KTC has always taken a hard nosed, tough love approach to quitting. This isn't just a support group; this is an accountability network. KTC has never been a pat on the ass, 'you'll get 'em next time champ' sort of system. We quit hard. We don't accept failure as an option. We hold each other's feet to the fire and grind this out one hour, one afternoon, one day at a time. To us here, this is viewed as life and death. We call out addict speak when we see it even if it doesn't make us popular. It's better to hate and rage at us than on your loved ones at home. We can take it.
I was a ninja dipper as well. I eventually told my wife (before I found KTC) thinking it would be the motivation I needed to quit but it was another 8 months after that where I found KTC and the rest is history. Was my wife hurt? Yeah. Was she upset. Sure. Did she want to be supportive and help me be successful? Absolutely. Telling loved ones in your life can be incredibly difficult and will likely put a temporary strain on your relationships. But the transparency and honesty will help solidify the foundations of your quit. Addiction thrives on a bed of lies. Being quit requires honesty, both with yourself and those around you. I'd encourage you to consider being honest with your wife; is some of your anxiety perhaps linked to the fear of her finding out the years of lies and nicotine use?