Day 1,000. Boy does that dangle look nice! And boy, does the freedom from nicotine feel so nice!! Been said before, but when I was in the middle of shoving my face full of cancer, I never thought I'd be here. Wanted to quit, tried, but couldn't seal the deal.
KTC sealed the deal. The accountability and the people that hold you accountable are what make this place work!! Too many people to thank and afraid I'd miss someone.
...thank you to KTC
...thank you to the creators, the admins and the mods for keeping this place up and running smoothly.
...thank you to the AUG17 BBTBTB's.
...thank you to our AUG17 mentors and conductors.
...thank you to each quitter that I've interacted with on the forum.
...thank you to each quitter that I text my promise to each day (and will continue to do going forward - we are never cured).
...thank you to those that I have met face to face.
You have all made my quit stronger, made me a better man and made my life better because it is no longer centered around needing a nicotine fix.