Glad to be part of the family. I had quit 9-16-2016 @ 0730. Had no intentions to quit, acid reflux was bothering me so I spit that juicy deliciousness in a trash can. Three hours go by... I didn't notice. After realizing I set a personal best I handed my Grizzly Wintergreen Long Cut to my buddy. Since that day, it's been an easy road. Eight years, I used a little less than a can and a half a day. I'm going to win, because I want to win. Easy day. However, my question for most of y'all War dogs is concern of my tongue. For a fixation, I usually swirl a toothpick in my mouth... all day. My tongue has little white looking blisters, mostly on the sides. Is this normal? Is it the toothpicks, acid levels normalizing, or...
dhoskins, nice job on the quit so far. Close to a month on your own is badass!
As far as the tongue goes, have you been to the dentist? Thats the best thing for you. I would give it 30 or so days of quit before you go.
I never had tongue issues, more jaw and neck pain that eventually subsided after 100+ days even!
Now, I'd love to welcome you to the family bro, if you join your DECEMBER 2016 quit group and post roll everyday, as darth vader said ' you will then feel the true power of the darkside'.
I appreciate the lurkers, and its all good, I did it too. I was a kill the can lurker...I also quit dozens of times, and restarted eventually. Whats different this time?
I dove into this site, and The daily quit promise to my November 2015 brothers that i wont use. Will you join us?
Pop into DECEMBER 2016, post roll call, its easy. Get to know some of those guys and gals, they are all just like you and going through the same quit junk you are going through. SPread some of your quit wisdom on them, and learn some too!