Author Topic: First post  (Read 8632 times)

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Offline Etxaggie

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Re: First post
« Reply #48 on: March 21, 2014, 11:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Etxaggie
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Etxaggie
Quote from: Doc
I Know I Mentioned That I Chewed Outlaw Cigars. Get This, The Price For One Pack Was$6.66.I'm Not Very superstitious But Talk AbOut A Sign From Satan!
My addict brain would just buy two packs. Problem solved.
That's what I did. Mainly because the girl behind the counter would run off when I bought one. But the change for 2 packs paid with a $20 was, wait for it...$6.66!

Then I would go for three  burn a whole $20. :P
Or better yet, QUIT!
Then pocket the $20. 'winker'
That's the best answer! Quit on Doc.
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Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: First post
« Reply #47 on: March 21, 2014, 10:31:00 PM »
Quote from: Etxaggie
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Etxaggie
Quote from: Doc
I Know I Mentioned That I Chewed Outlaw Cigars. Get This, The Price For One Pack Was$6.66.I'm Not Very superstitious But Talk AbOut A Sign From Satan!
My addict brain would just buy two packs. Problem solved.
That's what I did. Mainly because the girl behind the counter would run off when I bought one. But the change for 2 packs paid with a $20 was, wait for it...$6.66!

Then I would go for three  burn a whole $20. :P
Or better yet, QUIT!
Then pocket the $20. 'winker'
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Re: First post
« Reply #46 on: March 21, 2014, 09:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Etxaggie
Quote from: Doc
I Know I Mentioned That I Chewed Outlaw Cigars. Get This, The Price For One Pack Was$6.66.I'm Not Very superstitious But Talk AbOut A Sign From Satan!
My addict brain would just buy two packs. Problem solved.
That's what I did. Mainly because the girl behind the counter would run off when I bought one. But the change for 2 packs paid with a $20 was, wait for it...$6.66!

Then I would go for three  burn a whole $20. :P
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Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: First post
« Reply #45 on: March 21, 2014, 09:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Etxaggie
Quote from: Doc
I Know I Mentioned That I Chewed Outlaw Cigars. Get This, The Price For One Pack Was$6.66.I'm Not Very superstitious But Talk AbOut A Sign From Satan!
My addict brain would just buy two packs. Problem solved.
That's what I did. Mainly because the girl behind the counter would run off when I bought one. But the change for 2 packs paid with a $20 was, wait for it...$6.66!
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Offline Etxaggie

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Re: First post
« Reply #44 on: March 21, 2014, 08:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
I Know I Mentioned That I Chewed Outlaw Cigars. Get This, The Price For One Pack Was$6.66.I'm Not Very superstitious But Talk AbOut A Sign From Satan!
My addict brain would just buy two packs. Problem solved.
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Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: First post
« Reply #43 on: March 21, 2014, 08:26:00 PM »
I Know I Mentioned That I Chewed Outlaw Cigars. Get This, The Price For One Pack Was$6.66.I'm Not Very superstitious But Talk AbOut A Sign From Satan!
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Offline ZillahCowboy

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Re: First post
« Reply #42 on: March 18, 2014, 10:37:00 AM »
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: Doc
Don't usually remember my dreams but had a cave dream last night. Actually the dream was all about me fucking work, with family, my addiction.
Damn, I beat myself up enough when I'm awake. Now I gotta do it in my sleep.
Had the same issue last night. It was pretty awful. It's the second one so far. I sure hope they stop.
Those dreams will come and go. I've had 3 vivid ones that I can remember. And I always wake up shaking and thinking...whew...that was only a dream. I have a theory that cave dreams (or addiction dreams of any kind), are the mind's way of gradually exorcising the demons that have been plaguing us. So those dip dreams may actually be a sign of us getting better at managing our addictions! (And I'm not a doctor, and don't even play one on TV!) :-)

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Re: First post
« Reply #41 on: March 18, 2014, 09:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Doc
Don't usually remember my dreams but had a cave dream last night. Actually the dream was all about me fucking work, with family, my addiction.
Damn, I beat myself up enough when I'm awake. Now I gotta do it in my sleep.
Had the same issue last night. It was pretty awful. It's the second one so far. I sure hope they stop.
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Re: First post
« Reply #40 on: March 18, 2014, 09:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Doc
Don't usually remember my dreams but had a cave dream last night. Actually the dream was all about me fucking work, with family, my addiction.
Damn, I beat myself up enough when I'm awake. Now I gotta do it in my sleep.
I rarely remember any dreams either. Fortunately for me I have yet to have a "cave" dream. I am dreading that night. Hopefully it never happens.

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: First post
« Reply #39 on: March 18, 2014, 09:19:00 AM »
Don't usually remember my dreams but had a cave dream last night. Actually the dream was all about me fucking work, with family, my addiction.
Damn, I beat myself up enough when I'm awake. Now I gotta do it in my sleep.
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Offline ZillahCowboy

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Re: First post
« Reply #38 on: March 16, 2014, 03:02:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Doc
I told my 12-year-old son yesterday about my quit. He knew I chewed but don't think he had any idea how much. I was good at hiding it from everyone but he is pretty observant.
Part of my quit strategy, if you will, is to be open about my quit and not hide the fact that I'm using substitutes. I figure the more people that know I'm quitting, the more accountable I am. Since most of them didn't even know I chewed every minute of every day around them, it is liberating sometimes to tell them.
Anyway, I wanted my son to know that the smokey mountain isn't tobacco and why I was using it.
As I discussed my quit with him I saw him getting choked up a couple of times. He is very smart, sensitive and caring. I mainly wanted to share with him how evil and stupid nicotine is and how much I regret using it. I know I can't keep him from making stupid decisions but I hope by sharing with him that his old man, who he still thinks is kinda cool, is having to battle with this awful addiction might make a lasting impression when some dikhole kid offers him a chew or smoke.
Don't know if I did a good thing or not but I'm tired of hiding from everyone and I don't want to make my son think that chewing is cool.
You did a good thing. You're setting the example for your son and sharing life lessons with him. Good dad, Doc.
Way to go Doc. Good words and actions for your son, and good wisdom for yourself to live by. I quit with you.

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Re: First post
« Reply #37 on: March 16, 2014, 01:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
I told my 12-year-old son yesterday about my quit. He knew I chewed but don't think he had any idea how much. I was good at hiding it from everyone but he is pretty observant.
Part of my quit strategy, if you will, is to be open about my quit and not hide the fact that I'm using substitutes. I figure the more people that know I'm quitting, the more accountable I am. Since most of them didn't even know I chewed every minute of every day around them, it is liberating sometimes to tell them.
Anyway, I wanted my son to know that the smokey mountain isn't tobacco and why I was using it.
As I discussed my quit with him I saw him getting choked up a couple of times. He is very smart, sensitive and caring. I mainly wanted to share with him how evil and stupid nicotine is and how much I regret using it. I know I can't keep him from making stupid decisions but I hope by sharing with him that his old man, who he still thinks is kinda cool, is having to battle with this awful addiction might make a lasting impression when some dikhole kid offers him a chew or smoke.
Don't know if I did a good thing or not but I'm tired of hiding from everyone and I don't want to make my son think that chewing is cool.
You did a good thing. You're setting the example for your son and sharing life lessons with him. Good dad, Doc.
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Re: First post
« Reply #36 on: March 16, 2014, 01:38:00 PM »
I told my 12-year-old son yesterday about my quit. He knew I chewed but don't think he had any idea how much. I was good at hiding it from everyone but he is pretty observant.
Part of my quit strategy, if you will, is to be open about my quit and not hide the fact that I'm using substitutes. I figure the more people that know I'm quitting, the more accountable I am. Since most of them didn't even know I chewed every minute of every day around them, it is liberating sometimes to tell them.
Anyway, I wanted my son to know that the smokey mountain isn't tobacco and why I was using it.
As I discussed my quit with him I saw him getting choked up a couple of times. He is very smart, sensitive and caring. I mainly wanted to share with him how evil and stupid nicotine is and how much I regret using it. I know I can't keep him from making stupid decisions but I hope by sharing with him that his old man, who he still thinks is kinda cool, is having to battle with this awful addiction might make a lasting impression when some dikhole kid offers him a chew or smoke.
Don't know if I did a good thing or not but I'm tired of hiding from everyone and I don't want to make my son think that chewing is cool.
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Re: First post
« Reply #35 on: March 11, 2014, 04:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: sh4string
Haven't even considered caving. I hate the nic bitch with a passion!
Love that statement! I hate nicotine too. I hate, hate, hate this evil terrorist empire!

That being said I have two thoughts. You don't feel worthy to be giving advice? I call bull shit. We quit daily here. You have been a man of your word for over a month.

You are undefeated with nicotine in your fight. If you can post roll and be a man of your word...You are worthy to post comments, advise, rage, call for back up. Whatever it is, you quit today and you are worthy to participate.

One of my biggest mistakes was viewing KTC as a hospital. Once I got better, I would have to leave and go into the real world. Addiction is a disease that I compare to diabetes. There isn't a cure but treatments will help you live a good long life.

KTC is my daily treatment. I come and post roll and promise.

Crutches - already got great advice on that. Just participate more on the site and it will keep you going strong.
Great advice Thomas. Love the medical analogies.
I'll take my "insulin" against this addiction every day with my daily dose of promise to quit!
Yep, the nic bitch hates it when you help another quitter quit. Lets piss her off today. 'finger point'

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: First post
« Reply #34 on: March 11, 2014, 02:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: sh4string
Haven't even considered caving. I hate the nic bitch with a passion!
Love that statement! I hate nicotine too. I hate, hate, hate this evil terrorist empire!

That being said I have two thoughts. You don't feel worthy to be giving advice? I call bull shit. We quit daily here. You have been a man of your word for over a month.

You are undefeated with nicotine in your fight. If you can post roll and be a man of your word...You are worthy to post comments, advise, rage, call for back up. Whatever it is, you quit today and you are worthy to participate.

One of my biggest mistakes was viewing KTC as a hospital. Once I got better, I would have to leave and go into the real world. Addiction is a disease that I compare to diabetes. There isn't a cure but treatments will help you live a good long life.

KTC is my daily treatment. I come and post roll and promise.

Crutches - already got great advice on that. Just participate more on the site and it will keep you going strong.
Great advice Thomas. Love the medical analogies.
I'll take my "insulin" against this addiction every day with my daily dose of promise to quit!
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