Hi all,
I decided to join this group after my family each individually talked to me about "killing the can". I am a 22 year old (nearly 23) former student athlete at a PAC-12 university and currently interning and coaching a sport part-time. I have been dipping since I was 18, in fact, my first can was on my 18th birthday and I have not stopped since.
After some thinking and self-reflecting, I figured out that I am not ready to give up the can. I really, REALLY want to be ready, but I am not. I joined this forum to help figure out how I can ready myself to quit and thus lead myself to quitting this disgusting and repulsive habit that I currently have.
I have had a girlfriend the past year and a half and I told her that I "used" to dip a long time ago, but she is in the dark about my habit- I have hid countless cans, bottles, etc., from her. I want to quit because of her. I have a 14 year old brother that has cried at night because he has seen the images of mouth, jaw, and throat cancer in his health classes and does not want to see his idol of an older brother turn out like that. I want to quit because of him. Both of my parents have expressed their concern about me and the financial weight that dipping has and how the money towards each can of tobacco can be used to pay for future expenses (rent, food, etc.), as well as their concern for my own well-being. I want to quit because of them.
But I am not ready to. I will be totally honest, I love dipping. After filling my stomach with a fantastic meal, I put one in. On my way to work, I put one in. Before and after practice, I put one in. Watching TV, going on Facebook, you name it, I put one in. I go through about a can every other day ($5 in my area). I can't get enough of it.
I know the consequences of it and I know that one day I will quit this. But I want that day to come MUCH sooner than later, and I was hoping that you all could help with that. How did you all decide, figure out, or come to peace with quitting? Because currently, I am at a loss and not near a crossroads. I know I need to quit and I want to, but not now.
Thank you and BTFD.