Hey my name is Jeff. I just created my account about 2 minutes ago, so i dont really know how all of this works. I have been dippin every day for the past 2 years and im at a point right now where I have had enough. Is there anything that has helped anyone quit on here in the past that would be helpful to me? I have no one to turn to since im the only one out of my friends and family who does this.
Welcome Jeff!
Check out the
WELCOME CENTER on the above left. Pay special attention to #4 and #3. Then, get rid of all the nicotine in your posession... flush it, scatter it on the lawn, etc... Just get rid of it in such a way that you cannot "retrieve" it.
Then head on over to the April 2013 quit group found here:
index.php?showtopic=7622 and post your day 1...
The first three days are going to be intense as nicotine leaves your body.. Remember these days, and know that you are never going to have to go through them again.
Personally I found that fake dip was a huge help early on in my quit. Sunflower seeds, chewing gum, or whatever you need to keep the cancer dirt out of your mouth is good, as long as it doesn't have nicotine in it.
Stop by
Introductions and tell us something about yourself
For inspiration stop by
Words of Wisdom and
HOF SpeechesWhat to expect when you quit is found
here and
here Read about
Tom and Jenny Kern,
Randy, and watch the story of
Sean Marsee as told by his brother.
Print out the
Contract to Give Up. Carry it around with you and commit to signing it before taking another dip.
Finally, in the upper right corner of the screen, you'll see a link for
LIVE CHAT. This can be a life saver when you're craving, bored, frustrated, whatever. Jump in to Chat and get live support.