If that was my attitude a couple nights ago, my quit would be toast right now. We've all tried to do this thing on our own before, with no success. Now look at all the guys on here that are quit because they used the tools they learned on here. I don't know what it's like to be on day 380, but that's a big damn number. Slam the door on the what-ifs. That's the devil playing games with you. Grab your ball and go home. Quit with you all day today Candy.
Sorry KN. This is nothing to do with quit. But getting my business off the ground. They want me to go back to a 9-5 salaried position, it is safe. Not that every job I ever had made me miserable.
Gotcha. Nonetheless, I quit with you anyway, and good luck with the business stuff.
Thanks KN.
I am finding that I am almost reverting in away. About this point a year ago, I used the boards to share my thoughts and ideas. Not for any great purpose or reasoning, but just as a place to capture them.
Both Mcarmo and Wastepanel said it that there is an ebb and flow to activity here. I am really finding that to be true. But the phrase that stands out to me is that KTC is what you need when you need it. Believe it or not that is from Mcarmo.
I am truely frustrated and disappointed with myself for things that I can not control or change. I can not create money or business when there is none. Everyone says its a number game or just push through. I want to, I want to stay at Aflac. For the first time in my life I own my business. But it takes time. Time is something a stressed wife doesn't want to give me.
It is difficult when you have deeply ingrained morals, values, and expectations. So when you find something that meets all three and you can see that there is great potential, but the wife wants you give it up for instant finical security. What do you do?