Author Topic: Day 1...again  (Read 3825 times)

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Offline Smeds

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #48 on: September 26, 2014, 07:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Congrats brother on the HOF that eluded you the first time! You took a beating coming back the second time and that's okay, we've all have taken beatings the second time around. 100% posting is that first step. You've also had to go through some serious situations during you quit that most would have choose to cave just to get by. You've owned your quit, posted 100% EDD and even spit on the bitch when she had you on the ropes! That my friend is awesome! Just remember what it took to get to where you are now so you never have to repeat it, EVER again. Just a first step of many milestones to come my friend, continue to build accountability and be accountable because that will propel you forward and protect you from that bitch that will come around every once in a while.

Celebrate today and celebrate a +1 tomorrow!
Gotta agree with this quit stud ^^^, you're owning your quit bro! Now is the time to refocus your energies, and become more active to help stave off the post-HOF complacency that lurks. This was just a blip, you've got so many more blips in your future. Either go forwards or backwards, or both ... but find a quit group and post support there DAILY as well. I would love to see you posting in July '14. I would also love to see you take a newb under your wing and help them through the shit, insure what happened to you won't happen to them! PM me if ya want my digits, proud of your quit!
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #47 on: September 25, 2014, 08:57:00 AM »
Congrats brother on the HOF that eluded you the first time! You took a beating coming back the second time and that's okay, we've all have taken beatings the second time around. 100% posting is that first step. You've also had to go through some serious situations during you quit that most would have choose to cave just to get by. You've owned your quit, posted 100% EDD and even spit on the bitch when she had you on the ropes! That my friend is awesome! Just remember what it took to get to where you are now so you never have to repeat it, EVER again. Just a first step of many milestones to come my friend, continue to build accountability and be accountable because that will propel you forward and protect you from that bitch that will come around every once in a while.

Celebrate today and celebrate a +1 tomorrow!

Offline Derk40

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #46 on: June 18, 2014, 07:51:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: Cbus50
I'm not sure why I cannot convince myself for the long haul that there is no cure.
This right here... you hit the nail right on the head Cbus. There is no cure, there is only today and your word, take care of that and the rest falls into place. The brotherhood doesn't work if you don't make some connections either, Post Roll and Run doesn't build accountability it will lull you into a false sense of security. Hanging around and helping a new quitter, listening to someone on Day 1 in chat.... that strengthens your quit.

First you'll need to choose to be quit, you chose to cave. You need to decide your all in or just don't waste your time here, because the I caved because x, y , or z doesn't cut it..... guys have maintained their quits through all kinds of rough real life shit, a job and a girlfriend isn't any different. Ask yourself did stuffing you lip with poison bring those things back? No it didn't, but by caving you deprived yourself of the pride you would have felt dealing with those things and coming out still quit.

Take your lumps, post roll everyday, find a way to contribute other than posting roll everyday. Read back to your first posts, embrace the suck and sack up and quit....
Think of it this way Cbus. If you were strung out on heroin and got clean... Do you think you could go back to using again? The obvious answer is no and for an addictive drug like heroin we understand it easily. Heroin enslaves you And ultimately kills you.

Nicotine is also an extremely addictive drug. Look what it has done to your life. The only difference is that it is legal so that creates a perception that it is ok. It is not. It is an addictive drug that will enslave you and ultimately kill you. Just like heroin.

Focus on today. Give your word every day by posting roll. Remember it is ok to not have all the answers right now. The only thing you need to do is stay quit. In time it will all be clear.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline Jlud007

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #45 on: June 18, 2014, 03:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Cbus50
I'm not sure why I cannot convince myself for the long haul that there is no cure.
This right here... you hit the nail right on the head Cbus. There is no cure, there is only today and your word, take care of that and the rest falls into place. The brotherhood doesn't work if you don't make some connections either, Post Roll and Run doesn't build accountability it will lull you into a false sense of security. Hanging around and helping a new quitter, listening to someone on Day 1 in chat.... that strengthens your quit.

First you'll need to choose to be quit, you chose to cave. You need to decide your all in or just don't waste your time here, because the I caved because x, y , or z doesn't cut it..... guys have maintained their quits through all kinds of rough real life shit, a job and a girlfriend isn't any different. Ask yourself did stuffing you lip with poison bring those things back? No it didn't, but by caving you deprived yourself of the pride you would have felt dealing with those things and coming out still quit.

Take your lumps, post roll everyday, find a way to contribute other than posting roll everyday. Read back to your first posts, embrace the suck and sack up and quit....

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #44 on: June 18, 2014, 11:41:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Sporticus
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: CBus50
First, my admission. I caved. I'm disgustedÂ…pissedÂ…ashamedÂ…and newly terrified of my own self. I went roughly 90 days and I had the HOF in the near future. I can't believe how headstrong I was into my quit and now I sit here posting day 1 again.

To my June groupÂ…I'm incredibly sorry I let all of you down. I know when people caved how pissed I was at them and how I wish I could have done something to help them. I'm not sure what it will take to figure out that it is never over. I anticipate much venom and I deserve it. Lay it on, but there is nothing you can say to make me feel more disappointed in myself than I already am.

What happened: First, I am fully accountable and I failed. There are no excuses. I have recently taken a demotion in my career. This was followed up with my girlfriend of 2 years breaking up with me. I felt worthlessÂ…I felt like why do I even care about still quitting when everything else has turned to shit. In addition, I was stupid and thought I had a control of my addiction and I could just have one. Just a visit with my old friend will make everything alright. Well, as you know and I effing knowÂ…there is no such thing as just one. I didn't reach out to who I needed toÂ…I didn't jump in the chat roomÂ…Nate McPherson tried like hell to reel me in. Nothing could shake me out of itÂ….I was determined to cave.

Why it happened: I'm not sure why I cannot convince myself for the long haul that there is no cure. After 2 long quits, "just one" has turned right back into a full blow addiction. I felt downÂ…I was depressedÂ…I ran back to where I always runÂ…even though everything in my head was screamingÂ…Please don't! Basically, I didn't use my tools, my support system, or my listen to my inner common sense. Also, I feel that I didn't have enough connections with KTC. It seems everyone I connected with caved and left KTC.

How will it be different: I was a loner in my June group. I only had one real contact. Yes, I posted roll and I felt somewhat accountable but not like I need to be. I need to take this shame, anger and embrace it and remember how it feels when I ever get into a situation like this before. I need to be more connected. I need to PM more, chat more, text more, know more people in my group. I need more than a screen name to be accountable. I have always known but it is even clearer that I'm an addict til the day I die. When life gets bad, nicotine only will make it worseÂ…it solves nothing.

To my new September groupÂ…I apologize in advance, I am going to PM every single one of you at some point. I need to be more connected. I need numbers, I need emails. The only chance for me is that if I cave I will let so many people down that I cannot cave. I hope my story will help some of you. Yes, it gets betterÂ…but you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER not an addict. I will make myself available to any of you and I will take this set back and make a comeback.

You don't get it.
You really don't get it
110 posts and most were by posting roll I'm assuming. Typical of a Post and Run quitter. Be involved in here. What you were doing before is no different than quitting on your own and that never worked out either.
Drink the damn Kool-aid. Get invested. Believe in your fucking quit. I've seen better quitters than you fail because they didn't want to use the resources. Cut the crap and find your strength.
What's next? What happens when you get a few days in and your car breaks down? What happens when you get 90 days in and a life near to u is lost, your job completely folds? Right now, after reading your intro I'm going to take a guess you'll cave like house of cards.

Are you a poser, want to be quitter?

I've seen people lose wives, jobs and everything else you can think of and they remained quit. What makes you different? Take a good look in the mirror. Is there a quitter or poser looking back at you?
The bottom line is you want to save your life or not. Everything you need to save your own life is here and is being freely given to you. You can either grab it and hold on for dear life, or you can slap it away and eventually kill yourself with the poison. The choice is yours. Now grow a set of nuts and quit.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

Quit Date: 3/4/14
HOF Date: 6/11/14
2nd Floor: 9/19/14
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Offline srans

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #43 on: June 18, 2014, 11:21:00 AM »
Quote from: Sporticus
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: CBus50
First, my admission. I caved. I'm disgustedÂ…pissedÂ…ashamedÂ…and newly terrified of my own self. I went roughly 90 days and I had the HOF in the near future. I can't believe how headstrong I was into my quit and now I sit here posting day 1 again.

To my June groupÂ…I'm incredibly sorry I let all of you down. I know when people caved how pissed I was at them and how I wish I could have done something to help them. I'm not sure what it will take to figure out that it is never over. I anticipate much venom and I deserve it. Lay it on, but there is nothing you can say to make me feel more disappointed in myself than I already am.

What happened: First, I am fully accountable and I failed. There are no excuses. I have recently taken a demotion in my career. This was followed up with my girlfriend of 2 years breaking up with me. I felt worthlessÂ…I felt like why do I even care about still quitting when everything else has turned to shit. In addition, I was stupid and thought I had a control of my addiction and I could just have one. Just a visit with my old friend will make everything alright. Well, as you know and I effing knowÂ…there is no such thing as just one. I didn't reach out to who I needed toÂ…I didn't jump in the chat roomÂ…Nate McPherson tried like hell to reel me in. Nothing could shake me out of itÂ….I was determined to cave.

Why it happened: I'm not sure why I cannot convince myself for the long haul that there is no cure. After 2 long quits, "just one" has turned right back into a full blow addiction. I felt downÂ…I was depressedÂ…I ran back to where I always runÂ…even though everything in my head was screamingÂ…Please don't! Basically, I didn't use my tools, my support system, or my listen to my inner common sense. Also, I feel that I didn't have enough connections with KTC. It seems everyone I connected with caved and left KTC.

How will it be different: I was a loner in my June group. I only had one real contact. Yes, I posted roll and I felt somewhat accountable but not like I need to be. I need to take this shame, anger and embrace it and remember how it feels when I ever get into a situation like this before. I need to be more connected. I need to PM more, chat more, text more, know more people in my group. I need more than a screen name to be accountable. I have always known but it is even clearer that I'm an addict til the day I die. When life gets bad, nicotine only will make it worseÂ…it solves nothing.

To my new September groupÂ…I apologize in advance, I am going to PM every single one of you at some point. I need to be more connected. I need numbers, I need emails. The only chance for me is that if I cave I will let so many people down that I cannot cave. I hope my story will help some of you. Yes, it gets betterÂ…but you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER not an addict. I will make myself available to any of you and I will take this set back and make a comeback.

You don't get it.
You really don't get it
110 posts and most were by posting roll I'm assuming. Typical of a Post and Run quitter. Be involved in here. What you were doing before is no different than quitting on your own and that never worked out either.
Drink the damn Kool-aid. Get invested. Believe in your fucking quit. I've seen better quitters than you fail because they didn't want to use the resources. Cut the crap and find your strength.
What's next? What happens when you get a few days in and your car breaks down? What happens when you get 90 days in and a life near to u is lost, your job completely folds? Right now, after reading your intro I'm going to take a guess you'll cave like house of cards.

Are you a poser, want to be quitter?

I've seen people lose wives, jobs and everything else you can think of and they remained quit. What makes you different? Take a good look in the mirror. Is there a quitter or poser looking back at you?
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #42 on: June 18, 2014, 11:07:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: CBus50
First, my admission. I caved. I'm disgustedÂ…pissedÂ…ashamedÂ…and newly terrified of my own self. I went roughly 90 days and I had the HOF in the near future. I can't believe how headstrong I was into my quit and now I sit here posting day 1 again.

To my June groupÂ…I'm incredibly sorry I let all of you down. I know when people caved how pissed I was at them and how I wish I could have done something to help them. I'm not sure what it will take to figure out that it is never over. I anticipate much venom and I deserve it. Lay it on, but there is nothing you can say to make me feel more disappointed in myself than I already am.

What happened: First, I am fully accountable and I failed. There are no excuses. I have recently taken a demotion in my career. This was followed up with my girlfriend of 2 years breaking up with me. I felt worthlessÂ…I felt like why do I even care about still quitting when everything else has turned to shit. In addition, I was stupid and thought I had a control of my addiction and I could just have one. Just a visit with my old friend will make everything alright. Well, as you know and I effing knowÂ…there is no such thing as just one. I didn't reach out to who I needed toÂ…I didn't jump in the chat roomÂ…Nate McPherson tried like hell to reel me in. Nothing could shake me out of itÂ….I was determined to cave.

Why it happened: I'm not sure why I cannot convince myself for the long haul that there is no cure. After 2 long quits, "just one" has turned right back into a full blow addiction. I felt downÂ…I was depressedÂ…I ran back to where I always runÂ…even though everything in my head was screamingÂ…Please don't! Basically, I didn't use my tools, my support system, or my listen to my inner common sense. Also, I feel that I didn't have enough connections with KTC. It seems everyone I connected with caved and left KTC.

How will it be different: I was a loner in my June group. I only had one real contact. Yes, I posted roll and I felt somewhat accountable but not like I need to be. I need to take this shame, anger and embrace it and remember how it feels when I ever get into a situation like this before. I need to be more connected. I need to PM more, chat more, text more, know more people in my group. I need more than a screen name to be accountable. I have always known but it is even clearer that I'm an addict til the day I die. When life gets bad, nicotine only will make it worseÂ…it solves nothing.

To my new September groupÂ…I apologize in advance, I am going to PM every single one of you at some point. I need to be more connected. I need numbers, I need emails. The only chance for me is that if I cave I will let so many people down that I cannot cave. I hope my story will help some of you. Yes, it gets betterÂ…but you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER not an addict. I will make myself available to any of you and I will take this set back and make a comeback.

You don't get it.
You really don't get it
110 posts and most were by posting roll I'm assuming. Typical of a Post and Run quitter. Be involved in here. What you were doing before is no different than quitting on your own and that never worked out either.
Drink the damn Kool-aid. Get invested. Believe in your fucking quit. I've seen better quitters than you fail because they didn't want to use the resources. Cut the crap and find your strength.

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #41 on: June 18, 2014, 10:27:00 AM »
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: CBus50
First, my admission. I caved. I'm disgustedÂ…pissedÂ…ashamedÂ…and newly terrified of my own self. I went roughly 90 days and I had the HOF in the near future. I can't believe how headstrong I was into my quit and now I sit here posting day 1 again.

To my June groupÂ…I'm incredibly sorry I let all of you down. I know when people caved how pissed I was at them and how I wish I could have done something to help them. I'm not sure what it will take to figure out that it is never over. I anticipate much venom and I deserve it. Lay it on, but there is nothing you can say to make me feel more disappointed in myself than I already am.

What happened: First, I am fully accountable and I failed. There are no excuses. I have recently taken a demotion in my career. This was followed up with my girlfriend of 2 years breaking up with me. I felt worthlessÂ…I felt like why do I even care about still quitting when everything else has turned to shit. In addition, I was stupid and thought I had a control of my addiction and I could just have one. Just a visit with my old friend will make everything alright. Well, as you know and I effing knowÂ…there is no such thing as just one. I didn't reach out to who I needed toÂ…I didn't jump in the chat roomÂ…Nate McPherson tried like hell to reel me in. Nothing could shake me out of itÂ….I was determined to cave.

Why it happened: I'm not sure why I cannot convince myself for the long haul that there is no cure. After 2 long quits, "just one" has turned right back into a full blow addiction. I felt downÂ…I was depressedÂ…I ran back to where I always runÂ…even though everything in my head was screamingÂ…Please don't! Basically, I didn't use my tools, my support system, or my listen to my inner common sense. Also, I feel that I didn't have enough connections with KTC. It seems everyone I connected with caved and left KTC.

How will it be different: I was a loner in my June group. I only had one real contact. Yes, I posted roll and I felt somewhat accountable but not like I need to be. I need to take this shame, anger and embrace it and remember how it feels when I ever get into a situation like this before. I need to be more connected. I need to PM more, chat more, text more, know more people in my group. I need more than a screen name to be accountable. I have always known but it is even clearer that I'm an addict til the day I die. When life gets bad, nicotine only will make it worseÂ…it solves nothing.

To my new September groupÂ…I apologize in advance, I am going to PM every single one of you at some point. I need to be more connected. I need numbers, I need emails. The only chance for me is that if I cave I will let so many people down that I cannot cave. I hope my story will help some of you. Yes, it gets betterÂ…but you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER not an addict. I will make myself available to any of you and I will take this set back and make a comeback.

You don't get it.
You really don't get it
110 posts and most were by posting roll I'm assuming. Typical of a Post and Run quitter. Be involved in here. What you were doing before is no different than quitting on your own and that never worked out either.

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #40 on: June 18, 2014, 09:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: CBus50
First, my admission. I caved. I'm disgustedÂ…pissedÂ…ashamedÂ…and newly terrified of my own self. I went roughly 90 days and I had the HOF in the near future. I can't believe how headstrong I was into my quit and now I sit here posting day 1 again.

To my June groupÂ…I'm incredibly sorry I let all of you down. I know when people caved how pissed I was at them and how I wish I could have done something to help them. I'm not sure what it will take to figure out that it is never over. I anticipate much venom and I deserve it. Lay it on, but there is nothing you can say to make me feel more disappointed in myself than I already am.

What happened: First, I am fully accountable and I failed. There are no excuses. I have recently taken a demotion in my career. This was followed up with my girlfriend of 2 years breaking up with me. I felt worthlessÂ…I felt like why do I even care about still quitting when everything else has turned to shit. In addition, I was stupid and thought I had a control of my addiction and I could just have one. Just a visit with my old friend will make everything alright. Well, as you know and I effing knowÂ…there is no such thing as just one. I didn't reach out to who I needed toÂ…I didn't jump in the chat roomÂ…Nate McPherson tried like hell to reel me in. Nothing could shake me out of itÂ….I was determined to cave.

Why it happened: I'm not sure why I cannot convince myself for the long haul that there is no cure. After 2 long quits, "just one" has turned right back into a full blow addiction. I felt downÂ…I was depressedÂ…I ran back to where I always runÂ…even though everything in my head was screamingÂ…Please don't! Basically, I didn't use my tools, my support system, or my listen to my inner common sense. Also, I feel that I didn't have enough connections with KTC. It seems everyone I connected with caved and left KTC.

How will it be different: I was a loner in my June group. I only had one real contact. Yes, I posted roll and I felt somewhat accountable but not like I need to be. I need to take this shame, anger and embrace it and remember how it feels when I ever get into a situation like this before. I need to be more connected. I need to PM more, chat more, text more, know more people in my group. I need more than a screen name to be accountable. I have always known but it is even clearer that I'm an addict til the day I die. When life gets bad, nicotine only will make it worseÂ…it solves nothing.

To my new September groupÂ…I apologize in advance, I am going to PM every single one of you at some point. I need to be more connected. I need numbers, I need emails. The only chance for me is that if I cave I will let so many people down that I cannot cave. I hope my story will help some of you. Yes, it gets betterÂ…but you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER not an addict. I will make myself available to any of you and I will take this set back and make a comeback.

You don't get it.
You really don't get it
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #39 on: June 18, 2014, 09:16:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: CBus50
First, my admission. I caved. I'm disgustedÂ…pissedÂ…ashamedÂ…and newly terrified of my own self. I went roughly 90 days and I had the HOF in the near future. I can't believe how headstrong I was into my quit and now I sit here posting day 1 again.

To my June groupÂ…I'm incredibly sorry I let all of you down. I know when people caved how pissed I was at them and how I wish I could have done something to help them. I'm not sure what it will take to figure out that it is never over. I anticipate much venom and I deserve it. Lay it on, but there is nothing you can say to make me feel more disappointed in myself than I already am.

What happened: First, I am fully accountable and I failed. There are no excuses. I have recently taken a demotion in my career. This was followed up with my girlfriend of 2 years breaking up with me. I felt worthlessÂ…I felt like why do I even care about still quitting when everything else has turned to shit. In addition, I was stupid and thought I had a control of my addiction and I could just have one. Just a visit with my old friend will make everything alright. Well, as you know and I effing knowÂ…there is no such thing as just one. I didn't reach out to who I needed toÂ…I didn't jump in the chat roomÂ…Nate McPherson tried like hell to reel me in. Nothing could shake me out of itÂ….I was determined to cave.

Why it happened: I'm not sure why I cannot convince myself for the long haul that there is no cure. After 2 long quits, "just one" has turned right back into a full blow addiction. I felt downÂ…I was depressedÂ…I ran back to where I always runÂ…even though everything in my head was screamingÂ…Please don't! Basically, I didn't use my tools, my support system, or my listen to my inner common sense. Also, I feel that I didn't have enough connections with KTC. It seems everyone I connected with caved and left KTC.

How will it be different: I was a loner in my June group. I only had one real contact. Yes, I posted roll and I felt somewhat accountable but not like I need to be. I need to take this shame, anger and embrace it and remember how it feels when I ever get into a situation like this before. I need to be more connected. I need to PM more, chat more, text more, know more people in my group. I need more than a screen name to be accountable. I have always known but it is even clearer that I'm an addict til the day I die. When life gets bad, nicotine only will make it worseÂ…it solves nothing.

To my new September groupÂ…I apologize in advance, I am going to PM every single one of you at some point. I need to be more connected. I need numbers, I need emails. The only chance for me is that if I cave I will let so many people down that I cannot cave. I hope my story will help some of you. Yes, it gets betterÂ…but you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER not an addict. I will make myself available to any of you and I will take this set back and make a comeback.

You don't get it.
You need to remove words like hope and wish from you dialog you are not a kid anymore those words hold no place in the BATTLE of quit. The self flogging needs to go too. Tell me at what point did chew help with the ole lady going south on you and a demotion. You have those problems now you added chew to the equation. Let me give you the ScoDaddy theorem learn it live it. You need to change your mindset of what you think about tobacco.

1 PROBLEM + Nicotine=2 PROBLEMS....simple right live it.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #38 on: June 18, 2014, 09:09:00 AM »
Quote from: CBus50
First, my admission. I caved. I'm disgustedÂ…pissedÂ…ashamedÂ…and newly terrified of my own self. I went roughly 90 days and I had the HOF in the near future. I can't believe how headstrong I was into my quit and now I sit here posting day 1 again.

To my June groupÂ…I'm incredibly sorry I let all of you down. I know when people caved how pissed I was at them and how I wish I could have done something to help them. I'm not sure what it will take to figure out that it is never over. I anticipate much venom and I deserve it. Lay it on, but there is nothing you can say to make me feel more disappointed in myself than I already am.

What happened: First, I am fully accountable and I failed. There are no excuses. I have recently taken a demotion in my career. This was followed up with my girlfriend of 2 years breaking up with me. I felt worthlessÂ…I felt like why do I even care about still quitting when everything else has turned to shit. In addition, I was stupid and thought I had a control of my addiction and I could just have one. Just a visit with my old friend will make everything alright. Well, as you know and I effing knowÂ…there is no such thing as just one. I didn't reach out to who I needed toÂ…I didn't jump in the chat roomÂ…Nate McPherson tried like hell to reel me in. Nothing could shake me out of itÂ….I was determined to cave.

Why it happened: I'm not sure why I cannot convince myself for the long haul that there is no cure. After 2 long quits, "just one" has turned right back into a full blow addiction. I felt downÂ…I was depressedÂ…I ran back to where I always runÂ…even though everything in my head was screamingÂ…Please don't! Basically, I didn't use my tools, my support system, or my listen to my inner common sense. Also, I feel that I didn't have enough connections with KTC. It seems everyone I connected with caved and left KTC.

How will it be different: I was a loner in my June group. I only had one real contact. Yes, I posted roll and I felt somewhat accountable but not like I need to be. I need to take this shame, anger and embrace it and remember how it feels when I ever get into a situation like this before. I need to be more connected. I need to PM more, chat more, text more, know more people in my group. I need more than a screen name to be accountable. I have always known but it is even clearer that I'm an addict til the day I die. When life gets bad, nicotine only will make it worseÂ…it solves nothing.

To my new September groupÂ…I apologize in advance, I am going to PM every single one of you at some point. I need to be more connected. I need numbers, I need emails. The only chance for me is that if I cave I will let so many people down that I cannot cave. I hope my story will help some of you. Yes, it gets betterÂ…but you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER not an addict. I will make myself available to any of you and I will take this set back and make a comeback.

You don't get it.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #37 on: June 18, 2014, 09:01:00 AM »
First, my admission. I caved. I'm disgustedÂ…pissedÂ…ashamedÂ…and newly terrified of my own self. I went roughly 90 days and I had the HOF in the near future. I can't believe how headstrong I was into my quit and now I sit here posting day 1 again.

To my June groupÂ…I'm incredibly sorry I let all of you down. I know when people caved how pissed I was at them and how I wish I could have done something to help them. I'm not sure what it will take to figure out that it is never over. I anticipate much venom and I deserve it. Lay it on, but there is nothing you can say to make me feel more disappointed in myself than I already am.

What happened: First, I am fully accountable and I failed. There are no excuses. I have recently taken a demotion in my career. This was followed up with my girlfriend of 2 years breaking up with me. I felt worthlessÂ…I felt like why do I even care about still quitting when everything else has turned to shit. In addition, I was stupid and thought I had a control of my addiction and I could just have one. Just a visit with my old friend will make everything alright. Well, as you know and I effing knowÂ…there is no such thing as just one. I didn't reach out to who I needed toÂ…I didn't jump in the chat roomÂ…Nate McPherson tried like hell to reel me in. Nothing could shake me out of itÂ….I was determined to cave.

Why it happened: I'm not sure why I cannot convince myself for the long haul that there is no cure. After 2 long quits, "just one" has turned right back into a full blow addiction. I felt downÂ…I was depressedÂ…I ran back to where I always runÂ…even though everything in my head was screamingÂ…Please don't! Basically, I didn't use my tools, my support system, or my listen to my inner common sense. Also, I feel that I didn't have enough connections with KTC. It seems everyone I connected with caved and left KTC.

How will it be different: I was a loner in my June group. I only had one real contact. Yes, I posted roll and I felt somewhat accountable but not like I need to be. I need to take this shame, anger and embrace it and remember how it feels when I ever get into a situation like this before. I need to be more connected. I need to PM more, chat more, text more, know more people in my group. I need more than a screen name to be accountable. I have always known but it is even clearer that I'm an addict til the day I die. When life gets bad, nicotine only will make it worseÂ…it solves nothing.

To my new September groupÂ…I apologize in advance, I am going to PM every single one of you at some point. I need to be more connected. I need numbers, I need emails. The only chance for me is that if I cave I will let so many people down that I cannot cave. I hope my story will help some of you. Yes, it gets betterÂ…but you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER not an addict. I will make myself available to any of you and I will take this set back and make a comeback.

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #36 on: April 28, 2014, 08:55:00 PM »
C-BUS the craves you are having are normal. I am on day -160- today and can honestly tell you that almost daily I have at least one crave yet, sometimes more. Yes some are so easy to stomp on it is pitiful but others take a little more stomping if you know what I mean. I have now taken to trying to figure out what is triggering my craves when I have time to ponder and I cannot always even figure it out. Today was easy, I saw some sorry sucker putting in a big old turn and then for some reason, this sent a signal to my brain which started a craving. I stomped the crave by thinking about how far I have come and how I felt sorry for that dude wasting his money and maybe his life. Fucking Copenhagen and US Tobacco, I am learning to despise them daily. Anyway yes its normal, keep up the fight, remember your promise, your contract and why you are doing this. Quit with you today.

I'm a Quitter, Are You?

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2014, 08:43:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: dunwit
Quote from: CBus50
Day 50...I wish I could sit here and say..."wow, 1/2 way to HOF and things are amazing!". When looking back, the first 10 days were hell on earth...but I got through. Days 11 to 20 felt like hell with much less heat. Days 20 through 40 were a breeze...honestly, there were many days in there where I never thought about dip or nicotine...sincerely. I felt great and I never even thought about it and when I brain quickly said, no way dude! And that was that.

Now today at day 50, I can tell you the last 5 days have been as hard as days 6-10. I have had horrible and multiple craves. I don't know what it is...the weather, my mood, the fact I am this far along and my body knows I mean business? Not sure, but I want to at least document it here and thank all of you for your continued support.

If this was the case for any of you vets, it would be good to know..
Sounds about right. Stay pissed and keep up the battle. Bad days come and go for quite a while it seems, it does get easier for sure.
A lot of people struggled for months to feel right. It takes time. There will be ups and downs. You are still fighting daily battles. That's what this addiction has done to us. Failure is simply not an option. Stay committed and keep building your accountability. That is the path to success. It will get better I guarantee it. Keep fighting.
50 days! Outstanding!!

You dipped for a long time, so it will take time for you to heal. I feel better and better every day. But I still have to make my promise to be quit.

You are at 50 days and I'm at 310. I feel so different then I did at 50. Quit days are like dog years. Each day quit packs so much punch.

Keep at it ODAAT. You are doing great. Quit on!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Re: Day 1...again
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2014, 03:08:00 PM »
Quote from: dunwit
Quote from: CBus50
Day 50...I wish I could sit here and say..."wow, 1/2 way to HOF and things are amazing!". When looking back, the first 10 days were hell on earth...but I got through. Days 11 to 20 felt like hell with much less heat. Days 20 through 40 were a breeze...honestly, there were many days in there where I never thought about dip or nicotine...sincerely. I felt great and I never even thought about it and when I brain quickly said, no way dude! And that was that.

Now today at day 50, I can tell you the last 5 days have been as hard as days 6-10. I have had horrible and multiple craves. I don't know what it is...the weather, my mood, the fact I am this far along and my body knows I mean business? Not sure, but I want to at least document it here and thank all of you for your continued support.

If this was the case for any of you vets, it would be good to know..
Sounds about right. Stay pissed and keep up the battle. Bad days come and go for quite a while it seems, it does get easier for sure.
A lot of people struggled for months to feel right. It takes time. There will be ups and downs. You are still fighting daily battles. That's what this addiction has done to us. Failure is simply not an option. Stay committed and keep building your accountability. That is the path to success. It will get better I guarantee it. Keep fighting.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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