Day 82
How did it get to be day 82 already? I was in chat tonight helping a fresh quit get set up with the forums. I don't even remember registering. Did I register on the forums first? Did I lurk on chat? I have no idea. All I know is I wake up in the morning (or if I'm still awake when new roll starts) I post my new day, each and every day.
I try to help the new quitters in chat. I guess if I can help one person, my time there is worth it, but I still wonder if I'm doing any good helping anyone out there.
The past few weeks have been a little rough. In my last update on here I talked about hitting the fog hard again. For the most part, the fog has lifted again. I went to the doctor and we played around with my medication again, and added a treatment on top of that, which has made life a little interesting. I do have to say though, I'm slowly feeling better. This is the first time in over ten years that I feel “okay” for the most part. It's been a long long time since I've felt that, and not going to sugarcoat it- it feels pretty damn good.
One of our stronger members in our quit group ended up caving. This was someone I had gotten fairly close to, leaned on each other for support, but they made up their mind. I got a text right after they caved and spoke to them later that night.
And it fucking hurt. It still hurts. Probably more than it should. I guess my cold frigid heart cares more about people and their quits than I thought. It scared me too; got rid of my half assed complacent feeling. If that person could cave while having such a seemingly strong quit, then what about the rest of us? It just goes to prove that if we all want to continue to stay quit, we really do have to fight every fucking day. And keep on fighting. And keep on leaning each other. This really isn't going to go away. Ever.
And that makes me angry and just plain sad that I ever started dipping in the first place. If I would have known all of this now when I started, I would have never touched a damn can.
The bright side of all this is that there are people on here that have turned into my quit rocks. Yes, I am doing this quit by myself, for myself, but there are a few people on here that I owe. I thought when I started this journey that the “brotherhood” thing was exaggerated. I didn't expect that 82 days later I would have a handful of people that probably know my moods, my thoughts, etc. better than I do some days. And I love those brothers.
In just a few weeks I'll hit my HOF, but what will I write then that I haven't written now? Because, fuck yeah, 82 days! 100 days! But those numbers are just another day. Sure, they're milestones, but is 100 any better than 82? When I first started? Day count is important to me, but being nic free outweighs that.