Author Topic: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it  (Read 9987 times)

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Offline bearattack

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #144 on: June 07, 2009, 07:50:00 AM »

Just like I said to myself 100 days ago...

This shit just aint worth it. Fuck youkodiak!!!!
I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #143 on: June 06, 2009, 03:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Pyrovalin
Quote from: bearattack
Hi I'm ray I'm a 35 year old junky, been messed up on junk for over half my life. My junk isn't coke, h, ganja, or the bottle. My junk is kodiak premium wintergreen made by conwood corp. I think I've been dipping for 17 or 18 yrs, as there is a kody reference in my hs yearbook... Anyway I dipped like, I don't know, perhaps you guys!!!! In fact I really dont remember stages in life without clasping a tin. Anyway fast forward through college, young adulthood whatever.

My wife was forcing quits on me.... Imfuckingpossible to do, now I see that. I have told all the same lies you guys have, forgot spitters, around the house. Used good dinnerware for spit or to park a spent dip.

Well about 2 weeks ago I was busted bad. Oh yea, I own a swimming pool company in connecticut. So guess what I do all day at home  through winter... Yup u got it...
Well  02/27/09 I was busted big time, a little sorry wasn't going to help.
Here's what happened, I had left over pizza for lunch. The pizza box was on the stove and I'd chow a piece throughout the day. At some point I parked an dip on the box, as I didn't want to get busted for forgerting it somewhere, you know the drill.
So fast forward to the next night. Wife is home and we are cooking dinner, all is cool.
As dinner is just about to be served, she finds a wad of dip on her plate and stirred into the macaroni. I was fucking shocked!!!!
I claimed it was dirt, as we just potted plants and could not believe this was happening. Holy fucking shit, now I was somebody that claimed to be a non dipper and my wifes dinner was filled with kodiak.... How else can you define fucked!!!
She storms out and went shopping, so what do I do.... Shit, this is a good time to pack a dip, got the house to myself. So I do...
She gets back around 930pm, I can tell she is super pissed. She takes a shower, so I fig, shit let's pack a dip... I do... But I senced this is super pissed off mode on her part.
I finished my dip at 10pm. Took a week of silent treatment.
Now how did that fucking dip get in her dinner. The dam pizza box!!! I must have opened the box with a parked dip on it, it fell to the top/back of the stove. The wad must have fallen as cooking.... I think it sat hidden on stoveback for 2 days, bc we ate out or at friends the prior to nights, so there was no call to be near the stove. Now how the hell did I miss that??? Dunno, I clean everyday and she is a neatfreak. I should, say I clean and search for dip remnants everyday. I was even checking any hair etc in shower drain for dip, cuz I knew she was looking to bust me bad.

Then it it occured to me, the shit aint worth it.....

Ray in connecticut
Btw I mostly post from my phone so I don't care about spelling or grammar
Wow. That was fucking funny. That's almost as bad as a story I heard about a dipper I met who was spitting in a coke bottle on a road trip with his wife. His wife took a pull on accident from his bottle and puked all over their truck. I have a few stories of my own about this damned habit. Here's one of the funny ones

By the way people, read the blog!
Just read the blog. Great stuff.

And bearattack...sure sounds like you're an addict to me? Mind explaining how you're not an addict? Is a junky different than an addict?

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #142 on: June 04, 2009, 10:16:00 PM »
Quote from: bearattack
Hi I'm ray I'm a 35 year old junky, been messed up on junk for over half my life. My junk isn't coke, h, ganja, or the bottle. My junk is kodiak premium wintergreen made by conwood corp. I think I've been dipping for 17 or 18 yrs, as there is a kody reference in my hs yearbook... Anyway I dipped like, I don't know, perhaps you guys!!!! In fact I really dont remember stages in life without clasping a tin. Anyway fast forward through college, young adulthood whatever.

My wife was forcing quits on me.... Imfuckingpossible to do, now I see that. I have told all the same lies you guys have, forgot spitters, around the house. Used good dinnerware for spit or to park a spent dip.

Well about 2 weeks ago I was busted bad. Oh yea, I own a swimming pool company in connecticut. So guess what I do all day at home through winter... Yup u got it...
Well 02/27/09 I was busted big time, a little sorry wasn't going to help.
Here's what happened, I had left over pizza for lunch. The pizza box was on the stove and I'd chow a piece throughout the day. At some point I parked an dip on the box, as I didn't want to get busted for forgerting it somewhere, you know the drill.
So fast forward to the next night. Wife is home and we are cooking dinner, all is cool.
As dinner is just about to be served, she finds a wad of dip on her plate and stirred into the macaroni. I was fucking shocked!!!!
I claimed it was dirt, as we just potted plants and could not believe this was happening. Holy fucking shit, now I was somebody that claimed to be a non dipper and my wifes dinner was filled with kodiak.... How else can you define fucked!!!
She storms out and went shopping, so what do I do.... Shit, this is a good time to pack a dip, got the house to myself. So I do...
She gets back around 930pm, I can tell she is super pissed. She takes a shower, so I fig, shit let's pack a dip... I do... But I senced this is super pissed off mode on her part.
I finished my dip at 10pm. Took a week of silent treatment.
Now how did that fucking dip get in her dinner. The dam pizza box!!! I must have opened the box with a parked dip on it, it fell to the top/back of the stove. The wad must have fallen as cooking.... I think it sat hidden on stoveback for 2 days, bc we ate out or at friends the prior to nights, so there was no call to be near the stove. Now how the hell did I miss that??? Dunno, I clean everyday and she is a neatfreak. I should, say I clean and search for dip remnants everyday. I was even checking any hair etc in shower drain for dip, cuz I knew she was looking to bust me bad.

Then it it occured to me, the shit aint worth it.....

Ray in connecticut
Btw I mostly post from my phone so I don't care about spelling or grammar
Wow. That was fucking funny. That's almost as bad as a story I heard about a dipper I met who was spitting in a coke bottle on a road trip with his wife. His wife took a pull on accident from his bottle and puked all over their truck. I have a few stories of my own about this damned habit. Here's one of the funny ones

By the way people, read the blog!
?All men dream: but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds
wake in the day to find that it was vanity:
but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,
for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.?

Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #141 on: June 03, 2009, 10:19:00 PM »
oreder the bbq apron today, it wont be here in time for the brisket im smoking onmy100th,, but fuck it... i probably dont want a bunch of goofy motherfuckers asking me to explain....
i hope the sales benefit the site or mods who do all this work.......
i also hole the apron doesnt suck......

I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

Offline DanTheMan

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #140 on: June 03, 2009, 08:45:00 PM »
Quote from: bearattack
I'm still nasty... When I chew gum and drive, I catch myself spitting in a cup....

Then again I don't give a fuck, never said I was going to quit being gross...

You will always be a sick fuck...a quit fuck nonetheless
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Offline bearattack

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #139 on: June 03, 2009, 04:35:00 PM »
I'm still nasty... When I chew gum and drive, I catch myself spitting in a cup....

Then again I don't give a fuck, never said I was going to quit being gross...

I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

Offline bearattack

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #138 on: June 01, 2009, 09:57:00 PM »
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: bearattack
today i went to one of my old ghandi marts... havent been there in almost 100 days... not a coincidence... anyway i used to really like this this place, as there is an ice cream freezeer in front of the checkout... and apu keeps the kodiak and other shit in the freezer... man this was summer heaven... so i went in grabbed 10 gatorades for my crew (mental note go to walmart buy gatortade mix)


this is odd there were times that i would have ate that beardick up, been too much of a pussy to go into the store, or been tempted to bounce his gungadins head off the freezer glass (the dip rage is gone btw)

but today i felt sweet good nothing.....

Shit all dem Ghandis used to have the tins just waiting for me on the counter. Even after 30 days, some of those fuckers still tried to ram the Bear up my ass when i walked in...

"u want ko dee ak???"
koh dee ack... FUCKING HYSTERICAL...........

i was such a junky whenver those cardboard displays with the yellow dollar off sticker, the whores at american c- stores) would save them for me and only me,,,
now i see they just wanted to fuck me....

I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #137 on: June 01, 2009, 09:53:00 PM »
Quote from: bearattack
today i went to one of my old ghandi marts... havent been there in almost 100 days... not a coincidence... anyway i used to really like this this place, as there is an ice cream freezeer in front of the checkout... and apu keeps the kodiak and other shit in the freezer... man this was summer heaven... so i went in grabbed 10 gatorades for my crew (mental note go to walmart buy gatortade mix)


this is odd there were times that i would have ate that beardick up, been too much of a pussy to go into the store, or been tempted to bounce his gungadins head off the freezer glass (the dip rage is gone btw)

but today i felt sweet good nothing.....

Shit all dem Ghandis used to have the tins just waiting for me on the counter. Even after 30 days, some of those fuckers still tried to ram the Bear up my ass when i walked in...

"u want ko dee ak???"
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Offline bearattack

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #136 on: June 01, 2009, 09:14:00 PM »
today i went to one of my old ghandi marts... havent been there in almost 100 days... not a coincidence... anyway i used to really like this this place, as there is an ice cream freezeer in front of the checkout... and apu keeps the kodiak and other shit in the freezer... man this was summer heaven... so i went in grabbed 10 gatorades for my crew (mental note go to walmart buy gatortade mix)


this is odd there were times that i would have ate that beardick up, been too much of a pussy to go into the store, or been tempted to bounce his gungadins head off the freezer glass (the dip rage is gone btw)

but today i felt sweet good nothing.....

I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #135 on: June 01, 2009, 09:00:00 AM »
Ha! It's really "fucking dope"...really dope, man.

HUGE congrats on the HOF, bro.

Offline bearattack

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #134 on: May 31, 2009, 08:53:00 PM »
7 dams is my c-note benjamin hundo fasule,
Whatever u wanna call it... Well saturday I'm going to a stag and I know I'm gonna get drunk and eat the bear.... I just won't be able to resist... It will be day ask why I'd eat the bear just hours away from day 100 of a bear killilng quit.... Well its a game dinner elk moose rattlesnake pig boar and BEAR is on the menu... I am going to eat a big hunk of bear meat and shit it out on day 100 of my quit... How fucking dope is that?!?!?!?! At one point a bear was trying to take me out by consuming my flesh!!!! And one my hof weekend I am going to eat a fucking lowlife piece of shit bear and shit him out on my HOF!!!!!!

(Hating bears is part of my quit strength, I love my schnauzers...) Actually I hate everybody in kodiak alaska and all bears, as when the romans fucked up some punks they would sow their fields with salt... Its absolute hate for the bear that fuels me... If u see it as ignorance ur the dumb one))))

Can't wait to wipe the bear from my ass with a moist baby wipe and flush it!!!!

Oh yeah,,, FUCKUKODIAK!!!!
I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #133 on: May 29, 2009, 03:28:00 PM »
Quote from: KodiakDan

Bong hits.  Pink Floyd, the Wall, sides 1-4.  Fight people.  Drink.  and fuck with Security.  Gamble.
I thought I was having a flashback for a sec......a lot of those memories disappeared along with the brain cells
LOL. I like you a little better each day, Dan.
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Offline DanTheMan

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #132 on: May 29, 2009, 01:01:00 PM »

Bong hits.  Pink Floyd, the Wall, sides 1-4.  Fight people.  Drink.  and fuck with Security.  Gamble.
I thought I was having a flashback for a sec......a lot of those memories disappeared along with the brain cells
"Making and keeping promises to yourself is the foundation for developing character and integrity"

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #131 on: May 29, 2009, 10:14:00 AM »
Quote from: bearattack
I had a beeper and kodiak tins were black. I always wanted to kidnap a jap in a beamer and gucci glasses...

HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sophmore year, I went out with a chick from LI for a couple of weeks, 1986, she was the ONLY person on campus with a cell phone, well make that a CAR PHONE. Fucking beepers as late as 1997? Yeah I guess ur right. I had one.

Me and my buddy Andy used to throw gum in the Jappy girls hair when we were at Dagneys. Awesome times.

Hated Dagneys. Except when the Central CT football team would come up and beat all the other UHA dudes up. Not me, cause I looked like them.
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Offline bearattack

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Re: busted bad by wife, shit aint worth it
« Reply #130 on: May 29, 2009, 10:10:00 AM »
I had a beeper and kodiak tins were black. I always wanted to kidnap a jap in a beamer and gucci glasses...

I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!