Author Topic: Unexpected Day #1  (Read 57219 times)

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #124 on: October 14, 2016, 04:01:00 PM »
You are like the umpzillionth person who quit because of a tooth extraction. God is a funny cat - He helps us out of our messes in the craziest ways sometimes.

Anyway, stay strong and keep the faith, girl, you are doing great!
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee
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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #123 on: October 14, 2016, 12:12:00 AM »
I love what you wrote here Harvest Girl. You have committed yourself to the highest standard of posting roll and keeping your word. Keep going girl! You are committed to this now.

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #122 on: October 14, 2016, 12:12:00 AM »
I love what you wrote here Harvest Girl. You have committed yourself to the highest standard of posting roll and keeping your word. Keep going girl! You are committed to this now.

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #121 on: October 13, 2016, 08:06:00 PM »
A notice to recent cavers, people who are currently tempted to cave, and you idiots who think you're bigger than this and will cave:

Fuck you and your high horse you rode in on.

You made a promise, and we do not take promises lightly. You know what burns my ass? When I can't get on the forums and get notifications to take care of a problem in the form of a fucking caver.

Do yourself a favor and don't piss me off in that regard. I, along with others, will drag you to the front of the class and shine the spot light.

You are an adult. You have to make conscious decisions every damn day. You chose at one point to place a wad of chew in your mouth. I seriously doubt that someone forced you down to the ground and shoved a dip in your lip.

Because I sure as hell know I wasn't held at gunpoint. I made that stupid choice willingly. You also made that choice, and you then at some point made that choice to quit, just as I did.

I am not alone in this story. Every single person here wants the same goal- to quit and stay quit. With that said, YOU need to work for it.

When you cave, you disappoint every single other person here. When you cave, you disappoint an entire community. We therefore then care about your quit more than you care about your own quit. This ENTIRE community has the SAME thing in common. Why are you the exception? Why do you think you're above the willpower and inner strength that we have to pull daily. Some of us have only been quit for a few days, some of us on here have been for years.

Those three questions?
1. What happened?
2. Why did it happen?
3. How are you going to keep it from happening again?

Think about those questions every day, even if you haven't caved.

What happened? I made a decision that affected my life in a negative way. I chanced my health, I wasted money, I was inconsiderate of my family and friends.
Why did it happen? I was not thinking of the consequences. I did not think of cancer, disease, defects, debt, etc. I was young, stupid, but I have no one to blame but myself. I own this mistake.
How are you going to keep it from happening again? I made a public promise and dedication to KTC, my friends, my family, that I was quitting all forms of nicotine; I was going to lead a healthier lifestyle, I was going to pay it forward. If I can help one other person quit, then my experience and pain of my quit not only saved me, it helped another.

So pull your head out of your ass.
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas
Quit Date: 9.26.16 HOF Date: 1.3.17 9th Floor: 3.14.19
Read my Intro.
Read my HOF Speech.

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #120 on: October 12, 2016, 11:03:00 AM »
Quote from: harvestgirl
I'm crushing the fuck out of this quit.

Today wraps up Day 16 and the past few days I've finally started to feel more human. The "total body reset" seems to have gone away for now. This past Sunday was awful- cravings off and on all damn day. The fog is much better, and my regularly scheduled late afternoon rage fest has started to dissipate. 4pm doesn't hurt so much anymore.

I'm exhausted though. Every day I get up and I'm not sure how I make it through the day. I just do.

Bravado gets you everywhere in your quit! Gots to own it and never give in to fear. You're in control... always! Rock it, sis.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #119 on: October 12, 2016, 09:20:00 AM »
Quote from: harvestgirl
I'm crushing the fuck out of this quit.

Today wraps up Day 16 and the past few days I've finally started to feel more human. The "total body reset" seems to have gone away for now. This past Sunday was awful- cravings off and on all damn day. The fog is much better, and my regularly scheduled late afternoon rage fest has started to dissipate. 4pm doesn't hurt so much anymore.

I'm exhausted though. Every day I get up and I'm not sure how I make it through the day. I just do.
Fuck Yeah girl! 'oh yeah'

So proud of you. Stay strong, stay pissed, stay close to us here. Keep us up to date- love reading this shit man!

Offline harvestgirl

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #118 on: October 12, 2016, 12:12:00 AM »
I'm crushing the fuck out of this quit.

Today wraps up Day 16 and the past few days I've finally started to feel more human. The "total body reset" seems to have gone away for now. This past Sunday was awful- cravings off and on all damn day. The fog is much better, and my regularly scheduled late afternoon rage fest has started to dissipate. 4pm doesn't hurt so much anymore.

I'm exhausted though. Every day I get up and I'm not sure how I make it through the day. I just do.
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas
Quit Date: 9.26.16 HOF Date: 1.3.17 9th Floor: 3.14.19
Read my Intro.
Read my HOF Speech.

Offline brettlees

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #117 on: October 11, 2016, 10:22:00 AM »
how's it going Harvest, any bright spots showing up yet? Still crushing it?
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #116 on: October 08, 2016, 11:26:00 AM »
Quote from: harvestgirl
I've been encouraged by a few vets to keep journaling during my quit- the highs, the lows, my personal "moments".
Today is day 12.
There's been some cavers in my quit group and I took some time to reflect on why it was bothering me so much, especially since it's only my Day 12. The vets in the chat were just as heated as I was in confronting some of the cavers and calling them out. I'm normally not a confrontational person, but for whatever reason, this was making my blood boil. And then I figured it out.

I have been non stop on the go for most of this year.

I got married in March. No time for a honeymoon- we came back home afterwards and a few days later we jumped right into field work and then planting approx 25k acres. The last week of May we bought our first real house. I packed, moved, and unpacked all by myself for four days straight, with a trip to OK to haul equipment thrown in the middle of that. The first few days of June, we loaded the rest of the equipment and left for wheat harvest. We didn't get home besides for a few days here and there until one week ago. Last Saturday (10/1/16) we jumped in on our own fall harvest. I'm still unpacking the house and our luggage, swamped with laundry, trying to get errands done, all while generally working 14+ hours a day. There hasn't been a break for us since our wedding day- March 5th. Unless it rains (or snows), we don't get to sleep in. We don't get a day off. We don't get a weekend free until our fall harvest is over with and in the bins. I farm. I get it, this is how life is for us and I love it, the majority of the time.

Why does this matter? I am tired. I am burnt out. I am running on fumes. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel. There is no "recharge" until probably middle of November at the earliest. There's hardly any sleep, hardly any hot meals, and now there's no comfort and security blanket of having a can of chew in my pocket. And, this is just work. This doesn't include my personal health problems, my mental issues, the regular worries of day to day life that we all have.

This is why I'm proud of MY quit. If I can feel all this, and quit (prompted by having to have two teeth extracted while on the road), then I feel like I can pretty much do anything. There's not very many things in my life that I can truly be proud of. This, I can. And I am. This is something personal that can't be taken away from me.

That's why I get fired up at people who cave and don't own up to their mistakes. If I can stick with it, they can stick with it, no matter what they're going through. This post isn't meant to undermine what others are going through in their quit. This is just part of my own personal journey.
Hot damn! Want to see the definition of a bad ass quitter?? This is it right here!! When you get invested in your quit, in your brother and sister quitters, you start to take every damn cave personal. It pisses you off. You want to kick their ass. Good! Take it out on the Nic-Bitch. Let it reinforce your quit. Let it make you in to the best damn quitter there is. This isn't the Jedi. You need to have emotion, passion. Exchange numbers, when your group gets a groupme get on it. Hopefully your husband will see the light and get on the quit train with you.

Remember you are a bad ass quitter. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Hollar if you need any help. We are all here for each other. We are Ohana.

Oh and to put it in perspective, I've had a total of 4 teeth (and two wisdom) pulled in the last couple years. 2 of those and 2 wisdom at the same time this time last year! It sucks!!!!!
No day but today.

Semper Fi

24 years of dipping = 8,765 days of slavery to the nic-bitch (approximately)

Quit date June 12th, 2015

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #115 on: October 08, 2016, 11:07:00 AM »
You... rock.

That's all there is to it.

You listen. You act. You invest. You care. You want this, and...

You. Own. This.

Rock on sis...
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #114 on: October 08, 2016, 01:27:00 AM »
Quote from: sooverit
Quote from: harvestgirl
I've been encouraged by a few vets to keep journaling during my quit- the highs, the lows, my personal "moments".
Today is day 12.
There's been some cavers in my quit group and I took some time to reflect on why it was bothering me so much, especially since it's only my Day 12. The vets in the chat were just as heated as I was in confronting some of the cavers and calling them out. I'm normally not a confrontational person, but for whatever reason, this was making my blood boil. And then I figured it out.

I have been non stop on the go for most of this year.

I got married in March. No time for a honeymoon- we came back home afterwards and a few days later we jumped right into field work and then planting approx 25k acres. The last week of May we bought our first real house. I packed, moved, and unpacked all by myself for four days straight, with a trip to OK to haul equipment thrown in the middle of that. The first few days of June, we loaded the rest of the equipment and left for wheat harvest. We didn't get home besides for a few days here and there until one week ago. Last Saturday (10/1/16) we jumped in on our own fall harvest. I'm still unpacking the house and our luggage, swamped with laundry, trying to get errands done, all while generally working 14+ hours a day. There hasn't been a break for us since our wedding day- March 5th. Unless it rains (or snows), we don't get to sleep in. We don't get a day off. We don't get a weekend free until our fall harvest is over with and in the bins. I farm. I get it, this is how life is for us and I love it, the majority of the time.

Why does this matter? I am tired. I am burnt out. I am running on fumes. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel. There is no "recharge" until probably middle of November at the earliest. There's hardly any sleep, hardly any hot meals, and now there's no comfort and security blanket of having a can of chew in my pocket. And, this is just work. This doesn't include my personal health problems, my mental issues, the regular worries of day to day life that we all have.

This is why I'm proud of MY quit. If I can feel all this, and quit (prompted by having to have two teeth extracted while on the road), then I feel like I can pretty much do anything. There's not very many things in my life that I can truly be proud of. This, I can. And I am. This is something personal that can't be taken away from me.

That's why I get fired up at people who cave and don't own up to their mistakes. If I can stick with it, they can stick with it, no matter what they're going through. This post isn't meant to undermine what others are going through in their quit. This is just part of my own personal journey.
Amen, sister. I feel the same way. We're all busy, some of us very much so. I help run the family commercial construction company. Overtime work load with part time hours because I'm also homeschooling my two oldest (5 and 6). Every single day is an up-hill battle of "how am I going to get as much done as possible." Always working (working now on this Friday night), never enough sleep, never enough time with my family, very little down time, always struggling to keep up on everything. Even so, I'm a 117 day EDD poster. You're totally right: if it's important, we find a way to make it work. No excuses. You're doing an awesome job on your quit! This is one thing that is for sure worth it! Keep killing it!
Tractor folk....
Feels like we work harder than most.
Not true.
Feels like we need some help to do the job better.
Not true.
"Feels like"... is the caboose!
"Truth".... is the engine.
Truth is ... Nicotine has never helped you.
Truth is....Nicotine will never make things better.
Truth is....Nicotine will kill you.
You are learning, one problem plus nicotine = 2 problems.
You girl... Are working through the thorns and thistle.
You keep posting.
Your harvest will fill many a barn.
Proud of your 11 days.
Keep sharing.. Keep Chatting.
I Quit with you today.
Rawls 690
I believe.....

Offline sooverit

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #113 on: October 08, 2016, 12:29:00 AM »
Quote from: harvestgirl
I've been encouraged by a few vets to keep journaling during my quit- the highs, the lows, my personal "moments".
Today is day 12.
There's been some cavers in my quit group and I took some time to reflect on why it was bothering me so much, especially since it's only my Day 12. The vets in the chat were just as heated as I was in confronting some of the cavers and calling them out. I'm normally not a confrontational person, but for whatever reason, this was making my blood boil. And then I figured it out.

I have been non stop on the go for most of this year.

I got married in March. No time for a honeymoon- we came back home afterwards and a few days later we jumped right into field work and then planting approx 25k acres. The last week of May we bought our first real house. I packed, moved, and unpacked all by myself for four days straight, with a trip to OK to haul equipment thrown in the middle of that. The first few days of June, we loaded the rest of the equipment and left for wheat harvest. We didn't get home besides for a few days here and there until one week ago. Last Saturday (10/1/16) we jumped in on our own fall harvest. I'm still unpacking the house and our luggage, swamped with laundry, trying to get errands done, all while generally working 14+ hours a day. There hasn't been a break for us since our wedding day- March 5th. Unless it rains (or snows), we don't get to sleep in. We don't get a day off. We don't get a weekend free until our fall harvest is over with and in the bins. I farm. I get it, this is how life is for us and I love it, the majority of the time.

Why does this matter? I am tired. I am burnt out. I am running on fumes. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel. There is no "recharge" until probably middle of November at the earliest. There's hardly any sleep, hardly any hot meals, and now there's no comfort and security blanket of having a can of chew in my pocket. And, this is just work. This doesn't include my personal health problems, my mental issues, the regular worries of day to day life that we all have.

This is why I'm proud of MY quit. If I can feel all this, and quit (prompted by having to have two teeth extracted while on the road), then I feel like I can pretty much do anything. There's not very many things in my life that I can truly be proud of. This, I can. And I am. This is something personal that can't be taken away from me.

That's why I get fired up at people who cave and don't own up to their mistakes. If I can stick with it, they can stick with it, no matter what they're going through. This post isn't meant to undermine what others are going through in their quit. This is just part of my own personal journey.
Amen, sister. I feel the same way. We're all busy, some of us very much so. I help run the family commercial construction company. Overtime work load with part time hours because I'm also homeschooling my two oldest (5 and 6). Every single day is an up-hill battle of "how am I going to get as much done as possible." Always working (working now on this Friday night), never enough sleep, never enough time with my family, very little down time, always struggling to keep up on everything. Even so, I'm a 117 day EDD poster. You're totally right: if it's important, we find a way to make it work. No excuses. You're doing an awesome job on your quit! This is one thing that is for sure worth it! Keep killing it!

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #112 on: October 07, 2016, 09:40:00 PM »
Quote from: harvestgirl
I've been encouraged by a few vets to keep journaling during my quit- the highs, the lows, my personal "moments".
Today is day 12.
There's been some cavers in my quit group and I took some time to reflect on why it was bothering me so much, especially since it's only my Day 12. The vets in the chat were just as heated as I was in confronting some of the cavers and calling them out. I'm normally not a confrontational person, but for whatever reason, this was making my blood boil. And then I figured it out.

I have been non stop on the go for most of this year.

I got married in March. No time for a honeymoon- we came back home afterwards and a few days later we jumped right into field work and then planting approx 25k acres. The last week of May we bought our first real house. I packed, moved, and unpacked all by myself for four days straight, with a trip to OK to haul equipment thrown in the middle of that. The first few days of June, we loaded the rest of the equipment and left for wheat harvest. We didn't get home besides for a few days here and there until one week ago. Last Saturday (10/1/16) we jumped in on our own fall harvest. I'm still unpacking the house and our luggage, swamped with laundry, trying to get errands done, all while generally working 14+ hours a day. There hasn't been a break for us since our wedding day- March 5th. Unless it rains (or snows), we don't get to sleep in. We don't get a day off. We don't get a weekend free until our fall harvest is over with and in the bins. I farm. I get it, this is how life is for us and I love it, the majority of the time.

Why does this matter? I am tired. I am burnt out. I am running on fumes. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel. There is no "recharge" until probably middle of November at the earliest. There's hardly any sleep, hardly any hot meals, and now there's no comfort and security blanket of having a can of chew in my pocket. And, this is just work. This doesn't include my personal health problems, my mental issues, the regular worries of day to day life that we all have.

This is why I'm proud of MY quit. If I can feel all this, and quit (prompted by having to have two teeth extracted while on the road), then I feel like I can pretty much do anything. There's not very many things in my life that I can truly be proud of. This, I can. And I am. This is something personal that can't be taken away from me.

That's why I get fired up at people who cave and don't own up to their mistakes. If I can stick with it, they can stick with it, no matter what they're going through. This post isn't meant to undermine what others are going through in their quit. This is just part of my own personal journey.
Agreed and well said! If I can you can - I have yet to see a caver post a legitimate reason to cave.

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #111 on: October 07, 2016, 08:36:00 PM »
I've been encouraged by a few vets to keep journaling during my quit- the highs, the lows, my personal "moments".
Today is day 12.
There's been some cavers in my quit group and I took some time to reflect on why it was bothering me so much, especially since it's only my Day 12. The vets in the chat were just as heated as I was in confronting some of the cavers and calling them out. I'm normally not a confrontational person, but for whatever reason, this was making my blood boil. And then I figured it out.

I have been non stop on the go for most of this year.

I got married in March. No time for a honeymoon- we came back home afterwards and a few days later we jumped right into field work and then planting approx 25k acres. The last week of May we bought our first real house. I packed, moved, and unpacked all by myself for four days straight, with a trip to OK to haul equipment thrown in the middle of that. The first few days of June, we loaded the rest of the equipment and left for wheat harvest. We didn't get home besides for a few days here and there until one week ago. Last Saturday (10/1/16) we jumped in on our own fall harvest. I'm still unpacking the house and our luggage, swamped with laundry, trying to get errands done, all while generally working 14+ hours a day. There hasn't been a break for us since our wedding day- March 5th. Unless it rains (or snows), we don't get to sleep in. We don't get a day off. We don't get a weekend free until our fall harvest is over with and in the bins. I farm. I get it, this is how life is for us and I love it, the majority of the time.

Why does this matter? I am tired. I am burnt out. I am running on fumes. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel. There is no "recharge" until probably middle of November at the earliest. There's hardly any sleep, hardly any hot meals, and now there's no comfort and security blanket of having a can of chew in my pocket. And, this is just work. This doesn't include my personal health problems, my mental issues, the regular worries of day to day life that we all have.

This is why I'm proud of MY quit. If I can feel all this, and quit (prompted by having to have two teeth extracted while on the road), then I feel like I can pretty much do anything. There's not very many things in my life that I can truly be proud of. This, I can. And I am. This is something personal that can't be taken away from me.

That's why I get fired up at people who cave and don't own up to their mistakes. If I can stick with it, they can stick with it, no matter what they're going through. This post isn't meant to undermine what others are going through in their quit. This is just part of my own personal journey.
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas
Quit Date: 9.26.16 HOF Date: 1.3.17 9th Floor: 3.14.19
Read my Intro.
Read my HOF Speech.

Offline brettlees

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Re: Unexpected Day #1
« Reply #110 on: October 07, 2016, 10:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: harvestgirl
Day 11: "Total Body Reset"

The first ten days were smooth(ish) sailing, until about 8pm last night.
Since then, my body has provided a wonderful karmic experience in the form of shakes, aches, chills, headaches, nausea, and one hell of a pissed off digestive system. An outsider would think it's the flu or something similar, but we all know better. My body is clinging on to the vestiges of the Nic Bitch like a high school girl that doesn't want to let go of her boyfriend to college.
As awful as I feel, the feeling of quit is 10x better.
This stuff is common. I had a lot of trouble sleeping and I would have cold sweats once or twice a day. Keep swatting away those triggers and keep winning! :)
It's normal. Have you had that first "awesome" day yet? Was about day 20 or so for me, so quit day by day because it only gets better from here on out.
^^^^ agreed, when that first awesome day hits-- even if not a full day.... Wow!

you have a great attitude and quit going. Feels like several of us are right there with you-- just keep slugging away when you need to, and use the breaks in the fight as a chance to breathe and recharge. You've got this!

All you have to do with the really tough times is ride through them. I think you get it, but nothing the nicbitch throws at you is gonna kill you- but she'll try all she has. All you have to do is get through whatever one is present, and when you do your mind is trained that that won't work anymore to get you to give in.

Keep it rolling ! cowboy
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!