll take all the the help I can get. But I don't NEED it. I'm quit for me, I'm not quit for your approval, acknowledgement, or encouragement.

But I sure would appreciate it.

Quit with you today.
So I quit! I quit for me! Because I don't want to die, life is so much better without nicotine, and I want my honor back. I want to keep my word. I want to be the man I intend to be, and have my actions demonstrate my integrity. I want to live my ideals. And I will, one day at a time.

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #42 on: August 08, 2012, 08:18:00 AM »
Quote from: flyingfree
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: dr_jones_25
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: flyingfree
Quote from: dr_jones_25

I just wanted to add to your new found commitment to quit, that I looked back on the spreadsheet, and you barely posted roll leading up to your cave, and then even more rare after caving. Just a testament to how important posting roll is. I know that you posted roll for 40 days while dipping, but look at you roll leading up to your cave. Just sayin, make sure posting roll is important to you. If I see that you stop posting, or are inconsistent =cave in my book.

Quit with you today!!  'nutkick'
Oh for sure! I got lazy, lost focus on my quit and BOOM, my cave was waiting.

The question I keep asking myself is; did I unconsciously get lazy and that lead to my failure, or was it intentional because I didn't really want to quit?

Unfortunately and sadly, I think it was intentional. Not outright, not obtuse, but subconsciously I didn't want to quit.

Also, that scares me, worries me that there's a cave waiting for me, because I can feel a part of me that still wants the nic. It fucking whispers to me.

But that's just the addiction, its the sick part of my mind that's slaved to the chemical dependency created by nicotine.

When I think about isolating that part, sealing it off from the healthy, quit me, I feel much better. My cravings are much more manageable, my nic rage woosahs, I feel proud of myself for putting 6 clean, honest days on the board, and I'm confident I can quit for today.

Sounds easier than it is. Sometimes it takes a constant and significant effort to suppress that sick part. So when I feel it getting bigger, and that fucker starts talking in my ear, I get on KTC and start reading and posting and reading.

I've found things over the last few days I never saw before, like the words of wisdom and Randy's story. That's some quit magic, settles me right down.

But you're totally right dr jones, whether intentional or not, my first sign was slacking on roll. If you see that again, you kick me in the nuts for real. Then tell me to get my shit together.

Thanks for quitting with me.
Just so I'm clear about what I read here - Did you post roll for 40 days while you continued to dip?

If so, I thought that was pretty much one of the unforgivable sins on this site.

If not, then my reading comprehension just sucks.
Kub, I had the same question?????
Wasn't trying to stir the pot. He admitted that first thing when he caved?
Okay evidently I am the slow one in the room, he admitted it first thing? He admitted what first thing? Was he or was he not posting roll for 40 days while dipping?
I did post roll after I caved, and continued to post roll while using in order to avoid getting caught and getting shit from people on the site, but mostly to avoid detection by my fiance and family. It is disgraceful, and I am still ashamed.

I am so sorry that I didn't have the integrity to at least say that I'd caved. I was fucked up. I still am fucked up, but I'm quit today.

I think dr_jones was just pointing out how late and inconsistent rolls were a precursor to my original cave, and that if he sees the same indications then he'll assume I've caved, even if I don't admit it, since I've broken the trust of the site by lying about being quit before. The message (not his words) was post roll early every day you dumbfuck.

My reply was mostly pscyo-babble about how I originally caved, exploring in my mind the "what" and "why" cave questions so I can better understand and protect my quit. I just used this as a media to express my thoughts and acknowledge how slack roll posts indicate an incoming cave.

I sincerely wasn't trying to fool anyone about my sad, disgraceful history. I was just talking to myself out loud, thinking things through, working through a crave by thinking and posting about my quit. I apologize if it seemed different.

I titled this thread as "A caver's diary" so I can use it for this kind of "thinking it through" purpose as part of the "how" in my new quit plan. I didn't have this before, and it's helped me so far. I welcome all advice, comments and critiques (another good reason for this is so vets can check my thoughts and keep me vectored correctly).

If you want to take your shots for what I did; lying about being quit, posting false roll, breaking the trust, then I deserve them and have no defense.

If you want to tell me that "isolating" the sick, addicted part of my brain is a stupid idea that won't work, ok. I just made it up, and it seemed to help, but maybe you've got a better idea or your experience says that's a bad one. I'm listening, I want your help.

I am quit with you today.
Flying Free,

I don't know you but I will be watching now to see how often you post roll. Man I am not trying to be some kind of hard ass or bust your balls because that is not my style, but I do have one question I feel we all need answered. Even if you are posting roll, HOW DO WE KNOW YOU ARE QUIT?
Buddy Mac

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #41 on: August 07, 2012, 10:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: 30yrAddict

The only thought vectoring that needs to be clear is the notion of personal responsibility- and how it relates to your quit.

I REFUSE to take credit if you stay quit, and I REFUSE to take responsibility if you cave.  Those are not mine to bear- THEY ARE YOURS, and yours alone.

I don't want to dash your hopes... but there is only one answer.  Your quit has to originate from you.  Sure we can help. We can give advice, We can give you an ass whooping when necessary.  But after the tuba, trombone, bagpipes and those baton twirlers, when the ticker tape is merely debris for the sanitation worker to sweep up, the quit is about you.  You choose to honor your promise....or not.  You choose to be a slave, or a free man.  We cannot quit for you.  We cannot substitute our balls for your own.  We cannot close the door on nicotine for you. 

These things are your responsibility.  Take ownership over your own quit.
Deja Vu,

He owned up to it. Yes he took a withdraw out of his trust account. He acknowledge his debt and had a plant to build up his trust account.

Once a deal was made, we also should honor our deal.

I don't think we need to re rake a cave once the wound has been cleaned and healing. there was no infection or change in his healing wound.

Simply an observation for him to take care of the wound and let it heal properly.

I feel that all that was discussed and it is water under the bridge. If you don't want to support his quit, don't.

However it is anti-success if we want to keep opening the wound. His day of account is past and retribution has been agreed.

My two cents...
I apologize for re-opening the wound. I know that 5 days is a long time in the KTC drama dept, but I had missed the part where he had continued to post roll for 40 days while stuffing chew into his maw. Caving is one thing, but that type of action just grates on me.

It made me a little angry because it was news to me. If it was common knowledge, sorry for not paying enough attention. I will back out this thread slowly now...

Quit date 03/24/2012
HOF date 07/01/2012

"The only regret I ever see on this site is from those who fail..." - Sac

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Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #40 on: August 07, 2012, 07:51:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: 30yrAddict

The only thought vectoring that needs to be clear is the notion of personal responsibility- and how it relates to your quit.

I REFUSE to take credit if you stay quit, and I REFUSE to take responsibility if you cave.  Those are not mine to bear- THEY ARE YOURS, and yours alone.

I don't want to dash your hopes... but there is only one answer.  Your quit has to originate from you.  Sure we can help. We can give advice, We can give you an ass whooping when necessary.  But after the tuba, trombone, bagpipes and those baton twirlers, when the ticker tape is merely debris for the sanitation worker to sweep up, the quit is about you.  You choose to honor your promise....or not.  You choose to be a slave, or a free man.  We cannot quit for you.  We cannot substitute our balls for your own.  We cannot close the door on nicotine for you. 

These things are your responsibility.  Take ownership over your own quit.
Deja Vu,

He owned up to it. Yes he took a withdraw out of his trust account. He acknowledge his debt and had a plant to build up his trust account.

Once a deal was made, we also should honor our deal.

I don't think we need to re rake a cave once the wound has been cleaned and healing. there was no infection or change in his healing wound.

Simply an observation for him to take care of the wound and let it heal properly.

I feel that all that was discussed and it is water under the bridge. If you don't want to support his quit, don't.

However it is anti-success if we want to keep opening the wound. His day of account is past and retribution has been agreed.

My two cents...
Sometimes each of us sees different things that cause the alarm bells to go off. My post had nothing to do with him owning up.If you look at FF's LAST post you will see this line:
(another good reason for this is so vets can check my thoughts and keep me vectored correctly).
The point I made is the point that I believe has yet to sink in. Therefore, I am honoring his request to keep his thoughts "vectored".
I missed that. Thanks for the clarification. Keep on quitting and teaching.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline 30yraddict

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Re: The caver's diary
« Reply #39 on: August 07, 2012, 07:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: 30yrAddict

The only thought vectoring that needs to be clear is the notion of personal responsibility- and how it relates to your quit.

I REFUSE to take credit if you stay quit, and I REFUSE to take responsibility if you cave.  Those are not mine to bear- THEY ARE YOURS, and yours alone.

I don't want to dash your hopes... but there is only one answer.  Your quit has to originate from you.  Sure we can help. We can give advice, We can give you an ass whooping when necessary.  But after the tuba, trombone, bagpipes and those baton twirlers, when the ticker tape is merely debris for the sanitation worker to sweep up, the quit is about you.  You choose to honor your promise....or not.  You choose to be a slave, or a free man.  We cannot quit for you.  We cannot substitute our balls for your own.  We cannot close the door on nicotine for you. 

These things are your responsibility.  Take ownership over your own quit.
Deja Vu,

He owned up to it. Yes he took a withdraw out of his trust account. He acknowledge his debt and had a plant to build up his trust account.

Once a deal was made, we also should honor our deal.

I don't think we need to re rake a cave once the wound has been cleaned and healing. there was no infection or change in his healing wound.

Simply an observation for him to take care of the wound and let it heal properly.

I feel that all that was discussed and it is water under the bridge. If you don't want to support his quit, don't.

However it is anti-success if we want to keep opening the wound. His day of account is past and retribution has been agreed.

My two cents...
Sometimes each of us sees different things that cause the alarm bells to go off. My post had nothing to do with him owning up.If you look at FF's LAST post you will see this line:
(another good reason for this is so vets can check my thoughts and keep me vectored correctly).
The point I made is the point that I believe has yet to sink in. Therefore, I am honoring his request to keep his thoughts "vectored".