Hello fellow brothers and sisters.
I know it can be very hard at times to stay quit and not give in, I know you think "just one pinch, or just one puff", i know your brain will evaluate situations and try to put itself in one that would be an excuse to dip.
But your brain = your bitch.
I'm only on my 5th day, but have already been put through some tests.
Believe it or not, the day I decided to quit my gf brought me a can from the grocery store (obviously, she didn't know I had quit), but the first thing I did was thank her and tell her how I didn't need it anymore, and I think it was the first time I saw her happily wasting 5 dollars. She cheered as I flushed it all down the toilet.
This past weekend we were at her father's house and he is a heavy smoker (I used to smoke and quit over a month ago), although cigs were always available throughout the weekend, I did not give in. He even offered me to smoke his eCig (which is supposedly "healthier") and I, proudly, said no. Nicotine is nicotine, i dont want to be dip free, or cigs free, i want to be addiction free. I want to depend on nothing but myself and take full control of my life.
I dont quit for anybody, but myself, my life. And I'm loving it!
Just remember, a puff or a pinch, dont feel as good as saying NO. Not even close.
Loving life, day 5 and going strong.
Y'all take care, and stay quit! There is no excuse! Believe in yourself, a minute at a time, you can do it, you DONT need it!!!!!