Hello, thanks for setting up this site, the encouragement is fantastic! I quit in June of this year after 20+ years of a can of Cope per day. And I loved it... I quit because I hated being mastered by a small can. Even though I'm about 4 months into quitting, the past week or so has been tortuous. I even dream about dipping. I had reckoned that it would be pretty easy after the first month or so... wrong. Is that normal? I've been chewing gum, crunching mints, started seeds, and have gone back to fake dip. Prayer and stubbornness are keeping me clean, but my goodness. Can I anticipate fighting this way for the next good while? Have you long term quitters reached a point where dipping is no longer dominant in your thinking?
Hello Chipper. Congratulations on your quit, that's pretty bad ass stuff right there, 120+ days.
For me, almost at 440 now, I can say that Nicotine no longer rules my thoughts. However, I am always wary. The problem is now and always will be, that I am an addict. Addicted to that nastiness.
The guys at 200 days, and the successful guys at 300, 400 500, 1000 + days will all say the same thing. Addict - Yes. Slave to the can - no more.
We are always keeping an eye out. Cravings still come, but nothing like where you are at. I reached a eureka moment around 200 days or so. Yes the physical addiction of the first 72 hours was murder.
The flat out mind games that started after then for me was and still is crazy. Dip dreams, for sure, even now. These thoughts in your head now are all mind games - the crafty nicotine bitch is trying anything she can to get you back in her grips.
Dreams, doubts, craves, you name it. She wants you back
I think my hardest days have been 100 - about 175. Post HOF let down.. (100 days in HOF here). Sort of anti-climactic... I was kicking the habit, but was let down because I still refused to call myself an addict. I rededicated myself to quitting and visiting the Intros, this page and helping newbies get rolling.
That turned the lightswtich on for me and everything started falling into place. Nothing helps your own quit than reaching out to a newbie. Just when I think I am struggling, I visit the intros, the new quit groups and interact with those poor bastards who are just starting their quit. Puts things into perspective for me.
Did you ever think of joining up with a group here? And spreading some of your quit wisdom around? These guys in the group you would join are all going through the same thing you are, since you all will have quit around the same time.