Hi! I've been lurking for a while but this site is so great that I want to be a part of it.
I'm female, 35 year user of dip and cigarettes and recently moved to Scotland UK where I was convinced by a quitline to start NRT in the form of Niquitin lozenges. I didn't want NRT anyway, just support but the advisor told me I couldn't make it without some form of NRT.
So - I took their 'advice' and guess what? I became addicted to the shitty lozenges! I was up to 25 of them a day. I finally wised up when my heart rate and blood pressure were through the roof and when I researched, I knew it was the cause. And it WAS - 11 days in and my morning heart rate has gone from 120bpm to 75bpm!
I'm now dealing with all the other crap that quitting brings - insomnia (bad), sweats day and night (also very bad), cravings, anxiety, frustration etc etc.
But I am committed to this quit like I've never been committed to anything in my life! Especially after having pharma's version of the nicodemon pushed on me.
I'm very grateful to be here.