Author Topic: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy  (Read 9472 times)

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Offline SirDerek

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #58 on: November 05, 2013, 07:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: CC268
Holy christ....just because I am going on a trip that has been planned and I am the bad guy...what the hell?

You got hammered because the way your thinking.

Your worried your trip is going to cause you to cave and yet you still want to go.

If you don't invest in your quit how can you expect success? or even support?

You ask " What WOULD I do to stay quit" a

You should be asking " What WOULDN'T I do to stay quit.

Most of these guys hammering you would do just about anything short of murder to stay quit. If you want unconditional love and support instead of brutal honesty try heading over to LITE they like words like hope and try. If you want success? then stick around, start protecting your quit and get your mind right.

SM is right, we here are gonna tell you straight up. But got another for you.

You have said that you have had this upcoming trip planned. Well here is the perfect time to educate yourself and plan to remain quit. So what will you need?

seeds? fake (if you use)? trident gum? sugarfree candy/fireballs?

How about a few phone numbers for fellow quitters? This way you can stay in touch. Keep that daily accountability with yourself and your group.

We all quit one day at a time. We can never look too far ahead, but what we can do is plan for what we can control ahead. And then think before we take action.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #57 on: November 05, 2013, 07:01:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Holy christ....just because I am going on a trip that has been planned and I am the bad guy...what the hell?

You got hammered because the way your thinking.

Your worried your trip is going to cause you to cave and yet you still want to go.

If you don't invest in your quit how can you expect success? or even support?

You ask " What WOULD I do to stay quit" a

You should be asking " What WOULDN'T I do to stay quit.

Most of these guys hammering you would do just about anything short of murder to stay quit. If you want unconditional love and support instead of brutal honesty try heading over to LITE they like words like hope and try. If you want success? then stick around, start protecting your quit and get your mind right.

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline CC268

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #56 on: November 05, 2013, 06:09:00 PM »
Holy christ....just because I am going on a trip that has been planned and I am the bad guy...what the hell?

Offline Wt57

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #55 on: November 05, 2013, 03:27:00 PM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: CC268
Yea I need to quit I am just worried I won't be able to stick to the quit.
Why not? You a big ole Puss? Don't have any character or integrity?
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
How about " I refuse to put that shit in my face!

You must change your mindset!!!
Havent dipped so far....and all my damn friends smoke cigarettes...going on a dune trip this weekend...gonna be tough with all of them smoking!
Fuck Em. Tell them you quit. If they are any friends at all they will support you.

Take note of how often they smoke and how addiction is ruling them. Also realize every time they take that long drag off their lung dart that they are literally killing themselves. Picture their black and tarred up lungs getting filled with smoke. Fucking NASTY, brah.

Google image search "smokers lung" and stare at that shit.

You don't need that shit. Truth.

Quit on...
Maybe, if you really think about it and actually give a shit about your quit, the advice your given, and your integrity, you should pass on going to the dunes with your friends and stay home away from the obvious trigger that you have stated.

You know the trigger and the likely cause and effect. You stated them. What are you gonna do about it. Got a plan?

It all comes down to ONE THING.........

What Are You Willing To Do To Stay Quit??????

If it is not whatever it takes.......You are wasting both your time and ours...

Blunt and direct....Yes

Trip has been planned for a while...not going to "pass it up"...I am in school for Mechanical Engineering and it is about as stressful as a degree can get. I value the time I get to do other things besides school. Sorry
I realllllly hope all goes well. I want you to suceed... Believe me.

Yet I have seen this story play out before.

Don't bring your ass in here on Monday with some sad ass excuse that you slipped on the sand rolled down the hill, jumped up and had a dip in your cakehole.

It won't play out well.
Fuck you and your fucking college degree stress.

Wanna know what's stressful?


That shit stresses me the fuck out.

Fucking puss. Go on your fucking trip. I hope you have the fucking balls to come back here on Monday with your new Day 1.

Cancer doesn't plan trips 'for a while' either.

You don't know shit about stress.

I'm so fucking stressed out; I'm a 57 year old with nothing to think about but dying, my old wife suffers from diabetes and MS, I just finished 5 months of 18 hour days 7 days a week and for 40 damn years I used nicotine to cope with life (or so I thought) and now I don't have that crutch! Oh yea I almost forgot I've only hade sex 5 times this past 7 days. But with all my problems I posted roll this morning and decided not to put dip in my mouth today. Oh yea I've done the same damn thing everyday for 584 days so fuck your stressful life, grow some balls!!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #54 on: November 05, 2013, 03:21:00 PM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: CC268
Yea I need to quit I am just worried I won't be able to stick to the quit.
Why not? You a big ole Puss? Don't have any character or integrity?
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
How about " I refuse to put that shit in my face!

You must change your mindset!!!
Havent dipped so far....and all my damn friends smoke cigarettes...going on a dune trip this weekend...gonna be tough with all of them smoking!
Fuck Em. Tell them you quit. If they are any friends at all they will support you.

Take note of how often they smoke and how addiction is ruling them. Also realize every time they take that long drag off their lung dart that they are literally killing themselves. Picture their black and tarred up lungs getting filled with smoke. Fucking NASTY, brah.

Google image search "smokers lung" and stare at that shit.

You don't need that shit. Truth.

Quit on...
Maybe, if you really think about it and actually give a shit about your quit, the advice your given, and your integrity, you should pass on going to the dunes with your friends and stay home away from the obvious trigger that you have stated.

You know the trigger and the likely cause and effect. You stated them. What are you gonna do about it. Got a plan?

It all comes down to ONE THING.........

What Are You Willing To Do To Stay Quit??????

If it is not whatever it takes.......You are wasting both your time and ours...

Blunt and direct....Yes

Trip has been planned for a while...not going to "pass it up"...I am in school for Mechanical Engineering and it is about as stressful as a degree can get. I value the time I get to do other things besides school. Sorry
I realllllly hope all goes well. I want you to suceed... Believe me.

Yet I have seen this story play out before.

Don't bring your ass in here on Monday with some sad ass excuse that you slipped on the sand rolled down the hill, jumped up and had a dip in your cakehole.

It won't play out well.
Fuck you and your fucking college degree stress.

Wanna know what's stressful?


That shit stresses me the fuck out.

Fucking puss. Go on your fucking trip. I hope you have the fucking balls to come back here on Monday with your new Day 1.

Cancer doesn't plan trips 'for a while' either.

You don't know shit about stress.

Dont feed the trolls. 'bang head'

Offline Nolaq

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #53 on: November 05, 2013, 02:50:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: CC268
Yea I need to quit I am just worried I won't be able to stick to the quit.
Why not? You a big ole Puss? Don't have any character or integrity?
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
How about " I refuse to put that shit in my face!

You must change your mindset!!!
Havent dipped so far....and all my damn friends smoke cigarettes...going on a dune trip this weekend...gonna be tough with all of them smoking!
Fuck Em. Tell them you quit. If they are any friends at all they will support you.

Take note of how often they smoke and how addiction is ruling them. Also realize every time they take that long drag off their lung dart that they are literally killing themselves. Picture their black and tarred up lungs getting filled with smoke. Fucking NASTY, brah.

Google image search "smokers lung" and stare at that shit.

You don't need that shit. Truth.

Quit on...
Maybe, if you really think about it and actually give a shit about your quit, the advice your given, and your integrity, you should pass on going to the dunes with your friends and stay home away from the obvious trigger that you have stated.

You know the trigger and the likely cause and effect. You stated them. What are you gonna do about it. Got a plan?

It all comes down to ONE THING.........

What Are You Willing To Do To Stay Quit??????

If it is not whatever it takes.......You are wasting both your time and ours...

Blunt and direct....Yes

Trip has been planned for a while...not going to "pass it up"...I am in school for Mechanical Engineering and it is about as stressful as a degree can get. I value the time I get to do other things besides school. Sorry
I realllllly hope all goes well. I want you to suceed... Believe me.

Yet I have seen this story play out before.

Don't bring your ass in here on Monday with some sad ass excuse that you slipped on the sand rolled down the hill, jumped up and had a dip in your cakehole.

It won't play out well.
Fuck you and your fucking college degree stress.

Wanna know what's stressful?


That shit stresses me the fuck out.

Fucking puss. Go on your fucking trip. I hope you have the fucking balls to come back here on Monday with your new Day 1.

Cancer doesn't plan trips 'for a while' either.

You don't know shit about stress.

What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline RAZD611

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #52 on: November 05, 2013, 02:28:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: CC268
Yea I need to quit I am just worried I won't be able to stick to the quit.
Why not? You a big ole Puss? Don't have any character or integrity?
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
How about " I refuse to put that shit in my face!

You must change your mindset!!!
Havent dipped so far....and all my damn friends smoke cigarettes...going on a dune trip this weekend...gonna be tough with all of them smoking!
Fuck Em. Tell them you quit. If they are any friends at all they will support you.

Take note of how often they smoke and how addiction is ruling them. Also realize every time they take that long drag off their lung dart that they are literally killing themselves. Picture their black and tarred up lungs getting filled with smoke. Fucking NASTY, brah.

Google image search "smokers lung" and stare at that shit.

You don't need that shit. Truth.

Quit on...
Maybe, if you really think about it and actually give a shit about your quit, the advice your given, and your integrity, you should pass on going to the dunes with your friends and stay home away from the obvious trigger that you have stated.

You know the trigger and the likely cause and effect. You stated them. What are you gonna do about it. Got a plan?

It all comes down to ONE THING.........

What Are You Willing To Do To Stay Quit??????

If it is not whatever it takes.......You are wasting both your time and ours...

Blunt and direct....Yes

Trip has been planned for a while...not going to "pass it up"...I am in school for Mechanical Engineering and it is about as stressful as a degree can get. I value the time I get to do other things besides school. Sorry
I realllllly hope all goes well. I want you to suceed... Believe me.

Yet I have seen this story play out before.

Don't bring your ass in here on Monday with some sad ass excuse that you slipped on the sand rolled down the hill, jumped up and had a dip in your cakehole.

It won't play out well.
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Offline CC268

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #51 on: November 05, 2013, 02:15:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: CC268
Yea I need to quit I am just worried I won't be able to stick to the quit.
Why not? You a big ole Puss? Don't have any character or integrity?
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
How about " I refuse to put that shit in my face!

You must change your mindset!!!
Havent dipped so far....and all my damn friends smoke cigarettes...going on a dune trip this weekend...gonna be tough with all of them smoking!
Fuck Em. Tell them you quit. If they are any friends at all they will support you.

Take note of how often they smoke and how addiction is ruling them. Also realize every time they take that long drag off their lung dart that they are literally killing themselves. Picture their black and tarred up lungs getting filled with smoke. Fucking NASTY, brah.

Google image search "smokers lung" and stare at that shit.

You don't need that shit. Truth.

Quit on...
Maybe, if you really think about it and actually give a shit about your quit, the advice your given, and your integrity, you should pass on going to the dunes with your friends and stay home away from the obvious trigger that you have stated.

You know the trigger and the likely cause and effect. You stated them. What are you gonna do about it. Got a plan?

It all comes down to ONE THING.........

What Are You Willing To Do To Stay Quit??????

If it is not whatever it takes.......You are wasting both your time and ours...

Blunt and direct....Yes

Trip has been planned for a while...not going to "pass it up"...I am in school for Mechanical Engineering and it is about as stressful as a degree can get. I value the time I get to do other things besides school. Sorry

Offline RAZD611

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #50 on: November 05, 2013, 12:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: CC268
Yea I need to quit I am just worried I won't be able to stick to the quit.
Why not? You a big ole Puss? Don't have any character or integrity?
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
How about " I refuse to put that shit in my face!

You must change your mindset!!!
Havent dipped so far....and all my damn friends smoke cigarettes...going on a dune trip this weekend...gonna be tough with all of them smoking!
Fuck Em. Tell them you quit. If they are any friends at all they will support you.

Take note of how often they smoke and how addiction is ruling them. Also realize every time they take that long drag off their lung dart that they are literally killing themselves. Picture their black and tarred up lungs getting filled with smoke. Fucking NASTY, brah.

Google image search "smokers lung" and stare at that shit.

You don't need that shit. Truth.

Quit on...
Maybe, if you really think about it and actually give a shit about your quit, the advice your given, and your integrity, you should pass on going to the dunes with your friends and stay home away from the obvious trigger that you have stated.

You know the trigger and the likely cause and effect. You stated them. What are you gonna do about it. Got a plan?

It all comes down to ONE THING.........

What Are You Willing To Do To Stay Quit??????

If it is not whatever it takes.......You are wasting both your time and ours...

Blunt and direct....Yes

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Offline Diesel2112

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #49 on: November 04, 2013, 11:29:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: CC268
Yea I need to quit I am just worried I won't be able to stick to the quit.
Why not? You a big ole Puss? Don't have any character or integrity?
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
How about " I refuse to put that shit in my face!

You must change your mindset!!!
Havent dipped so far....and all my damn friends smoke cigarettes...going on a dune trip this weekend...gonna be tough with all of them smoking!
Fuck Em. Tell them you quit. If they are any friends at all they will support you.

Take note of how often they smoke and how addiction is ruling them. Also realize every time they take that long drag off their lung dart that they are literally killing themselves. Picture their black and tarred up lungs getting filled with smoke. Fucking NASTY, brah.

Google image search "smokers lung" and stare at that shit.

You don't need that shit. Truth.

Quit on...
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
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16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline CC268

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #48 on: November 04, 2013, 10:12:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: CC268
Yea I need to quit I am just worried I won't be able to stick to the quit.
Why not? You a big ole Puss? Don't have any character or integrity?
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
How about " I refuse to put that shit in my face!

You must change your mindset!!!
Havent dipped so far....and all my damn friends smoke cigarettes...going on a dune trip this weekend...gonna be tough with all of them smoking!

Offline RAZD611

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #47 on: November 04, 2013, 07:04:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Yea I need to quit I am just worried I won't be able to stick to the quit.
Why not? You a big ole Puss? Don't have any character or integrity?
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
How about " I refuse to put that shit in my face!

You must change your mindset!!!
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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #46 on: November 04, 2013, 06:46:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: CC268
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
Stay the course! Good fight and be the man of your word. If you wake tomorrow, the first thing you do is post roll, then brush your teeth and shower.

Make the promise priority and keep your word. You can fight and do this!
Sounds good!
It does sound good but do it! Don't leave yourself vulnerable. Put on your knights armour and then face the day.

Post roll 100%. Especially before the HOF!
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Offline CC268

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #45 on: November 04, 2013, 06:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: CC268
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
Stay the course! Good fight and be the man of your word. If you wake tomorrow, the first thing you do is post roll, then brush your teeth and shower.

Make the promise priority and keep your word. You can fight and do this!
Sounds good!

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Re: CC268 the trifecta of idiocy
« Reply #44 on: November 04, 2013, 06:19:00 PM »
Quote from: CC268
Still haven't dipped today, going on 24 hours here pretty soon
Stay the course! Good fight and be the man of your word. If you wake tomorrow, the first thing you do is post roll, then brush your teeth and shower.

Make the promise priority and keep your word. You can fight and do this!
Quit And Be Free

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