Author Topic: Day 1...again  (Read 3826 times)

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Offline longhorn83

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2014, 10:37:00 AM »
Quote from: CBus50
Currently on day 2 and going strong. I would like to sincerely thank all of you that posted here with words of encouragement, incredible advise, and tough love. I also went into the chat room yesterday and met some amazing individuals.

On all of your advice, I have done the following. I have called my family members who do not live locally and informed them of my quit. I have told my significant other last night of the quit which was incredibly difficult as she was the one who helped me through the last time. This was a tough conversation as she feels hurt that I've been sneaking around during my relapse. I understand her feelings and it does hurt me to know that I have failed her. But I explained to her I now understand that I'm an addictÂ….there is no denying that now and I can never, ever have another drop of nicotine in my life. Lastly, I had a conversation with my 5 year old daughter who I've never hidden around before and calls it "chewin' tobacca". I explained to her that the stuff I put in my mouth is bad for me. I also told her that I love her more than that "stuff" and that I will promise to her to never do it again. If she ever sees me doing it again, I want her to remind me of my promise to her. Tears were running down my face as they are now.

So some of you asked about my plan.

#1 – I am doing this for me. I'm selfish. I want to see my daughter grow up, play in the band/sports, graduate high school/college, get married, have children of her own and be a grandfather someday. If I get taken out early because of something I could have prevented…I will not only die painfully, but I will do with more guilt and anger than any one should.

#2 – I have made a promise to my daughter. I did not make this promise during my first quit…probably because in my head I wasn't sure I could follow through. This time, I know I can. Thus, I'm willing to promise her…the little girl I've never let down and never will.

#3 – I've printed my contract. It is powerful. I have shared this with my SO and family. If I dip again, I will sign this before doing it and scan and email to all of them. They are aware of this. I am aware of this. It will be a declaration that nicotine is more important than anyone else in my life.

#4 – I've got some numbers of some amazing people on this site…some even local. I have put these in my phone and I will call/text them before I cave.

#5 – I've changed my lifestyle immediately. I got up this morning and ran on my treadmill. My middle console in my car is filled with more life savers / jolly ranchers / blow pops than you could imagine. I actually enjoy my drive. I drink lots of water all day. It both keeps the oral fixation satisfied but flushes and makes me feel better. I pack my lunch. I don't want to leave work...lunch is a trigger. I found a lunch group that packs and I have even told them about my situation. It is now essentially another group of people I am accountable to.

#6 – I time and track my craves. I had 5 major and 4 minor ones yesterday on my first day. None of them lasted for more than 3 minutes. At worst, that is 27 minutes out of the day. I can handle that. I also have things ready to do when they come on…laundry, dishes, walking, pushups…whatever. The sad thing is I like the craves. It's weird I know, but as the crave hits, I am visualizing it being the result of strangling that monster inside me around the neck…begging for its lifeblood and I deprive it and it withers away.

So yesÂ…day 2Â…feeling GREAT! Looking forward to another day of strangling that beast some more. Thanks again to all of you amazing people!
This is freaking awesome stuff here. Damn proud to quit with you today.

Offline dunlapsig

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2014, 10:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: CBus50
Currently on day 2 and going strong.  I would like to sincerely thank all of you that posted here with words of encouragement, incredible advise, and tough love.  I also went into the chat room yesterday and met some amazing individuals. 

On all of your advice, I have done the following.  I have called my family members who do not live locally and informed them of my quit.  I have told my significant other last night of the quit which was incredibly difficult as she was the one who helped me through the last time.  This was a tough conversation as she feels hurt that I've been sneaking around during my relapse.    I understand her feelings and it does hurt me to know that I have failed her.  But I explained to her I now understand that I'm an addict….there is no denying that now and I can never, ever have another drop of nicotine in my life.    Lastly, I had a conversation with my 5 year old daughter who I've never hidden around before and calls it "chewin' tobacca".  I explained to her that the stuff I put in my mouth is bad for me.  I also told her that I love her more than that "stuff" and that I will promise to her to never do it again.  If she ever sees me doing it again, I want her to remind me of my promise to her.  Tears were running down my face as they are now.   

So some of you asked about my plan. 

#1 – I am doing this for me.  I'm selfish.  I want to see my daughter grow up, play in the band/sports, graduate high school/college, get married, have children of her own and be a grandfather someday.  If I get taken out early because of something I could have prevented…I will not only die painfully, but I will do with more guilt and anger than any one should.

#2 – I have made a promise to my daughter.  I did not make this promise during my first quit…probably because in my head I wasn't sure I could follow through.  This time, I know I can.  Thus, I'm willing to promise her…the little girl I've never let down and never will.

#3 – I've printed my contract.  It is powerful.  I have shared this with my SO and family.  If I dip again, I will sign this before doing it and scan and email to all of them.  They are aware of this.  I am aware of this.  It will be a declaration that nicotine is more important than anyone else in my life. 

#4 – I've got some numbers of some amazing people on this site…some even local.  I have put these in my phone and I will call/text them before I cave. 

#5 – I've changed my lifestyle immediately.  I got up this morning and ran on my treadmill.  My middle console in my car is filled with more life savers / jolly ranchers / blow pops than you could imagine.  I actually enjoy my drive.  I drink lots of water all day.  It both keeps the oral fixation satisfied but flushes and makes me feel better.    I pack my lunch.  I don't want to leave work...lunch is a trigger.  I found a lunch group that packs and I have even told them about my situation.  It is now essentially another group of people I am accountable to. 

#6 – I time and track my craves.  I had 5 major and 4 minor ones yesterday on my first day.  None of them lasted for more than 3 minutes.  At worst, that is 27 minutes out of the day.  I can handle that.    I also have things ready to do when they come on…laundry, dishes, walking, pushups…whatever.    The sad thing is I like the craves.  It's weird I know, but as the crave hits, I am visualizing it being the result of strangling that monster inside me around the neck…begging for its lifeblood and I deprive it and it withers away.

So yes…day 2…feeling GREAT!  Looking forward to another day of strangling that beast some more.  Thanks again to all of you amazing people!
CBus you've got this! Keep active and use those numbers you have daily. Build those relationships.
Reading this just gave me quit wood.

I like what you said about being selfish and owning your quit, that is what you have to do to be successful. Lunch was a big trigger for me. I used to avoid going to lunch in groups or group settings because I knew I wouldn't be able to dip. I would prefer to drive and eat somehwere and dip in my car over eating with coworkers. That seems so insane to think about. I have people I eat with at the same time everyday and bring my lunch as well and they are aware of my quit.

Those craves will ease up over time but do not let your shield down. Keep the mentality of fighting and find what works for you to get past them.

The conversation I had with my significant other when about as promising as yours... But we understand what you are going through, post roll and keep your promise for today. Look forward to seeing more of you on here.

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2014, 10:06:00 AM »
Quote from: CBus50
Currently on day 2 and going strong. I would like to sincerely thank all of you that posted here with words of encouragement, incredible advise, and tough love. I also went into the chat room yesterday and met some amazing individuals.

On all of your advice, I have done the following. I have called my family members who do not live locally and informed them of my quit. I have told my significant other last night of the quit which was incredibly difficult as she was the one who helped me through the last time. This was a tough conversation as she feels hurt that I've been sneaking around during my relapse. I understand her feelings and it does hurt me to know that I have failed her. But I explained to her I now understand that I'm an addictÂ….there is no denying that now and I can never, ever have another drop of nicotine in my life. Lastly, I had a conversation with my 5 year old daughter who I've never hidden around before and calls it "chewin' tobacca". I explained to her that the stuff I put in my mouth is bad for me. I also told her that I love her more than that "stuff" and that I will promise to her to never do it again. If she ever sees me doing it again, I want her to remind me of my promise to her. Tears were running down my face as they are now.

So some of you asked about my plan.

#1 – I am doing this for me. I'm selfish. I want to see my daughter grow up, play in the band/sports, graduate high school/college, get married, have children of her own and be a grandfather someday. If I get taken out early because of something I could have prevented…I will not only die painfully, but I will do with more guilt and anger than any one should.

#2 – I have made a promise to my daughter. I did not make this promise during my first quit…probably because in my head I wasn't sure I could follow through. This time, I know I can. Thus, I'm willing to promise her…the little girl I've never let down and never will.

#3 – I've printed my contract. It is powerful. I have shared this with my SO and family. If I dip again, I will sign this before doing it and scan and email to all of them. They are aware of this. I am aware of this. It will be a declaration that nicotine is more important than anyone else in my life.

#4 – I've got some numbers of some amazing people on this site…some even local. I have put these in my phone and I will call/text them before I cave.

#5 – I've changed my lifestyle immediately. I got up this morning and ran on my treadmill. My middle console in my car is filled with more life savers / jolly ranchers / blow pops than you could imagine. I actually enjoy my drive. I drink lots of water all day. It both keeps the oral fixation satisfied but flushes and makes me feel better. I pack my lunch. I don't want to leave work...lunch is a trigger. I found a lunch group that packs and I have even told them about my situation. It is now essentially another group of people I am accountable to.

#6 – I time and track my craves. I had 5 major and 4 minor ones yesterday on my first day. None of them lasted for more than 3 minutes. At worst, that is 27 minutes out of the day. I can handle that. I also have things ready to do when they come on…laundry, dishes, walking, pushups…whatever. The sad thing is I like the craves. It's weird I know, but as the crave hits, I am visualizing it being the result of strangling that monster inside me around the neck…begging for its lifeblood and I deprive it and it withers away.

So yesÂ…day 2Â…feeling GREAT! Looking forward to another day of strangling that beast some more. Thanks again to all of you amazing people!
CBus you've got this! Keep active and use those numbers you have daily. Build those relationships.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
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Offline CBus50

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2014, 09:45:00 AM »
Currently on day 2 and going strong. I would like to sincerely thank all of you that posted here with words of encouragement, incredible advise, and tough love. I also went into the chat room yesterday and met some amazing individuals.

On all of your advice, I have done the following. I have called my family members who do not live locally and informed them of my quit. I have told my significant other last night of the quit which was incredibly difficult as she was the one who helped me through the last time. This was a tough conversation as she feels hurt that I've been sneaking around during my relapse. I understand her feelings and it does hurt me to know that I have failed her. But I explained to her I now understand that I'm an addictÂ….there is no denying that now and I can never, ever have another drop of nicotine in my life. Lastly, I had a conversation with my 5 year old daughter who I've never hidden around before and calls it "chewin' tobacca". I explained to her that the stuff I put in my mouth is bad for me. I also told her that I love her more than that "stuff" and that I will promise to her to never do it again. If she ever sees me doing it again, I want her to remind me of my promise to her. Tears were running down my face as they are now.

So some of you asked about my plan.

#1 – I am doing this for me. I'm selfish. I want to see my daughter grow up, play in the band/sports, graduate high school/college, get married, have children of her own and be a grandfather someday. If I get taken out early because of something I could have prevented…I will not only die painfully, but I will do with more guilt and anger than any one should.

#2 – I have made a promise to my daughter. I did not make this promise during my first quit…probably because in my head I wasn't sure I could follow through. This time, I know I can. Thus, I'm willing to promise her…the little girl I've never let down and never will.

#3 – I've printed my contract. It is powerful. I have shared this with my SO and family. If I dip again, I will sign this before doing it and scan and email to all of them. They are aware of this. I am aware of this. It will be a declaration that nicotine is more important than anyone else in my life.

#4 – I've got some numbers of some amazing people on this site…some even local. I have put these in my phone and I will call/text them before I cave.

#5 – I've changed my lifestyle immediately. I got up this morning and ran on my treadmill. My middle console in my car is filled with more life savers / jolly ranchers / blow pops than you could imagine. I actually enjoy my drive. I drink lots of water all day. It both keeps the oral fixation satisfied but flushes and makes me feel better. I pack my lunch. I don't want to leave work...lunch is a trigger. I found a lunch group that packs and I have even told them about my situation. It is now essentially another group of people I am accountable to.

#6 – I time and track my craves. I had 5 major and 4 minor ones yesterday on my first day. None of them lasted for more than 3 minutes. At worst, that is 27 minutes out of the day. I can handle that. I also have things ready to do when they come on…laundry, dishes, walking, pushups…whatever. The sad thing is I like the craves. It's weird I know, but as the crave hits, I am visualizing it being the result of strangling that monster inside me around the neck…begging for its lifeblood and I deprive it and it withers away.

So yesÂ…day 2Â…feeling GREAT! Looking forward to another day of strangling that beast some more. Thanks again to all of you amazing people!

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2014, 07:19:00 PM »
Like everyone is saying, quit one day at a time. It was a great feeling to look at a cashier who came to know what can I preferred who asked how many I wanted and say "no thanks, I quit."
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2014, 06:10:00 PM »
Your at the right place cbus. Drink this cool-aid!
I too have "stopped" in the past just to change the delivery vehicle that the nic bitch chose to drive down my throat. But thanks to KTC this time I haven't stopped...I QUIT! I will not use today. When tomorrow becomes today, I will repeat my promise ODAAT
I quit with you!
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2014, 06:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Don't be a spectator who thinks they have all the answers.  Get in the game and own this shit. 
This is good. You will get out of KTC what you put in. If you chose to do the minimum don't expect more than the minimum in return. Jump in with full trust of what these people are saying to you and a whole new world will open to you. One free of slavery and nicotine, but also of a powerful brotherhood. It's like magic only real.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline LeonardThompson

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2014, 05:27:00 PM »
Just quit today. Then do that over and over again...a bunch. I'll do it with you.

TELL EVERYONE. It's important. They'll support you. I'm stopping people in the street to tell them I quit. I went to my favorite store to tell my favorite cashier that we were going to have to break up.

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2014, 01:46:00 PM »
You never quit and you didn't slay shit. You stopped for a bit before the nic bitch owned your ass once again.

Any jack pole can stop for a bit.

You say you have all the tools, well I think you can pick a few more up here.

You will be tested again, probably more so than when you paused for 3 months.

Be ready! Have a plan, build some relationships, get some phone numbers, get into chat, etc...

Don't be a spectator who thinks they have all the answers. Get in the game and own this shit.

You can do this!!!!
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
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20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline dunlapsig

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2014, 01:19:00 PM »
Welcome to KTC,

I think all of us on here have attempted at some point to quit, obviously we were not successful because we have found each other here. Something in us makes us want to quit. Why do you want to quit? What drives you to quit? Are you quitting because you are embarassed of your addiction?

Hold on to whatever is driving your quit, but ultimately it has to be for you. I told my significant other that I was quitting 168 days ago which fell on deaf ears of "we'll see how long you make it this time". It has to be your decision to do it for your reasons.

As your first hand experience has illustrated you know how quick it is to go back, You make your promise every morning and stay quit for that day. Feel free to contact me any time if you need anything.


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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2014, 11:27:00 AM »
I too had quit before, or at least I thought I did. I stopped dipping for 3 years at one point. I got pissed at something and also thought, I will just have one and toss the can. It never works out the way we think unless we have support and can commit to being quit. Realizing we are addicts is also an important step. You can't fix something that you don't know is broken. Posting Roll daily is your lifeline to being quit but you gotta keep on posting. It's been 11 days for me. Mostly good days but a couple hard as hell days. When your feeling the urge, jump on here and hit the chat room, read some posts, and continue to log your journey in your intro. We only do this one day at a time. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Quitting with you today

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2014, 11:15:00 AM »
Although you were never a member of this site before, I would still like to see you come up with a plan.

Read stuff on other people's intros and around this site, then post your quit plan.
You may not necessarily need the support, but others most definitely do. Be a shining beacon for others. Blaze the path for them to follow!!!

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2014, 11:14:00 AM »

I, like you, have quit before but without this site. YOU NEED KTC.

I quit chew/dip but didn't quit NIC. I said I could handle smoking a few cigars from time to time...but if you are an addict and you and I are you cant handle it.

My cigars led me right back to dip/chew.

This time I have quit NIC with the KTC brotherhood.

I will stay quit now.

Let your embarrassment motive you.

I am day 27 now!

Read this site...drink water and exercise.
HOF Date: May 22, 2014

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2014, 11:11:00 AM »
Go to WELCOME CENTER and post roll with June 2014. You came to the right place, we're pulling for you.
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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2014, 11:08:00 AM »

First of all, read everything you can on this site. Learn how to post roll. It is your daily promise not to use nicotine in any form. Post roll Every Damn Day.... No excuses; then keep that promise one day at a time! Do not worry about tomorrow, just worry about today. You are a nicotine addict like the rest of us.... You will never be cured, never be able to " have just one". I am living proof that you can live free from that poison! I'll quit with you today
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013