How fucking long till I wake up and the first thought to go through my head is NOT about a dip? This is fucking insane!!!! it's not a crave really, it's just that my eyes open the very first thought is about dip and then in an instant it is gone and we are off on another day of quit.
And what about this oral fixation thing? The habit of having something in my lip is harder to break than the actual addiction to nicotine. Or maybe they are one and the same? fuck, I don't know. I wonder if i'm hurting my quit by using tea dregs as a substitute for dip. My mind is going 100 different directions today. I think I read something about there being a major funk around this point in my quit. I don't really feel like i'm in a funk. I'm just aggravated that I can't get by this oral fixation thing. it's pissing me off.
You conditioned yourself for how many years? We are addicts Mike so give your body and mind some time to re-train itself.
KTC is split on whether "fake" helps or hinders-
My .02 is use whatever it takes to keep the nic out of your pie hole. The oral fixation will soon fade.
Stay active and engaged on this site by paying it forward and backward.
I agree with the birdman Mike! :wub: My low point of my whole quit was somewhere around day 85ish right up through 125ish, felt like shit didn't know why I even cared but then again I knew I didn't want to chew.
At that point I was still chewing gum frequently and poking beef jerky between my cheek and gums a few times a week. Over time it slowly fades, sometimes I will go a couple weeks and not even have a piece of gum or jerky.
Now sitting at 459 days I wake up and don't think about dip but unfortunantly usually say "man I gotta fucking post roll with 26 fucking different groups!" I've gotten a little burnt out and have found that cutting back a little can help.
Don't get me wrong I post in my own group Every Damn Day! But if it is a busy day I may not post with your group (and many others) but I am still there at the end of the phone if needed, and I am still active with my sexting buddies 'archer' and I still support you all.
I think you need a success story Mike, you need to be in chat and get someone to flush their poison and quit for you, then you follow them through to the HOF. I had that happen, had a guy say he couldn't throw it out because he just bought it, said he would quit when it was gone. Ended up flushing it a short while later that night and now is closing in on a year quit and he posts every damn day in multiple groups. He put me into a very nice place to be in my quit! shocker