Author Topic: General Discussion - 2012  (Read 89384 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #531 on: June 28, 2012, 01:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Ok, 69 days free and I don't even think about the crap anymore, ever. What I do crave, the fake stuff. I was a wintergreen dipper. I changed brands over the years to get a cheaper price but always stayed with wintergreen. Having quit, I never could find a wintergreen herbal snuff that I liked much. Smokey Mountain came the closest but still didn't satisfy. However, I discovered if I mixed it with Hooch spitfire ( 2:1 ratio) that it gave it that burn that it was missing and I really like it. Which brings me to my concern. I'm worried I might like it a little too much.

I'm debating whether or not to order some more spitfire as I'm down to my last can. I figured I would ask some you more seasoned quitters your advice on this. Part of the reason I quit tobacco was for the health of my gums and teeth and doing the fake stuff is certainly not helping them any. That Smoky Mountian is loaded with sweetness. But I do not want to jeapordize my quit either. Would it be wise at this stage to try and quit the fake stuff?
Why have you never posted roll? You joined in April supposedly have 69 days quit but only have 2 posts? You should be in the July HOF group. Read the WELCOME CENTER up top to understand how things work around here and get to posting roll.
It says at the top of this page, "Questions, Comments, or Concerns Welcomed." I guess they forgot to add the "only if you post roll" part. As a matter of fact, I have read a great deal on this site and have yet to find a rule that states you can only ask questions or get questions answered if you are posting roll. I'm not saying no such rule exists, just that I haven't seen one.

You know, this site can be immensly helpful to someone quitting tobacco. That can't be overstated. But on these forums some of you really know how to behave like asses.

I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just inviting you to use the tools provided on this site to their fullest potential.

Can people quit on their own? I'm sure there are those that can. For the rest of us mere mortals, having the support network of quitters available 24/7 is very important.

When we post roll to our group we make the promise to every quitter on this site that we won't use nicotine that day. Can you say nicotine is off the table today? Who can you reach out to if you start craving or some life altering event happens that weakens your resolve? The relationships built among the folks in each quit group as well as everyone else here keep me from using nicotine, cause I tell you what, around day 70 until now, I've been craving like day 1. If it wasn't for these fine gentlemen and ladies that I interact with on a daily basis, I might be back to putting that crap back into my lip.

Read some of the stories from retreads that come back to the site. Almost 100% of them say it's because they stopped posting roll and left the site.

Think about it and join us if you wish. We're a bunch of nice fellas in July for the most part (Just watch out for Cmark, he's a real piece of work)
I thought for sure you were gonna warn him about me Kubrick.

John I can tell you the failure rate of going it alone is high. I've been failing for 38+ yrs. today I quit day 88 my quit is stronger everyday because I make that promise. I can fall back on Kubrick or a number of other quitters everyday and they can come to me in their time of need. You don't have that, it is earned. To come here and ask for help from a group that hasn't ever heard your name is ridiculous. Sharing is a two way street.
I suggest you ask your personal contacts your question. Personally I smell troll!
So, it's ridiculous to come here and ask for help?

This is what i was talking about. Why even bother saying anything at all? No need in getting all smartass. You can easily just keep those kinds of comments to yourself, as they are helpful to no one.
John, this site is not for everyone, and it appears you figured that out early on by not participating in it.

As for the fake stuff, I use it more now than I did the first 60 days or so. Everyone is different, some guys never use it, some use for a while and some use it for hundreds of days before just stopping one day. It doesn't contain nicotine so in my opinion, use it as long as you want. I do. Unlike some people, it does not make me want the real stuff more. It curbs cravings and keeps the oral fixation in check.
I've long been of the opinion that I'd rather chew a can a day of the fake stuff for the rest of my days than ever have another dip of Kodiak.

That said, these days, the only time I have one is when I do a review for the site.

Use it... it's a tool. Eventually, you won't reach for it any more.

"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

Offline Kubrick

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #530 on: June 28, 2012, 12:29:00 PM »
Quote from: johnhenry62
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Ok, 69 days free and I don't even think about the crap anymore, ever. What I do crave, the fake stuff. I was a wintergreen dipper. I changed brands over the years to get a cheaper price but always stayed with wintergreen. Having quit, I never could find a wintergreen herbal snuff that I liked much. Smokey Mountain came the closest but still didn't satisfy. However, I discovered if I mixed it with Hooch spitfire ( 2:1 ratio) that it gave it that burn that it was missing and I really like it. Which brings me to my concern. I'm worried I might like it a little too much.

I'm debating whether or not to order some more spitfire as I'm down to my last can. I figured I would ask some you more seasoned quitters your advice on this. Part of the reason I quit tobacco was for the health of my gums and teeth and doing the fake stuff is certainly not helping them any. That Smoky Mountian is loaded with sweetness. But I do not want to jeapordize my quit either. Would it be wise at this stage to try and quit the fake stuff?
Why have you never posted roll? You joined in April supposedly have 69 days quit but only have 2 posts? You should be in the July HOF group. Read the WELCOME CENTER up top to understand how things work around here and get to posting roll.
It says at the top of this page, "Questions, Comments, or Concerns Welcomed." I guess they forgot to add the "only if you post roll" part. As a matter of fact, I have read a great deal on this site and have yet to find a rule that states you can only ask questions or get questions answered if you are posting roll. I'm not saying no such rule exists, just that I haven't seen one.

You know, this site can be immensly helpful to someone quitting tobacco. That can't be overstated. But on these forums some of you really know how to behave like asses.

I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just inviting you to use the tools provided on this site to their fullest potential.

Can people quit on their own? I'm sure there are those that can. For the rest of us mere mortals, having the support network of quitters available 24/7 is very important.

When we post roll to our group we make the promise to every quitter on this site that we won't use nicotine that day. Can you say nicotine is off the table today? Who can you reach out to if you start craving or some life altering event happens that weakens your resolve? The relationships built among the folks in each quit group as well as everyone else here keep me from using nicotine, cause I tell you what, around day 70 until now, I've been craving like day 1. If it wasn't for these fine gentlemen and ladies that I interact with on a daily basis, I might be back to putting that crap back into my lip.

Read some of the stories from retreads that come back to the site. Almost 100% of them say it's because they stopped posting roll and left the site.

Think about it and join us if you wish. We're a bunch of nice fellas in July for the most part (Just watch out for Cmark, he's a real piece of work)
I thought for sure you were gonna warn him about me Kubrick.

John I can tell you the failure rate of going it alone is high. I've been failing for 38+ yrs. today I quit day 88 my quit is stronger everyday because I make that promise. I can fall back on Kubrick or a number of other quitters everyday and they can come to me in their time of need. You don't have that, it is earned. To come here and ask for help from a group that hasn't ever heard your name is ridiculous. Sharing is a two way street.
I suggest you ask your personal contacts your question. Personally I smell troll!
So, it's ridiculous to come here and ask for help?

This is what i was talking about. Why even bother saying anything at all? No need in getting all smartass. You can easily just keep those kinds of comments to yourself, as they are helpful to no one.
John, this site is not for everyone, and it appears you figured that out early on by not participating in it.

As for the fake stuff, I use it more now than I did the first 60 days or so. Everyone is different, some guys never use it, some use for a while and some use it for hundreds of days before just stopping one day. It doesn't contain nicotine so in my opinion, use it as long as you want. I do. Unlike some people, it does not make me want the real stuff more. It curbs cravings and keeps the oral fixation in check.
Quit date 03/24/2012
HOF date 07/01/2012

"The only regret I ever see on this site is from those who fail..." - Sac

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Offline johnhenry62

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #529 on: June 28, 2012, 12:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Ok, 69 days free and I don't even think about the crap anymore, ever. What I do crave, the fake stuff. I was a wintergreen dipper. I changed brands over the years to get a cheaper price but always stayed with wintergreen. Having quit, I never could find a wintergreen herbal snuff that I liked much. Smokey Mountain came the closest but still didn't satisfy. However, I discovered if I mixed it with Hooch spitfire ( 2:1 ratio) that it gave it that burn that it was missing and I really like it. Which brings me to my concern. I'm worried I might like it a little too much.

I'm debating whether or not to order some more spitfire as I'm down to my last can. I figured I would ask some you more seasoned quitters your advice on this. Part of the reason I quit tobacco was for the health of my gums and teeth and doing the fake stuff is certainly not helping them any. That Smoky Mountian is loaded with sweetness. But I do not want to jeapordize my quit either. Would it be wise at this stage to try and quit the fake stuff?
Why have you never posted roll? You joined in April supposedly have 69 days quit but only have 2 posts? You should be in the July HOF group. Read the WELCOME CENTER up top to understand how things work around here and get to posting roll.
It says at the top of this page, "Questions, Comments, or Concerns Welcomed." I guess they forgot to add the "only if you post roll" part. As a matter of fact, I have read a great deal on this site and have yet to find a rule that states you can only ask questions or get questions answered if you are posting roll. I'm not saying no such rule exists, just that I haven't seen one.

You know, this site can be immensly helpful to someone quitting tobacco. That can't be overstated. But on these forums some of you really know how to behave like asses.

I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just inviting you to use the tools provided on this site to their fullest potential.

Can people quit on their own? I'm sure there are those that can. For the rest of us mere mortals, having the support network of quitters available 24/7 is very important.

When we post roll to our group we make the promise to every quitter on this site that we won't use nicotine that day. Can you say nicotine is off the table today? Who can you reach out to if you start craving or some life altering event happens that weakens your resolve? The relationships built among the folks in each quit group as well as everyone else here keep me from using nicotine, cause I tell you what, around day 70 until now, I've been craving like day 1. If it wasn't for these fine gentlemen and ladies that I interact with on a daily basis, I might be back to putting that crap back into my lip.

Read some of the stories from retreads that come back to the site. Almost 100% of them say it's because they stopped posting roll and left the site.

Think about it and join us if you wish. We're a bunch of nice fellas in July for the most part (Just watch out for Cmark, he's a real piece of work)
I thought for sure you were gonna warn him about me Kubrick.

John I can tell you the failure rate of going it alone is high. I've been failing for 38+ yrs. today I quit day 88 my quit is stronger everyday because I make that promise. I can fall back on Kubrick or a number of other quitters everyday and they can come to me in their time of need. You don't have that, it is earned. To come here and ask for help from a group that hasn't ever heard your name is ridiculous. Sharing is a two way street.
I suggest you ask your personal contacts your question. Personally I smell troll!
So, it's ridiculous to come here and ask for help?

This is what i was talking about. Why even bother saying anything at all? No need in getting all smartass. You can easily just keep those kinds of comments to yourself, as they are helpful to no one.

Offline johnhenry62

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #528 on: June 28, 2012, 11:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Ok, 69 days free and I don't even think about the crap anymore, ever. What I do crave, the fake stuff. I was a wintergreen dipper. I changed brands over the years to get a cheaper price but always stayed with wintergreen. Having quit, I never could find a wintergreen herbal snuff that I liked much. Smokey Mountain came the closest but still didn't satisfy. However, I discovered if I mixed it with Hooch spitfire ( 2:1 ratio) that it gave it that burn that it was missing and I really like it. Which brings me to my concern. I'm worried I might like it a little too much.

I'm debating whether or not to order some more spitfire as I'm down to my last can. I figured I would ask some you more seasoned quitters your advice on this. Part of the reason I quit tobacco was for the health of my gums and teeth and doing the fake stuff is certainly not helping them any. That Smoky Mountian is loaded with sweetness. But I do not want to jeapordize my quit either. Would it be wise at this stage to try and quit the fake stuff?
Why have you never posted roll? You joined in April supposedly have 69 days quit but only have 2 posts? You should be in the July HOF group. Read the WELCOME CENTER up top to understand how things work around here and get to posting roll.
It says at the top of this page, "Questions, Comments, or Concerns Welcomed." I guess they forgot to add the "only if you post roll" part. As a matter of fact, I have read a great deal on this site and have yet to find a rule that states you can only ask questions or get questions answered if you are posting roll. I'm not saying no such rule exists, just that I haven't seen one.

You know, this site can be immensly helpful to someone quitting tobacco. That can't be overstated. But on these forums some of you really know how to behave like asses.

I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just inviting you to use the tools provided on this site to their fullest potential.

Can people quit on their own? I'm sure there are those that can. For the rest of us mere mortals, having the support network of quitters available 24/7 is very important.

When we post roll to our group we make the promise to every quitter on this site that we won't use nicotine that day. Can you say nicotine is off the table today? Who can you reach out to if you start craving or some life altering event happens that weakens your resolve? The relationships built among the folks in each quit group as well as everyone else here keep me from using nicotine, cause I tell you what, around day 70 until now, I've been craving like day 1. If it wasn't for these fine gentlemen and ladies that I interact with on a daily basis, I might be back to putting that crap back into my lip.

Read some of the stories from retreads that come back to the site. Almost 100% of them say it's because they stopped posting roll and left the site.

Think about it and join us if you wish. We're a bunch of nice fellas in July for the most part (Just watch out for Cmark, he's a real piece of work)
Well, I can appreciate that. It was just this "supposedly" business that got under my skin a little, as if I'm not really quit if I don't go post roll. To answer your question...To be honest I don't really understand the whole concept. Yes, I've read the welcome page and all a number of times. When I look at the quit groups forums all I see is a list of people I have know clue who they are that's copied over and over. Don't quite comprehend how that's helpful.

Also, I don't come here daily. I have come here off and on looking for answers and information through the forums or the main site. That's what has helped me more than anything, knowing what to expect. It wouldn't make sense to post roll if I don't plan to come here daily.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I prefer to not to.

Offline johnhenry62

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #527 on: June 28, 2012, 11:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: johnhenry62
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Ok, 69 days free and I don't even think about the crap anymore, ever. What I do crave, the fake stuff. I was a wintergreen dipper. I changed brands over the years to get a cheaper price but always stayed with wintergreen. Having quit, I never could find a wintergreen herbal snuff that I liked much. Smokey Mountain came the closest but still didn't satisfy. However, I discovered if I mixed it with Hooch spitfire ( 2:1 ratio) that it gave it that burn that it was missing and I really like it. Which brings me to my concern. I'm worried I might like it a little too much.

I'm debating whether or not to order some more spitfire as I'm down to my last can. I figured I would ask some you more seasoned quitters your advice on this. Part of the reason I quit tobacco was for the health of my gums and teeth and doing the fake stuff is certainly not helping them any. That Smoky Mountian is loaded with sweetness. But I do not want to jeapordize my quit either. Would it be wise at this stage to try and quit the fake stuff?
Why have you never posted roll? You joined in April supposedly have 69 days quit but only have 2 posts? You should be in the July HOF group. Read the WELCOME CENTER up top to understand how things work around here and get to posting roll.
It says at the top of this page, "Questions, Comments, or Concerns Welcomed." I guess they forgot to add the "only if you post roll" part. As a matter of fact, I have read a great deal on this site and have yet to find a rule that states you can only ask questions or get questions answered if you are posting roll. I'm not saying no such rule exists, just that I haven't seen one.

You know, this site can be immensly helpful to someone quitting tobacco. That can't be overstated. But on these forums some of you really know how to behave like asses.
John, Kubrick simply told you to post roll. You'll get a lot more support that way. No need to get your panties all in a wad.

To answer your question, do what you need to do to make sure you don't put any nicotine in your body. If the fake helps, keep using it. Brush your teeth, gums, and cheeks a lot. According to others, one day you will just stop. 69 days is definitely not very long. My strong craves and "funks" finally subsided around day 220. Hope that helps and yes feel free to ask questions on here without posting roll - but if you want a sure fire way to stay quit, post roll, keep your word, repeat the next day.
Thanks for the input! I appreciate it!

Offline Wt57

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #526 on: June 28, 2012, 12:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Ok, 69 days free and I don't even think about the crap anymore, ever. What I do crave, the fake stuff. I was a wintergreen dipper. I changed brands over the years to get a cheaper price but always stayed with wintergreen. Having quit, I never could find a wintergreen herbal snuff that I liked much. Smokey Mountain came the closest but still didn't satisfy. However, I discovered if I mixed it with Hooch spitfire ( 2:1 ratio) that it gave it that burn that it was missing and I really like it. Which brings me to my concern. I'm worried I might like it a little too much.

I'm debating whether or not to order some more spitfire as I'm down to my last can. I figured I would ask some you more seasoned quitters your advice on this. Part of the reason I quit tobacco was for the health of my gums and teeth and doing the fake stuff is certainly not helping them any. That Smoky Mountian is loaded with sweetness. But I do not want to jeapordize my quit either. Would it be wise at this stage to try and quit the fake stuff?
Why have you never posted roll? You joined in April supposedly have 69 days quit but only have 2 posts? You should be in the July HOF group. Read the WELCOME CENTER up top to understand how things work around here and get to posting roll.
It says at the top of this page, "Questions, Comments, or Concerns Welcomed." I guess they forgot to add the "only if you post roll" part. As a matter of fact, I have read a great deal on this site and have yet to find a rule that states you can only ask questions or get questions answered if you are posting roll. I'm not saying no such rule exists, just that I haven't seen one.

You know, this site can be immensly helpful to someone quitting tobacco. That can't be overstated. But on these forums some of you really know how to behave like asses.

I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just inviting you to use the tools provided on this site to their fullest potential.

Can people quit on their own? I'm sure there are those that can. For the rest of us mere mortals, having the support network of quitters available 24/7 is very important.

When we post roll to our group we make the promise to every quitter on this site that we won't use nicotine that day. Can you say nicotine is off the table today? Who can you reach out to if you start craving or some life altering event happens that weakens your resolve? The relationships built among the folks in each quit group as well as everyone else here keep me from using nicotine, cause I tell you what, around day 70 until now, I've been craving like day 1. If it wasn't for these fine gentlemen and ladies that I interact with on a daily basis, I might be back to putting that crap back into my lip.

Read some of the stories from retreads that come back to the site. Almost 100% of them say it's because they stopped posting roll and left the site.

Think about it and join us if you wish. We're a bunch of nice fellas in July for the most part (Just watch out for Cmark, he's a real piece of work)
I thought for sure you were gonna warn him about me Kubrick.

John I can tell you the failure rate of going it alone is high. I've been failing for 38+ yrs. today I quit day 88 my quit is stronger everyday because I make that promise. I can fall back on Kubrick or a number of other quitters everyday and they can come to me in their time of need. You don't have that, it is earned. To come here and ask for help from a group that hasn't ever heard your name is ridiculous. Sharing is a two way street.
I suggest you ask your personal contacts your question. Personally I smell troll!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Kubrick

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #525 on: June 28, 2012, 12:07:00 AM »
Quote from: johnhenry62
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Ok, 69 days free and I don't even think about the crap anymore, ever. What I do crave, the fake stuff. I was a wintergreen dipper. I changed brands over the years to get a cheaper price but always stayed with wintergreen. Having quit, I never could find a wintergreen herbal snuff that I liked much. Smokey Mountain came the closest but still didn't satisfy. However, I discovered if I mixed it with Hooch spitfire ( 2:1 ratio) that it gave it that burn that it was missing and I really like it. Which brings me to my concern. I'm worried I might like it a little too much.

I'm debating whether or not to order some more spitfire as I'm down to my last can. I figured I would ask some you more seasoned quitters your advice on this. Part of the reason I quit tobacco was for the health of my gums and teeth and doing the fake stuff is certainly not helping them any. That Smoky Mountian is loaded with sweetness. But I do not want to jeapordize my quit either. Would it be wise at this stage to try and quit the fake stuff?
Why have you never posted roll? You joined in April supposedly have 69 days quit but only have 2 posts? You should be in the July HOF group. Read the WELCOME CENTER up top to understand how things work around here and get to posting roll.
It says at the top of this page, "Questions, Comments, or Concerns Welcomed." I guess they forgot to add the "only if you post roll" part. As a matter of fact, I have read a great deal on this site and have yet to find a rule that states you can only ask questions or get questions answered if you are posting roll. I'm not saying no such rule exists, just that I haven't seen one.

You know, this site can be immensly helpful to someone quitting tobacco. That can't be overstated. But on these forums some of you really know how to behave like asses.

I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just inviting you to use the tools provided on this site to their fullest potential.

Can people quit on their own? I'm sure there are those that can. For the rest of us mere mortals, having the support network of quitters available 24/7 is very important.

When we post roll to our group we make the promise to every quitter on this site that we won't use nicotine that day. Can you say nicotine is off the table today? Who can you reach out to if you start craving or some life altering event happens that weakens your resolve? The relationships built among the folks in each quit group as well as everyone else here keep me from using nicotine, cause I tell you what, around day 70 until now, I've been craving like day 1. If it wasn't for these fine gentlemen and ladies that I interact with on a daily basis, I might be back to putting that crap back into my lip.

Read some of the stories from retreads that come back to the site. Almost 100% of them say it's because they stopped posting roll and left the site.

Think about it and join us if you wish. We're a bunch of nice fellas in July for the most part (Just watch out for Cmark, he's a real piece of work)
Quit date 03/24/2012
HOF date 07/01/2012

"The only regret I ever see on this site is from those who fail..." - Sac

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Offline Notdeadyet

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #524 on: June 27, 2012, 11:17:00 PM »
Quote from: johnhenry62
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Ok, 69 days free and I don't even think about the crap anymore, ever. What I do crave, the fake stuff. I was a wintergreen dipper. I changed brands over the years to get a cheaper price but always stayed with wintergreen. Having quit, I never could find a wintergreen herbal snuff that I liked much. Smokey Mountain came the closest but still didn't satisfy. However, I discovered if I mixed it with Hooch spitfire ( 2:1 ratio) that it gave it that burn that it was missing and I really like it. Which brings me to my concern. I'm worried I might like it a little too much.

I'm debating whether or not to order some more spitfire as I'm down to my last can. I figured I would ask some you more seasoned quitters your advice on this. Part of the reason I quit tobacco was for the health of my gums and teeth and doing the fake stuff is certainly not helping them any. That Smoky Mountian is loaded with sweetness. But I do not want to jeapordize my quit either. Would it be wise at this stage to try and quit the fake stuff?
Why have you never posted roll? You joined in April supposedly have 69 days quit but only have 2 posts? You should be in the July HOF group. Read the WELCOME CENTER up top to understand how things work around here and get to posting roll.
It says at the top of this page, "Questions, Comments, or Concerns Welcomed." I guess they forgot to add the "only if you post roll" part. As a matter of fact, I have read a great deal on this site and have yet to find a rule that states you can only ask questions or get questions answered if you are posting roll. I'm not saying no such rule exists, just that I haven't seen one.

You know, this site can be immensly helpful to someone quitting tobacco. That can't be overstated. But on these forums some of you really know how to behave like asses.
John, Kubrick simply told you to post roll. You'll get a lot more support that way. No need to get your panties all in a wad.

To answer your question, do what you need to do to make sure you don't put any nicotine in your body. If the fake helps, keep using it. Brush your teeth, gums, and cheeks a lot. According to others, one day you will just stop. 69 days is definitely not very long. My strong craves and "funks" finally subsided around day 220. Hope that helps and yes feel free to ask questions on here without posting roll - but if you want a sure fire way to stay quit, post roll, keep your word, repeat the next day.
38 yr slave
Dumbass No More 8/31/2011

Anyone can stop, but can you quit? A "Stopper" versus a "Quitter"

Dumbass No More - A Quitter's Tale Of Ending Stupid Behavior

Offline johnhenry62

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #523 on: June 27, 2012, 10:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: johnhenry62
Ok, 69 days free and I don't even think about the crap anymore, ever. What I do crave, the fake stuff. I was a wintergreen dipper. I changed brands over the years to get a cheaper price but always stayed with wintergreen. Having quit, I never could find a wintergreen herbal snuff that I liked much. Smokey Mountain came the closest but still didn't satisfy. However, I discovered if I mixed it with Hooch spitfire ( 2:1 ratio) that it gave it that burn that it was missing and I really like it. Which brings me to my concern. I'm worried I might like it a little too much.

I'm debating whether or not to order some more spitfire as I'm down to my last can. I figured I would ask some you more seasoned quitters your advice on this. Part of the reason I quit tobacco was for the health of my gums and teeth and doing the fake stuff is certainly not helping them any. That Smoky Mountian is loaded with sweetness. But I do not want to jeapordize my quit either. Would it be wise at this stage to try and quit the fake stuff?
Why have you never posted roll? You joined in April supposedly have 69 days quit but only have 2 posts? You should be in the July HOF group. Read the WELCOME CENTER up top to understand how things work around here and get to posting roll.
It says at the top of this page, "Questions, Comments, or Concerns Welcomed." I guess they forgot to add the "only if you post roll" part. As a matter of fact, I have read a great deal on this site and have yet to find a rule that states you can only ask questions or get questions answered if you are posting roll. I'm not saying no such rule exists, just that I haven't seen one.

You know, this site can be immensly helpful to someone quitting tobacco. That can't be overstated. But on these forums some of you really know how to behave like asses.

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #522 on: June 27, 2012, 04:46:00 PM »
Quote from: johnhenry62
Ok, 69 days free and I don't even think about the crap anymore, ever. What I do crave, the fake stuff. I was a wintergreen dipper. I changed brands over the years to get a cheaper price but always stayed with wintergreen. Having quit, I never could find a wintergreen herbal snuff that I liked much. Smokey Mountain came the closest but still didn't satisfy. However, I discovered if I mixed it with Hooch spitfire ( 2:1 ratio) that it gave it that burn that it was missing and I really like it. Which brings me to my concern. I'm worried I might like it a little too much.

I'm debating whether or not to order some more spitfire as I'm down to my last can. I figured I would ask some you more seasoned quitters your advice on this. Part of the reason I quit tobacco was for the health of my gums and teeth and doing the fake stuff is certainly not helping them any. That Smoky Mountian is loaded with sweetness. But I do not want to jeapordize my quit either. Would it be wise at this stage to try and quit the fake stuff?
Why have you never posted roll? You joined in April supposedly have 69 days quit but only have 2 posts? You should be in the July HOF group. Read the WELCOME CENTER up top to understand how things work around here and get to posting roll.
Quit date 03/24/2012
HOF date 07/01/2012

"The only regret I ever see on this site is from those who fail..." - Sac

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #521 on: June 27, 2012, 04:08:00 PM »
Ok, 69 days free and I don't even think about the crap anymore, ever. What I do crave, the fake stuff. I was a wintergreen dipper. I changed brands over the years to get a cheaper price but always stayed with wintergreen. Having quit, I never could find a wintergreen herbal snuff that I liked much. Smokey Mountain came the closest but still didn't satisfy. However, I discovered if I mixed it with Hooch spitfire ( 2:1 ratio) that it gave it that burn that it was missing and I really like it. Which brings me to my concern. I'm worried I might like it a little too much.

I'm debating whether or not to order some more spitfire as I'm down to my last can. I figured I would ask some you more seasoned quitters your advice on this. Part of the reason I quit tobacco was for the health of my gums and teeth and doing the fake stuff is certainly not helping them any. That Smoky Mountian is loaded with sweetness. But I do not want to jeapordize my quit either. Would it be wise at this stage to try and quit the fake stuff?

Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #520 on: June 19, 2012, 07:16:00 PM »
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: mookieblaylock
Got my mind made up......started when I was 15 and I'm turning 50 on the 19th of June.....So, the 18th will be my last day.  This is it baby, no more having to run to 7-11 at 11 PM, no more having to find my can at 4 in the morning when I wake up to pee, no more sore lip.  I've fuckin had it.  wish me luck?
The mookie blaylocks. I wonder who else gets it...

Welcome, sir. You don't need luck if you're quit. Just make the decision and be done.

Please read the W E L c O M E link you'll find above. It'll tell you why we post roll call and how to do it. Yell if any questions.
What's so special about the 18th that's it's worth losing the motivation you have right now and wasting another 5 years on the crap? Do it. Do it now. Next week won't be easier. Slowly cutting back over the next week won't either. It's time. Right now.
I skimmed your post, Mookie. Yeah, you gots to quit now. You'll already have the nic out of your system on your big 5-0 by quitting right now.

You're a slave. Just like us. Nothing gained by making future promises. Those aren't real. Dumping your nicotine and quitting right this second is real, no sheet, quit. Everything else gives the addict permission to continue feeding the beast.

Join us. Today.
After 33 years of active addiction I know one thing:

Tomorrow never comes.

Yep we haven't seen or heard of him since the 19th will come and go. We've all been there.

Newbies and those wanting to quit read this
Don't put it off the fire fades!
The 19th is Mookey?
Mookie is here, check the roll.

Offline redyota

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #519 on: June 19, 2012, 08:40:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: mookieblaylock
Got my mind made up......started when I was 15 and I'm turning 50 on the 19th of June.....So, the 18th will be my last day.  This is it baby, no more having to run to 7-11 at 11 PM, no more having to find my can at 4 in the morning when I wake up to pee, no more sore lip.  I've fuckin had it.  wish me luck?
The mookie blaylocks. I wonder who else gets it...

Welcome, sir. You don't need luck if you're quit. Just make the decision and be done.

Please read the W E L c O M E link you'll find above. It'll tell you why we post roll call and how to do it. Yell if any questions.
What's so special about the 18th that's it's worth losing the motivation you have right now and wasting another 5 years on the crap? Do it. Do it now. Next week won't be easier. Slowly cutting back over the next week won't either. It's time. Right now.
I skimmed your post, Mookie. Yeah, you gots to quit now. You'll already have the nic out of your system on your big 5-0 by quitting right now.

You're a slave. Just like us. Nothing gained by making future promises. Those aren't real. Dumping your nicotine and quitting right this second is real, no sheet, quit. Everything else gives the addict permission to continue feeding the beast.

Join us. Today.
After 33 years of active addiction I know one thing:

Tomorrow never comes.

Yep we haven't seen or heard of him since the 19th will come and go. We've all been there.

Newbies and those wanting to quit read this
Don't put it off the fire fades!
The 19th is Mookey?
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #518 on: June 19, 2012, 12:58:00 AM »
New blog post: Save The Date – The National Smokeless  Spit Tobacco Summit ... co-summit/
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #517 on: June 18, 2012, 04:47:00 PM »
Thanks - You too...Just joined ten days in and am posting all over the place....

First father's Day clean for me too........