Hey guys, I've been observing this site for months but just joined today. I started dipping about 5 years ago. I've attempted to quit several times, but every time I cave , i start dipping more Than I did before. I am a career firefighter at a fairly large department, and every single one of my partners I have had dip the same brand and flavor I do, making it hard to resist packing a fatty! It has become habit for me to put a dip in after a strenuous call, especially after the gruesome, fucked up calls we get from time to time. All of my buddies dip as well. My wife has begged me to quit, we've made compromises, and nothing's worked. It usually ends up with me resenting her. I have been dipping at work behind her back. In the mornings I tell myself " don't go to the gas station, you don't need it anyways" and next thing I know, I'm back in my truck with a fresh can. I definitely feel like it is taking over, and I'm ready to do this for ME. I am man enough to admit that I have an issue, and that I need help. The second someone says the word "dip" my gums start to burn and that real sticky spit shit starts to build up in my mouth. I ordered some smokey mountain this morning and am open to any suggestions. Thanks guys 'bang head'