Haven't even considered caving. I hate the nic bitch with a passion!
Love that statement! I hate nicotine too. I hate, hate, hate this evil terrorist empire!
That being said I have two thoughts. You don't feel worthy to be giving advice? I call bull shit. We quit daily here. You have been a man of your word for over a month.
You are undefeated with nicotine in your fight. If you can post roll and be a man of your word...You are worthy to post comments, advise, rage, call for back up. Whatever it is, you quit today and you are worthy to participate.
One of my biggest mistakes was viewing KTC as a hospital. Once I got better, I would have to leave and go into the real world. Addiction is a disease that I compare to diabetes. There isn't a cure but treatments will help you live a good long life.
KTC is my daily treatment. I come and post roll and promise.
Crutches - already got great advice on that. Just participate more on the site and it will keep you going strong.