Alright here's a question for anybody that's listening. I'm 111 days into my quit and this is the first time I'm posting. Been ghosting this site pretty much since the beginning, reading stories, trying to gain some encouragement where I can. Haven't wanted to start again ever since I stopped. Not a damn chance. The side affects however have been putting me through the ringer. I haven't felt like myself in 111 days and I mean every bit of that. Severe depression, severe anxiety, light sensitivity, eye twitch, depersonalization, headaches, trouble completing thoughts, trouble remembering things, sleep disturbances, mood swings, the list goes on and on and on and on. I guess what I'm wondering here is, has anybody else felt this severity of symptoms with no relenting after such a long period of time? I almost can't remember what it feels like to feel normal, I just know that I don't. I'm working with a doctor and a psychiatrist and all that bullshit, so I've got all the professional opinions, but what I want to hear is the opinions of real motherfuckers who know what quitting is like. Part of me suspects maybe there is something more sinister at work and part of me thinks I'm just being a bitch and I need to own up to the shit I put my body through for so long. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks,