I feel like any minute now something terrible is going to happen. A craving SO bad that I will either cave or literally cripple from the pain. My last morsel of nicotine was 52 hours ago. So far the only side effect I have had is excessive irritability and difficulty concentrating. I haven't been sick or in pain. I do crave every now and then but I am able to overcome to urge to dip. For me "the suck" will be over tomorrow, but I am nervous that since my "suck" hasn't sucked that I am going to to have some sort of delayed reaction I guess. I have been taking Restoril for a while because of sleep issues I have, maybe that is a contributor as to why I have had limited sypmtoms... I am excited though... I have made it this far... There is no reason I need to go back to dip.........................
I just need to rip some heads off at work.... 'bang head'