I have a question for as many people that will answer it.
Is paranoia a normal symptom of quitting?
I don't think there is any "normal thing" about quitting, other than it sucked. I assume by paranoia you mean you fear going back to dipping. If that's it, I'd say we all at first fear that, but now most fear posting a day 1 again and getting your ass handed to you. Lol
I think paranoia and apprehension were squashed a bit by the nicotine. With a clean system, what you're probably feeling is system wide test of your emotions from time to time until 100% healed. The brain is one complex organ. In my case it's also small.
Sluggo should be feeling better faster than us then. Lucky bastard! 'crackup'
I don't know about you HG but for me one of the reasons I became addicted and remained addicted for so long was a means of avoiding a bunch of mental health issues. I know I'm not alone, check out the anxiety and depression discussion in the wildcard section. Some of this has healed its self and others I've worked threw with professional help and some medication. I want to stress one important thing about any mental health issue; NEVER be ashamed or afraid to seek professional help. I waited over 30 years to admit I couldn't control my thoughts, it wasn't till I came very close to checking myself out of this life that I sought help. For me I've been working on healing my brain for and see progress. I send my condolences to Slug.go.
Piggy backing on what WT said. When I quit I got high anxiety, high anxiety tends to really heighten your senses, especially in a negative way.
For instance before I quit if I got a weird pain or funny feeling somewhere on my body I didn't think twice about it and brushed it off as no big deal, like most people.
After I quit and experienced anxiety issues, the slightest twitch or tingle got me thinking the worst. Heck, I couldn't watch any crime shows or the local news as negative or violent stories got me scared. I even once ate chicken noodle soup for 2 weeks straight, because I somehow convinced myself that it was the only food that made me feel normal.
So to answer your question, yes, at least in my case paranoia was a part of quitting. However it was anxiety that was triggering it. I found all this out by going to a counselor.
Like WT said, don't be afraid or too ashamed to go and talk to a professional if this keeps up. Thats their job. Also like WT said, hop on over to the anxiety and depression forum in the wildcard section. I think you will find some guys who can relate.
Quit on...