Author Topic: General Discussion - 2011  (Read 73691 times)

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Offline magnum9

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #277 on: June 14, 2011, 04:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Leahy16
Quote from: Miles
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: magnum9
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Leahy16
I met someone at a friends house yesterday who had quit smoking 6 years ago and yet he still uses nic gum every day.  I didn't ask any specifics on the amount of his use, it really doesn't matter, just the fact that he traded one form of the drug for another is what struck me as completely hosed up.  I used nic gum for the 2 weeks before my quit and I recall reading in the info packet that came with it that they recommended using it for 12 weeks before completely tapering off.

12 weeks?  That's plenty of time to form a new habit.  This company is just as dependent on the nicotine addiction as tobacco companies and yet they completely avoid any negative publicity b/c they are there to "help" smokers/dippers quit. 

What complete BS...
Excellent post Leahy.

I'm with you on this one, as are most of the guys here. That's why we're a 100% No NRT's.

I don't know if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised if you found people like the big tobacco companies investing strong in NRT's and other nicotine supplements.

But you are dead on...12 weeks before you BS.
I have to agree with you on this one NOLAQ.

Right now American tobacco is trying to play the snus card. Which will not work for them because their so called "snus" is just a dried out version of dip with a lot of sugar added. They are tiny little pouches that people will start to use but once their nicotine tolerance builds they will turn to dip and cigarettes. The perfect plan for creating more smokers and dippers. Except for the fact that the stuff is appalling and being a former snus user I have seen some of the numbers and it doesn't look good for big tobacco.

So what happens when the whole snus thing implodes on them... only two things will work.

1. Start making snus the way Swedes do or team up with them and import their products
2. "NRT" that mimics candy to draw in new users
Or American Big Tobacco will buy them out like Phillip Morris buying UST
NRT that mimics cherry, apple and those other flavors of Skoal that attract children and women-folk.

Tobacco companies are evil, pure and simple. Up to the same old tricks.
Tobacco companies evil??? Maybe. They certainly operate within an interesting environment. I fault the Federal Govt at least as much. Big tobacco is motivated by profit for it's shareholders, a fundamentally sound motivator, whereas the Govt is profiting from this product and yet forcing the companies to warn consumers not to use it....huh??? WTF? The govt talking out of both sides of their mouth.

Doesn't the govt actually profit more, per pack of cigarettes in the form of tax, than the tobacco companies make? Wow! That's quite a business arrangement. The Fed has NO exposure to liability for a product that kills millions of its citizens, a product that same govt profits from. Oh, and let's not forget the govt (granted it was the states) also were successful in suing big tobacco for billions of their profits for medical costs. ERRRR, isn't that money just coming from the opposite side of the balance sheet.

Isn't the Fed just a business partner of Big tobacco???

Here's a question for you...At what point does this business become the responsibility of the govt? The tax on the product continues to increase...isn't there a point at which the govt essentially owns it.

If it looks like shit, and smells like shit, and tastes like shit,'s probably shit!!!

I agree with you on that completely. I think the government has most of the say in this. I don't know if any of you followed the recently passed PACT act that went through congress but it was whole heartedly the most self serving act passed by government in years. It got rid of almost all tax loopholes used by people purchasing tobacco. They passed it claiming that it would stop sending money to terrorists and stop kids from using tobacco because they could not order it online. Big whoop, now they just spend more and have a friend buy it.

The PACT act was all about government getting its tax money.

Kdip, US tobacco won't buy out Swedish companies. If anything it would be the other way around as the Swedes (Swedish Match) already own a lot of American companies. Timberwolf, longhorn, redman, and a few others are all Swedish Match owned.

I won't discuss this on this site any longer but I would be very relieved to see Swedish Match buy out American tobacco. The only thing I will say is that Swedish match has spent millions trying to make their products safer. Where as American tobacco spends Multi Millions trying to get more people addicted.

I will always argue for peoples rights to use whatever product in life they choose to. But I also feel it is corporate social responsibility to act ethically. American tobacco is the epitome of unethical behavior.

Offline Leahy16

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #276 on: June 14, 2011, 03:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Miles
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: magnum9
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Leahy16
I met someone at a friends house yesterday who had quit smoking 6 years ago and yet he still uses nic gum every day.  I didn't ask any specifics on the amount of his use, it really doesn't matter, just the fact that he traded one form of the drug for another is what struck me as completely hosed up.  I used nic gum for the 2 weeks before my quit and I recall reading in the info packet that came with it that they recommended using it for 12 weeks before completely tapering off.

12 weeks?  That's plenty of time to form a new habit.  This company is just as dependent on the nicotine addiction as tobacco companies and yet they completely avoid any negative publicity b/c they are there to "help" smokers/dippers quit. 

What complete BS...
Excellent post Leahy.

I'm with you on this one, as are most of the guys here. That's why we're a 100% No NRT's.

I don't know if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised if you found people like the big tobacco companies investing strong in NRT's and other nicotine supplements.

But you are dead on...12 weeks before you BS.
I have to agree with you on this one NOLAQ.

Right now American tobacco is trying to play the snus card. Which will not work for them because their so called "snus" is just a dried out version of dip with a lot of sugar added. They are tiny little pouches that people will start to use but once their nicotine tolerance builds they will turn to dip and cigarettes. The perfect plan for creating more smokers and dippers. Except for the fact that the stuff is appalling and being a former snus user I have seen some of the numbers and it doesn't look good for big tobacco.

So what happens when the whole snus thing implodes on them... only two things will work.

1. Start making snus the way Swedes do or team up with them and import their products
2. "NRT" that mimics candy to draw in new users
Or American Big Tobacco will buy them out like Phillip Morris buying UST
NRT that mimics cherry, apple and those other flavors of Skoal that attract children and women-folk.

Tobacco companies are evil, pure and simple. Up to the same old tricks.
Tobacco companies evil??? Maybe. They certainly operate within an interesting environment. I fault the Federal Govt at least as much. Big tobacco is motivated by profit for it's shareholders, a fundamentally sound motivator, whereas the Govt is profiting from this product and yet forcing the companies to warn consumers not to use it....huh??? WTF? The govt talking out of both sides of their mouth.

Doesn't the govt actually profit more, per pack of cigarettes in the form of tax, than the tobacco companies make? Wow! That's quite a business arrangement. The Fed has NO exposure to liability for a product that kills millions of its citizens, a product that same govt profits from. Oh, and let's not forget the govt (granted it was the states) also were successful in suing big tobacco for billions of their profits for medical costs. ERRRR, isn't that money just coming from the opposite side of the balance sheet.

Isn't the Fed just a business partner of Big tobacco???

Here's a question for you...At what point does this business become the responsibility of the govt? The tax on the product continues to increase...isn't there a point at which the govt essentially owns it.

If it looks like shit, and smells like shit, and tastes like shit,'s probably shit!!!
Quit Date Jun 5, 2011; HOF Sep 12, 2011; 1,000 days Feb 28, 2014

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #275 on: June 14, 2011, 03:04:00 PM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: magnum9
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Leahy16
I met someone at a friends house yesterday who had quit smoking 6 years ago and yet he still uses nic gum every day.  I didn't ask any specifics on the amount of his use, it really doesn't matter, just the fact that he traded one form of the drug for another is what struck me as completely hosed up.  I used nic gum for the 2 weeks before my quit and I recall reading in the info packet that came with it that they recommended using it for 12 weeks before completely tapering off.

12 weeks?  That's plenty of time to form a new habit.  This company is just as dependent on the nicotine addiction as tobacco companies and yet they completely avoid any negative publicity b/c they are there to "help" smokers/dippers quit. 

What complete BS...
Excellent post Leahy.

I'm with you on this one, as are most of the guys here. That's why we're a 100% No NRT's.

I don't know if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised if you found people like the big tobacco companies investing strong in NRT's and other nicotine supplements.

But you are dead on...12 weeks before you BS.
I have to agree with you on this one NOLAQ.

Right now American tobacco is trying to play the snus card. Which will not work for them because their so called "snus" is just a dried out version of dip with a lot of sugar added. They are tiny little pouches that people will start to use but once their nicotine tolerance builds they will turn to dip and cigarettes. The perfect plan for creating more smokers and dippers. Except for the fact that the stuff is appalling and being a former snus user I have seen some of the numbers and it doesn't look good for big tobacco.

So what happens when the whole snus thing implodes on them... only two things will work.

1. Start making snus the way Swedes do or team up with them and import their products
2. "NRT" that mimics candy to draw in new users
Or American Big Tobacco will buy them out like Phillip Morris buying UST
NRT that mimics cherry, apple and those other flavors of Skoal that attract children and women-folk.

Tobacco companies are evil, pure and simple. Up to the same old tricks.
I quit with with you all!

Offline Kdip

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #274 on: June 14, 2011, 02:11:00 PM »
Quote from: magnum9
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Leahy16
I met someone at a friends house yesterday who had quit smoking 6 years ago and yet he still uses nic gum every day.  I didn't ask any specifics on the amount of his use, it really doesn't matter, just the fact that he traded one form of the drug for another is what struck me as completely hosed up.  I used nic gum for the 2 weeks before my quit and I recall reading in the info packet that came with it that they recommended using it for 12 weeks before completely tapering off.

12 weeks?  That's plenty of time to form a new habit.  This company is just as dependent on the nicotine addiction as tobacco companies and yet they completely avoid any negative publicity b/c they are there to "help" smokers/dippers quit. 

What complete BS...
Excellent post Leahy.

I'm with you on this one, as are most of the guys here. That's why we're a 100% No NRT's.

I don't know if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised if you found people like the big tobacco companies investing strong in NRT's and other nicotine supplements.

But you are dead on...12 weeks before you BS.
I have to agree with you on this one NOLAQ.

Right now American tobacco is trying to play the snus card. Which will not work for them because their so called "snus" is just a dried out version of dip with a lot of sugar added. They are tiny little pouches that people will start to use but once their nicotine tolerance builds they will turn to dip and cigarettes. The perfect plan for creating more smokers and dippers. Except for the fact that the stuff is appalling and being a former snus user I have seen some of the numbers and it doesn't look good for big tobacco.

So what happens when the whole snus thing implodes on them... only two things will work.

1. Start making snus the way Swedes do or team up with them and import their products
2. "NRT" that mimics candy to draw in new users
Or American Big Tobacco will buy them out like Phillip Morris buying UST

Offline magnum9

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #273 on: June 14, 2011, 12:59:00 PM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Leahy16
I met someone at a friends house yesterday who had quit smoking 6 years ago and yet he still uses nic gum every day.  I didn't ask any specifics on the amount of his use, it really doesn't matter, just the fact that he traded one form of the drug for another is what struck me as completely hosed up.  I used nic gum for the 2 weeks before my quit and I recall reading in the info packet that came with it that they recommended using it for 12 weeks before completely tapering off.

12 weeks?  That's plenty of time to form a new habit.  This company is just as dependent on the nicotine addiction as tobacco companies and yet they completely avoid any negative publicity b/c they are there to "help" smokers/dippers quit. 

What complete BS...
Excellent post Leahy.

I'm with you on this one, as are most of the guys here. That's why we're a 100% No NRT's.

I don't know if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised if you found people like the big tobacco companies investing strong in NRT's and other nicotine supplements.

But you are dead on...12 weeks before you BS.
I have to agree with you on this one NOLAQ.

Right now American tobacco is trying to play the snus card. Which will not work for them because their so called "snus" is just a dried out version of dip with a lot of sugar added. They are tiny little pouches that people will start to use but once their nicotine tolerance builds they will turn to dip and cigarettes. The perfect plan for creating more smokers and dippers. Except for the fact that the stuff is appalling and being a former snus user I have seen some of the numbers and it doesn't look good for big tobacco.

So what happens when the whole snus thing implodes on them... only two things will work.

1. Start making snus the way Swedes do or team up with them and import their products
2. "NRT" that mimics candy to draw in new users

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #272 on: June 14, 2011, 06:16:00 AM »
Quote from: foxcalhoun
I guess this is my quit group, June 13, 2011.  I KNOW I can do this, and I KNOW I am gonna need help too.
Welcome Fox,

Your quit group is september 2011: index.php?showtopic=4751

Click on WELCOME CENTER at the top of this page and read all of the links, it will get you started.

A quick overview of the program:

1. Post roll first thing in your day- this is your promise not to use nicotine for just today.

2. Keep your word

3. Wake up tomorrow and repeat.

Just one day at a time.

Glad to be quit with you,


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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #271 on: June 14, 2011, 12:33:00 AM »
I guess this is my quit group, June 13, 2011. I KNOW I can do this, and I KNOW I am gonna need help too.

Offline dante

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #270 on: June 12, 2011, 09:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Leahy16
I met someone at a friends house yesterday who had quit smoking 6 years ago and yet he still uses nic gum every day.  I didn't ask any specifics on the amount of his use, it really doesn't matter, just the fact that he traded one form of the drug for another is what struck me as completely hosed up.  I used nic gum for the 2 weeks before my quit and I recall reading in the info packet that came with it that they recommended using it for 12 weeks before completely tapering off.

12 weeks?  That's plenty of time to form a new habit.  This company is just as dependent on the nicotine addiction as tobacco companies and yet they completely avoid any negative publicity b/c they are there to "help" smokers/dippers quit. 

What complete BS...
This is exactly how I ended up dipping. Quit smoking with the NRT gum and eventually just got used to getting my fix that way. BTW...the instructions tell you to chew gum for a few seconds and then "Park" the gum in your lip, wait until tingle stops then repeat. It's like training wheels for dip. I eventually crossed over to dip...which was cheaper than the $50 boxes of gum.

...And here I am...34 days nic free, finally eyes wide open about my addiction. Thank you KTC!
Quit Date: May 10, 2011

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #269 on: June 12, 2011, 10:07:00 AM »
Quote from: Leahy16
I met someone at a friends house yesterday who had quit smoking 6 years ago and yet he still uses nic gum every day. I didn't ask any specifics on the amount of his use, it really doesn't matter, just the fact that he traded one form of the drug for another is what struck me as completely hosed up. I used nic gum for the 2 weeks before my quit and I recall reading in the info packet that came with it that they recommended using it for 12 weeks before completely tapering off.

12 weeks? That's plenty of time to form a new habit. This company is just as dependent on the nicotine addiction as tobacco companies and yet they completely avoid any negative publicity b/c they are there to "help" smokers/dippers quit.

What complete BS...
Excellent post Leahy.

I'm with you on this one, as are most of the guys here. That's why we're a 100% No NRT's.

I don't know if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised if you found people like the big tobacco companies investing strong in NRT's and other nicotine supplements.

But you are dead on...12 weeks before you BS.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Leahy16

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #268 on: June 12, 2011, 08:02:00 AM »
I met someone at a friends house yesterday who had quit smoking 6 years ago and yet he still uses nic gum every day. I didn't ask any specifics on the amount of his use, it really doesn't matter, just the fact that he traded one form of the drug for another is what struck me as completely hosed up. I used nic gum for the 2 weeks before my quit and I recall reading in the info packet that came with it that they recommended using it for 12 weeks before completely tapering off.

12 weeks? That's plenty of time to form a new habit. This company is just as dependent on the nicotine addiction as tobacco companies and yet they completely avoid any negative publicity b/c they are there to "help" smokers/dippers quit.

What complete BS...
Quit Date Jun 5, 2011; HOF Sep 12, 2011; 1,000 days Feb 28, 2014

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #267 on: June 12, 2011, 05:09:00 AM »
Quote from: SamCat!!!
Quote from: Sens2010
Today June 12th, 2011 will be my first day with no chew!
But question, will it be ok to set a cut back to begin? Such as instead of having one everyday perhaps u have one every other day the every two days and so on.
You will just be prolonging the suck... Right now is the best time to Quit Cold Turkey...3 days and it will be out of your system!!! No cutting back and NO NRT's of any sorts!!! No patches, Nic Gum, losenges...etc...just COLD TURKEY!!!
You CAN do this..just focus on right now. Post roll daily with September/2011 and keep your word!!! PM me if you need anything!!!

I concur with SamCat. So many times I tried to ease into my quit by cutting back, in no time my usage shot up to more than I normally used. Cold turkey is the only way to go. Time to face this head on and get this done. It is time. You got this.

Glad to be quit with you,


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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #266 on: June 12, 2011, 01:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Sens2010
Today June 12th, 2011 will be my first day with no chew!
But question, will it be ok to set a cut back to begin? Such as instead of having one everyday perhaps u have one every other day the every two days and so on.
You will just be prolonging the suck... Right now is the best time to Quit Cold Turkey...3 days and it will be out of your system!!! No cutting back and NO NRT's of any sorts!!! No patches, Nic Gum, losenges...etc...just COLD TURKEY!!!
You CAN do this..just focus on right now. Post roll daily with September/2011 and keep your word!!! PM me if you need anything!!!

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #265 on: June 12, 2011, 12:44:00 AM »
Today June 12th, 2011 will be my first day with no chew!
But question, will it be ok to set a cut back to begin? Such as instead of having one everyday perhaps u have one every other day the every two days and so on.

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #264 on: June 11, 2011, 11:07:00 PM »
Thanks for the advice.

Don't worry I won't cave! I am not going through this shit again! My quit is totally nicotine free.

About three weeks into my quit, the doc gave me welburtin (small daily dose) and valium (small dose taken as needed). I wish I had it on day one. This has helped me out greatly. I agree, as long as I don't dip, it is working, one day at a time.

"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline SamCat!!!

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Re: General Discussion - 2011
« Reply #263 on: June 11, 2011, 08:15:00 PM »
Quote from: LLCope

I need some advice.  I am on day 45 of my quit (no nicotine for the entire time).  My doctore is involved in my quit and gave me a couple things (none nicotine stuff) that helps.  I had a bad morning, this morning--craves, anxiety and slight depression.  Should I try to fight through these craves without using what the doctor gave me to take the edge off.  What the doc gave me is the equivolent of a glass of wine/beer but it helps me get through!  Should I feel guilty because of this?  Am I avoiding the craves by lessening them?

Please some advice!

As long as it has ZERO amount of Nicotene in it than it will be fine. What did he give you??? It may help others to tell....
I always sound like an advocate for NyQuil but i used it for like 3 weeks straight during my initial days of allowed me to get the rest i needed for those sleepless nights and then let me sleep through some major late night craves... MOA is correct...use whatever it takes to stay Quit!!! No Nicotene is key though!!! Push through this...there is no excuse to cave!!!
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