Day 31 I had my most intense craving yet. I've been getting into a new routine and getting days under my belt. Today started like no other in the morning posting roll, texting, until....1) garage door doesn't work (call repair man), 2) car door doesn't unlock at school (my daughter has to crawl out of the other door) $500 fix they say, 3) my wife and I get in an argument and she's not answering my calls/texts, 4) my daughter feels sick, 5) I have emails coming in from work about everything I need to get done today.
I'm working from home waiting for the garage door man, chewing gum, eating seeds, trying to work. I couldn't work, couldn't concentrate, my mind needed something to get over the blockage and I know what it's asking for....desperately asking trying to remind me of how I might feel for a few seconds with a pinch. I stop everything (not that i was doing much anyway other than thinking about dip) and lookup and start calling around to wall marts to get some smokey mountain (mines been on order for like a week … supposed to arrive on Wed) but i'd never been able to find it retail in Houston...finally did find where it's sold. WalMart on Yale St. thanks to @sixstring for reminding me yesterday WalMart should have it and I took on the search again. Anyway I got it and now I'm feeling like posting an update.
After sucking on this smokey mountain i'm realizing there are muscles in my face that I haven't used in a long time. My tongue hasn't swished the saliva through my teeth, and my throat hasn't had that dry swallow in a while you know holding the spit up on the roof of the mouth. Well I've felt those feelings again with the smokey and I even have an after dip lethargy like ugh why did I have to throw that in my mouth. This time however it's even more powerfully counter balanced with a happiness knowing i'm quit.
It was a sh*t show at the Wal-Mart....aisle 10 where all the tobacco is. I'm waiting patiently behind two grandma's buying kitty litter and ammonia to clean up cat feces accidents. Ironically i'm in line to find some cat sh*t of my own...of the herbal non nicotine variety. It's my turn and i'm greeted by a nice young lady not entirely hard to look at and quickly ask if she has any smokey mountain back there. (I know she does cause I called ahead) What's that? she asks and you all know the's about 2 mins her looking and feels like an hour, there's a line of three people now behind me with full carts. I start to sweat and I lock eyes with Kodiak easily visible like its in Neon Wintergreen and it's the only thing visible in the black lights of the rave playing out in my mind. Meanwhile the cashier calls in for help to look for the smokey mountain, they ask is it tobacco sir? ummm no … kinda … it should be in the round cans I say … this one sir? she holds up a skoal mint....ugh no mam....finally it's found by one of them....this whole time i'm texting my boy @SixString trying to keep my mind steady as this commotion plays out. SUCCESS though. Usually when i'd buy can's i'd put them as quickly as possible in my pocket...this time I left it out for the scowling lady behind me with the hope she would see the bold letters "TOBACCO AND NICOTINE FREE" but she most likely didn't. We all know it was a disgrace for her and disgusting to see a dipper addict trying to get a fix. It's my and your own enjoyment that it was quite the contrary.
One day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time... you are winning.
Yeah, it sounds so lame, but it really is true. I told your buddy Fiddy Cent (or something like that) that you are in the middle of a war right now. You are fighting HARD, and you are exhausted. Every muscle in your body is tense and exhausted from weeks of fighting an enemy. You can't feel it yet, but you are beating your enemy down. All that you feel now is sadness, and exhaustion, from the battle. You know how I know this, man? Because 2,473 days ago, I was in the same shoes you are in. I didn't think it would ever get better. Temptation was all around me. I was pissed, angry, scared, and kind of alone... except for this website. And guys like 36 Mafia (or something like that) were there for me saying that there is hope. That there is a future without nicotine. That life can be lived without Kodiak. And, brother, I'm living proof that you don't need Kodiak to live. I chewed through a can a day of that shit for 25 years, and let me tell you... there is a freedom ahead that you cannot even begin to imagine. Everyone told me that when I was in your shoes, and I thought... these guys are full of BS. Well, they weren't.
So, you and Ben Folds Five (or something like that) are working this system to win it... and if I were a betting man, I'd play the odds on you both. I know you are watching the weak ass idiots drop out like flies, but remember, nothing worth winning comes easy. This is a fight. It is a battle. And both of you warriors are built for the fight.
I'm here if you ever need anything. You aren't alone. Winning this alone... I dunno... I don't think it is possible. Winning as a team... that is a certainty. And I'm honored to be on your and Maroon 5's (or something like that
@SixString ) team.