Hi my name is joe and it's been 4 whole days without a chew. I've been chewing a can of Copenhagen a day for the last 12 years. I really enjoyed chewing as it helps the most boring tasks seem better. I don't even really want to quit but I know it's the right thing to do. I am tired however of being a slave to the can, working my days around my next dip. Also the bad the breath, recededing gum line, and sores and white spots in an around the gums. Not to mention it's socially unattractive.
The first 3 days were bad but not horrible. I was in a fog most of the time and couldn't concentrate on a damn thing. I feel like I have ADHD. The cravings came and went just tried not to think about it. Writing this post I feel like I can't think straight. It's the end of day 4 and the cravings and irritableness are really intense. 'bang head' I am so mad I feel like my blood is boiling. I'm pissed off just writing this. I tried quitting in the past many times with no luck , I just finally want to not feel like this anymore. My teeth are feeling really sensitive I think it's because of the PH balance thing.
Wish me luck I'm gonna need it
You can't quit if you don't want to. Want and Need and very different.
Quitting is a fight every minute, of every hour, of every day. If there is even a small part of you that truly "enjoyed chewing", as you say, then you will fail.
Do some soul searching. Make a list of reasons to continue chewing, and reasons to quit. To date, no one has given a valid reason to continue. Not one. Reasons like "it helps me relax", and as you said, "it helps the most boring tasks seem better" are all smoke and mirrors. Rationalizing to continue use and to put it up on some false alter is addict speak.
Nicotine is the drug. I am a nicotine addict. I couldn't think of a single reason to continue, but many to stop being a slave. I have chosen to be nicotine free for 347 straight days. I'm still an addict. I still think about dip daily. But, since quitting, I actively fight to remain quit each day and that has only been possible with KTC and the people that make it a community. I HATE nicotine and the drug companies that push it. I hate what it did to me. I hate who I was while using it for 16 years.
Start reading the
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