Author Topic: General Discussion - 2013  (Read 93155 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #873 on: October 26, 2013, 06:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Bobbarker
Quote from: Cblodgett
Hello all,

I have recently quit the can after ten years. I have had no dip for six days now and am experiencing an interesting sensation. My gums where I would hold the chew are quite sore. It's not the worst pain in the world, but it is very uncomfortable. Slight pain yesterday, worse today and seems to be getting worse as the day goes on. The gums aren't sensitive to the touch, it feels like the pain is coming from the jawbone. I was hoping someone here could perhaps shed some light on what may be causing this? In the interest of providing all the information, I did use some mint chew substitute for the first couple days but found that after the first awful days of no chew the mint stuff wasn't really good enough to continue.

Thanks to you all for reading and although this is my first post, I have been reading the site for a bit and find it very neat to have a place to ask these questions.
Hey man,
I'm on day 12 and I had the same thing for about the last week. It started going away today. My tongue and the roof of my mouth also got really raw, and it was almost painful eating anything acidic or salty. I don't know for sure that the last part was from quitting, as I have been sick lately too, but, something to look out for, and if you experience it, that's probably normal too.

Congrats on the quit man, Stay strong.
NO nicotine, NO excuses.
Just keep watching Bobbarkers avatar and you'll feel no pain...

On a serious note, I'm on day 11 and have had similar pains off and on so far, which is a pretty common thing from what many vets have relayed. Congrats on the quit, I encourage you to join your brother quitters, the Jan-14 NIC Killers and start posting roll. Make no mistake, you'll be held accountable to your daily promise, however you'll also find more support than you could ever imagine.
Nic Killers
It's better to feel pain, than nothing at all.
"We can't trust the sword of a thousand truths to a Noob!"
Quit Date 10/16/13; HOF 01/23/14; 2nd floor 05/03/14

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #872 on: October 25, 2013, 03:48:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: BazookaJoe
I'm a new member and I've been weaning for the past few days and today is the first day completely solo with no crutch.  I made it all day yesterday until 1630 until temptation took over and I took a dip.  I had it for only a few minutes until I spit it out and dumped the can.  Today I am solo with no can in my pocket.  This is the 8th or 10th time I've quit so I kinda know what to expect as far as the withdrawal symptoms go but knowing does not make them any less painful.  Anyway, my username is appropriate.  Bazooka is the bubble gum I'm chewing like a fiend right now.  I'll check back periodically but I feel good out this time.  I've quit drinking 6 months ago, one day at a time so I'll do this too. one day at a time.
BazookaJoe, please check for a PM from me in your inbox above in the upper right corner of your window. There are better places to put this information and I provided you links to those places.

"weaning" just prolongs with withdrawl effects. Withdrawl effects suck so get those ended as quickly as possible, which means cold turkey. Drink a river of water everyday and try to exercise to speed this process along.

Next, if you are serious, dump all your shit, even the hidden emergency cans. Dump the spitters. Don't go into a convenience store. Pay for gas at the pump (don't go in!). Stay the fuck away from the dip mongers! Stay in your house. Tell your family and friends that you are quit. READ READ READ everything on KTC.

Get your name on roll first thing in the morning and then honor your word all day. Repeat tomorrow.
There will be no more just one to make it through the day. You will be strong and suceed or you will be weak and fail.

The great thing about it is, you get to choose which one you will be.....

I will be strong.
Razd -Day 1500-
I'm sure you've seen your error by now - if not here it is: "This is the 8th or 10th time I've quit"

You ever hear someone say "this is the 8th or 10th time I killed myself"? Hell no, that's not possible. You've never quit but it sounds like you'd like to - this is a good place to quit. Welcome.
my intro
QD 07-19-2012
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1 year of freedom - 7-19-2013. Thank you KTC
4th Floor 8-23-13, 5th Floor 12-1-13, 6th Floor 3-11-14, 7th Floor 6-19-14, 8th Floor 9-27-14, 9th Floor 1-5-15

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #871 on: October 25, 2013, 02:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: BazookaJoe
I'm a new member and I've been weaning for the past few days and today is the first day completely solo with no crutch.  I made it all day yesterday until 1630 until temptation took over and I took a dip.  I had it for only a few minutes until I spit it out and dumped the can.  Today I am solo with no can in my pocket.  This is the 8th or 10th time I've quit so I kinda know what to expect as far as the withdrawal symptoms go but knowing does not make them any less painful.  Anyway, my username is appropriate.  Bazooka is the bubble gum I'm chewing like a fiend right now.  I'll check back periodically but I feel good out this time.  I've quit drinking 6 months ago, one day at a time so I'll do this too. one day at a time.
BazookaJoe, please check for a PM from me in your inbox above in the upper right corner of your window. There are better places to put this information and I provided you links to those places.

"weaning" just prolongs with withdrawl effects. Withdrawl effects suck so get those ended as quickly as possible, which means cold turkey. Drink a river of water everyday and try to exercise to speed this process along.

Next, if you are serious, dump all your shit, even the hidden emergency cans. Dump the spitters. Don't go into a convenience store. Pay for gas at the pump (don't go in!). Stay the fuck away from the dip mongers! Stay in your house. Tell your family and friends that you are quit. READ READ READ everything on KTC.

Get your name on roll first thing in the morning and then honor your word all day. Repeat tomorrow.
There will be no more just one to make it through the day. You will be strong and suceed or you will be weak and fail.

The great thing about it is, you get to choose which one you will be.....

I will be strong.
Razd -Day 1500-
Never Again For Any Reason

Hurt Feelings Report

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #870 on: October 25, 2013, 11:42:00 AM »
Quote from: drdilemma
Day 6. The first 5 weren't too bad, but then my ole lady had a run in with the police last night. She pissed them off and they of course responded in a way that upset her (harassing, but nothing physical or way over the top- just really rude). She ended up with two tickets. Came home crying, it was her "last straw". I did go to the police station and talk to the LT on duty who said he had no authority to check dash cams, but stated if I wanted to file a complaint to come back in the morning.

In her defense, she has been having to deal with aging parents in poor health, aging grand parents in poor health, bills piling up, our grown kids and teenage girl... the usual mid-life BS.

Leading into today, I get up, she's getting ready to take her grandma to the doctor, I'm getting ready for work. I ask if she wants me to file a complaint (after she's had a chance to sleep on it) she says no. I drop her off at grandmas, I go home and get all bundled up to ride the bike to work. Hit the interstate and notice the speedo needle jumping (bad battery or battery connection), so I turn around and park the bike. As i'm driving to work I get the worst efing craving for a dip.

Stress has always been the driving factor in me going back to dip. I appreciate this resource and the contract in my wallet. If not for those factors I'd have a big fat pinch in my mouth right now.
The nic bitch is testing you!!! Don't give in!!!! You're stronger than that and besides you don't do that anymore!!!! What do you ride??? Check out the "Ride it like you stole it" thread in the wildcard section.

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #869 on: October 25, 2013, 11:22:00 AM »
Day 6. The first 5 weren't too bad, but then my ole lady had a run in with the police last night. She pissed them off and they of course responded in a way that upset her (harassing, but nothing physical or way over the top- just really rude). She ended up with two tickets. Came home crying, it was her "last straw". I did go to the police station and talk to the LT on duty who said he had no authority to check dash cams, but stated if I wanted to file a complaint to come back in the morning.

In her defense, she has been having to deal with aging parents in poor health, aging grand parents in poor health, bills piling up, our grown kids and teenage girl... the usual mid-life BS.

Leading into today, I get up, she's getting ready to take her grandma to the doctor, I'm getting ready for work. I ask if she wants me to file a complaint (after she's had a chance to sleep on it) she says no. I drop her off at grandmas, I go home and get all bundled up to ride the bike to work. Hit the interstate and notice the speedo needle jumping (bad battery or battery connection), so I turn around and park the bike. As i'm driving to work I get the worst efing craving for a dip.

Stress has always been the driving factor in me going back to dip. I appreciate this resource and the contract in my wallet. If not for those factors I'd have a big fat pinch in my mouth right now.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #868 on: October 25, 2013, 11:10:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: BazookaJoe
I'm a new member and I've been weaning for the past few days and today is the first day completely solo with no crutch.  I made it all day yesterday until 1630 until temptation took over and I took a dip.  I had it for only a few minutes until I spit it out and dumped the can.  Today I am solo with no can in my pocket.  This is the 8th or 10th time I've quit so I kinda know what to expect as far as the withdrawal symptoms go but knowing does not make them any less painful.  Anyway, my username is appropriate.  Bazooka is the bubble gum I'm chewing like a fiend right now.  I'll check back periodically but I feel good out this time.  I've quit drinking 6 months ago, one day at a time so I'll do this too. one day at a time.
BazookaJoe, please check for a PM from me in your inbox above in the upper right corner of your window. There are better places to put this information and I provided you links to those places.

"weaning" just prolongs with withdrawl effects. Withdrawl effects suck so get those ended as quickly as possible, which means cold turkey. Drink a river of water everyday and try to exercise to speed this process along.

Next, if you are serious, dump all your shit, even the hidden emergency cans. Dump the spitters. Don't go into a convenience store. Pay for gas at the pump (don't go in!). Stay the fuck away from the dip mongers! Stay in your house. Tell your family and friends that you are quit. READ READ READ everything on KTC.

Get your name on roll first thing in the morning and then honor your word all day. Repeat tomorrow.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #867 on: October 25, 2013, 10:26:00 AM »
Quote from: BazookaJoe
I'm a new member and I've been weaning for the past few days and today is the first day completely solo with no crutch. I made it all day yesterday until 1630 until temptation took over and I took a dip. I had it for only a few minutes until I spit it out and dumped the can. Today I am solo with no can in my pocket. This is the 8th or 10th time I've quit so I kinda know what to expect as far as the withdrawal symptoms go but knowing does not make them any less painful. Anyway, my username is appropriate. Bazooka is the bubble gum I'm chewing like a fiend right now. I'll check back periodically but I feel good out this time. I've quit drinking 6 months ago, one day at a time so I'll do this too. one day at a time.
BazookaJoe, please check for a PM from me in your inbox above in the upper right corner of your window. There are better places to put this information and I provided you links to those places.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #866 on: October 25, 2013, 07:43:00 AM »
I'm a new member and I've been weaning for the past few days and today is the first day completely solo with no crutch. I made it all day yesterday until 1630 until temptation took over and I took a dip. I had it for only a few minutes until I spit it out and dumped the can. Today I am solo with no can in my pocket. This is the 8th or 10th time I've quit so I kinda know what to expect as far as the withdrawal symptoms go but knowing does not make them any less painful. Anyway, my username is appropriate. Bazooka is the bubble gum I'm chewing like a fiend right now. I'll check back periodically but I feel good out this time. I've quit drinking 6 months ago, one day at a time so I'll do this too. one day at a time.

Offline Cblodgett

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #865 on: October 24, 2013, 10:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Bobbarker
Quote from: Cblodgett
Hello all,

I have recently quit the can after ten years. I have had no dip for six days now and am experiencing an interesting sensation. My gums where I would hold the chew are quite sore. It's not the worst pain in the world, but it is very uncomfortable. Slight pain yesterday, worse today and seems to be getting worse as the day goes on. The gums aren't sensitive to the touch, it feels like the pain is coming from the jawbone. I was hoping someone here could perhaps shed some light on what may be causing this? In the interest of providing all the information, I did use some mint chew substitute for the first couple days but found that after the first awful days of no chew the mint stuff wasn't really good enough to continue.

Thanks to you all for reading and although this is my first post, I have been reading the site for a bit and find it very neat to have a place to ask these questions.
Hey man,
I'm on day 12 and I had the same thing for about the last week. It started going away today. My tongue and the roof of my mouth also got really raw, and it was almost painful eating anything acidic or salty. I don't know for sure that the last part was from quitting, as I have been sick lately too, but, something to look out for, and if you experience it, that's probably normal too.

Congrats on the quit man, Stay strong.
NO nicotine, NO excuses.
Thank you for the reply. It is a weird thing to say, but it is amazing how great it is to hear that someone else has shared this pain. Better than I thought it would be to not be alone in this. I also thought I was getting sick the last couple of days: sore throat, slight wheezing. Hard to imagine this is all caused by no more nicotine. It's a hell of a drug. Sincerely hope that this teeth root pain (or whatever it is) goes away like yours did, or I may be in for a real tough next week. I have found that a cold beverage sloshed around makes it go away for a short while. Thanks again for not letting me continue to have thoughts run wild like "am I too late and without chaw my mouth will hurt forever." It's irrational, but I guess it's life without the weed in my mouth.

Offline Bobbarker

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #864 on: October 24, 2013, 09:27:00 PM »
Quote from: Cblodgett
Hello all,

I have recently quit the can after ten years. I have had no dip for six days now and am experiencing an interesting sensation. My gums where I would hold the chew are quite sore. It's not the worst pain in the world, but it is very uncomfortable. Slight pain yesterday, worse today and seems to be getting worse as the day goes on. The gums aren't sensitive to the touch, it feels like the pain is coming from the jawbone. I was hoping someone here could perhaps shed some light on what may be causing this? In the interest of providing all the information, I did use some mint chew substitute for the first couple days but found that after the first awful days of no chew the mint stuff wasn't really good enough to continue.

Thanks to you all for reading and although this is my first post, I have been reading the site for a bit and find it very neat to have a place to ask these questions.
Hey man,
I'm on day 12 and I had the same thing for about the last week. It started going away today. My tongue and the roof of my mouth also got really raw, and it was almost painful eating anything acidic or salty. I don't know for sure that the last part was from quitting, as I have been sick lately too, but, something to look out for, and if you experience it, that's probably normal too.

Congrats on the quit man, Stay strong.
NO nicotine, NO excuses.
Quit Day 10/12/13 after 15 years of lying to loved ones and killing myself.
No more slow motion suicide.

Offline Picker.of.Strings

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #863 on: October 24, 2013, 09:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Picker.of.Strings
Quote from: Malonerton22
Quote from: Rob1985
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: chewie
New Blog Post: Get Your Quit On With Hooch Snuff And Sarge Reherman ... -reherman/
Good stuff right there.
'worship' 'worship' 'worship'
I just ordered the hooch classic sampler, using the coupon code. After reading the reviews I am looking forward to adding it to my arsenal to help me quit. Thank you to the users who gave their reviews of the product!
Where do I get the coupon code?
NEVERMIND. I found it.
Dirty tone - 6 wide, 22 deep

Quit Date: 17 October 2013

Offline Picker.of.Strings

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #862 on: October 24, 2013, 09:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Malonerton22
Quote from: Rob1985
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: chewie
New Blog Post: Get Your Quit On With Hooch Snuff And Sarge Reherman ... -reherman/
Good stuff right there.
'worship' 'worship' 'worship'
I just ordered the hooch classic sampler, using the coupon code. After reading the reviews I am looking forward to adding it to my arsenal to help me quit. Thank you to the users who gave their reviews of the product!
Where do I get the coupon code?
Dirty tone - 6 wide, 22 deep

Quit Date: 17 October 2013

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #861 on: October 24, 2013, 06:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Picker.of.Strings
Quote from: GDubya
[ Man my success here at KTC is personally overwhelming.  And even more so when other addict friend look at me with those eyes of disbelief.  And i know why.  I can count the number of quitters I know personally on 1 hand.  Hell, half a hand.  They want to know how I'm doing it.  And it's so cool to tell them about KTC and all my quit buddies.  So I'm hopefull that my friends will start the journey.
Yeah man. I've been trying to talk some of my friends into checking out KTC. None of them seem to be very interested in quitting at all. of course they all say shit like "yeah, I really need to quit" but I said that for years before i finally sacked-up and declared 'Day 1'.
"Yeah, I really need to quit." I do not know how many times I have heard that from my friends. But they are very supportive of me trying to quit, and look forward to the day that they "really" do quit.

Thanks for all the posts, some good reads!
?Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.?
?To live only for the moment and the self is to fall far short of one?s potential.?
?Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.?

Offline Malonerton22

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #860 on: October 24, 2013, 06:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Rob1985
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: chewie
New Blog Post: Get Your Quit On With Hooch Snuff And Sarge Reherman ... -reherman/
Good stuff right there.
'worship' 'worship' 'worship'
I just ordered the hooch classic sampler, using the coupon code. After reading the reviews I am looking forward to adding it to my arsenal to help me quit. Thank you to the users who gave their reviews of the product!
?Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.?
?To live only for the moment and the self is to fall far short of one?s potential.?
?Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.?

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Re: General Discussion - 2013
« Reply #859 on: October 24, 2013, 06:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: chewie
New Blog Post: Get Your Quit On With Hooch Snuff And Sarge Reherman ... -reherman/
Good stuff right there.
'worship' 'worship' 'worship'
Quit: 2/23/13
HOF: 6/3/13
2nd Floor: 9/10/13
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