Author Topic: 12 days off  (Read 9452 times)

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Offline SirDerek

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #67 on: April 19, 2013, 04:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: ERDVM
My rough night

So I've been on pain meds for my back - and got constipated like fuck. Like anal fissure like fuck. So anyways, 2 d ago after luckily not causing an aneurysm and dropping a 7lb tail - I get proactive. I drink a huge glass of Miralax and my wife sends me to work with freeze dried okra. Like a pound. I ate a subway sandwich with extra jalapeños and end up eating whole bag of okra. So vadge's GIT is active. Like swamp gas. Like cause a divorce gas. So I'm at work, and kinda looking at some patients and kinda let a massive SBD.  It's bad. When your own effluence  causes u to ninja away wiping your nose - it's bad. Anyway - a chain reaction happens as not 1, not 2, but 3 nurses notice the smell and look in my direction.  For which I quickly blame "Bosco". Poor dog. After scolding him - Girls moved him to the back room with the HVAC and we started him on antibiotics - cause "it smells like death!" and "does he have salmonella!" were called into question. 
Good news: I expect Bosco to make a full recovery. Hahaha

:ph43r:  'flush'  shocker
Rolling on the floor, barely able to type this, fucking classic right there. That dog is gonna be gunning for you. Probably got the, "What the hell did I do look?" from every one of you.
ok here come the tears, not from the smell but the laughter....

guess you were lucky the dog was there, think you owe Bosco a large treat for that.

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #66 on: April 19, 2013, 04:04:00 PM »
Quote from: ERDVM
My rough night

So I've been on pain meds for my back - and got constipated like fuck. Like anal fissure like fuck. So anyways, 2 d ago after luckily not causing an aneurysm and dropping a 7lb tail - I get proactive. I drink a huge glass of Miralax and my wife sends me to work with freeze dried okra. Like a pound. I ate a subway sandwich with extra jalapeños and end up eating whole bag of okra. So vadge's GIT is active. Like swamp gas. Like cause a divorce gas. So I'm at work, and kinda looking at some patients and kinda let a massive SBD. It's bad. When your own effluence causes u to ninja away wiping your nose - it's bad. Anyway - a chain reaction happens as not 1, not 2, but 3 nurses notice the smell and look in my direction. For which I quickly blame "Bosco". Poor dog. After scolding him - Girls moved him to the back room with the HVAC and we started him on antibiotics - cause "it smells like death!" and "does he have salmonella!" were called into question.
Good news: I expect Bosco to make a full recovery. Hahaha

:ph43r: 'flush' shocker
Rolling on the floor, barely able to type this, fucking classic right there. That dog is gonna be gunning for you. Probably got the, "What the hell did I do look?" from every one of you.

Offline ERDVM

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #65 on: April 19, 2013, 03:46:00 PM »
My rough night

So I've been on pain meds for my back - and got constipated like fuck. Like anal fissure like fuck. So anyways, 2 d ago after luckily not causing an aneurysm and dropping a 7lb tail - I get proactive. I drink a huge glass of Miralax and my wife sends me to work with freeze dried okra. Like a pound. I ate a subway sandwich with extra jalapeños and end up eating whole bag of okra. So vadge's GIT is active. Like swamp gas. Like cause a divorce gas. So I'm at work, and kinda looking at some patients and kinda let a massive SBD. It's bad. When your own effluence causes u to ninja away wiping your nose - it's bad. Anyway - a chain reaction happens as not 1, not 2, but 3 nurses notice the smell and look in my direction. For which I quickly blame "Bosco". Poor dog. After scolding him - Girls moved him to the back room with the HVAC and we started him on antibiotics - cause "it smells like death!" and "does he have salmonella!" were called into question.
Good news: I expect Bosco to make a full recovery. Hahaha

:ph43r: 'flush' shocker

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #64 on: March 20, 2013, 09:33:00 PM »
Well done, men and lady. Well done.

Thanks for the heads up, cbird.


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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #63 on: March 20, 2013, 04:40:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: razd611

Pretty much a measuring contest and an advertisement for hurt vagina cream.

What exactly am I measuring here Razd? And my vagina is doing well today, not hurt at all... But thanks for the concern. You're a pal!!


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Offline RAZD611

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #62 on: March 20, 2013, 04:32:00 PM »
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: razd611

Pretty much a measuring contest and an advertisement for hurt vagina cream.

What exactly am I measuring here Razd? And my vagina is doing well today, not hurt at all... But thanks for the concern. You're a pal!!

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Offline luby

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #61 on: March 20, 2013, 01:51:00 AM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: ERDVM
Whao (Laotian for “wow”)....I take a little “refresher” nap and wake up to find all of you playing in my room.  Well, whatever it takes to keep our addict noggins from thinking about nicotine. All are welcome, there is no lock on the door, but there are some rules:

1. Please refrain from using the word “dick” or “cock”.  For some reason, those words are magically muted in here.  If you desire to use any phallic-like words please visit Morgan’s room, I hear he and Smokey “like cock” or something similar....

2. Feel free to take a few Hurt Vagina Cream samples.  Pass a few out in your own houses.....Its my new Fresh Spring blend.

3. Please don’t disturb Rated in the corner.  He doesnt like to wake up before 2 pm.

4.  Do NOT ring the the bell on the nightstand.  I borrowed it from Hipster’s rickshaw, and hes been very suspicious lately.

5.  PLEASE be careful with my stuff - including

1 autographed action pic of Vigor in the Dallas Marathon
My HeMan and TrapJaw action figures.  I still want to know who wrote “I 3 Waste”  on HeMan’s chest.  Please leave them alone. I like to pretend they are married.
1 authentic Bear Pincher.  circa 2012.
My Coach Steve autographed DVDs “TittyGate” and “Riding the Pine” (they are going to be worth something someday for sure).
A toy white Dodge Ram Pick up and yellow Sexcavator with working scoop.
1 Bill Bilichek photo that says “I love you too Ethan....”
My clay sculpture of “The Thinking Bruce”.

6. Be gentle with my Common Ailments and Treatment of the Vagina reference book.  It is very worn and is starting to come apart.

7. The gin is Evil and the “Rainbows and Vaginas” mix tape is one of Dipless’s faves.

8. As for the containers labeled SAC’S ENERGY DRINK......have all that you want.  I have not tried them.  He says they are the “Tsmith’s Sis Brew”.....and he can mass produce if needed....
I swear it wasn't me Erd but I saw this guy Dick Smith come running through here, stole all the samples, picked up the bell and rang it in Rated's ear. He then set it down on your reference book and proceeded to put He-man on top of the DVD's.

He took a sip of the energy drink, spit it out and ran out of the room.

I was trying to yell at him to get him to stop but well I missed.

'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy'

glad at least I am quit with you and proud to be..
The watcher will review the surveillance tapes and the party or parties will be brought before the halls of justice. If those tapes don't show anything, I'm sure Mr Peepers can manufactor some film. Either way we'll have WP or 30 administer 'rem'
Peepers is observing all of this.

Offline 2mch2lv4

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #60 on: March 19, 2013, 08:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Coach
Sometimes it helps if I express myself in narrative form:

(Vadge, Bruce and SirDerek are hanging out in Vadge's Intro Thread discussing the topic of addiction)

Vadge: So... I choose to remember.  Every Day.  With my promise.  With all of you.
Bruce: So.....are you all done with your self exploration?
Vadge: Pretty wanna help me double check?
Bruce: Maybe......
SirDerek: Wow.....words cannot express what just happened
Vadge: Don't you mean that you can't express the words that describe what just happened?
Bruce: Ok you've lost me....
SirDerek: I....just
Vadge: I know what you wanted to say Bruce and I were being gh.......
(Just then, Wastepanel busts in through the front door)
Wastepanel: {looking at Vadge} Are you done yet.....did I miss it?
SirDerek: Miss what?
Wastepanel: The self exploration of least that's what it says on the big neon sign out front...
SirDerek: Oh.....that's what you were doing?
Bruce: You've been here the whole time and you're just figuring this out now?
SirDerek: Whatever.....{muttering under his breath} Tony Romo sucks...
Bruce: {standing up}What the hell did you just say?
SirDerek: You heard me.....
Wastepanel: {raising his hands} Boys...boys, please! Now Vadge, will you please continue the exploration?
Vadge: Just wrapped it up Waste
Wastepanel: {slumping shoulders} Really....?
Vadge: Yep
Wastepanel: Dammit I always miss the good stuff!
(Just then, Gmann busts in through the front door)
Gmann: {out of breath} Is it.....(heavy breathing) he...(heavy breathing)....
Wastepanel: {putting his hand on Gmann's shoulder} He's already done....I'm so sorry.....
Gmann: FUCS
Coach Steve: Wait....what did I do?
Gmann: Whoa.....where'd you come from?
Coach Steve: What do you mean?
Gmann: What do YOU mean what do I mean? You weren't here 30 seconds ago and then you popped up when I said FUCS!
Coach Steve: Oh...that....yeah well, that's kinda my bat signal
SirDerek: Your what?
Coach Steve: My bat signal....every time someone says FUCS I just.....appear
Gmann: FUCS
Coach Steve: Yeah....see I'm already here now so you don't have to say it anymore...
Gmann: FUCS
Coach Steve: Ok....I see what you're doing.....
Vadge: What are you two ph........
(Just then, 2mch2lv4 walks into the front door)
2mch: Howdy boys.......
Bruce: Hey 2mch!
SirDerek: 2mch!
2mch: Hey guys.....Vadge its really great to see you back here!
Vadge: Thanks 2mch, always great to see you!
2mch: I'm glad you're here, Vadge. I've had similar feelings myself and know we aren't the only ones. It's extra frustrating to me when these feelings are brought about by the very people who are supposed to be helping us through our daily battle to remain quit! It's very upsetting when people use their power (so to speak) in a negative way. Even though it is our choice on a daily basis to keep our promise to stay nicotine free, sometimes the actions of others cause us to make the wrong decision. "With great power comes great responsibility" :) I don't EVER want something I've said to play any part in a fellow quitter going back to the can (or pack). We are ALL addicts. I'm so glad you were able to get past the childishness of the unnecessary drama... Heart you my friend!
Vadge: Heart you back girl!
Coach Steve: I strongly disagree! Why would the actions of others cause us to make the wrong decision?
2mch: You took my words out of context jerk face! We're saying the same flippin thing!
Coach Steve: {raising his hands} Ok...ok.....let me start over....
2mch: You're still a jerk face!
Coach Steve: Not gonna disagree with that....
Gmann: FUCS
Coach Steve: {looking at Gmann} Really......?
2mch: Well....I'm waiting......
Coach Steve: Ok, first of all, this place is all about the quit. That said, I agree with some of what you said and I know there are others who feel the same way you do. I'm not here to defend anyone's actions or beat my chest at your expense. I simply read your post and interpreted that particular statement differently
Grizzly25: {from the other side of the wall} Fuck yeah Coach!
SirDerek: Was that Grizzly25? Where the hell did that come from?
Vadge: Oh...hehe.....Grizzly has the Intro thread next to's a duplex thread and there is no party wall.....
Grizzly25: My bad!
Vadge: It's all good Grizzly!
2mch: But Coach you put it out there for everyone to see!
Coach Steve: I understand that.....but to infer that I'm being a bully isn't a fair characterization...
2mch: {crossing her arms} Go ahead....Mr. Super Duper Quit Coach Steve.....tell me what is fair!?
Bruce: You'll always be my super duper quit coach!
Coach Steve: Thanks Bruce. Look, 2mch....this is ridiculous....if we really are saying the same thing then what are we really talking about here?
2mch: {furrowing her brow} We're talking about YOU being a dick!!
Vadge: Whoa there....everybody just calm down.....
Coach Steve: A dick? All I said is that there are no excuses to cave....
2mch: That's what I said!
Coach Steve: Then I misinterpreted what you bad, please forgive me
Gmann: FUCS
Wastepanel: I must admit....I'm slightly aroused by all of this
SirDerek: {awkwardly scootching away from WP on the couch} Ok.......
Vadge: Well after all of that useless banter we've all arrived back at the same conclusion
Gmann: Coach Steve is an asshole?
Coach Steve: FUGM
Gmann: Words hurt sir....words hurt
(Just then, Pavetheway walks in through the front door)
Gmann: Oh PTGW
SirDerek: PTGW?
Vadge: It stands for Pavethegh......
Pavetheway: What the.....? I thought this was a boys only clubhouse?
2mch: {rolling her eyes}
(2mch gives everyone the  'Finger' and storms out of Vadge's intro thread)
SirDerek: Well that went well I think.....
Pavetheway: {sitting down on the couch} Dude....Vadge, its all icky in here now!
Vadge: Oh yeah.....I spilled some of my special cream...
(The quitters scramble to get out of Vadge's intro thread....all except for Bruce)
Bruce: So...tell me more about this special cream.....

I don't know if I should feel honored or offended to be a part of your narrative? :huh:

For the record... I at no time had my panties in a bunch. I was simply trying to clear up the misunderstanding. The example of action and reaction were fiction and used for the purpose of helping you understand what I meant in my post to Vadge... So that you could see that we were actually on the same page. Loved the narrative though, except you made me look like a spoiled little brat calling names and stomping out of the room like that. Next time can I play a better role? Like a superhero or something?



Offline 2mch2lv4

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #59 on: March 19, 2013, 08:15:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611

Pretty much a measuring contest and an advertisement for hurt vagina cream.

What exactly am I measuring here Razd? And my vagina is doing well today, not hurt at all... But thanks for the concern. You're a pal!!


Offline RAZD611

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #58 on: March 19, 2013, 07:11:00 PM »
Quote from: jhaenel23
I need to get the Cliff Notes version of this soap opera!  Always makes me smile but not really sure I know why when it comes to these little rants and banter between you all.  Whatever just happened.....I quit with all of you! 

Pretty much a measuring contest and an advertisement for hurt vagina cream.

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #57 on: March 19, 2013, 06:27:00 PM »
I need to get the Cliff Notes version of this soap opera! Always makes me smile but not really sure I know why when it comes to these little rants and banter between you all. Whatever just happened.....I quit with all of you!

Stay in the Q.U.I.T*********Fuck the NIC!!" Jhaenel23
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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #56 on: March 19, 2013, 05:50:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: ERDVM
Whao (Laotian for “wow”)....I take a little “refresher” nap and wake up to find all of you playing in my room.  Well, whatever it takes to keep our addict noggins from thinking about nicotine. All are welcome, there is no lock on the door, but there are some rules:

1. Please refrain from using the word “dick” or “cock”.  For some reason, those words are magically muted in here.  If you desire to use any phallic-like words please visit Morgan’s room, I hear he and Smokey “like cock” or something similar....

2. Feel free to take a few Hurt Vagina Cream samples.  Pass a few out in your own houses.....Its my new Fresh Spring blend.

3. Please don’t disturb Rated in the corner.  He doesnt like to wake up before 2 pm.

4.  Do NOT ring the the bell on the nightstand.  I borrowed it from Hipster’s rickshaw, and hes been very suspicious lately.

5.  PLEASE be careful with my stuff - including

1 autographed action pic of Vigor in the Dallas Marathon
My HeMan and TrapJaw action figures.  I still want to know who wrote “I 3 Waste”  on HeMan’s chest.  Please leave them alone. I like to pretend they are married.
1 authentic Bear Pincher.  circa 2012.
My Coach Steve autographed DVDs “TittyGate” and “Riding the Pine” (they are going to be worth something someday for sure).
A toy white Dodge Ram Pick up and yellow Sexcavator with working scoop.
1 Bill Bilichek photo that says “I love you too Ethan....”
My clay sculpture of “The Thinking Bruce”.

6. Be gentle with my Common Ailments and Treatment of the Vagina reference book.  It is very worn and is starting to come apart.

7. The gin is Evil and the “Rainbows and Vaginas” mix tape is one of Dipless’s faves.

8. As for the containers labeled SAC’S ENERGY DRINK......have all that you want.  I have not tried them.  He says they are the “Tsmith’s Sis Brew”.....and he can mass produce if needed....
I swear it wasn't me Erd but I saw this guy Dick Smith come running through here, stole all the samples, picked up the bell and rang it in Rated's ear. He then set it down on your reference book and proceeded to put He-man on top of the DVD's.

He took a sip of the energy drink, spit it out and ran out of the room.

I was trying to yell at him to get him to stop but well I missed.

'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy'

glad at least I am quit with you and proud to be..
The watcher will review the surveillance tapes and the party or parties will be brought before the halls of justice. If those tapes don't show anything, I'm sure Mr Peepers can manufactor some film. Either way we'll have WP or 30 administer 'rem'
Believe Me

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #55 on: March 19, 2013, 05:00:00 PM »
Quote from: ERDVM
Whao (Laotian for “wow”)....I take a little “refresher” nap and wake up to find all of you playing in my room. Well, whatever it takes to keep our addict noggins from thinking about nicotine. All are welcome, there is no lock on the door, but there are some rules:

1. Please refrain from using the word “dick” or “cock”. For some reason, those words are magically muted in here. If you desire to use any phallic-like words please visit Morgan’s room, I hear he and Smokey “like cock” or something similar....

2. Feel free to take a few Hurt Vagina Cream samples. Pass a few out in your own houses.....Its my new Fresh Spring blend.

3. Please donÂ’t disturb Rated in the corner. He doesnt like to wake up before 2 pm.

4. Do NOT ring the the bell on the nightstand. I borrowed it from HipsterÂ’s rickshaw, and hes been very suspicious lately.

5. PLEASE be careful with my stuff - including

1 autographed action pic of Vigor in the Dallas Marathon
My HeMan and TrapJaw action figures. I still want to know who wrote “I 3 Waste” on HeMan’s chest. Please leave them alone. I like to pretend they are married.
1 authentic Bear Pincher. circa 2012.
My Coach Steve autographed DVDs “TittyGate” and “Riding the Pine” (they are going to be worth something someday for sure).
A toy white Dodge Ram Pick up and yellow Sexcavator with working scoop.
1 Bill Bilichek photo that says “I love you too Ethan....”
My clay sculpture of “The Thinking Bruce”.

6. Be gentle with my Common Ailments and Treatment of the Vagina reference book. It is very worn and is starting to come apart.

7. The gin is Evil and the “Rainbows and Vaginas” mix tape is one of Dipless’s faves.

8. As for the containers labeled SAC’S ENERGY DRINK......have all that you want. I have not tried them. He says they are the “Tsmith’s Sis Brew”.....and he can mass produce if needed....
I swear it wasn't me Erd but I saw this guy Dick Smith come running through here, stole all the samples, picked up the bell and rang it in Rated's ear. He then set it down on your reference book and proceeded to put He-man on top of the DVD's.

He took a sip of the energy drink, spit it out and ran out of the room.

I was trying to yell at him to get him to stop but well I missed.

'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy'

glad at least I am quit with you and proud to be..

Offline ERDVM

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #54 on: March 19, 2013, 04:34:00 PM »
Whao (Laotian for “wow”)....I take a little “refresher” nap and wake up to find all of you playing in my room. Well, whatever it takes to keep our addict noggins from thinking about nicotine. All are welcome, there is no lock on the door, but there are some rules:

1. Please refrain from using the word “dick” or “cock”. For some reason, those words are magically muted in here. If you desire to use any phallic-like words please visit Morgan’s room, I hear he and Smokey “like cock” or something similar....

2. Feel free to take a few Hurt Vagina Cream samples. Pass a few out in your own houses.....Its my new Fresh Spring blend.

3. Please donÂ’t disturb Rated in the corner. He doesnt like to wake up before 2 pm.

4. Do NOT ring the the bell on the nightstand. I borrowed it from HipsterÂ’s rickshaw, and hes been very suspicious lately.

5. PLEASE be careful with my stuff - including

1 autographed action pic of Vigor in the Dallas Marathon
My HeMan and TrapJaw action figures. I still want to know who wrote “I 3 Waste” on HeMan’s chest. Please leave them alone. I like to pretend they are married.
1 authentic Bear Pincher. circa 2012.
My Coach Steve autographed DVDs “TittyGate” and “Riding the Pine” (they are going to be worth something someday for sure).
A toy white Dodge Ram Pick up and yellow Sexcavator with working scoop.
1 Bill Bilichek photo that says “I love you too Ethan....”
My clay sculpture of “The Thinking Bruce”.

6. Be gentle with my Common Ailments and Treatment of the Vagina reference book. It is very worn and is starting to come apart.

7. The gin is Evil and the “Rainbows and Vaginas” mix tape is one of Dipless’s faves.

8. As for the containers labeled SAC’S ENERGY DRINK......have all that you want. I have not tried them. He says they are the “Tsmith’s Sis Brew”.....and he can mass produce if needed....

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Re: 12 days off
« Reply #53 on: March 19, 2013, 02:43:00 PM »
Sometimes it helps if I express myself in narrative form:

(Vadge, Bruce and SirDerek are hanging out in Vadge's Intro Thread discussing the topic of addiction)

Vadge: So... I choose to remember.  Every Day.  With my promise.  With all of you.
Bruce: So.....are you all done with your self exploration?
Vadge: Pretty wanna help me double check?
Bruce: Maybe......
SirDerek: Wow.....words cannot express what just happened
Vadge: Don't you mean that you can't express the words that describe what just happened?
Bruce: Ok you've lost me....
SirDerek: I....just
Vadge: I know what you wanted to say Bruce and I were being gh.......
(Just then, Wastepanel busts in through the front door)
Wastepanel: {looking at Vadge} Are you done yet.....did I miss it?
SirDerek: Miss what?
Wastepanel: The self exploration of least that's what it says on the big neon sign out front...
SirDerek: Oh.....that's what you were doing?
Bruce: You've been here the whole time and you're just figuring this out now?
SirDerek: Whatever.....{muttering under his breath} Tony Romo sucks...
Bruce: {standing up}What the hell did you just say?
SirDerek: You heard me.....
Wastepanel: {raising his hands} Boys...boys, please! Now Vadge, will you please continue the exploration?
Vadge: Just wrapped it up Waste
Wastepanel: {slumping shoulders} Really....?
Vadge: Yep
Wastepanel: Dammit I always miss the good stuff!
(Just then, Gmann busts in through the front door)
Gmann: {out of breath} Is it.....(heavy breathing) he...(heavy breathing)....
Wastepanel: {putting his hand on Gmann's shoulder} He's already done....I'm so sorry.....
Gmann: FUCS
Coach Steve: Wait....what did I do?
Gmann: Whoa.....where'd you come from?
Coach Steve: What do you mean?
Gmann: What do YOU mean what do I mean? You weren't here 30 seconds ago and then you popped up when I said FUCS!
Coach Steve: Oh...that....yeah well, that's kinda my bat signal
SirDerek: Your what?
Coach Steve: My bat signal....every time someone says FUCS I just.....appear
Gmann: FUCS
Coach Steve: Yeah....see I'm already here now so you don't have to say it anymore...
Gmann: FUCS
Coach Steve: Ok....I see what you're doing.....
Vadge: What are you two ph........
(Just then, 2mch2lv4 walks into the front door)
2mch: Howdy boys.......
Bruce: Hey 2mch!
SirDerek: 2mch!
2mch: Hey guys.....Vadge its really great to see you back here!
Vadge: Thanks 2mch, always great to see you!
2mch: I'm glad you're here, Vadge. I've had similar feelings myself and know we aren't the only ones. It's extra frustrating to me when these feelings are brought about by the very people who are supposed to be helping us through our daily battle to remain quit! It's very upsetting when people use their power (so to speak) in a negative way. Even though it is our choice on a daily basis to keep our promise to stay nicotine free, sometimes the actions of others cause us to make the wrong decision. "With great power comes great responsibility" :) I don't EVER want something I've said to play any part in a fellow quitter going back to the can (or pack). We are ALL addicts. I'm so glad you were able to get past the childishness of the unnecessary drama... Heart you my friend!
Vadge: Heart you back girl!
Coach Steve: I strongly disagree! Why would the actions of others cause us to make the wrong decision?
2mch: You took my words out of context jerk face! We're saying the same flippin thing!
Coach Steve: {raising his hands} Ok...ok.....let me start over....
2mch: You're still a jerk face!
Coach Steve: Not gonna disagree with that....
Gmann: FUCS
Coach Steve: {looking at Gmann} Really......?
2mch: Well....I'm waiting......
Coach Steve: Ok, first of all, this place is all about the quit. That said, I agree with some of what you said and I know there are others who feel the same way you do. I'm not here to defend anyone's actions or beat my chest at your expense. I simply read your post and interpreted that particular statement differently
Grizzly25: {from the other side of the wall} Fuck yeah Coach!
SirDerek: Was that Grizzly25? Where the hell did that come from?
Vadge: Oh...hehe.....Grizzly has the Intro thread next to's a duplex thread and there is no party wall.....
Grizzly25: My bad!
Vadge: It's all good Grizzly!
2mch: But Coach you put it out there for everyone to see!
Coach Steve: I understand that.....but to infer that I'm being a bully isn't a fair characterization...
2mch: {crossing her arms} Go ahead....Mr. Super Duper Quit Coach Steve.....tell me what is fair!?
Bruce: You'll always be my super duper quit coach!
Coach Steve: Thanks Bruce. Look, 2mch....this is ridiculous....if we really are saying the same thing then what are we really talking about here?
2mch: {furrowing her brow} We're talking about YOU being a dick!!
Vadge: Whoa there....everybody just calm down.....
Coach Steve: A dick? All I said is that there are no excuses to cave....
2mch: That's what I said!
Coach Steve: Then I misinterpreted what you bad, please forgive me
Gmann: FUCS
Wastepanel: I must admit....I'm slightly aroused by all of this
SirDerek: {awkwardly scootching away from WP on the couch} Ok.......
Vadge: Well after all of that useless banter we've all arrived back at the same conclusion
Gmann: Coach Steve is an asshole?
Coach Steve: FUGM
Gmann: Words hurt sir....words hurt
(Just then, Pavetheway walks in through the front door)
Gmann: Oh PTGW
SirDerek: PTGW?
Vadge: It stands for Pavethegh......
Pavetheway: What the.....? I thought this was a boys only clubhouse?
2mch: {rolling her eyes}
(2mch gives everyone the 'Finger' and storms out of Vadge's intro thread)
SirDerek: Well that went well I think.....
Pavetheway: {sitting down on the couch} Dude....Vadge, its all icky in here now!
Vadge: Oh yeah.....I spilled some of my special cream...
(The quitters scramble to get out of Vadge's intro thread....all except for Bruce)
Bruce: So...tell me more about this special cream.....
Make Your Decision