I used to tell my fiancé I have "stomach" issues to go to the bathroom and dip. I would sit in there for a good half hour making noises so she thinks I'm sick. I just realized those habits we form stick around I'm in here now so I could go on KTC without her asking any questions. Anyone else notice any habits they picked up cause of dip stickin around?
I can tell you with 100% certainty that there is not one habit that you or I picked up that someone here has not experienced. Not one.
We were all assholes. You know how many times I got out of the shower only to notice black flakes on my feet because I HAD to dip in the shower? Too fucking many to count!!! Hell, I read today someone saying they don't miss spitting on their dick when they were taking a shit. So that right there tells me you're not alone.
Fuck it though. The past is the past. No use dwelling on it. If anything use it as motivation to remain quit. You see the error if your ways, now do something about it.
Quit on...
The weekend has been hectic but good. Not glad its over. Anyway, reading this post I could share with the "Am I the only weird person that does this or that". When I first decided that I needed to cease the can, I read the 100 reasons to quit and it was a Eureaka moment. I've finally let my wife in after the first week that I am done dipping and have a great group of people to make me feel "unweird" about quitting! I let her read the 100 reasons and she just was blown away.
I guess until you really step back and haven't dipped in a while, acceptable habits then can be easily looked upon as upsetting now. I realize how much BS my wife would put up with when she just swept the kitchen and mysteriously granules appeared. She worked hard to keep the house clean for US and in my selfishness, just made an F'n mess without a second thought.
Signs of progression occurred also when I went with my buddy to town today. It has been a solid week of no dipping and when I got in his truck, the spit can smell and the "I dip in my truck all the time" smell (you all know it) just hit me and I was queazy as hell. I have never been happier to be queasy. It also made me realize why my wife never liked me dipping in her Jeep!
Sorry for the ramble, this post just kinda brought this stuff into my head!
Happy quitting! Carry On