Author Topic: General Discussion - 2017  (Read 65185 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #418 on: September 12, 2017, 12:52:00 AM »
Hope all is well... I'm going to give all my willpower and try to quit this stuff. Today, of all days, should be a good day to quit. I have no idea how busy these forums are but I felt the need to put my hopes down somewhere... I thought it might give me that little extra bit of motivation to get me over the hump and really quit. I threw away any cans I had laying around, and I made a little calendar going though the end of the month so I can look forward to crossing out each day Im clear of this disgusting stuff. If any of you have tips I would love to hear them. Thanks for this resource!

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #417 on: September 08, 2017, 02:40:00 PM »
Quote from: JB65
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: jesse_IA
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: Samrs
Quote from: jesse_IA
Sounds like I will need to wait on roll call, No Cope in my mouth, but I'm chewing on nicotine gum. When I phase the gum out, I guess then I can start.
Jesse - all that chewing nicotine gum will do is extend your withdrawal symptoms. Believe me, I tried to quit many times using nicotine gum. Never worked for me - once I "quit" the gum, the dependency on nicotine was still there, and I was right back to chewing. When I found KTC, I was finally able to quit for good because the people here helped me understand that the only way to quit was to quit nicotine entirely.

You need to recognize that you don't have a chewing problem, or a smoking problem, or... whatever; you are dealing with a nicotine addiction. Changing the delivery method isn't going to help; it's just feeding the addiction in a different way.
Jesse, phase it out now! If you're going to quit, then at some point you're going to have to dig up some courage and actually toss it out. You say you've been thinking about this for several years - it's gone on long enough. Use the drive that led you to finally post here and make today the day.

All you have to do it worry about one day. Just go the rest of today without any nicotine, surely you can handle that. Worry about tomorrow when it gets here, but if you can make it today, you can be quit. I posted 492 today and I did that by doing it one single day at a time.
I'll echo what these guys have said.

Here's an article you may find interesting. A few years back I took an objective look at NRT.

Great information and just coming back to this thread and seeing multiple responses is helpful and encouraging. My school of thought was that at least a 4MG piece of gum that I know contains Nicotine is a step down. I may ride that out today/tomorrow, but I'm committed to address the root issue of nicotine addiction, rather than just a chewing habit/addiction. I plan to post roll once I've made that transition.
I hope that transition happens for you. Frankly, most people who post here with a future "plan to quit" in mind, never follow through. You're going to better off using the momentum you have now.

If you think continuing to use and tapering down will make the eventual quit any easier, you're mistaken. That isn't how chemical addiction works. Using less nicotine is only going to tease your system and make the cravings that much worse. It will prolong the withdrawal and probably make you feel like you'll never be able to handle actual cessation. "If this is how shitty cutting back feels, I'll never be able to actually quit, so I might as well keep using."

The way I see it, you've got an opportunity right now to make this happen. If you only knew how achievable this actually is and how good freedom actually feels, you'd jump on this opportunity like Oprah on a box of doughnuts. You can do this, you have what it takes, and Cold turkey is the best way to do it.
C-O-L-D T-U-R-K-E-Y baby. Get off all NIC. You CAN do this. We all are doing it every day, are you ready to commit, join us and take back your life???
I know that I am still a Newbie at Day 16, but you have to do it Cold Turkey. The NRT method is a way to keep you hooked on gum instead of chew. Your body still has the need and gets what it wants. There really is no ween off nicotine. You are either getting it, or not getting it. It takes about 3 days for the nicotine to leave your system. That first week sucked. I still have symptoms of withdrawal, but they are easing up every day. Imagine what the symptoms of Chemo, Radiation, etc. will feel like. This will be a cakewalk.
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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #416 on: September 07, 2017, 09:03:00 AM »
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: jesse_IA
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: Samrs
Quote from: jesse_IA
Sounds like I will need to wait on roll call, No Cope in my mouth, but I'm chewing on nicotine gum. When I phase the gum out, I guess then I can start.
Jesse - all that chewing nicotine gum will do is extend your withdrawal symptoms. Believe me, I tried to quit many times using nicotine gum. Never worked for me - once I "quit" the gum, the dependency on nicotine was still there, and I was right back to chewing. When I found KTC, I was finally able to quit for good because the people here helped me understand that the only way to quit was to quit nicotine entirely.

You need to recognize that you don't have a chewing problem, or a smoking problem, or... whatever; you are dealing with a nicotine addiction. Changing the delivery method isn't going to help; it's just feeding the addiction in a different way.
Jesse, phase it out now! If you're going to quit, then at some point you're going to have to dig up some courage and actually toss it out. You say you've been thinking about this for several years - it's gone on long enough. Use the drive that led you to finally post here and make today the day.

All you have to do it worry about one day. Just go the rest of today without any nicotine, surely you can handle that. Worry about tomorrow when it gets here, but if you can make it today, you can be quit. I posted 492 today and I did that by doing it one single day at a time.
I'll echo what these guys have said.

Here's an article you may find interesting. A few years back I took an objective look at NRT.

Great information and just coming back to this thread and seeing multiple responses is helpful and encouraging. My school of thought was that at least a 4MG piece of gum that I know contains Nicotine is a step down. I may ride that out today/tomorrow, but I'm committed to address the root issue of nicotine addiction, rather than just a chewing habit/addiction. I plan to post roll once I've made that transition.
I hope that transition happens for you. Frankly, most people who post here with a future "plan to quit" in mind, never follow through. You're going to better off using the momentum you have now.

If you think continuing to use and tapering down will make the eventual quit any easier, you're mistaken. That isn't how chemical addiction works. Using less nicotine is only going to tease your system and make the cravings that much worse. It will prolong the withdrawal and probably make you feel like you'll never be able to handle actual cessation. "If this is how shitty cutting back feels, I'll never be able to actually quit, so I might as well keep using."

The way I see it, you've got an opportunity right now to make this happen. If you only knew how achievable this actually is and how good freedom actually feels, you'd jump on this opportunity like Oprah on a box of doughnuts. You can do this, you have what it takes, and Cold turkey is the best way to do it.
C-O-L-D T-U-R-K-E-Y baby. Get off all NIC. You CAN do this. We all are doing it every day, are you ready to commit, join us and take back your life???

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #415 on: September 06, 2017, 06:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Wyles
Just wanted to tell all my brothers and sisters affected by the hurricanes that you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe and stay strong all.
No joke. And if your town is filling a truck, put shit in there. Put something. We bought a few sleeves of diapers and tampons. Laugh if you want...
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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #414 on: September 06, 2017, 03:05:00 PM »
Just wanted to tell all my brothers and sisters affected by the hurricanes that you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe and stay strong all.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #413 on: September 05, 2017, 12:59:00 PM »
Quote from: jesse_IA
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: Samrs
Quote from: jesse_IA
Sounds like I will need to wait on roll call, No Cope in my mouth, but I'm chewing on nicotine gum. When I phase the gum out, I guess then I can start.
Jesse - all that chewing nicotine gum will do is extend your withdrawal symptoms. Believe me, I tried to quit many times using nicotine gum. Never worked for me - once I "quit" the gum, the dependency on nicotine was still there, and I was right back to chewing. When I found KTC, I was finally able to quit for good because the people here helped me understand that the only way to quit was to quit nicotine entirely.

You need to recognize that you don't have a chewing problem, or a smoking problem, or... whatever; you are dealing with a nicotine addiction. Changing the delivery method isn't going to help; it's just feeding the addiction in a different way.
Jesse, phase it out now! If you're going to quit, then at some point you're going to have to dig up some courage and actually toss it out. You say you've been thinking about this for several years - it's gone on long enough. Use the drive that led you to finally post here and make today the day.

All you have to do it worry about one day. Just go the rest of today without any nicotine, surely you can handle that. Worry about tomorrow when it gets here, but if you can make it today, you can be quit. I posted 492 today and I did that by doing it one single day at a time.
I'll echo what these guys have said.

Here's an article you may find interesting. A few years back I took an objective look at NRT.

Great information and just coming back to this thread and seeing multiple responses is helpful and encouraging. My school of thought was that at least a 4MG piece of gum that I know contains Nicotine is a step down. I may ride that out today/tomorrow, but I'm committed to address the root issue of nicotine addiction, rather than just a chewing habit/addiction. I plan to post roll once I've made that transition.
I hope that transition happens for you. Frankly, most people who post here with a future "plan to quit" in mind, never follow through. You're going to better off using the momentum you have now.

If you think continuing to use and tapering down will make the eventual quit any easier, you're mistaken. That isn't how chemical addiction works. Using less nicotine is only going to tease your system and make the cravings that much worse. It will prolong the withdrawal and probably make you feel like you'll never be able to handle actual cessation. "If this is how shitty cutting back feels, I'll never be able to actually quit, so I might as well keep using."

The way I see it, you've got an opportunity right now to make this happen. If you only knew how achievable this actually is and how good freedom actually feels, you'd jump on this opportunity like Oprah on a box of doughnuts. You can do this, you have what it takes, and Cold turkey is the best way to do it.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #412 on: September 05, 2017, 12:14:00 PM »
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: Samrs
Quote from: jesse_IA
Sounds like I will need to wait on roll call, No Cope in my mouth, but I'm chewing on nicotine gum. When I phase the gum out, I guess then I can start.
Jesse - all that chewing nicotine gum will do is extend your withdrawal symptoms. Believe me, I tried to quit many times using nicotine gum. Never worked for me - once I "quit" the gum, the dependency on nicotine was still there, and I was right back to chewing. When I found KTC, I was finally able to quit for good because the people here helped me understand that the only way to quit was to quit nicotine entirely.

You need to recognize that you don't have a chewing problem, or a smoking problem, or... whatever; you are dealing with a nicotine addiction. Changing the delivery method isn't going to help; it's just feeding the addiction in a different way.
Jesse, phase it out now! If you're going to quit, then at some point you're going to have to dig up some courage and actually toss it out. You say you've been thinking about this for several years - it's gone on long enough. Use the drive that led you to finally post here and make today the day.

All you have to do it worry about one day. Just go the rest of today without any nicotine, surely you can handle that. Worry about tomorrow when it gets here, but if you can make it today, you can be quit. I posted 492 today and I did that by doing it one single day at a time.
I'll echo what these guys have said.

Here's an article you may find interesting. A few years back I took an objective look at NRT.

Great information and just coming back to this thread and seeing multiple responses is helpful and encouraging. My school of thought was that at least a 4MG piece of gum that I know contains Nicotine is a step down. I may ride that out today/tomorrow, but I'm committed to address the root issue of nicotine addiction, rather than just a chewing habit/addiction. I plan to post roll once I've made that transition.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #411 on: September 05, 2017, 11:39:00 AM »
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: Samrs
Quote from: jesse_IA
Sounds like I will need to wait on roll call, No Cope in my mouth, but I'm chewing on nicotine gum. When I phase the gum out, I guess then I can start.
Jesse - all that chewing nicotine gum will do is extend your withdrawal symptoms. Believe me, I tried to quit many times using nicotine gum. Never worked for me - once I "quit" the gum, the dependency on nicotine was still there, and I was right back to chewing. When I found KTC, I was finally able to quit for good because the people here helped me understand that the only way to quit was to quit nicotine entirely.

You need to recognize that you don't have a chewing problem, or a smoking problem, or... whatever; you are dealing with a nicotine addiction. Changing the delivery method isn't going to help; it's just feeding the addiction in a different way.
Jesse, phase it out now! If you're going to quit, then at some point you're going to have to dig up some courage and actually toss it out. You say you've been thinking about this for several years - it's gone on long enough. Use the drive that led you to finally post here and make today the day.

All you have to do it worry about one day. Just go the rest of today without any nicotine, surely you can handle that. Worry about tomorrow when it gets here, but if you can make it today, you can be quit. I posted 492 today and I did that by doing it one single day at a time.
I'll echo what these guys have said.

Here's an article you may find interesting. A few years back I took an objective look at NRT.

"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #410 on: September 05, 2017, 11:29:00 AM »
Quote from: Samrs
Quote from: jesse_IA
Sounds like I will need to wait on roll call, No Cope in my mouth, but I'm chewing on nicotine gum. When I phase the gum out, I guess then I can start.
Jesse - all that chewing nicotine gum will do is extend your withdrawal symptoms. Believe me, I tried to quit many times using nicotine gum. Never worked for me - once I "quit" the gum, the dependency on nicotine was still there, and I was right back to chewing. When I found KTC, I was finally able to quit for good because the people here helped me understand that the only way to quit was to quit nicotine entirely.

You need to recognize that you don't have a chewing problem, or a smoking problem, or... whatever; you are dealing with a nicotine addiction. Changing the delivery method isn't going to help; it's just feeding the addiction in a different way.
Jesse, phase it out now! If you're going to quit, then at some point you're going to have to dig up some courage and actually toss it out. You say you've been thinking about this for several years - it's gone on long enough. Use the drive that led you to finally post here and make today the day.

All you have to do it worry about one day. Just go the rest of today without any nicotine, surely you can handle that. Worry about tomorrow when it gets here, but if you can make it today, you can be quit. I posted 492 today and I did that by doing it one single day at a time.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #409 on: September 05, 2017, 11:20:00 AM »
Quote from: jesse_IA
Sounds like I will need to wait on roll call, No Cope in my mouth, but I'm chewing on nicotine gum. When I phase the gum out, I guess then I can start.
Jesse - all that chewing nicotine gum will do is extend your withdrawal symptoms. Believe me, I tried to quit many times using nicotine gum. Never worked for me - once I "quit" the gum, the dependency on nicotine was still there, and I was right back to chewing. When I found KTC, I was finally able to quit for good because the people here helped me understand that the only way to quit was to quit nicotine entirely.

You need to recognize that you don't have a chewing problem, or a smoking problem, or... whatever; you are dealing with a nicotine addiction. Changing the delivery method isn't going to help; it's just feeding the addiction in a different way.
"We have so much experience here in lying to ourselves and others, that it takes a strong voice to snap ourselves out of it... Be thankful that all these people are willing to be invested in you saving your life." -- drstober
"You're playing a game of chicken with a dead plant in a plastic can. If you cave you lost to a dead plant." -- Candoit
"The answer isn't more numbers. The answer is build relationships." -- Broccoli-saurus
"ok. now groop hug." -- 'drome
"The rule is WUPP (Wake Up Piss Post) regardless of time or zone, unless you are in the Phantom Zone.  In that case, hit up Jor-El and he can get you on roll." -- S412
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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #408 on: September 05, 2017, 10:45:00 AM »
Sounds like I will need to wait on roll call, No Cope in my mouth, but I'm chewing on nicotine gum. When I phase the gum out, I guess then I can start.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #407 on: September 05, 2017, 09:53:00 AM »
Quote from: jesse_IA
First post, first day registered on the site even though I have viewed the site, plenty of threads, motivation, etc for probably the last 4-5 years here and there when I was thinking of quitting. Today at 5am finished a can off and it hit again that I just spent another $7 on this terrible habit, I didn't enjoy a single dip, but I've been a slave to it.....So I decided I wasn't going to stop at the gas station and pick one up, maybe today would be the day. This is the first day I have driven to work, dropped my kids off at daycare, and sat at my desk for an hour without a dip in for well over a year....I'm not even 3 hours in and I feel like I need to speak up and let someone know I am quitting to drive home some accountability.
Jesse, if you're really looking for accountability, get on over to the December quit group and post roll.

Roll is our way of promising each other that we will not have nicotine for the day. We post roll every day here. Our system is pretty simple. Wake up, post roll, and keep your word for the day. Then, the next day, do it all over again. If you make that promise early - first thing every morning - and commit to making it every day, no matter what, then your chances of staying quit will go up exponentially.

Here's some links on the main site that will help you understand what you're going to be going through:

Here's How You Quit... Ball Is In Your Court Now
What To Expect When You Quit Dipping
Symptoms of Quitting Dip and Chew

Hang in there. The first few days can be brutal. Post roll, make connections, and lean on us to help you get through it.
"We have so much experience here in lying to ourselves and others, that it takes a strong voice to snap ourselves out of it... Be thankful that all these people are willing to be invested in you saving your life." -- drstober
"You're playing a game of chicken with a dead plant in a plastic can. If you cave you lost to a dead plant." -- Candoit
"The answer isn't more numbers. The answer is build relationships." -- Broccoli-saurus
"ok. now groop hug." -- 'drome
"The rule is WUPP (Wake Up Piss Post) regardless of time or zone, unless you are in the Phantom Zone.  In that case, hit up Jor-El and he can get you on roll." -- S412
My Intro - The Weight of Days - Mall Walking - Workin' it off in the Excercise Group

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #406 on: September 05, 2017, 09:34:00 AM »
First post, first day registered on the site even though I have viewed the site, plenty of threads, motivation, etc for probably the last 4-5 years here and there when I was thinking of quitting. Today at 5am finished a can off and it hit again that I just spent another $7 on this terrible habit, I didn't enjoy a single dip, but I've been a slave to it.....So I decided I wasn't going to stop at the gas station and pick one up, maybe today would be the day. This is the first day I have driven to work, dropped my kids off at daycare, and sat at my desk for an hour without a dip in for well over a year....I'm not even 3 hours in and I feel like I need to speak up and let someone know I am quitting to drive home some accountability.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #405 on: September 05, 2017, 12:07:00 AM »
Hello. 7 days in. 25 years of chewing. Has a white sore show up a week ago upper gum cheek area..white film scrapes off and bleeds a little. White film returns .Hurts a little .Scared to death..quit many times but I feel like this one is going to stick .Never been this afraid before..looking for some advice.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #404 on: August 30, 2017, 03:21:00 PM »
Quote from: sfurze76
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: sfurze76
How does HOF work? Where does the train conductor come from?
Hall of Fame is when someone has reached 100 days quit. It's a significant milestone and considered the "End of the Beginning." It's really just another day, but we recognize it at KTC because it's a goal that new quitters can wrap their minds around.

Conductors come about when two people love each other very much, decide that they'd like to bring a baby into the world and make passionate, unprotected love.  About 9 months later, a baby Conductor pops out and begins life. At some point that baby becomes and adolescent/ young adult/ adult and decides to start dipping. It's a stupid fucking decision, but you don't get to be Conductor without making a series of stupid life decisions. At some other point, our Conductor to be, actually makes a good decision and Quits. He or she kicks ass and stays quit, while also being active and giving back to other quitters in the KTC community. After our predestined Conductor reaches HOF, his/ her own Conductors will select him/ her, and one other from that HOF month, to drive the HOF train for the next group (one month removed). So August Conductors will lead in October and then select two Quitters from October to lead December.

It's one of nature's beautiful, unbroken cycles of life.
So 2 of us from sept will be conductors for nov and we as a group decide which 2 or can we have more than 2 conductors in sept
The Conductors from your group will be selected by the Conductors for your group. They'll be from July and should be announced sometime tomorrow.

Don't worry about it, just enjoy the HOF month and keep on quitting today. The rest is just gravy.