Author Topic: Addiction & lies  (Read 8384 times)

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Offline AppleJack

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #168 on: August 26, 2013, 12:15:00 PM »
Well done brother! This is a milestone you EARNED!!

See you tomorrow for 101.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #167 on: August 26, 2013, 10:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Dougie
Quote from: AppleJack
Grace is a powerful force. It is a profoundly undeserved gift or favor. I think, maybe, a little has been bestowed on you. You can't, and won't, ever earn it but... You can WORK to be worthy of the sacrifice grace is.
I like this statement. I like it a lot.
+1 That's real insight there. You can't earn grace indeed, the sacrifice was too great, but you can try to improve yourself to live up to it. Thanks AJ  Dougie for bringing it up.

Offline worktowin

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #166 on: August 26, 2013, 10:00:00 AM »
Congratulations on hitting a milestone in your quit today, Scott. Your stuggles were well documented, but in the end your time in the Leper Colony helped out the August group and built a stronger team. Looking forward to seeing you hit 200 and beyond!

Today is a big day - take a moment to celebrate the fact that you did what many attempt, but few achieve. And remember all of the struggles that you went through to make it to 100. You'll never have to relive those days again.

Well done.

Offline wmcatty

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #165 on: July 01, 2013, 07:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: scottmacek
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: jake
Quote from: tazbutane
For anyone paying attention, Scott is now on day 34, is a 100% poster and is normally one of the first to post everyday. He is one of the leaders in August 2013.

Thanks in no small part to romandog of course. (not sure how that will come out when it is read, but I mean it in a good way). romandog spent a ton of time and energy with Scott and August.

Keep up the good work Scott!
AMEN! Glad to agree he is a leader! Well done! Takes a lot to come back and be a MAN! Probably easy to come and go as you please because you have disagreements. Just saying!
My doctor tells me I need to relax. Drop a little weight. Not get worked up. So I'm not.

I don't know either of you two from Adam. Welcome. I think taz's been around a while while jake, you are a bit newer. Good to see new blood.

I don't think any of the longer time vets are missing the fact that scottmacek is posting a day 34, the fact that he's not missing, the fact he's posting early, etc. I think, and I shall only speak for myself on this one, the real issue is that he was doing those things before on multiple occasions under multiple identities--except he wasn't--in that he was lying about dipping while posting.

I wish the guy well. I hope he's clean and straight. But having been here when all his drama unfolded, trust is something that he may never be able to gain from me. Don't know. Too early to tell honestly.

Regardless, if he pans out or washes out...let the outcome have a minimal to nonexistant impact on you. My journey off dip has never depended on what any other person on here has done. And I'm not saying either of you, or anyone else, would be impacted by macek, just understand the wave of skepticism that will continue to float about for a while.
Regardless, if he pans out or washes out...let the outcome have a minimal to nonexistent impact on you. My journey off dip has never depended on what any other person on here has done.
True words instigator, and you are correct I do not know his history so I come into this particular case with less jaded eyes than some. I try and offer support where I can and expect the best. So far so good.

Sorry Scott did not mean to hijack your introduction thread.
Thanks Taz  Jake! I can't say enough about being quit. Some days it is easy, other days it is hard. This site makes the hard days better. Regardless of whether a day is easy or hard, a day quit is awesome!

Romandog spent a lot of time with me. If anyone has been a serial caver in the past, then reach out to him. If you really want to quit, he will set you straight and help you get on the right path. I was lucky that he reached out to me (after giving me a difficult, but well deserved lashing at first). Anyone who has caved, but wants to quit needs to first and foremost be here for themselves. Secondly, they need a roadmap from others who are quitting successfully one day at a time.
'clap' keep up the good work!
This entire thread is a fine example of accountability, friendship, brotherhood and the effects of the KTC tough love program. While I personally will never believe it is a one size fits all protocol, I will always believe that Romandog will go to extreme lengths to help out a brother that has lost his balance on the path to freedom. I applaud each and every one of you for your efforts, commitments and devotion...what more can be said? The answer: NOTHING, It HAS ALREADY BEEN SAID.
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

Offline Dougie

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #164 on: July 01, 2013, 03:48:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Grace is a powerful force. It is a profoundly undeserved gift or favor. I think, maybe, a little has been bestowed on you. You can't, and won't, ever earn it but... You can WORK to be worthy of the sacrifice grace is.
I like this statement. I like it a lot.

Offline Roamcountry

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #163 on: July 01, 2013, 12:37:00 AM »
Quote from: scottmacek
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: jake
Quote from: tazbutane
For anyone paying attention, Scott is now on day 34, is a 100% poster and is normally one of the first to post everyday. He is one of the leaders in August 2013.

Thanks in no small part to romandog of course. (not sure how that will come out when it is read, but I mean it in a good way). romandog spent a ton of time and energy with Scott and August.

Keep up the good work Scott!
AMEN! Glad to agree he is a leader! Well done! Takes a lot to come back and be a MAN! Probably easy to come and go as you please because you have disagreements. Just saying!
My doctor tells me I need to relax. Drop a little weight. Not get worked up. So I'm not.

I don't know either of you two from Adam. Welcome. I think taz's been around a while while jake, you are a bit newer. Good to see new blood.

I don't think any of the longer time vets are missing the fact that scottmacek is posting a day 34, the fact that he's not missing, the fact he's posting early, etc. I think, and I shall only speak for myself on this one, the real issue is that he was doing those things before on multiple occasions under multiple identities--except he wasn't--in that he was lying about dipping while posting.

I wish the guy well. I hope he's clean and straight. But having been here when all his drama unfolded, trust is something that he may never be able to gain from me. Don't know. Too early to tell honestly.

Regardless, if he pans out or washes out...let the outcome have a minimal to nonexistant impact on you. My journey off dip has never depended on what any other person on here has done. And I'm not saying either of you, or anyone else, would be impacted by macek, just understand the wave of skepticism that will continue to float about for a while.
Regardless, if he pans out or washes out...let the outcome have a minimal to nonexistent impact on you. My journey off dip has never depended on what any other person on here has done.
True words instigator, and you are correct I do not know his history so I come into this particular case with less jaded eyes than some. I try and offer support where I can and expect the best. So far so good.

Sorry Scott did not mean to hijack your introduction thread.
Thanks Taz  Jake! I can't say enough about being quit. Some days it is easy, other days it is hard. This site makes the hard days better. Regardless of whether a day is easy or hard, a day quit is awesome!

Romandog spent a lot of time with me. If anyone has been a serial caver in the past, then reach out to him. If you really want to quit, he will set you straight and help you get on the right path. I was lucky that he reached out to me (after giving me a difficult, but well deserved lashing at first). Anyone who has caved, but wants to quit needs to first and foremost be here for themselves. Secondly, they need a roadmap from others who are quitting successfully one day at a time.
'clap' keep up the good work!

Offline scottmacek

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #162 on: July 01, 2013, 12:35:00 AM »
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: jake
Quote from: tazbutane
For anyone paying attention, Scott is now on day 34, is a 100% poster and is normally one of the first to post everyday. He is one of the leaders in August 2013.

Thanks in no small part to romandog of course. (not sure how that will come out when it is read, but I mean it in a good way). romandog spent a ton of time and energy with Scott and August.

Keep up the good work Scott!
AMEN! Glad to agree he is a leader! Well done! Takes a lot to come back and be a MAN! Probably easy to come and go as you please because you have disagreements. Just saying!
My doctor tells me I need to relax. Drop a little weight. Not get worked up. So I'm not.

I don't know either of you two from Adam. Welcome. I think taz's been around a while while jake, you are a bit newer. Good to see new blood.

I don't think any of the longer time vets are missing the fact that scottmacek is posting a day 34, the fact that he's not missing, the fact he's posting early, etc. I think, and I shall only speak for myself on this one, the real issue is that he was doing those things before on multiple occasions under multiple identities--except he wasn't--in that he was lying about dipping while posting.

I wish the guy well. I hope he's clean and straight. But having been here when all his drama unfolded, trust is something that he may never be able to gain from me. Don't know. Too early to tell honestly.

Regardless, if he pans out or washes out...let the outcome have a minimal to nonexistant impact on you. My journey off dip has never depended on what any other person on here has done. And I'm not saying either of you, or anyone else, would be impacted by macek, just understand the wave of skepticism that will continue to float about for a while.
Regardless, if he pans out or washes out...let the outcome have a minimal to nonexistent impact on you. My journey off dip has never depended on what any other person on here has done.
True words instigator, and you are correct I do not know his history so I come into this particular case with less jaded eyes than some. I try and offer support where I can and expect the best. So far so good.

Sorry Scott did not mean to hijack your introduction thread.
Thanks Taz  Jake! I can't say enough about being quit. Some days it is easy, other days it is hard. This site makes the hard days better. Regardless of whether a day is easy or hard, a day quit is awesome!

Romandog spent a lot of time with me. If anyone has been a serial caver in the past, then reach out to him. If you really want to quit, he will set you straight and help you get on the right path. I was lucky that he reached out to me (after giving me a difficult, but well deserved lashing at first). Anyone who has caved, but wants to quit needs to first and foremost be here for themselves. Secondly, they need a roadmap from others who are quitting successfully one day at a time.
?You are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes?

-- John Wooden

Offline jake frawley

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #161 on: June 28, 2013, 07:33:00 PM »
Your thread has been buried under all the new guys coming in..... So I just want to publicly tell you that I am proud to stand next to you here at KTC. We came back the same day and Everyday I see you post roll makes me glad. We are both fighting for our lives and winning! Thank you for being here and taking a leading role in our group! It matters!

Offline Tazbutane

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #160 on: June 21, 2013, 09:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: jake
Quote from: tazbutane
For anyone paying attention, Scott is now on day 34, is a 100% poster and is normally one of the first to post everyday. He is one of the leaders in August 2013.

Thanks in no small part to romandog of course. (not sure how that will come out when it is read, but I mean it in a good way). romandog spent a ton of time and energy with Scott and August.

Keep up the good work Scott!
AMEN! Glad to agree he is a leader! Well done! Takes a lot to come back and be a MAN! Probably easy to come and go as you please because you have disagreements. Just saying!
My doctor tells me I need to relax. Drop a little weight. Not get worked up. So I'm not.

I don't know either of you two from Adam. Welcome. I think taz's been around a while while jake, you are a bit newer. Good to see new blood.

I don't think any of the longer time vets are missing the fact that scottmacek is posting a day 34, the fact that he's not missing, the fact he's posting early, etc. I think, and I shall only speak for myself on this one, the real issue is that he was doing those things before on multiple occasions under multiple identities--except he wasn't--in that he was lying about dipping while posting.

I wish the guy well. I hope he's clean and straight. But having been here when all his drama unfolded, trust is something that he may never be able to gain from me. Don't know. Too early to tell honestly.

Regardless, if he pans out or washes out...let the outcome have a minimal to nonexistant impact on you. My journey off dip has never depended on what any other person on here has done. And I'm not saying either of you, or anyone else, would be impacted by macek, just understand the wave of skepticism that will continue to float about for a while.
Regardless, if he pans out or washes out...let the outcome have a minimal to nonexistent impact on you. My journey off dip has never depended on what any other person on here has done.
True words instigator, and you are correct I do not know his history so I come into this particular case with less jaded eyes than some. I try and offer support where I can and expect the best. So far so good.

Sorry Scott did not mean to hijack your introduction thread.
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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #159 on: June 21, 2013, 03:54:00 PM »
Quote from: jake
Quote from: tazbutane
For anyone paying attention, Scott is now on day 34, is a 100% poster and is normally one of the first to post everyday. He is one of the leaders in August 2013.

Thanks in no small part to romandog of course. (not sure how that will come out when it is read, but I mean it in a good way). romandog spent a ton of time and energy with Scott and August.

Keep up the good work Scott!
AMEN! Glad to agree he is a leader! Well done! Takes a lot to come back and be a MAN! Probably easy to come and go as you please because you have disagreements. Just saying!
My doctor tells me I need to relax. Drop a little weight. Not get worked up. So I'm not.

I don't know either of you two from Adam. Welcome. I think taz's been around a while while jake, you are a bit newer. Good to see new blood.

I don't think any of the longer time vets are missing the fact that scottmacek is posting a day 34, the fact that he's not missing, the fact he's posting early, etc. I think, and I shall only speak for myself on this one, the real issue is that he was doing those things before on multiple occasions under multiple identities--except he wasn't--in that he was lying about dipping while posting.

I wish the guy well. I hope he's clean and straight. But having been here when all his drama unfolded, trust is something that he may never be able to gain from me. Don't know. Too early to tell honestly.

Regardless, if he pans out or washes out...let the outcome have a minimal to nonexistant impact on you. My journey off dip has never depended on what any other person on here has done. And I'm not saying either of you, or anyone else, would be impacted by macek, just understand the wave of skepticism that will continue to float about for a while.
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

Offline jake frawley

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #158 on: June 21, 2013, 09:33:00 AM »
Quote from: tazbutane
For anyone paying attention, Scott is now on day 34, is a 100% poster and is normally one of the first to post everyday. He is one of the leaders in August 2013.

Thanks in no small part to romandog of course. (not sure how that will come out when it is read, but I mean it in a good way). romandog spent a ton of time and energy with Scott and August.

Keep up the good work Scott!
AMEN! Glad to agree he is a leader! Well done! Takes a lot to come back and be a MAN! Probably easy to come and go as you please because you have disagreements. Just saying!

Offline Tazbutane

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #157 on: June 21, 2013, 08:03:00 AM »
For anyone paying attention, Scott is now on day 34, is a 100% poster and is normally one of the first to post everyday. He is one of the leaders in August 2013.

Thanks in no small part to romandog of course. (not sure how that will come out when it is read, but I mean it in a good way). romandog spent a ton of time and energy with Scott and August.

Keep up the good work Scott!
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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #156 on: June 20, 2013, 10:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Instigator
Those few of you old timers that know me realize it is not unusual for me to show up late for the party, but...

Scott f'n macek?????

CRAP! Does that make me an old timer?

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #155 on: June 20, 2013, 07:47:00 PM »
Those few of you old timers that know me realize it is not unusual for me to show up late for the party, but...

Scott f'n macek?????

The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #154 on: May 22, 2013, 05:55:00 PM »
Quote from: mcarmo44
Scott really screwed up, but this site is not a democracy. I've seen 2 others banned here in my time and believe it kills the Admins to do it, because it cuts off a life line to someone who needs help, which is the whole purpose of this site. Should Scott go, maybe, but maybe it should be his decision. The emotion shows how invested people are in this site and that is what makes this site work, the new guys may not get it yet but they will remember this and the serious ones will get involved. This is a life and death choice you make everyday.

Drama on this site has many purposes, sometimes when you are new you need a distraction, you need someone to hate so your anger doesn't spill into your normal life, sometimes its is to show everyone else "Hey you better never do this," and yes I will bet sometimes "Vet's" need drama too. It is also a way to teach. We are not addicts by accident, there is probably a pattern of addiction and enabling in all our lives. Don't mistake tough love for being an "asshole." This site is based on accountability, part of that comes from not being able to lie to one another because we all know all the tricks, we've all told all the lies. The two things that are asked 1) Don't post roll while using, 2) Don't use multiple screen names Scott broke both of those, he needs to prove himself again and time will be the biggest test.

The last thing is don't ever let someone threaten to leave. No one made you come here, no one but you and your own actions can make you leave here. Unfortunately at times I have seen drama used as a reason to walk away from the accountability here. I am sorry but I call bullshit, I may not agree with every post or every person on here but that's life, the foundation of my quit is still this site. I post roll every morning because it works.
Damn well stated mcarmo.