Worktowin 3,987. Incredibly thankful this morning to be in a warm house with abundant food to celebrate this special holiday. Today will not be tarnished with nicotine. Love you guys.
Day 165.
I actually feel at peace in my head today. I believe the anxiety has taken a day off. Although I have been feeling very disconnected emotionally I’m at peace today and for that I’m thankful. I know that there are better days ahead but this journey can only be done one day at a time and I am making it. Big tobacco will not get my money today and I will not dip today.
Happy Thanksgiving you guys and thank you all for being here with me.
I ninja dipped and now I ninja quit.
I can’t say I love you guys yet because I can’t feel love but as my Brain returns to normal functioning I’m sure I will feel at least a deep respect for you guys. Thank you again for being here.