Couple years ago I was lost in the woods. I went for a hike and got distracted. I was about 5 feet off the trail, and totally lost. It happens... It was summer time, and kinda late in the day. See... the plan was a quick hike in the woods and get back in time for supper... I had zero supplies, no food, no water, no watch, no compass, nothing.
Being lost in the woods is scary, but you have to remain calm. I knew I had to make goals really quick, put a plan together and execute my plan. I've spent enough time in the woods I knew what had to happen. I knew I would need shelter if this was going to be longer than a few hours to find my exit... I knew food and water were going to be an issue by sunrise. I also knew I wouldn't have to worry about either one, if I simply got out of the woods.
I started walking. And in the thick Wisconsin woods, you cannot see very far. So I marked the spot I was standing, then I picked a point I could see and walked towards it. Progress... that is a good thing... Again, I marked where I was standing, looked off in the distance and picked a point to walk towards, but this time I had a reference of where I previously stood. my line could be straighter now.. thus taking me out of the woods quicker...
I repeated this process over and over again, trying to walk as straight of line as I could. There were obstacles in my way, things like downed trees, creeks, animals (Badgers are scary looking things in the wild) I also had to go around many things I would normally go over, I simply couldn't risk a twisted ankle or other injury.. but as long as I knew where I came from and where I was headed, I was on the right path... the path to freedom... the path to out of this woods...
That's kinda how I feel about this quit journey.. I didn't have the knowledge, or the equipment to do this on my own... but I found it here. I knew I wanted out of the "woods" I wanted to be free of my addiction. It started with a simple roll post "Batdad911 - 60 hours and counting." and I knew where I was starting, and where I wanted to go... I had to try... I had to try and get out of the woods! Every day I showed up and repeated the process over and over again. Making my promise, and keeping my word.. There have been bumps in the road, scary cravings, moments of weakness. tears of sadness and joy... plenty of rage days.. times I wanted to throw in the towel.. times I wanted to never be on KTC again... but I kept on, I tried not to do anything that would ruin my quit... I tried to avoid the danger zones... I want to get out of these woods...
My journey isn't over, but I know if I keep moving forward, remember where I have been and mark the spots I am at now, I will get there...
500 days is huge. It is a bigger milestone than I could have ever imagined. I'm not out o the woods yet. I gotta keep pushing, making smart choices and keep moving forward. I'm not out of the woods yet!!