Author Topic: General Discussion - 2013  (Read 92129 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #48 on: January 09, 2013, 11:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Frances
   hello, hopefully this post goes through. My name is Frances and i joined this group hoping to get help for my 16yr old son Latrail that has had chewing tobacco addiction for almost a year now. If anyone can help me please help my child let me know. Thank you and God bless.

You're son is too young for the site but you could....

Make him read the Tom and Jenny Kern story as well as Randys story and then watch the Sean Marsee story as told by his brother on youtube. These can all be found in bold at the top of the "Words of Wisdom" portion of the site.

You could also go to and under facts and figures click on "cancer pics" and have him stare at them for awhile. Also have him read "facts about smokeless tobacco" in that same section as well "cancer and quitter stories". Hell you could make him read the whole damn site.

Ive never met your son but if he were here id tell him that quitting now would be the smartest thing he could ever do. Id tell him I chewed for 15 years and and that during that time I wasted time, money, and became isolated as I became a slave to chew. I was a liar, a bad friend, a bad dad, a bad father, and was basically a disgusting slobs who would rather spit brown slime into a pop bottle than spend time with my family.

Finally, I would tell him I constantly feared cancer and one day when I got a sore on my lip, I freaked out, had a panic attack and landed in the hospital. Then when I got out I decided to quit but my body was so dependent on chew that I had major anxiety attacks, became depressed, and am currently on anti depression and anti anxiety meds...and I'm 220 days quit.

Chew is great, eh buddy?

Good luck Mam.

Below are the links to the stories Diesel Mentioned...

Also on youtube look up "gruen von behrens" He was 17 when he was diagnosed with oral cancer. (sorry to scare you... but hopefully it scares Latrail enough to get him to stop using.)

There are also several herbal dips that have no tobacco or nicotine in them that could help him... Hooch and Smokey Mountain are two of the many brands.

Tom and Jenny Kern, Randy, Sean Marsee

Frances I feel your pain as a parent and understand it. I have a 31 year old daughter that was involved in dangerous activities in her late teenage years. Her mother and I spent many tear filled hours trying to find ways to help her. You didn't mention does your son have any desire to quit? My daughter didn't and as an addict for 40 years I didn't want to quit. The links that others have shared are great stories that possibly can help your son realize he is dealing with a very dangerous poison. An example of how strong this addiction is: over 25 years ago I spent everyday for several months setting with a friend dieing of oral cancer from chewing. The man had a massive hole in the side of his face. We both continued dipping and I saw him die from the poison. I don't mean to cause you more fear but point out the reality of the addiction. If your son wants to quit it is very much possible but until he has a desire there is very little you can do but stay close to him, continue loving him and be there for him to talk to if he does want to quit. Another very real problem for a 16 year old young man is; peer pressure!! Ma'am if your son is willing to listen to an old fart like me I would be glad to write a letter to him personally and explain how I regret the freedom I've given up and the ways nicotine stole 40 years of my life.. Pm me if I can be of any help. Honestly I do feel and understand your pain as a parent.
WT57 -284 days free-


All you can do is show your son the truth about dipping. You can't make him quit. He will lie to make you happy and just hide it from you. He has to quit because he wants to quit. Here's another story to share with your son:

Hello, my name is son Chance turned 20 only ten days before he passed away on Nov 30, 2011... Six months ago. He still lived at home with me and his stepfather of 18 years and his 15 year old half brother. He had a sister age 23 and a step brother andstep sister age 22 and 20. The reason I am posting here, is Chance dipped Grizzly. I had always fussed at him for this habit. The night of Nov 28, 2011, he fell asleep with Grizzly in his mouth after taking over the counter sleeping meds....along with a Xanax a Dr had given him a prescription for. He aspirated the grizzly into his lungs during the night....toxicology showed the meds was nowhere near fatal...but was enough to make him sleep deeply enough that he didn't know the spit was running down into his lungs. When I tried to wake him that morning, I saw the dip run out of his mouth...he was already in what I later learned was Agonal breath....a death breath. He was in a the time the ambulance got him to the hospital he flatlined....they got him back....but he got a fever of 108...and all of his organs failed...I just wanted to warn people about falling asleep with dip in your mouth....and of course sleeping medicines....even over the counter kind like my son bought at walmart....and Dr prescribed....what killed him was the initial phnemonia from aspirating the dip...and just overnight that's how quick it can happen. I tried to wake him at 6:30 was too late....I just want people to know, please be careful...don't fall asleep with dip in your mouth. If I can bring that awareness to just one person...well...Otherwise I don't know how I can go on.
Thank you
Donna Hines
Below is obit ... d=81284599

Offline Wt57

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #47 on: January 09, 2013, 10:42:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Frances
   hello, hopefully this post goes through. My name is Frances and i joined this group hoping to get help for my 16yr old son Latrail that has had chewing tobacco addiction for almost a year now. If anyone can help me please help my child let me know. Thank you and God bless.

You're son is too young for the site but you could....

Make him read the Tom and Jenny Kern story as well as Randys story and then watch the Sean Marsee story as told by his brother on youtube. These can all be found in bold at the top of the "Words of Wisdom" portion of the site.

You could also go to and under facts and figures click on "cancer pics" and have him stare at them for awhile. Also have him read "facts about smokeless tobacco" in that same section as well "cancer and quitter stories". Hell you could make him read the whole damn site.

Ive never met your son but if he were here id tell him that quitting now would be the smartest thing he could ever do. Id tell him I chewed for 15 years and and that during that time I wasted time, money, and became isolated as I became a slave to chew. I was a liar, a bad friend, a bad dad, a bad father, and was basically a disgusting slobs who would rather spit brown slime into a pop bottle than spend time with my family.

Finally, I would tell him I constantly feared cancer and one day when I got a sore on my lip, I freaked out, had a panic attack and landed in the hospital. Then when I got out I decided to quit but my body was so dependent on chew that I had major anxiety attacks, became depressed, and am currently on anti depression and anti anxiety meds...and I'm 220 days quit.

Chew is great, eh buddy?

Good luck Mam.

Below are the links to the stories Diesel Mentioned...

Also on youtube look up "gruen von behrens" He was 17 when he was diagnosed with oral cancer. (sorry to scare you... but hopefully it scares Latrail enough to get him to stop using.)

There are also several herbal dips that have no tobacco or nicotine in them that could help him... Hooch and Smokey Mountain are two of the many brands.

Tom and Jenny Kern, Randy, Sean Marsee

Frances I feel your pain as a parent and understand it. I have a 31 year old daughter that was involved in dangerous activities in her late teenage years. Her mother and I spent many tear filled hours trying to find ways to help her. You didn't mention does your son have any desire to quit? My daughter didn't and as an addict for 40 years I didn't want to quit. The links that others have shared are great stories that possibly can help your son realize he is dealing with a very dangerous poison. An example of how strong this addiction is: over 25 years ago I spent everyday for several months setting with a friend dieing of oral cancer from chewing. The man had a massive hole in the side of his face. We both continued dipping and I saw him die from the poison. I don't mean to cause you more fear but point out the reality of the addiction. If your son wants to quit it is very much possible but until he has a desire there is very little you can do but stay close to him, continue loving him and be there for him to talk to if he does want to quit. Another very real problem for a 16 year old young man is; peer pressure!! Ma'am if your son is willing to listen to an old fart like me I would be glad to write a letter to him personally and explain how I regret the freedom I've given up and the ways nicotine stole 40 years of my life.. Pm me if I can be of any help. Honestly I do feel and understand your pain as a parent.
WT57 -284 days free-
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
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Offline 30yraddict

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2013, 05:40:00 AM »
Know any smokers that want to quit? Have them check out We've had several smokers make the Hall of Fame over there. One is just about 2/3 of the way to the HOF as of this posting. Stop in and say hello to Coop Bean's Mom on her journey to the hall.

Whack the Pack is site dedicated to helping smokers become ex-smokers, and is brought to you by Kill the Can.

Offline mfkuss

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #45 on: January 08, 2013, 09:45:00 PM »
Quote from: waketech
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Every serious quitter will take this word out of their vocabulary. There is no room for it! The best defense is a good offense. Use the proven aspects of quitting, take the advise of those who are succeeding and avoid the thing that have caused failure!!  Understand what you are dealing with!

Quote from:
Pronunciation: \ˈkāv\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): caved; cav·ing
intransitive verb
1 : to fall in or down especially from being undermined —usually used with in
2 : to cease to resist : submit —usually used with in
transitive verb
3: to cause to fall or collapse —usually used with in
#1: what causes a quit to be undermined? It can be blamed on the nic bitch, on others, on ability to concentrate or work etc.

#2: cease to resist is often caused by failing to commit.

#3: the fall or collapse happens when a quitter give up, throws in the towel or taps out!

You are in control of your quit and you will determine your success or failure, no one else!
If its all about you...why are you here?
'bang head' 'Crazy' 'bang head' I thought I was here for the same reason as you. I'm not sure what shows up between the lines I write on your screen!

'Remshot' missed this time Loot I'm still here you can't run me off that easy!!
You have a total misinterpretation of the post. It was a softball sugar. If it is truly up to the individual, and LOOT tends to agree, then what is the point of the board? Where does the strength of the collective come into play? LOOT was looking for your input...not trying to run you off.

There is your softball. Pontificate. LOOT is genuinely interested in your thoughts.
Well well well guess I just don't quite understand old Loot very well. I guess I've just been being offensive, thinking it is my best defense when it comes to his comments, since most to me have been quit smug! I'll give it a shot to explain my thoughts on why I'm here!

KTC, posting roll, lending a hand to others and the other aspects here are TOOLS. I choose to use these and others to keep myself quit! I'd been choosing everyday for a damn long time to dip, no one ever held me down and put that poison in my mouth! From day one of my quit no one pulled a can from my hand or pocket. No one was standing over me the night I dumped my last 3 cans down the shitter. No one stood over my shoulder with a club the first time I was faced with real temptation at the convenience store. Each time I've been craving or tempted to go back to the can, no one but WT has made the decision to stay quit!! And yes 'it's all about me' I'm a selfish prick, I quit for me, I make the decision to quit each day for me. When I lend a hand to others any benifit to them is secondary to the benefit it gives me. What inspired me to start this thread was a perfect example. A quitter that I stayed in close contact with and even traded text promises with for a long time after he left KTC decided to cave rather than come to me with what he was going through! I didn't have any part in his cave except maybe persuading him to postpone it a month or two. When it came right down to caving, he made the decision, bought the dip and put in his mouth (with no help from me). I'm still in contact with him, not to persuade him to quit but I enjoy chatting with him and his cave is actually a reminder to me that as an addict I'm Vulnerable! If he posts that day one again all the better.
So, there is no benefit to KTC from your perspective? No comfort knowing you have allies in the struggles? You gain no accountability from Roll Call? Any accountability from putting yourself on the line to shepherd the new guys? What makes this place work for you? Surely there is something good that makes you come back day after day...or else the loss you experienced with the cave of a brother is just dead weight you dont need.

Smug....that one is new. Short and curt is a function of posting from a cell...and just being an ass in general. Lacking polish, being abrasive, a lousy friend, pompous, always having to be right, unwilling to admit mistakes...all things I've been accused of by people I thought were friends in the past couple weeks. Simply for demanding accountability. Something we pay a lot of lip service to around here at times. See....a lot of people are sensitive to where and how they get called to the carpet. LOOT will generally dress you down where you matter the yeah, smug does seem to apply. Standby...the hatemail will continue over this post too.

You should answer the questions tho. If you are so inclined.
I don't think LooT and WT are that far apart on their thinking, me thinks LooT just wants to be a douche and instead of really reading what WT is feeling he would rather bust WT's balls instead of using this chance for some good.

Again I say to you LooT, WT is a rock solid quitter, instead of busting him down find out the real issue and build him up, use his experience to make KTC into a better place. WT has no problem being accountable, he truly is rock solid, show me that LooT is too, show me that LooT is here for the good of everyone, for the good of the newbies!
You, too, misread. Not busting his balls at all, far from it. Genuinely interested in the thought process and if we get it out of him, it will be the good you look for. Just chill. Let the man answer. He knows there is no ill will by now. Just picking his brain Is all. He damned sure bound to have some insight into what he gets out of being here. LOOT would like to hear it.
"KTC, posting roll, lending a hand to others and the other aspects here are TOOLS. I choose to use these and others to keep myself quit!"

I guess maybe Loot needs someone to read to him! I thought that was pretty plainly spoken!! As far as smug goes sounds just like Loot except possibly I could have used smug as an adjective to any number of nouns, maybe someone else would like to join in and add some? This could be fun!
Was really hoping you would have elaborated on the tools a bit. Oh well. Carry on.
This thread reminds me of the time me and my wife got into a argument over who ate the last oreo cookie. I also wanted to add that both of have strengthened my quit in your own unique way.
Maybe they just need to bang each other to get over it??? 'crackup'

Offline waketech

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #44 on: January 08, 2013, 06:41:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Every serious quitter will take this word out of their vocabulary. There is no room for it! The best defense is a good offense. Use the proven aspects of quitting, take the advise of those who are succeeding and avoid the thing that have caused failure!!  Understand what you are dealing with!

Quote from:
Pronunciation: \ˈkāv\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): caved; cav·ing
intransitive verb
1 : to fall in or down especially from being undermined —usually used with in
2 : to cease to resist : submit —usually used with in
transitive verb
3: to cause to fall or collapse —usually used with in
#1: what causes a quit to be undermined? It can be blamed on the nic bitch, on others, on ability to concentrate or work etc.

#2: cease to resist is often caused by failing to commit.

#3: the fall or collapse happens when a quitter give up, throws in the towel or taps out!

You are in control of your quit and you will determine your success or failure, no one else!
If its all about you...why are you here?
'bang head' 'Crazy' 'bang head' I thought I was here for the same reason as you. I'm not sure what shows up between the lines I write on your screen!

'Remshot' missed this time Loot I'm still here you can't run me off that easy!!
You have a total misinterpretation of the post. It was a softball sugar. If it is truly up to the individual, and LOOT tends to agree, then what is the point of the board? Where does the strength of the collective come into play? LOOT was looking for your input...not trying to run you off.

There is your softball. Pontificate. LOOT is genuinely interested in your thoughts.
Well well well guess I just don't quite understand old Loot very well. I guess I've just been being offensive, thinking it is my best defense when it comes to his comments, since most to me have been quit smug! I'll give it a shot to explain my thoughts on why I'm here!

KTC, posting roll, lending a hand to others and the other aspects here are TOOLS. I choose to use these and others to keep myself quit! I'd been choosing everyday for a damn long time to dip, no one ever held me down and put that poison in my mouth! From day one of my quit no one pulled a can from my hand or pocket. No one was standing over me the night I dumped my last 3 cans down the shitter. No one stood over my shoulder with a club the first time I was faced with real temptation at the convenience store. Each time I've been craving or tempted to go back to the can, no one but WT has made the decision to stay quit!! And yes 'it's all about me' I'm a selfish prick, I quit for me, I make the decision to quit each day for me. When I lend a hand to others any benifit to them is secondary to the benefit it gives me. What inspired me to start this thread was a perfect example. A quitter that I stayed in close contact with and even traded text promises with for a long time after he left KTC decided to cave rather than come to me with what he was going through! I didn't have any part in his cave except maybe persuading him to postpone it a month or two. When it came right down to caving, he made the decision, bought the dip and put in his mouth (with no help from me). I'm still in contact with him, not to persuade him to quit but I enjoy chatting with him and his cave is actually a reminder to me that as an addict I'm Vulnerable! If he posts that day one again all the better.
So, there is no benefit to KTC from your perspective? No comfort knowing you have allies in the struggles? You gain no accountability from Roll Call? Any accountability from putting yourself on the line to shepherd the new guys? What makes this place work for you? Surely there is something good that makes you come back day after day...or else the loss you experienced with the cave of a brother is just dead weight you dont need.

Smug....that one is new. Short and curt is a function of posting from a cell...and just being an ass in general. Lacking polish, being abrasive, a lousy friend, pompous, always having to be right, unwilling to admit mistakes...all things I've been accused of by people I thought were friends in the past couple weeks. Simply for demanding accountability. Something we pay a lot of lip service to around here at times. See....a lot of people are sensitive to where and how they get called to the carpet. LOOT will generally dress you down where you matter the yeah, smug does seem to apply. Standby...the hatemail will continue over this post too.

You should answer the questions tho. If you are so inclined.
I don't think LooT and WT are that far apart on their thinking, me thinks LooT just wants to be a douche and instead of really reading what WT is feeling he would rather bust WT's balls instead of using this chance for some good.

Again I say to you LooT, WT is a rock solid quitter, instead of busting him down find out the real issue and build him up, use his experience to make KTC into a better place. WT has no problem being accountable, he truly is rock solid, show me that LooT is too, show me that LooT is here for the good of everyone, for the good of the newbies!
You, too, misread. Not busting his balls at all, far from it. Genuinely interested in the thought process and if we get it out of him, it will be the good you look for. Just chill. Let the man answer. He knows there is no ill will by now. Just picking his brain Is all. He damned sure bound to have some insight into what he gets out of being here. LOOT would like to hear it.
"KTC, posting roll, lending a hand to others and the other aspects here are TOOLS. I choose to use these and others to keep myself quit!"

I guess maybe Loot needs someone to read to him! I thought that was pretty plainly spoken!! As far as smug goes sounds just like Loot except possibly I could have used smug as an adjective to any number of nouns, maybe someone else would like to join in and add some? This could be fun!
Was really hoping you would have elaborated on the tools a bit. Oh well. Carry on.
This thread reminds me of the time me and my wife got into a argument over who ate the last oreo cookie. I also wanted to add that both of have strengthened my quit in your own unique way.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #43 on: January 08, 2013, 05:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Frances
   hello, hopefully this post goes through. My name is Frances and i joined this group hoping to get help for my 16yr old son Latrail that has had chewing tobacco addiction for almost a year now. If anyone can help me please help my child let me know. Thank you and God bless.

You're son is too young for the site but you could....

Make him read the Tom and Jenny Kern story as well as Randys story and then watch the Sean Marsee story as told by his brother on youtube. These can all be found in bold at the top of the "Words of Wisdom" portion of the site.

You could also go to and under facts and figures click on "cancer pics" and have him stare at them for awhile. Also have him read "facts about smokeless tobacco" in that same section as well "cancer and quitter stories". Hell you could make him read the whole damn site.

Ive never met your son but if he were here id tell him that quitting now would be the smartest thing he could ever do. Id tell him I chewed for 15 years and and that during that time I wasted time, money, and became isolated as I became a slave to chew. I was a liar, a bad friend, a bad dad, a bad father, and was basically a disgusting slobs who would rather spit brown slime into a pop bottle than spend time with my family.

Finally, I would tell him I constantly feared cancer and one day when I got a sore on my lip, I freaked out, had a panic attack and landed in the hospital. Then when I got out I decided to quit but my body was so dependent on chew that I had major anxiety attacks, became depressed, and am currently on anti depression and anti anxiety meds...and I'm 220 days quit.

Chew is great, eh buddy?

Good luck Mam.

Below are the links to the stories Diesel Mentioned...

Also on youtube look up "gruen von behrens" He was 17 when he was diagnosed with oral cancer. (sorry to scare you... but hopefully it scares Latrail enough to get him to stop using.)

There are also several herbal dips that have no tobacco or nicotine in them that could help him... Hooch and Smokey Mountain are two of the many brands.

Tom and Jenny Kern, Randy, Sean Marsee

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #42 on: January 08, 2013, 05:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Frances
hello, hopefully this post goes through. My name is Frances and i joined this group hoping to get help for my 16yr old son Latrail that has had chewing tobacco addiction for almost a year now. If anyone can help me please help my child let me know. Thank you and God bless.

You're son is too young for the site but you could....

Make him read the Tom and Jenny Kern story as well as Randys story and then watch the Sean Marsee story as told by his brother on youtube. These can all be found in bold at the top of the "Words of Wisdom" portion of the site.

You could also go to and under facts and figures click on "cancer pics" and have him stare at them for awhile. Also have him read "facts about smokeless tobacco" in that same section as well "cancer and quitter stories". Hell you could make him read the whole damn site.

Ive never met your son but if he were here id tell him that quitting now would be the smartest thing he could ever do. Id tell him I chewed for 15 years and and that during that time I wasted time, money, and became isolated as I became a slave to chew. I was a liar, a bad friend, a bad dad, a bad father, and was basically a disgusting slobs who would rather spit brown slime into a pop bottle than spend time with my family.

Finally, I would tell him I constantly feared cancer and one day when I got a sore on my lip, I freaked out, had a panic attack and landed in the hospital. Then when I got out I decided to quit but my body was so dependent on chew that I had major anxiety attacks, became depressed, and am currently on anti depression and anti anxiety meds...and I'm 220 days quit.

Chew is great, eh buddy?

Good luck Mam.

Quit 06/04/12
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21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #41 on: January 08, 2013, 05:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Frances
hello, hopefully this post goes through. My name is Frances and i joined this group hoping to get help for my 16yr old son Latrail that has had chewing tobacco addiction for almost a year now. If anyone can help me please help my child let me know. Thank you and God bless.

Tell him it's not cool, people die....facts Frances, get him the facts. It's not a game, it's a flipping addiction
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #40 on: January 08, 2013, 05:01:00 PM »
hello, hopefully this post goes through. My name is Frances and i joined this group hoping to get help for my 16yr old son Latrail that has had chewing tobacco addiction for almost a year now. If anyone can help me please help my child let me know. Thank you and God bless.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #39 on: January 08, 2013, 05:54:00 AM »
Quote from: Jbowler7
Hey my name is Jeff. I just created my account about 2 minutes ago, so i dont really know how all of this works. I have been dippin every day for the past 2 years and im at a point right now where I have had enough. Is there anything that has helped anyone quit on here in the past that would be helpful to me? I have no one to turn to since im the only one out of my friends and family who does this.
Welcome Jeff!

Check out the WELCOME CENTER on the above left. Pay special attention to #4 and #3. Then, get rid of all the nicotine in your posession... flush it, scatter it on the lawn, etc... Just get rid of it in such a way that you cannot "retrieve" it.

Then head on over to the April 2013 quit group found here: index.php?showtopic=7622 and post your day 1...

The first three days are going to be intense as nicotine leaves your body.. Remember these days, and know that you are never going to have to go through them again.

Personally I found that fake dip was a huge help early on in my quit. Sunflower seeds, chewing gum, or whatever you need to keep the cancer dirt out of your mouth is good, as long as it doesn't have nicotine in it.

Stop by Introductions and tell us something about yourself
For inspiration stop by Words of Wisdom and HOF Speeches
What to expect when you quit is found here and here
Read about Tom and Jenny Kern, Randy, and watch the story of Sean Marsee as told by his brother.
Print out the Contract to Give Up. Carry it around with you and commit to signing it before taking another dip.
Finally, in the upper right corner of the screen, you'll see a link for LIVE CHAT. This can be a life saver when you're craving, bored, frustrated, whatever. Jump in to Chat and get live support.

Offline Jbowler7

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #38 on: January 08, 2013, 03:05:00 AM »
Hey my name is Jeff. I just created my account about 2 minutes ago, so i dont really know how all of this works. I have been dippin every day for the past 2 years and im at a point right now where I have had enough. Is there anything that has helped anyone quit on here in the past that would be helpful to me? I have no one to turn to since im the only one out of my friends and family who does this.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2013, 09:35:00 PM »

1. Rollcall. First on the list. Every Day. It is both a promise and a daily reminder that I am an addict. Both are key to my quit.

2. My quit brothers and sisters... Early on in my quit, their advice was what I built my quit on... I came here completely defeated by my addiction. I KNEW that I did not have any answers. I knew there was something missing... Thank God for the folks here that filled in the blanks.. The list of people that helped me on my journey is enormous.

3. Having people's numbers is huge.... I can always find someone when I am having a bad time of it.. Craves seem to flee in fear when I text a brother or sister.

4. Words of wisdom- No matter what I am going through, there is something in "words of wisdom" that helps me through it. Above all else, the first 3 stories about Randy, Tom and Sean remind me what is at stake. Never Again- For any reason.

5. New quitters - They help me remember the battle that I had when I first quit. Every time I see a new quitter fighting for his or her quit, it reminds me that I never want to go back again.

Offline loot

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2013, 09:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Every serious quitter will take this word out of their vocabulary. There is no room for it! The best defense is a good offense. Use the proven aspects of quitting, take the advise of those who are succeeding and avoid the thing that have caused failure!!  Understand what you are dealing with!
Pronunciation: \ˈkāv\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): caved; cav·ing
intransitive verb
1 : to fall in or down especially from being undermined —usually used with in
2 : to cease to resist : submit —usually used with in
transitive verb
3: to cause to fall or collapse —usually used with in
#1: what causes a quit to be undermined? It can be blamed on the nic bitch, on others, on ability to concentrate or work etc.

#2: cease to resist is often caused by failing to commit.

#3: the fall or collapse happens when a quitter give up, throws in the towel or taps out!

You are in control of your quit and you will determine your success or failure, no one else!
If its all about you...why are you here?
'bang head' 'Crazy' 'bang head' I thought I was here for the same reason as you. I'm not sure what shows up between the lines I write on your screen!

'Remshot' missed this time Loot I'm still here you can't run me off that easy!!
You have a total misinterpretation of the post. It was a softball sugar. If it is truly up to the individual, and LOOT tends to agree, then what is the point of the board? Where does the strength of the collective come into play? LOOT was looking for your input...not trying to run you off.

There is your softball. Pontificate. LOOT is genuinely interested in your thoughts.
Well well well guess I just don't quite understand old Loot very well. I guess I've just been being offensive, thinking it is my best defense when it comes to his comments, since most to me have been quit smug! I'll give it a shot to explain my thoughts on why I'm here!

KTC, posting roll, lending a hand to others and the other aspects here are TOOLS. I choose to use these and others to keep myself quit! I'd been choosing everyday for a damn long time to dip, no one ever held me down and put that poison in my mouth! From day one of my quit no one pulled a can from my hand or pocket. No one was standing over me the night I dumped my last 3 cans down the shitter. No one stood over my shoulder with a club the first time I was faced with real temptation at the convenience store. Each time I've been craving or tempted to go back to the can, no one but WT has made the decision to stay quit!! And yes 'it's all about me' I'm a selfish prick, I quit for me, I make the decision to quit each day for me. When I lend a hand to others any benifit to them is secondary to the benefit it gives me. What inspired me to start this thread was a perfect example. A quitter that I stayed in close contact with and even traded text promises with for a long time after he left KTC decided to cave rather than come to me with what he was going through! I didn't have any part in his cave except maybe persuading him to postpone it a month or two. When it came right down to caving, he made the decision, bought the dip and put in his mouth (with no help from me). I'm still in contact with him, not to persuade him to quit but I enjoy chatting with him and his cave is actually a reminder to me that as an addict I'm Vulnerable! If he posts that day one again all the better.
So, there is no benefit to KTC from your perspective? No comfort knowing you have allies in the struggles? You gain no accountability from Roll Call? Any accountability from putting yourself on the line to shepherd the new guys? What makes this place work for you? Surely there is something good that makes you come back day after day...or else the loss you experienced with the cave of a brother is just dead weight you dont need.

Smug....that one is new. Short and curt is a function of posting from a cell...and just being an ass in general. Lacking polish, being abrasive, a lousy friend, pompous, always having to be right, unwilling to admit mistakes...all things I've been accused of by people I thought were friends in the past couple weeks. Simply for demanding accountability. Something we pay a lot of lip service to around here at times. See....a lot of people are sensitive to where and how they get called to the carpet. LOOT will generally dress you down where you matter the yeah, smug does seem to apply. Standby...the hatemail will continue over this post too.

You should answer the questions tho. If you are so inclined.
I don't think LooT and WT are that far apart on their thinking, me thinks LooT just wants to be a douche and instead of really reading what WT is feeling he would rather bust WT's balls instead of using this chance for some good.

Again I say to you LooT, WT is a rock solid quitter, instead of busting him down find out the real issue and build him up, use his experience to make KTC into a better place. WT has no problem being accountable, he truly is rock solid, show me that LooT is too, show me that LooT is here for the good of everyone, for the good of the newbies!
You, too, misread. Not busting his balls at all, far from it. Genuinely interested in the thought process and if we get it out of him, it will be the good you look for. Just chill. Let the man answer. He knows there is no ill will by now. Just picking his brain Is all. He damned sure bound to have some insight into what he gets out of being here. LOOT would like to hear it.
"KTC, posting roll, lending a hand to others and the other aspects here are TOOLS. I choose to use these and others to keep myself quit!"

I guess maybe Loot needs someone to read to him! I thought that was pretty plainly spoken!! As far as smug goes sounds just like Loot except possibly I could have used smug as an adjective to any number of nouns, maybe someone else would like to join in and add some? This could be fun!
Was really hoping you would have elaborated on the tools a bit. Oh well. Carry on.

Offline Wt57

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2013, 08:52:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Every serious quitter will take this word out of their vocabulary. There is no room for it! The best defense is a good offense. Use the proven aspects of quitting, take the advise of those who are succeeding and avoid the thing that have caused failure!!  Understand what you are dealing with!
Pronunciation: \ˈkāv\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): caved; cav·ing
intransitive verb
1 : to fall in or down especially from being undermined —usually used with in
2 : to cease to resist : submit —usually used with in
transitive verb
3: to cause to fall or collapse —usually used with in
#1: what causes a quit to be undermined? It can be blamed on the nic bitch, on others, on ability to concentrate or work etc.

#2: cease to resist is often caused by failing to commit.

#3: the fall or collapse happens when a quitter give up, throws in the towel or taps out!

You are in control of your quit and you will determine your success or failure, no one else!
If its all about you...why are you here?
'bang head' 'Crazy' 'bang head' I thought I was here for the same reason as you. I'm not sure what shows up between the lines I write on your screen!

'Remshot' missed this time Loot I'm still here you can't run me off that easy!!
You have a total misinterpretation of the post. It was a softball sugar. If it is truly up to the individual, and LOOT tends to agree, then what is the point of the board? Where does the strength of the collective come into play? LOOT was looking for your input...not trying to run you off.

There is your softball. Pontificate. LOOT is genuinely interested in your thoughts.
Well well well guess I just don't quite understand old Loot very well. I guess I've just been being offensive, thinking it is my best defense when it comes to his comments, since most to me have been quit smug! I'll give it a shot to explain my thoughts on why I'm here!

KTC, posting roll, lending a hand to others and the other aspects here are TOOLS. I choose to use these and others to keep myself quit! I'd been choosing everyday for a damn long time to dip, no one ever held me down and put that poison in my mouth! From day one of my quit no one pulled a can from my hand or pocket. No one was standing over me the night I dumped my last 3 cans down the shitter. No one stood over my shoulder with a club the first time I was faced with real temptation at the convenience store. Each time I've been craving or tempted to go back to the can, no one but WT has made the decision to stay quit!! And yes 'it's all about me' I'm a selfish prick, I quit for me, I make the decision to quit each day for me. When I lend a hand to others any benifit to them is secondary to the benefit it gives me. What inspired me to start this thread was a perfect example. A quitter that I stayed in close contact with and even traded text promises with for a long time after he left KTC decided to cave rather than come to me with what he was going through! I didn't have any part in his cave except maybe persuading him to postpone it a month or two. When it came right down to caving, he made the decision, bought the dip and put in his mouth (with no help from me). I'm still in contact with him, not to persuade him to quit but I enjoy chatting with him and his cave is actually a reminder to me that as an addict I'm Vulnerable! If he posts that day one again all the better.
So, there is no benefit to KTC from your perspective? No comfort knowing you have allies in the struggles? You gain no accountability from Roll Call? Any accountability from putting yourself on the line to shepherd the new guys? What makes this place work for you? Surely there is something good that makes you come back day after day...or else the loss you experienced with the cave of a brother is just dead weight you dont need.

Smug....that one is new. Short and curt is a function of posting from a cell...and just being an ass in general. Lacking polish, being abrasive, a lousy friend, pompous, always having to be right, unwilling to admit mistakes...all things I've been accused of by people I thought were friends in the past couple weeks. Simply for demanding accountability. Something we pay a lot of lip service to around here at times. See....a lot of people are sensitive to where and how they get called to the carpet. LOOT will generally dress you down where you matter the yeah, smug does seem to apply. Standby...the hatemail will continue over this post too.

You should answer the questions tho. If you are so inclined.
I don't think LooT and WT are that far apart on their thinking, me thinks LooT just wants to be a douche and instead of really reading what WT is feeling he would rather bust WT's balls instead of using this chance for some good.

Again I say to you LooT, WT is a rock solid quitter, instead of busting him down find out the real issue and build him up, use his experience to make KTC into a better place. WT has no problem being accountable, he truly is rock solid, show me that LooT is too, show me that LooT is here for the good of everyone, for the good of the newbies!
You, too, misread. Not busting his balls at all, far from it. Genuinely interested in the thought process and if we get it out of him, it will be the good you look for. Just chill. Let the man answer. He knows there is no ill will by now. Just picking his brain Is all. He damned sure bound to have some insight into what he gets out of being here. LOOT would like to hear it.

"KTC, posting roll, lending a hand to others and the other aspects here are TOOLS. I choose to use these and others to keep myself quit!"

I guess maybe Loot needs someone to read to him! I thought that was pretty plainly spoken!! As far as smug goes sounds just like Loot except possibly I could have used smug as an adjective to any number of nouns, maybe someone else would like to join in and add some? This could be fun!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline loot

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #34 on: January 06, 2013, 08:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Wt57
Every serious quitter will take this word out of their vocabulary. There is no room for it! The best defense is a good offense. Use the proven aspects of quitting, take the advise of those who are succeeding and avoid the thing that have caused failure!!  Understand what you are dealing with!
Pronunciation: \ˈkāv\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): caved; cav·ing
intransitive verb
1 : to fall in or down especially from being undermined —usually used with in
2 : to cease to resist : submit —usually used with in
transitive verb
3: to cause to fall or collapse —usually used with in
#1: what causes a quit to be undermined? It can be blamed on the nic bitch, on others, on ability to concentrate or work etc.

#2: cease to resist is often caused by failing to commit.

#3: the fall or collapse happens when a quitter give up, throws in the towel or taps out!

You are in control of your quit and you will determine your success or failure, no one else!
If its all about you...why are you here?
'bang head' 'Crazy' 'bang head' I thought I was here for the same reason as you. I'm not sure what shows up between the lines I write on your screen!

'Remshot' missed this time Loot I'm still here you can't run me off that easy!!
You have a total misinterpretation of the post. It was a softball sugar. If it is truly up to the individual, and LOOT tends to agree, then what is the point of the board? Where does the strength of the collective come into play? LOOT was looking for your input...not trying to run you off.

There is your softball. Pontificate. LOOT is genuinely interested in your thoughts.
Well well well guess I just don't quite understand old Loot very well. I guess I've just been being offensive, thinking it is my best defense when it comes to his comments, since most to me have been quit smug! I'll give it a shot to explain my thoughts on why I'm here!

KTC, posting roll, lending a hand to others and the other aspects here are TOOLS. I choose to use these and others to keep myself quit! I'd been choosing everyday for a damn long time to dip, no one ever held me down and put that poison in my mouth! From day one of my quit no one pulled a can from my hand or pocket. No one was standing over me the night I dumped my last 3 cans down the shitter. No one stood over my shoulder with a club the first time I was faced with real temptation at the convenience store. Each time I've been craving or tempted to go back to the can, no one but WT has made the decision to stay quit!! And yes 'it's all about me' I'm a selfish prick, I quit for me, I make the decision to quit each day for me. When I lend a hand to others any benifit to them is secondary to the benefit it gives me. What inspired me to start this thread was a perfect example. A quitter that I stayed in close contact with and even traded text promises with for a long time after he left KTC decided to cave rather than come to me with what he was going through! I didn't have any part in his cave except maybe persuading him to postpone it a month or two. When it came right down to caving, he made the decision, bought the dip and put in his mouth (with no help from me). I'm still in contact with him, not to persuade him to quit but I enjoy chatting with him and his cave is actually a reminder to me that as an addict I'm Vulnerable! If he posts that day one again all the better.
So, there is no benefit to KTC from your perspective? No comfort knowing you have allies in the struggles? You gain no accountability from Roll Call? Any accountability from putting yourself on the line to shepherd the new guys? What makes this place work for you? Surely there is something good that makes you come back day after day...or else the loss you experienced with the cave of a brother is just dead weight you dont need.

Smug....that one is new. Short and curt is a function of posting from a cell...and just being an ass in general. Lacking polish, being abrasive, a lousy friend, pompous, always having to be right, unwilling to admit mistakes...all things I've been accused of by people I thought were friends in the past couple weeks. Simply for demanding accountability. Something we pay a lot of lip service to around here at times. See....a lot of people are sensitive to where and how they get called to the carpet. LOOT will generally dress you down where you matter the yeah, smug does seem to apply. Standby...the hatemail will continue over this post too.

You should answer the questions tho. If you are so inclined.
I don't think LooT and WT are that far apart on their thinking, me thinks LooT just wants to be a douche and instead of really reading what WT is feeling he would rather bust WT's balls instead of using this chance for some good.

Again I say to you LooT, WT is a rock solid quitter, instead of busting him down find out the real issue and build him up, use his experience to make KTC into a better place. WT has no problem being accountable, he truly is rock solid, show me that LooT is too, show me that LooT is here for the good of everyone, for the good of the newbies!
You, too, misread. Not busting his balls at all, far from it. Genuinely interested in the thought process and if we get it out of him, it will be the good you look for. Just chill. Let the man answer. He knows there is no ill will by now. Just picking his brain Is all. He damned sure bound to have some insight into what he gets out of being here. LOOT would like to hear it.