Day 6. The first 5 weren't too bad, but then my ole lady had a run in with the police last night. She pissed them off and they of course responded in a way that upset her (harassing, but nothing physical or way over the top- just really rude). She ended up with two tickets. Came home crying, it was her "last straw". I did go to the police station and talk to the LT on duty who said he had no authority to check dash cams, but stated if I wanted to file a complaint to come back in the morning.
In her defense, she has been having to deal with aging parents in poor health, aging grand parents in poor health, bills piling up, our grown kids and teenage girl... the usual mid-life BS.
Leading into today, I get up, she's getting ready to take her grandma to the doctor, I'm getting ready for work. I ask if she wants me to file a complaint (after she's had a chance to sleep on it) she says no. I drop her off at grandmas, I go home and get all bundled up to ride the bike to work. Hit the interstate and notice the speedo needle jumping (bad battery or battery connection), so I turn around and park the bike. As i'm driving to work I get the worst efing craving for a dip.
Stress has always been the driving factor in me going back to dip. I appreciate this resource and the contract in my wallet. If not for those factors I'd have a big fat pinch in my mouth right now.