Hello to everyone.......I've been using this site since I quit (Dec 1 2016) so I am slowly creeping up on 2 months. After a 29 year relationship with Copenhagen I pulled the plug cold turkey......so far so good.
I found this site the week I quit but just joined today because I wanted to say how awesome all of you are. I have to say my quit has not been as bad as apparently a lot of your has been thank God....we really are all built differently. Oddly though last night I had my first "dip dream" where I dreamt I had a dip in my mouth, it was really odd (as most dreams are) I don't remember actually taking the dip but I remember realizing it was there, and the disappointment I felt in myself. I woke up this morning and was so relieved it was just a dream.
In all my years I would always think "I know I need to quit, how would I feel if I ever heard the news that I had cancer" but on the flip side of that I never felt I could actually do it.
Here is my short story.........
I had not been to the dentist in a while, I was avoiding it as I am sure perhaps a lot of you do. My wife stayed on me and made me an appointment and threatened me to not go this time. All other times she would make my appointments and I would not go saying I got busy at work.
So last June she made me another appointment and I knew I had to go, I'm 46.....I can't avoid going the rest of my life. So I go in for a cleaning and they tell me I had gum disease. Now this may not be a huge deal to most but it scared me. I have always taken care of myself and never had anything wrong with me at all. (I did NOT tell my wife they said this). Due to the gum disease they did not clean my teeth, they said it was going to take more than a standard "cleaning" so I declined and left.
Well right after this appointment I had a nice job offer and decided to take it. This naturally caused me to lose that insurance and I felt like I was off the hook for a while longer. My wife tells me as soon as the new insurance starts she was going to find a new dentist and get me another appointment. I made a promise to myself the day she calls me and says she has me an appointment is the day I quit. I had to come up with a date or a reason to stop and that was mine.
I had just bought a new can around lunch time on Dec 1st. I was pulling up at a gas station when "the call" came in. My wife says "honey I have you an appointment for next Thursday (Dec 8th).
SO now is the time of truth.........as I stood by my truck pumping gas I knew what I had to do. I reached over in my console and grabbed the almost full can of Copenhagen and threw it in the trash can at the gas pump.
When I make it to the dentist 7 days later they said my teeth were in desperate need of cleaning but no mention of gum disease to my surprise. I have been back another time since for a cavity and my teeth are getting in good shape.
I have to be honest.......when the 2nd dentist never mentioned gum disease I began to tell myself "see nothing was wrong, we can start dipping again" but I absolutely REFUSE. The free feeling I have now cannot be put into words. The not having to be scared of the dentist out of what horrible news might I receive? These great feelings far outweigh the craving for a dip to me. We are all different, we all quit for different reasons and we all have our weaknesses. I never thought I could do it but I have, this fight is over for me. I still have cravings sure, but they aren't so bad they hurt me. I go this.........and it was easier than I ever expected.
Thank you all for helping people like me that may never join but they read what you have to say anyway.