A notice to recent cavers, people who are currently tempted to cave, and you idiots who think you're bigger than this and will cave:
Fuck you and your high horse you rode in on.
You made a promise, and we do not take promises lightly. You know what burns my ass? When I can't get on the forums and get notifications to take care of a problem in the form of a fucking caver.
Do yourself a favor and don't piss me off in that regard. I, along with others, will drag you to the front of the class and shine the spot light.
You are an adult. You have to make conscious decisions every damn day. You chose at one point to place a wad of chew in your mouth. I seriously doubt that someone forced you down to the ground and shoved a dip in your lip.
Because I sure as hell know I wasn't held at gunpoint. I made that stupid choice willingly. You also made that choice, and you then at some point made that choice to quit, just as I did.
I am not alone in this story. Every single person here wants the same goal- to quit and stay quit. With that said, YOU need to work for it.
When you cave, you disappoint every single other person here. When you cave, you disappoint an entire community. We therefore then care about your quit more than you care about your own quit. This ENTIRE community has the SAME thing in common. Why are you the exception? Why do you think you're above the willpower and inner strength that we have to pull daily. Some of us have only been quit for a few days, some of us on here have been for years.
Those three questions?
1. What happened?
2. Why did it happen?
3. How are you going to keep it from happening again?
Think about those questions every day, even if you haven't caved.
What happened? I made a decision that affected my life in a negative way. I chanced my health, I wasted money, I was inconsiderate of my family and friends.
Why did it happen? I was not thinking of the consequences. I did not think of cancer, disease, defects, debt, etc. I was young, stupid, but I have no one to blame but myself. I own this mistake.
How are you going to keep it from happening again? I made a public promise and dedication to KTC, my friends, my family, that I was quitting all forms of nicotine; I was going to lead a healthier lifestyle, I was going to pay it forward. If I can help one other person quit, then my experience and pain of my quit not only saved me, it helped another.
So pull your head out of your ass.