Author Topic: First Day Introduction  (Read 7293 times)

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Offline Done4Me

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #50 on: February 24, 2015, 05:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Medicff
Disclaimer: This is my log of things so I can keep track of my good and bad days.

Today was full of tests.

Test 1: Son awake at 04:45 vomiting. Yay. Dealt with back to bed. Up at 5:15 for work. Posted roll and began the day.

Test 2: I had a horrible call where a young family lost a 3 month old child today. I was checking on one the the medics when the shock was wearing off and the reality was setting in. I walked around the truck to see him packing a lip. I wanted it. Bad. I didn't ask and he didn't offer. I stayed quit.

Test 3: I take off early from work fresh from dealing with ^^^^ and the wife is sick (see previous posts) and take kids to YMCA for swimming lessons. Well.... the YMCA was like Walmart on black Friday. I dropped off my oldest so she could begin lessons. I made laps in the lot to get a spot to park. Had 2 spots "stolen" from me as I patiently wandered the parking lot for 25 minutes. I stayed quit.

Its day 283 for me. Some days are like day 1 all over.
You get stronger some days and others its like climbing Everest with and ice pick.

You quitters who text each other and hold each other up make a difference on the hard days.
When I think my job is a bitch, I'll remember this post. You have a strong quit going to get through trials like this.

Offline Medicff

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #49 on: February 23, 2015, 10:27:00 PM »
Disclaimer: This is my log of things so I can keep track of my good and bad days.

Today was full of tests.

Test 1: Son awake at 04:45 vomiting. Yay. Dealt with back to bed. Up at 5:15 for work. Posted roll and began the day.

Test 2: I had a horrible call where a young family lost a 3 month old child today. I was checking on one the the medics when the shock was wearing off and the reality was setting in. I walked around the truck to see him packing a lip. I wanted it. Bad. I didn't ask and he didn't offer. I stayed quit.

Test 3: I take off early from work fresh from dealing with ^^^^ and the wife is sick (see previous posts) and take kids to YMCA for swimming lessons. Well.... the YMCA was like Walmart on black Friday. I dropped off my oldest so she could begin lessons. I made laps in the lot to get a spot to park. Had 2 spots "stolen" from me as I patiently wandered the parking lot for 25 minutes. I stayed quit.

Its day 283 for me. Some days are like day 1 all over.
You get stronger some days and others its like climbing Everest with and ice pick.

You quitters who text each other and hold each other up make a difference on the hard days.

Offline worktowin

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #48 on: September 06, 2014, 11:28:00 AM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Medicff
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Well here is an update: Scan shows that the cancer has stopped growing. Some of the areas were "resolved". Chemo seems to be kicking this cancer in the teeth.

So the stranger from the restaurant was right. Everything is going to be ok.

Still some ongoing treatments to do but we are winning.

You who prayed for us and with us: Mrs. Medic and I thank you more than you will ever understand.
I just got caught up reading your intro. You are a good quitter and a better husband. Things will be great for you. I feel stronger from reading this. Thanks for sharing that with us. I am going to quit my ass off for you and Mrs. Medic this weekend.

So happy you and your family have finally gotten some good news.
Quit with you EDD.
One day at a time, brother. This is a great read and I pray the good news continues. Keep the faith!

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #47 on: September 06, 2014, 09:53:00 AM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Medicff
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Well here is an update: Scan shows that the cancer has stopped growing. Some of the areas were "resolved". Chemo seems to be kicking this cancer in the teeth.

So the stranger from the restaurant was right. Everything is going to be ok.

Still some ongoing treatments to do but we are winning.

You who prayed for us and with us: Mrs. Medic and I thank you more than you will ever understand.
I just got caught up reading your intro. You are a good quitter and a better husband. Things will be great for you. I feel stronger from reading this. Thanks for sharing that with us. I am going to quit my ass off for you and Mrs. Medic this weekend.

So happy you and your family have finally gotten some good news.
Quit with you EDD.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

Offline rdad

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #46 on: September 05, 2014, 10:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Medicff
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Well here is an update: Scan shows that the cancer has stopped growing. Some of the areas were "resolved". Chemo seems to be kicking this cancer in the teeth.

So the stranger from the restaurant was right. Everything is going to be ok.

Still some ongoing treatments to do but we are winning.

You who prayed for us and with us: Mrs. Medic and I thank you more than you will ever understand.
I just got caught up reading your intro. You are a good quitter and a better husband. Things will be great for you. I feel stronger from reading this. Thanks for sharing that with us. I am going to quit my ass off for you and Mrs. Medic this weekend.


Offline Medicff

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #45 on: September 05, 2014, 09:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Well here is an update: Scan shows that the cancer has stopped growing. Some of the areas were "resolved". Chemo seems to be kicking this cancer in the teeth.

So the stranger from the restaurant was right. Everything is going to be ok.

Still some ongoing treatments to do but we are winning.

You who prayed for us and with us: Mrs. Medic and I thank you more than you will ever understand.

Offline Medicff

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2014, 05:51:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Wow. That's quite powerful post. Sending good thoughts to you and your family. I can't begin to imagine the stress and uncertainty, but I will say that your wife sounds incredibly brave and lucky to have you by her side.

Congrats on knocking at the HoF door! Clear eyes and steely resolve all the way.
Agree with TUCO...

thanks for sharing medicff. It's always so very easy to get caught up in our own internal struggles and battles that we often lose sight of the fact that others are struggling with things far worse than our own insignificant problems. It's also always a good thing to be reminded of that fact. Thank you for the reminder. Prayers for your wife's health and for your family.
True inspiration, brother. We are all here for you so don't hesitate to reach out.
Enjoy tomorrow and congratulations.

Thank you for the wise words. You've made my quit stronger.
Encouraged and strengthened by this post and adding prayers as well

God is good.
Life is good.

Perspective comes from unexpected sources and it's a beautiful thing.
Be encouraged brother.
Had to wipe my eyes after reading that Medic. Love stories like that. Love that your wife was touched by the note. Love that you were told twice that you have a beautiful family. Love that you are in August. Love that you are still quit.
Incredible tale, I can see it in my mind.

On the other hand, CONGRATS on HOF!
good to see you in chat. I had no idea things were like this for you, but wow are you rocking this world. My prayers are with you and your family. I'm a fixer and when I pound my head against a wall for finding something I cannot fix, it reminds me to pray. I hope you see what Im saying there and take it the right way.

I absolutely see what you are saying. Faith and prayer are central to my life. It is there to guide my decisions and my actions. The walls are there to remind us we cannot do it alone. Thanks for you support.

Offline Mogul

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #43 on: August 24, 2014, 05:46:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Wow. That's quite powerful post. Sending good thoughts to you and your family. I can't begin to imagine the stress and uncertainty, but I will say that your wife sounds incredibly brave and lucky to have you by her side.

Congrats on knocking at the HoF door! Clear eyes and steely resolve all the way.
Agree with TUCO...

thanks for sharing medicff. It's always so very easy to get caught up in our own internal struggles and battles that we often lose sight of the fact that others are struggling with things far worse than our own insignificant problems. It's also always a good thing to be reminded of that fact. Thank you for the reminder. Prayers for your wife's health and for your family.
True inspiration, brother. We are all here for you so don't hesitate to reach out.
Enjoy tomorrow and congratulations.

Thank you for the wise words. You've made my quit stronger.
Encouraged and strengthened by this post and adding prayers as well

God is good.
Life is good.

Perspective comes from unexpected sources and it's a beautiful thing.
Be encouraged brother.
Had to wipe my eyes after reading that Medic. Love stories like that. Love that your wife was touched by the note. Love that you were told twice that you have a beautiful family. Love that you are in August. Love that you are still quit.
Incredible tale, I can see it in my mind.

On the other hand, CONGRATS on HOF!
good to see you in chat. I had no idea things were like this for you, but wow are you rocking this world. My prayers are with you and your family. I'm a fixer and when I pound my head against a wall for finding something I cannot fix, it reminds me to pray. I hope you see what Im saying there and take it the right way.


Offline slug.go

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #42 on: August 24, 2014, 05:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Wow. That's quite powerful post. Sending good thoughts to you and your family. I can't begin to imagine the stress and uncertainty, but I will say that your wife sounds incredibly brave and lucky to have you by her side.

Congrats on knocking at the HoF door! Clear eyes and steely resolve all the way.
Agree with TUCO...

thanks for sharing medicff. It's always so very easy to get caught up in our own internal struggles and battles that we often lose sight of the fact that others are struggling with things far worse than our own insignificant problems. It's also always a good thing to be reminded of that fact. Thank you for the reminder. Prayers for your wife's health and for your family.
True inspiration, brother. We are all here for you so don't hesitate to reach out.
Enjoy tomorrow and congratulations.

Thank you for the wise words. You've made my quit stronger.
Encouraged and strengthened by this post and adding prayers as well

God is good.
Life is good.

Perspective comes from unexpected sources and it's a beautiful thing.
Be encouraged brother.
Had to wipe my eyes after reading that Medic. Love stories like that. Love that your wife was touched by the note. Love that you were told twice that you have a beautiful family. Love that you are in August. Love that you are still quit.
Incredible tale, I can see it in my mind.

On the other hand, CONGRATS on HOF!
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline Done4Me

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2014, 09:38:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Wow. That's quite powerful post. Sending good thoughts to you and your family. I can't begin to imagine the stress and uncertainty, but I will say that your wife sounds incredibly brave and lucky to have you by her side.

Congrats on knocking at the HoF door! Clear eyes and steely resolve all the way.
Agree with TUCO...

thanks for sharing medicff. It's always so very easy to get caught up in our own internal struggles and battles that we often lose sight of the fact that others are struggling with things far worse than our own insignificant problems. It's also always a good thing to be reminded of that fact. Thank you for the reminder. Prayers for your wife's health and for your family.
True inspiration, brother. We are all here for you so don't hesitate to reach out.
Enjoy tomorrow and congratulations.

Thank you for the wise words. You've made my quit stronger.
Encouraged and strengthened by this post and adding prayers as well

God is good.
Life is good.

Perspective comes from unexpected sources and it's a beautiful thing.
Be encouraged brother.
Had to wipe my eyes after reading that Medic. Love stories like that. Love that your wife was touched by the note. Love that you were told twice that you have a beautiful family. Love that you are in August. Love that you are still quit.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2014, 07:22:00 PM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Wow. That's quite powerful post. Sending good thoughts to you and your family. I can't begin to imagine the stress and uncertainty, but I will say that your wife sounds incredibly brave and lucky to have you by her side.

Congrats on knocking at the HoF door! Clear eyes and steely resolve all the way.
Agree with TUCO...

thanks for sharing medicff. It's always so very easy to get caught up in our own internal struggles and battles that we often lose sight of the fact that others are struggling with things far worse than our own insignificant problems. It's also always a good thing to be reminded of that fact. Thank you for the reminder. Prayers for your wife's health and for your family.
True inspiration, brother. We are all here for you so don't hesitate to reach out.
Enjoy tomorrow and congratulations.

Thank you for the wise words. You've made my quit stronger.
Encouraged and strengthened by this post and adding prayers as well

God is good.
Life is good.

Perspective comes from unexpected sources and it's a beautiful thing.
Be encouraged brother.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2014, 03:02:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Wow. That's quite powerful post. Sending good thoughts to you and your family. I can't begin to imagine the stress and uncertainty, but I will say that your wife sounds incredibly brave and lucky to have you by her side.

Congrats on knocking at the HoF door! Clear eyes and steely resolve all the way.
Agree with TUCO...

thanks for sharing medicff. It's always so very easy to get caught up in our own internal struggles and battles that we often lose sight of the fact that others are struggling with things far worse than our own insignificant problems. It's also always a good thing to be reminded of that fact. Thank you for the reminder. Prayers for your wife's health and for your family.
True inspiration, brother. We are all here for you so don't hesitate to reach out.
Enjoy tomorrow and congratulations.

Thank you for the wise words. You've made my quit stronger.
Encouraged and strengthened by this post and adding prayers as well
Believe Me

FLOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29,,, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
 ,,,,41 42 43 44 45


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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2014, 10:30:00 AM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Wow. That's quite powerful post. Sending good thoughts to you and your family. I can't begin to imagine the stress and uncertainty, but I will say that your wife sounds incredibly brave and lucky to have you by her side.

Congrats on knocking at the HoF door! Clear eyes and steely resolve all the way.
Agree with TUCO...

thanks for sharing medicff. It's always so very easy to get caught up in our own internal struggles and battles that we often lose sight of the fact that others are struggling with things far worse than our own insignificant problems. It's also always a good thing to be reminded of that fact. Thank you for the reminder. Prayers for your wife's health and for your family.
True inspiration, brother. We are all here for you so don't hesitate to reach out.
Enjoy tomorrow and congratulations.

Thank you for the wise words. You've made my quit stronger.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2014, 10:11:00 AM »
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Wow. That's quite powerful post. Sending good thoughts to you and your family. I can't begin to imagine the stress and uncertainty, but I will say that your wife sounds incredibly brave and lucky to have you by her side.

Congrats on knocking at the HoF door! Clear eyes and steely resolve all the way.
Agree with TUCO...

thanks for sharing medicff. It's always so very easy to get caught up in our own internal struggles and battles that we often lose sight of the fact that others are struggling with things far worse than our own insignificant problems. It's also always a good thing to be reminded of that fact. Thank you for the reminder. Prayers for your wife's health and for your family.
True inspiration, brother. We are all here for you so don't hesitate to reach out.
Enjoy tomorrow and congratulations.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

Offline CavMan83

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Re: First Day Introduction
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2014, 09:02:00 AM »
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: Medicff
Here I am at day 99. Wow.
Just wanted to log something that happened Thursday night.
As you guys know my wife has cancer and is going thru chemo. Her hair has fallen out but she is the most beautiful bald woman I have ever seen.

At dinner with the family at a local restaurant an older gentleman walked by on his way out and leaned over to whisper to me. He said "You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you." Just random.

Later the waitress from another table came by (different than the guy who spoke to me) and handed my wife a napkin with a note. The note read:
Hello friend, you don't know me but I felt that God wanted me to tell you that you have a beautiful family, that he is proud of you and that things will be ok.
Inside was cash for two times the amount needed for supper.

Wife was in tears. Happy tears. We didn't need the money but did need the words. It had been a rough couple of days.

We will keep the cash and pay that forward to someone who may need it.
Same for the words of encouragement.

KTC is like the note scribbled on the napkin for us addicts. It is words of encouragement when we need it most.

Stay quit brothers.
Wow. That's quite powerful post. Sending good thoughts to you and your family. I can't begin to imagine the stress and uncertainty, but I will say that your wife sounds incredibly brave and lucky to have you by her side.

Congrats on knocking at the HoF door! Clear eyes and steely resolve all the way.
Agree with TUCO...

thanks for sharing medicff. It's always so very easy to get caught up in our own internal struggles and battles that we often lose sight of the fact that others are struggling with things far worse than our own insignificant problems. It's also always a good thing to be reminded of that fact. Thank you for the reminder. Prayers for your wife's health and for your family.