Author Topic: General Discussion - 2013  (Read 93139 times)

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Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #888 on: November 01, 2013, 04:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Idaho
I pulled out a old pair of hiking boots to get repaired for an upcoming hunting trip and I found a hidden cope can in the boot. I look forward to a day when I stop finding reminders of my chewing/nicotine addiction.
TGIF! Cheers
Idaho Spuds - Charles
I was doing some work at our gym and I found one up in the ceiling tiles.

I quit over 3 years ago.

Have a great hike!
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #887 on: November 01, 2013, 03:36:00 PM »
I pulled out a old pair of hiking boots to get repaired for an upcoming hunting trip and I found a hidden cope can in the boot. I look forward to a day when I stop finding reminders of my chewing/nicotine addiction.
TGIF! Cheers
Idaho Spuds - Charles

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #886 on: November 01, 2013, 06:57:00 AM »
Bro, everything they have said true. I dipped (1.5 cans of COPE a day) for 21 Plus years.. I am on day 41. Either you want it or you don't. Do it for you. Posting roll is easy, hell I figured it out.. All a true man has is his word. If a mans word is foul, so is he.. Post each day (by computer or phone) and GIVE YOUR WORD that you are quit.

If you cant post give a shout (PM for number) and we will help you. But remember your word is bond!

When you quit for you, your world will change. You will feel so free...

Best thoughts....


Offline hope

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #885 on: November 01, 2013, 02:09:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Picker.of.Strings
Quote from: hope
Hello.  I'm on day 1 after almost 6 years of dipping snuff.  Any help is appreciated.
Day 1 sucks but it get easier. Read, read, read...everything on this site. get some life savers, red-hots, atomic fireballs, sunflower seeds, and shit tons of water. Post roll and be string. that's it man. I'll send you my # if you need anything hit me up.
I 'hope' your name is not some indicator as to how you are approaching this.

We don't run on Hope, or Luck, or Try.

We do.

You want some help? Don't put that shit in your face today. Just today.

You come back here tomorrow and repeat.

Pretty simple, actually. But not easy.
Thanks for the message.
okay I'll change my name to justdoit.. sound better. or give me a suggestion
you're right about it not being simple
i can't seem to figure out how to post roll. i'm not on facebook if that's where you learn how to do these things i went to welcome center and i know my group is feb 2014.

i dipped twice today and i'm going to keep reading and typing till i find my group and follow the rule no dipping on this site. i think that is a wise and awesome rule
just like you can't drink at AA meetings.
What the???

Its not that we don't dip while on the site!! We don't dip and don't use nicotine in any way, shape or form. This is a no nicotine forum. Period. End of story.

You need to be quit here. post roll everyday stating that you will not use nicotine for the next 24 hours. Keep your word and repeat tomorrow.

Go read the Welcome Center from top to bottom to learn about what we do here.
Thanks for setting me straight. I meant its a start. I realize now I don't need to be discussing anything till I've quit.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #884 on: October 31, 2013, 09:48:00 PM »
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Picker.of.Strings
Quote from: hope
Hello.  I'm on day 1 after almost 6 years of dipping snuff.  Any help is appreciated.
Day 1 sucks but it get easier. Read, read, read...everything on this site. get some life savers, red-hots, atomic fireballs, sunflower seeds, and shit tons of water. Post roll and be string. that's it man. I'll send you my # if you need anything hit me up.
I 'hope' your name is not some indicator as to how you are approaching this.

We don't run on Hope, or Luck, or Try.

We do.

You want some help? Don't put that shit in your face today. Just today.

You come back here tomorrow and repeat.

Pretty simple, actually. But not easy.
Thanks for the message.
okay I'll change my name to justdoit.. sound better. or give me a suggestion
you're right about it not being simple
i can't seem to figure out how to post roll. i'm not on facebook if that's where you learn how to do these things i went to welcome center and i know my group is feb 2014.

i dipped twice today and i'm going to keep reading and typing till i find my group and follow the rule no dipping on this site. i think that is a wise and awesome rule
just like you can't drink at AA meetings.
What the???

Its not that we don't dip while on the site!! We don't dip and don't use nicotine in any way, shape or form. This is a no nicotine forum. Period. End of story.

You need to be quit here. post roll everyday stating that you will not use nicotine for the next 24 hours. Keep your word and repeat tomorrow.

Go read the Welcome Center from top to bottom to learn about what we do here.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline hope

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #883 on: October 31, 2013, 08:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Picker.of.Strings
Quote from: hope
Hello.  I'm on day 1 after almost 6 years of dipping snuff.  Any help is appreciated.
Day 1 sucks but it get easier. Read, read, read...everything on this site. get some life savers, red-hots, atomic fireballs, sunflower seeds, and shit tons of water. Post roll and be string. that's it man. I'll send you my # if you need anything hit me up.
I 'hope' your name is not some indicator as to how you are approaching this.

We don't run on Hope, or Luck, or Try.

We do.

You want some help? Don't put that shit in your face today. Just today.

You come back here tomorrow and repeat.

Pretty simple, actually. But not easy.
Thanks for the message.
okay I'll change my name to justdoit.. sound better. or give me a suggestion
you're right about it not being simple
i can't seem to figure out how to post roll. i'm not on facebook if that's where you learn how to do these things i went to welcome center and i know my group is feb 2014.

i dipped twice today and i'm going to keep reading and typing till i find my group and follow the rule no dipping on this site. i think that is a wise and awesome rule
just like you can't drink at AA meetings.

Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #882 on: October 31, 2013, 01:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Picker.of.Strings
Quote from: hope
Hello.  I'm on day 1 after almost 6 years of dipping snuff.  Any help is appreciated.
Day 1 sucks but it get easier. Read, read, read...everything on this site. get some life savers, red-hots, atomic fireballs, sunflower seeds, and shit tons of water. Post roll and be string. that's it man. I'll send you my # if you need anything hit me up.
I 'hope' your name is not some indicator as to how you are approaching this.

We don't run on Hope, or Luck, or Try.

We do.

You want some help? Don't put that shit in your face today. Just today.

You come back here tomorrow and repeat.

Pretty simple, actually. But not easy.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Picker.of.Strings

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #881 on: October 31, 2013, 09:40:00 AM »
Quote from: hope
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Corry4919
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Corry4919
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: deeznb
Quote from: Bobbarker
Quote from: Cblodgett
Hello all,

I have recently quit the can after ten years. I have had no dip for six days now and am experiencing an interesting sensation. My gums where I would hold the chew are quite sore. It's not the worst pain in the world, but it is very uncomfortable. Slight pain yesterday, worse today and seems to be getting worse as the day goes on. The gums aren't sensitive to the touch, it feels like the pain is coming from the jawbone. I was hoping someone here could perhaps shed some light on what may be causing this? In the interest of providing all the information, I did use some mint chew substitute for the first couple days but found that after the first awful days of no chew the mint stuff wasn't really good enough to continue.

Thanks to you all for reading and although this is my first post, I have been reading the site for a bit and find it very neat to have a place to ask these questions.
Hey man,
I'm on day 12 and I had the same thing for about the last week. It started going away today. My tongue and the roof of my mouth also got really raw, and it was almost painful eating anything acidic or salty. I don't know for sure that the last part was from quitting, as I have been sick lately too, but, something to look out for, and if you experience it, that's probably normal too.

Congrats on the quit man, Stay strong.
NO nicotine, NO excuses.
Just keep watching Bobbarkers avatar and you'll feel no pain...

On a serious note, I'm on day 11 and have had similar pains off and on so far, which is a pretty common thing from what many vets have relayed. Congrats on the quit, I encourage you to join your brother quitters, the Jan-14 NIC Killers and start posting roll. Make no mistake, you'll be held accountable to your daily promise, however you'll also find more support than you could ever imagine.
I had a similiar sensation, my jaw/chin below my teeth hurting. It eventually quit hurting but was a reminder of why I was quitting.
A member's wife is a nurse and said that stress can make your jaw hurt.
Give it a couple weeks, but it would never hurt to see your dentist or family doctor.
Stay strong bro.
Hello everyone
I have not had a dip in 3 days. I was a 2 can a day user for 30 years. I have however been using Nicorette gum to help with withdraw. Not real sure that has been working. Have not slept for two days, bad headaches can't focus, etc. should I dump the Nicorette gum. If all it is doing is prolonging the withdraw then I think I should. Oh and yes using as directed not just for cravings. Just wanted to get some advise.
Nicorette gum (and other nicotine replacement therapies) all contain nicotine, which is the drug you/we are addicted to.

How can you quit a drug addiction if you continue to use it?

Weaning (nic-gum, patch, suppository) only prolongs with withdrawl effects. Man up, quit cold turkey, fight through the shitty feelings (the Suck), and get your blood clear of poison once and for all.

We quit cold turkey here. So can you.
Thanks needed to hear that. Today is my quit day. From this day forward I am nicotine free.
Good. Nic is not allowed here in any form, orally, nasal, freebase, mainline or anally.

You can do this!!!
Hello. I'm on day 1 after almost 6 years of dipping snuff. Any help is appreciated.
Day 1 sucks but it get easier. Read, read, read...everything on this site. get some life savers, red-hots, atomic fireballs, sunflower seeds, and shit tons of water. Post roll and be string. that's it man. I'll send you my # if you need anything hit me up.
Dirty tone - 6 wide, 22 deep

Quit Date: 17 October 2013

Offline hope

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #880 on: October 31, 2013, 03:00:00 AM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Corry4919
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Corry4919
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: deeznb
Quote from: Bobbarker
Quote from: Cblodgett
Hello all,

I have recently quit the can after ten years. I have had no dip for six days now and am experiencing an interesting sensation. My gums where I would hold the chew are quite sore. It's not the worst pain in the world, but it is very uncomfortable. Slight pain yesterday, worse today and seems to be getting worse as the day goes on. The gums aren't sensitive to the touch, it feels like the pain is coming from the jawbone. I was hoping someone here could perhaps shed some light on what may be causing this? In the interest of providing all the information, I did use some mint chew substitute for the first couple days but found that after the first awful days of no chew the mint stuff wasn't really good enough to continue.

Thanks to you all for reading and although this is my first post, I have been reading the site for a bit and find it very neat to have a place to ask these questions.
Hey man,
I'm on day 12 and I had the same thing for about the last week. It started going away today. My tongue and the roof of my mouth also got really raw, and it was almost painful eating anything acidic or salty. I don't know for sure that the last part was from quitting, as I have been sick lately too, but, something to look out for, and if you experience it, that's probably normal too.

Congrats on the quit man, Stay strong.
NO nicotine, NO excuses.
Just keep watching Bobbarkers avatar and you'll feel no pain...

On a serious note, I'm on day 11 and have had similar pains off and on so far, which is a pretty common thing from what many vets have relayed. Congrats on the quit, I encourage you to join your brother quitters, the Jan-14 NIC Killers and start posting roll. Make no mistake, you'll be held accountable to your daily promise, however you'll also find more support than you could ever imagine.
I had a similiar sensation, my jaw/chin below my teeth hurting. It eventually quit hurting but was a reminder of why I was quitting.
A member's wife is a nurse and said that stress can make your jaw hurt.
Give it a couple weeks, but it would never hurt to see your dentist or family doctor.
Stay strong bro.
Hello everyone
I have not had a dip in 3 days. I was a 2 can a day user for 30 years. I have however been using Nicorette gum to help with withdraw. Not real sure that has been working. Have not slept for two days, bad headaches can't focus, etc. should I dump the Nicorette gum. If all it is doing is prolonging the withdraw then I think I should. Oh and yes using as directed not just for cravings. Just wanted to get some advise.
Nicorette gum (and other nicotine replacement therapies) all contain nicotine, which is the drug you/we are addicted to.

How can you quit a drug addiction if you continue to use it?

Weaning (nic-gum, patch, suppository) only prolongs with withdrawl effects. Man up, quit cold turkey, fight through the shitty feelings (the Suck), and get your blood clear of poison once and for all.

We quit cold turkey here. So can you.
Thanks needed to hear that. Today is my quit day. From this day forward I am nicotine free.
Good. Nic is not allowed here in any form, orally, nasal, freebase, mainline or anally.

You can do this!!!
Hello. I'm on day 1 after almost 6 years of dipping snuff. Any help is appreciated.

Offline RAZD611

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #879 on: October 30, 2013, 07:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Corry4919
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Corry4919
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: deeznb
Quote from: Bobbarker
Quote from: Cblodgett
Hello all,

I have recently quit the can after ten years. I have had no dip for six days now and am experiencing an interesting sensation. My gums where I would hold the chew are quite sore. It's not the worst pain in the world, but it is very uncomfortable. Slight pain yesterday, worse today and seems to be getting worse as the day goes on. The gums aren't sensitive to the touch, it feels like the pain is coming from the jawbone. I was hoping someone here could perhaps shed some light on what may be causing this? In the interest of providing all the information, I did use some mint chew substitute for the first couple days but found that after the first awful days of no chew the mint stuff wasn't really good enough to continue.

Thanks to you all for reading and although this is my first post, I have been reading the site for a bit and find it very neat to have a place to ask these questions.
Hey man,
I'm on day 12 and I had the same thing for about the last week. It started going away today. My tongue and the roof of my mouth also got really raw, and it was almost painful eating anything acidic or salty. I don't know for sure that the last part was from quitting, as I have been sick lately too, but, something to look out for, and if you experience it, that's probably normal too.

Congrats on the quit man, Stay strong.
NO nicotine, NO excuses.
Just keep watching Bobbarkers avatar and you'll feel no pain...

On a serious note, I'm on day 11 and have had similar pains off and on so far, which is a pretty common thing from what many vets have relayed. Congrats on the quit, I encourage you to join your brother quitters, the Jan-14 NIC Killers and start posting roll. Make no mistake, you'll be held accountable to your daily promise, however you'll also find more support than you could ever imagine.
I had a similiar sensation, my jaw/chin below my teeth hurting. It eventually quit hurting but was a reminder of why I was quitting.
A member's wife is a nurse and said that stress can make your jaw hurt.
Give it a couple weeks, but it would never hurt to see your dentist or family doctor.
Stay strong bro.
Hello everyone
I have not had a dip in 3 days. I was a 2 can a day user for 30 years. I have however been using Nicorette gum to help with withdraw. Not real sure that has been working. Have not slept for two days, bad headaches can't focus, etc. should I dump the Nicorette gum. If all it is doing is prolonging the withdraw then I think I should. Oh and yes using as directed not just for cravings. Just wanted to get some advise.
Nicorette gum (and other nicotine replacement therapies) all contain nicotine, which is the drug you/we are addicted to.

How can you quit a drug addiction if you continue to use it?

Weaning (nic-gum, patch, suppository) only prolongs with withdrawl effects. Man up, quit cold turkey, fight through the shitty feelings (the Suck), and get your blood clear of poison once and for all.

We quit cold turkey here. So can you.
Thanks needed to hear that. Today is my quit day. From this day forward I am nicotine free.
Good. Nic is not allowed here in any form, orally, nasal, freebase, mainline or anally.

You can do this!!!
Never Again For Any Reason

Hurt Feelings Report

Offline Corry4919

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #878 on: October 30, 2013, 03:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Corry4919
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: deeznb
Quote from: Bobbarker
Quote from: Cblodgett
Hello all,

I have recently quit the can after ten years. I have had no dip for six days now and am experiencing an interesting sensation. My gums where I would hold the chew are quite sore. It's not the worst pain in the world, but it is very uncomfortable. Slight pain yesterday, worse today and seems to be getting worse as the day goes on. The gums aren't sensitive to the touch, it feels like the pain is coming from the jawbone. I was hoping someone here could perhaps shed some light on what may be causing this? In the interest of providing all the information, I did use some mint chew substitute for the first couple days but found that after the first awful days of no chew the mint stuff wasn't really good enough to continue.

Thanks to you all for reading and although this is my first post, I have been reading the site for a bit and find it very neat to have a place to ask these questions.
Hey man,
I'm on day 12 and I had the same thing for about the last week. It started going away today. My tongue and the roof of my mouth also got really raw, and it was almost painful eating anything acidic or salty. I don't know for sure that the last part was from quitting, as I have been sick lately too, but, something to look out for, and if you experience it, that's probably normal too.

Congrats on the quit man, Stay strong.
NO nicotine, NO excuses.
Just keep watching Bobbarkers avatar and you'll feel no pain...

On a serious note, I'm on day 11 and have had similar pains off and on so far, which is a pretty common thing from what many vets have relayed. Congrats on the quit, I encourage you to join your brother quitters, the Jan-14 NIC Killers and start posting roll. Make no mistake, you'll be held accountable to your daily promise, however you'll also find more support than you could ever imagine.
I had a similiar sensation, my jaw/chin below my teeth hurting. It eventually quit hurting but was a reminder of why I was quitting.
A member's wife is a nurse and said that stress can make your jaw hurt.
Give it a couple weeks, but it would never hurt to see your dentist or family doctor.
Stay strong bro.
Hello everyone
I have not had a dip in 3 days. I was a 2 can a day user for 30 years. I have however been using Nicorette gum to help with withdraw. Not real sure that has been working. Have not slept for two days, bad headaches can't focus, etc. should I dump the Nicorette gum. If all it is doing is prolonging the withdraw then I think I should. Oh and yes using as directed not just for cravings. Just wanted to get some advise.
Nicorette gum (and other nicotine replacement therapies) all contain nicotine, which is the drug you/we are addicted to.

How can you quit a drug addiction if you continue to use it?

Weaning (nic-gum, patch, suppository) only prolongs with withdrawl effects. Man up, quit cold turkey, fight through the shitty feelings (the Suck), and get your blood clear of poison once and for all.

We quit cold turkey here. So can you.
Thanks needed to hear that. Today is my quit day. From this day forward I am nicotine free.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #877 on: October 30, 2013, 01:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Corry4919
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: deeznb
Quote from: Bobbarker
Quote from: Cblodgett
Hello all,

I have recently quit the can after ten years. I have had no dip for six days now and am experiencing an interesting sensation. My gums where I would hold the chew are quite sore. It's not the worst pain in the world, but it is very uncomfortable. Slight pain yesterday, worse today and seems to be getting worse as the day goes on. The gums aren't sensitive to the touch, it feels like the pain is coming from the jawbone. I was hoping someone here could perhaps shed some light on what may be causing this? In the interest of providing all the information, I did use some mint chew substitute for the first couple days but found that after the first awful days of no chew the mint stuff wasn't really good enough to continue.

Thanks to you all for reading and although this is my first post, I have been reading the site for a bit and find it very neat to have a place to ask these questions.
Hey man,
I'm on day 12 and I had the same thing for about the last week. It started going away today. My tongue and the roof of my mouth also got really raw, and it was almost painful eating anything acidic or salty. I don't know for sure that the last part was from quitting, as I have been sick lately too, but, something to look out for, and if you experience it, that's probably normal too.

Congrats on the quit man, Stay strong.
NO nicotine, NO excuses.
Just keep watching Bobbarkers avatar and you'll feel no pain...

On a serious note, I'm on day 11 and have had similar pains off and on so far, which is a pretty common thing from what many vets have relayed. Congrats on the quit, I encourage you to join your brother quitters, the Jan-14 NIC Killers and start posting roll. Make no mistake, you'll be held accountable to your daily promise, however you'll also find more support than you could ever imagine.
I had a similiar sensation, my jaw/chin below my teeth hurting. It eventually quit hurting but was a reminder of why I was quitting.
A member's wife is a nurse and said that stress can make your jaw hurt.
Give it a couple weeks, but it would never hurt to see your dentist or family doctor.
Stay strong bro.
Hello everyone
I have not had a dip in 3 days. I was a 2 can a day user for 30 years. I have however been using Nicorette gum to help with withdraw. Not real sure that has been working. Have not slept for two days, bad headaches can't focus, etc. should I dump the Nicorette gum. If all it is doing is prolonging the withdraw then I think I should. Oh and yes using as directed not just for cravings. Just wanted to get some advise.
Nicorette gum (and other nicotine replacement therapies) all contain nicotine, which is the drug you/we are addicted to.

How can you quit a drug addiction if you continue to use it?

Weaning (nic-gum, patch, suppository) only prolongs with withdrawl effects. Man up, quit cold turkey, fight through the shitty feelings (the Suck), and get your blood clear of poison once and for all.

We quit cold turkey here. So can you.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Corry4919

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #876 on: October 30, 2013, 01:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: deeznb
Quote from: Bobbarker
Quote from: Cblodgett
Hello all,

I have recently quit the can after ten years. I have had no dip for six days now and am experiencing an interesting sensation. My gums where I would hold the chew are quite sore. It's not the worst pain in the world, but it is very uncomfortable. Slight pain yesterday, worse today and seems to be getting worse as the day goes on. The gums aren't sensitive to the touch, it feels like the pain is coming from the jawbone. I was hoping someone here could perhaps shed some light on what may be causing this? In the interest of providing all the information, I did use some mint chew substitute for the first couple days but found that after the first awful days of no chew the mint stuff wasn't really good enough to continue.

Thanks to you all for reading and although this is my first post, I have been reading the site for a bit and find it very neat to have a place to ask these questions.
Hey man,
I'm on day 12 and I had the same thing for about the last week. It started going away today. My tongue and the roof of my mouth also got really raw, and it was almost painful eating anything acidic or salty. I don't know for sure that the last part was from quitting, as I have been sick lately too, but, something to look out for, and if you experience it, that's probably normal too.

Congrats on the quit man, Stay strong.
NO nicotine, NO excuses.
Just keep watching Bobbarkers avatar and you'll feel no pain...

On a serious note, I'm on day 11 and have had similar pains off and on so far, which is a pretty common thing from what many vets have relayed. Congrats on the quit, I encourage you to join your brother quitters, the Jan-14 NIC Killers and start posting roll. Make no mistake, you'll be held accountable to your daily promise, however you'll also find more support than you could ever imagine.
I had a similiar sensation, my jaw/chin below my teeth hurting. It eventually quit hurting but was a reminder of why I was quitting.
A member's wife is a nurse and said that stress can make your jaw hurt.
Give it a couple weeks, but it would never hurt to see your dentist or family doctor.
Stay strong bro.
Hello everyone
I have not had a dip in 3 days. I was a 2 can a day user for 30 years. I have however been using Nicorette gum to help with withdraw. Not real sure that has been working. Have not slept for two days, bad headaches can't focus, etc. should I dump the Nicorette gum. If all it is doing is prolonging the withdraw then I think I should. Oh and yes using as directed not just for cravings. Just wanted to get some advise.

Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #875 on: October 30, 2013, 11:18:00 AM »
Quote from: deeznb
Quote from: Bobbarker
Quote from: Cblodgett
Hello all,

I have recently quit the can after ten years. I have had no dip for six days now and am experiencing an interesting sensation. My gums where I would hold the chew are quite sore. It's not the worst pain in the world, but it is very uncomfortable. Slight pain yesterday, worse today and seems to be getting worse as the day goes on. The gums aren't sensitive to the touch, it feels like the pain is coming from the jawbone. I was hoping someone here could perhaps shed some light on what may be causing this? In the interest of providing all the information, I did use some mint chew substitute for the first couple days but found that after the first awful days of no chew the mint stuff wasn't really good enough to continue.

Thanks to you all for reading and although this is my first post, I have been reading the site for a bit and find it very neat to have a place to ask these questions.
Hey man,
I'm on day 12 and I had the same thing for about the last week. It started going away today. My tongue and the roof of my mouth also got really raw, and it was almost painful eating anything acidic or salty. I don't know for sure that the last part was from quitting, as I have been sick lately too, but, something to look out for, and if you experience it, that's probably normal too.

Congrats on the quit man, Stay strong.
NO nicotine, NO excuses.
Just keep watching Bobbarkers avatar and you'll feel no pain...

On a serious note, I'm on day 11 and have had similar pains off and on so far, which is a pretty common thing from what many vets have relayed. Congrats on the quit, I encourage you to join your brother quitters, the Jan-14 NIC Killers and start posting roll. Make no mistake, you'll be held accountable to your daily promise, however you'll also find more support than you could ever imagine.
I had a similiar sensation, my jaw/chin below my teeth hurting. It eventually quit hurting but was a reminder of why I was quitting.
A member's wife is a nurse and said that stress can make your jaw hurt.
Give it a couple weeks, but it would never hurt to see your dentist or family doctor.
Stay strong bro.

Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #874 on: October 29, 2013, 03:30:00 PM »
Quote from: chewie
In case you missed it... the forums hit 14,000 members today.

You're part of something special folks. Just remember, the old saying is wrong...

Quitters ALWAYS win!
And just 10 months later, we're creeping up on 17K.

What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!