Author Topic: General Discussion - 2014  (Read 114569 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #460 on: April 29, 2014, 07:32:00 AM »
Quote from: Wannemacher
'bang head' -- That about sums it up, a whole 3 hours into day 2 and I feel like i took a right hook in the jaw from Mayweather. This sucks. I am thankful I can't leave work b/c a stop at the gas stations is sounding really good right now. When I was reading about what it would be like to quit I didn't understand what ya'al meant by the fog... I get it now. Is there anything I can do besides slamming Red Bulls to try to wake myself up? I need to be productive today and so far I am not feeling it one bit.
Been there. Done it, brother. This part sucks.

What can you do? A number of things - drink shit loads of water. I don't know about Red Bull. Chew on a straw, toothpick, pen, whatever. Go for a walk. Get a stress ball. Come in here an bitch it out. You can do anything except - a) pack your face with cat turd, and b) rage on non-users. It's not thier fault. Rage on us. We get it.

If you don't have anyone's number, PM me and you got mine.

Stick it out. It gets better.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #459 on: April 29, 2014, 06:31:00 AM »
'bang head' -- That about sums it up, a whole 3 hours into day 2 and I feel like i took a right hook in the jaw from Mayweather. This sucks. I am thankful I can't leave work b/c a stop at the gas stations is sounding really good right now. When I was reading about what it would be like to quit I didn't understand what ya'al meant by the fog... I get it now. Is there anything I can do besides slamming Red Bulls to try to wake myself up? I need to be productive today and so far I am not feeling it one bit.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #458 on: April 29, 2014, 02:09:00 AM »
Quote from: Finalfan
The little man in me is looking forward to my next dip... a simple reward system for myself without actually needing to work hard for my disgusting gift to myself. My days revolved around smoking marijuana and chewing. I quit smoking weed 2 weeks ago.. now its time to rid myself of putting a turd in my mouth! I'm going to the gym today.. part of my self improvement but I know I will never fully feel confident in myself until I put the can as far away from me as possible. Luckily I do not know people who chew so being around it will not be an issue.. it is the same battle I had with marijuana.. terrified of withdrawl.. but I can handle 3 to 5 days of pain vs. mouth cancer and throat irritation! Anyone else have sores in there throat? Mine is from Reflux disease which is exhaserbated by copengagen! That was a purposeful misspelling!
Ya brother, I have the acid reflux... Have had it as long as I dipped. I never got sores in my throat... Has the acid burned the tissue to the point where you have sores in your throat? That's brutal. I understand that the constant acid bath of reflux above the sphincter muscle can also lead to mutations that cause esophageal cancer. And nic does cause the sphincter muscle to relax.....

I am quit, day 28. It's more than a few days of pain, but each day after about 4 it gets easier and easier. It is no easy task to quit a multi decade addiction, but the one day at a time approach and the accountability system on the forums WILL give you the tools to be quit IF YOU ARE READY. If so, read everything you can find on web page. You will learn what to expect, what everyone has gone thru before you. Then get over to the forums and make an intro and post roll call. There are a bunch of people on those forums who will help you thru it,mane you will he'll them thru their quit as we'll..

So if YOU are ready, throw all of your dip away and join Us in the quit groups.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #457 on: April 28, 2014, 07:33:00 PM »
The little man in me is looking forward to my next dip... a simple reward system for myself without actually needing to work hard for my disgusting gift to myself. My days revolved around smoking marijuana and chewing. I quit smoking weed 2 weeks ago.. now its time to rid myself of putting a turd in my mouth! I'm going to the gym today.. part of my self improvement but I know I will never fully feel confident in myself until I put the can as far away from me as possible. Luckily I do not know people who chew so being around it will not be an issue.. it is the same battle I had with marijuana.. terrified of withdrawl.. but I can handle 3 to 5 days of pain vs. mouth cancer and throat irritation! Anyone else have sores in there throat? Mine is from Reflux disease which is exhaserbated by copengagen! That was a purposeful misspelling!

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #456 on: April 28, 2014, 07:06:00 PM »
Quote from: chewie
New Blog Post: Cowboy Coffee Chew  Major League Coffee Dip Reviews ... p-reviews/
Anyone struggling, don't use smokey mountain shit, order this.... Nic Quit
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #455 on: April 26, 2014, 12:13:00 PM »
New Blog Post: Cowboy Coffee Chew  Major League Coffee Dip Reviews ... p-reviews/
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #454 on: April 25, 2014, 02:24:00 PM »
Quote from: JMD
thanks. giving it a try now.
You did it perfect. I left a message for you in your quit group. Good Job. DO THAT SAME EXACT THING EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL! I'm quitting with you today!

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #453 on: April 25, 2014, 02:14:00 PM »
thanks. giving it a try now.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #452 on: April 25, 2014, 02:02:00 PM »
Quote from: JMD
I tried to join a quit group and posted roll but can't quite figure out how and am not computer illerate. can you help?
I will try my best, I fucked it up the first time too
1. Go to quit groups
2. Click on July 2014 (I think that is your group if you quit yesterday)
3. Go to the last page and scroll to last post (most recent) there is a date on it
4. Hit the "quote" button at the bottom right of the post you are looking at
5. There is a bottom box with a bunch of text in it.
6. Put your cursor there and hit Cntrl A, to select all
7. Hit Cntrl X to cut all
8. Put your cursor in the top blank box and hit Cntrl V to copy everything
9. There is a line that says something like "new quitter place your name below.....
10. Type your screen name after the last guy in your group with what day you are on.

The bottom bunch of quitters are people not in your month that are supporting you.
Give it a try. There is also a video on you tube that shows how to do this, I probably should have told you about that first.
Good Luck. I will look for your post and fix it if you screw it up

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #451 on: April 25, 2014, 01:54:00 PM »
I tried to join a quit group and posted roll but can't quite figure out how and am not computer illerate. can you help?

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #450 on: April 25, 2014, 11:41:00 AM »
Quote from: JMD
This scares the shit out of me

Tony Gwynn, the Hall of Fame outfielder who 18 months ago blamed smokeless tobacco for a malignant growth inside his right cheek, was in his 13th hour of surgery Tuesday evening to remove a new cancerous tumor in the same spot.

According to Gwynn's wife, Alicia, doctors do not believe the cancer has spread outside of Gwynn's salivary gland. But she expects to know more after Tuesday's intricate surgery, in which she said five doctors would likely perform a nerve graft to preserve Gwynn's facial functions. The operation began at approximately 9:15 a.m. PT, and, as of 11 p.m. PT, the 51-year-old Gwynn was still in the operating room.

Tony told them to take [the malignant tumor] all out,'' Alicia Gwynn said Tuesday morning. "They said they may need to remove the facial nerve -- they might have to go a lot deeper. But he just told them to take it out. And if they do remove the facial nerve, they'll replace it with a nerve from his shoulder or his leg.

"Hopefully, his face will work fine; hopefully he'll be able to blink his eye. They said they will make his face as normal as they can -- and that it might be better than it was."

During the operation, which is being performed at the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California San Diego, doctors will conduct further biopsies of Gywnn's parotid gland, Alicia Gwynn said. She said if the cancer is localized, Gwynn should be able to return as San Diego State's baseball coach in about a month.

"Tony's very nervous,'' she said. "But once he's back on the field, he'll be fine.''

Tony Gwynn said he dipped smokeless tobacco inside his right cheek during his entire 20-year career with the San Diego Padres, and for another decade following that.

"I'm addicted," he has previously said of the habit.

Twice during his career, doctors found benign growths on the right side of his mouth, but Gwynn still kept dipping. Then, in August of 2010, a biopsy showed a malignant growth inside his mouth, and on Aug. 31, 2010, Gwynn had surgery to have most of it removed.

During that operation, doctors had peeled back the right side of his face and discovered that the malignant tumor was wrapped around one of his nerves.

That particular nerve controls the right side of his face, from his forehead to his eye to his mouth to his cheek. If doctors had removed the tumor entirely, the nerve would have been irreparably harmed and that side of his face would have been permanently paralyzed. He would never have been able to close his eye or eat without drooling.

Instead, the surgeons salvaged the nerve by leaving remnants of the tumor, hoping chemotherapy and radiation would clear the rest of the growth.

At the time, Gwynn's oncologist at Scripps Memorial Hospital, Dr. Prabhakar Tripuraneni, claimed there was no known link between smokeless tobacco and cancer of the parotid, the largest of the salivary glands. But the doctor acknowledged there had not been sufficient studies done to prove it one way or another.

At the time, Gwynn said "Of course it caused it ... I always dipped on my right side."

Since the 2010 operation, Gwynn has not used smokeless tobacco, instead opting for a safer, doctor-approved synthetic dip that he said "tasted awful." But in January, the cancer returned.
You should be scared. Have you joined your quit group and posted roll yet?

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #449 on: April 25, 2014, 11:29:00 AM »
This scares the shit out of me

Tony Gwynn, the Hall of Fame outfielder who 18 months ago blamed smokeless tobacco for a malignant growth inside his right cheek, was in his 13th hour of surgery Tuesday evening to remove a new cancerous tumor in the same spot.

According to Gwynn's wife, Alicia, doctors do not believe the cancer has spread outside of Gwynn's salivary gland. But she expects to know more after Tuesday's intricate surgery, in which she said five doctors would likely perform a nerve graft to preserve Gwynn's facial functions. The operation began at approximately 9:15 a.m. PT, and, as of 11 p.m. PT, the 51-year-old Gwynn was still in the operating room.

Tony told them to take [the malignant tumor] all out,'' Alicia Gwynn said Tuesday morning. "They said they may need to remove the facial nerve -- they might have to go a lot deeper. But he just told them to take it out. And if they do remove the facial nerve, they'll replace it with a nerve from his shoulder or his leg.

"Hopefully, his face will work fine; hopefully he'll be able to blink his eye. They said they will make his face as normal as they can -- and that it might be better than it was."

During the operation, which is being performed at the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California San Diego, doctors will conduct further biopsies of Gywnn's parotid gland, Alicia Gwynn said. She said if the cancer is localized, Gwynn should be able to return as San Diego State's baseball coach in about a month.

"Tony's very nervous,'' she said. "But once he's back on the field, he'll be fine.''

Tony Gwynn said he dipped smokeless tobacco inside his right cheek during his entire 20-year career with the San Diego Padres, and for another decade following that.

"I'm addicted," he has previously said of the habit.

Twice during his career, doctors found benign growths on the right side of his mouth, but Gwynn still kept dipping. Then, in August of 2010, a biopsy showed a malignant growth inside his mouth, and on Aug. 31, 2010, Gwynn had surgery to have most of it removed.

During that operation, doctors had peeled back the right side of his face and discovered that the malignant tumor was wrapped around one of his nerves.

That particular nerve controls the right side of his face, from his forehead to his eye to his mouth to his cheek. If doctors had removed the tumor entirely, the nerve would have been irreparably harmed and that side of his face would have been permanently paralyzed. He would never have been able to close his eye or eat without drooling.

Instead, the surgeons salvaged the nerve by leaving remnants of the tumor, hoping chemotherapy and radiation would clear the rest of the growth.

At the time, Gwynn's oncologist at Scripps Memorial Hospital, Dr. Prabhakar Tripuraneni, claimed there was no known link between smokeless tobacco and cancer of the parotid, the largest of the salivary glands. But the doctor acknowledged there had not been sufficient studies done to prove it one way or another.

At the time, Gwynn said "Of course it caused it ... I always dipped on my right side."

Since the 2010 operation, Gwynn has not used smokeless tobacco, instead opting for a safer, doctor-approved synthetic dip that he said "tasted awful." But in January, the cancer returned.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #448 on: April 25, 2014, 11:09:00 AM »
just officially joined yesterday. want to say thanks for building and mainting this online community. It's important and needed and helpful. been dipping since I was 17 or 18. so 23 years or so. ridiculous. pathetic. stupid. are the first words that come to mind.  stupid might be the most appropriate. I actually did quit for a year from June 2006 - June 2007 when my dentist found "something" in one of my submandibular glands. FUCK. turned out to be a stone that was surgically removed. so I became weak again and succumbing to the Bear. I also quit for about 5 weeks late last year (2013). so I have it in me somewhere. I must admit. I like. I really like it. I typically have one on the way home from work and then stay up late so I can have one in peace by myself at night. it is possibly the one thing I look forward to the most. that is sad, considering I have 3 young kids. and THAT ... THEY are who I'm quitting for but am going to need the help and support of all of you. - Does any of that sound familiar to anyone out there?? JMD

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #447 on: April 25, 2014, 01:04:00 AM »
Hello everyone. I too quit chewing on 4/20/14 after 30 years. I am using chantix, I think it is helping because, I have tried many times to quit but never lasted more than 2 days. So far so good, day 3 was bad, but they are starting to get better. I am using gum, jaw breakers and smokey mountain at the moment. I have been reading a lot of posts on here and I do find it a little disheartening to hear so many long time quitters still have the cravings. I guess I spent half my life getting this habit, it will take the last half to get over it. Anyways I will keep you posted on my progress and maybe lean on you when times get tough. Mike

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #446 on: April 24, 2014, 10:26:00 PM »
Quote from: rgm5150
My name is Rich, started dipping at age 12, daily can an a half habit since I was 14, so 33+years. I've quit because my 10year old daughter wants me around a long time and because it was just "time". I quit on Sunday 4/20, on 4th full day without tobacco. In the past I had tried hypnosis and nicotine patches, gum never made it past day 1. I am using the smokey mountain herbal snuff. and it seems to help. Got a few questions for those of you who have been where I am.
Yesterday, day 3 was the worst. When is this going to get easier?
I am having pain in my jaw, pallette, neck and tongue. Like I have been chewing all day long. Is this normal?
yes. yes.

Also, read all you can on the site, Rich. There is gold in these posts. They are all written by people that have gone through EXACTLY what you are going through. They know it's possible to win. Listen to them. I'd suggest you start in the INTRODUCTION section, then go to WORDS OF WISDOM, and maybe some HOF speeches. If you like what you read, post roll with us, take off that leash, and change your damned life. If you want much better opinions than just mine, post an introduction in this section.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.