My goal isn’t to be able to breeze through my days and never think about my addiction. Everyday I’m around people dipping. It’s everywhere and it always will be. So will my addiction. My goal is to change how I think about it. My goal is to do whatever it takes, every day, to not allow any romanticizing of it.
The last time I attempted to quit before KTC, I kept an unopened can in my normal hiding spot. Now, I’m not saying that’s a good method or a smart thing to do, but I do know why it worked for me for a while. It was because every day I looked at it and reminded myself of the reasons I didn’t want it. Over a year or so, it sat in that bag. I finally decided it was pointless to keep it anymore. Besides, it had to have been all dried out.
Well...maybe it was a coincidence, but it seems pretty ironic that only a few months later, I fell into my slow progression of romanticizing and eventually forgetting why I worked so hard. Now, I have people to remind me in case I forget. Thank you to all who post with me, message me, text with me, call me. I am truly grateful.