Does anyone besides me want to fly into a rage at the tobacco companies everytime they see a display at the store. I mean come on. Is the general population stupid or what? It's obvious to me that they are targeting our children. Why else would they manufacture so many flavors of tobacco that taste like, or look like they might taste like, candy? This week I also read somewhere that the candy flavored tobaccos have higher levels of nicotine. This helps get the kids hooked in a hurry. Another thing I read is that the more "adult" flavor tobaccos like cope, or straight skoal, have lower levels of nicotine in them. This makes you want and have to buy more cans to get the amounts of nicotine your body has to have. I don't know if this is true or not but it makes sense to me. If I were in the business of selling death I would probably use the same tactics.
Don't you think it's time that our government , and us, call their bluff? I think the next time the tobacco officials have to testify before congress, and they will, the very first time they state that nicotine is not addictive or that they are not targeting children, they should be thrown in jail for perjury.
How about we place a 200% tax or more on tobacco. Every cent of that tax should be reserved to help take care of those who have health problems from tobacco and to educate the children and the rest of the public about the dangers of smoking and chewing. At least the tax would take that particular tax burden off of the rest of us.
I wish I could find a cs that doesn't sell chew or cigs. I would be there best customer.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Mike, I am glad to read this.
Reminds me that terrorist organizations are also domestic. These ass hats are accountable for 3 million deaths worldwide. No one seems to care because spread out 3 mil kills worldwide over a year and it doesn't seem significant. 3 million???? Blow up a city like Houston each year. That is the blood on USTobacco's hands. Annually!
As for me and my house, not one cent funds those murdering organizations! We stand against these murdeing, child seducing scum!!!
For every 3 that die or quit, they recruit 5 children under 18 to become addicted. Look up the epidemic in Indonesia! They aren't hurting for killing their customers. America is improving in awareness though and tobacco isn't growing in America.