Author Topic: I'm done with this Sh#%  (Read 4358 times)

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Offline Ginet

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #76 on: August 28, 2014, 09:28:00 PM »
Dear fellow kick ass quitters,
The towel has been thrown in. Leave it lay right there on the floor. Use your energy toward your own quit. If that is solid LF then direct that energy into someone else's. However, don't waste your time here. He isn't ready. None of us can change that.

You can't save them all. Solid truth.
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ~ Stephen R. Covey

QD 12/29/13
April 2014 Resolute

Offline slug.go

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #75 on: August 28, 2014, 07:30:00 PM »
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: longhorn83
After reading about the caves today - I am sad.

I know exactly what you are going through. I've been there. What you do right now though will resonate into your future. I know you have shame and you are embarrassed. Great. Get your ass in December 14 and post your day 1. This isn't a license to be a fucking waste of space and keep dipping. How does that work anyways? "Oh, fuck me, I didn't mean to dip. I guess I'll just dip for a few more months? Ha, I'm such a silly bitch!" Fuck that. I was that bitch, but you don't have to be. Be a fucking man and go post day 1.
Take Longhorns advice. Although, I doubt you will. Get on the horse, man up, and post. Longhorn was a member of June 14 with me. He caved, disappeared into the shadows. We had all forgot him. We moved on. We gained freedom. We saved money. We saved our health. Low and behold, LH came crawling back here. He'd caved. Pissed on all of us and went back to finger banging a can. We were pissed, I was pissed, that he didn't reach out to us. Guess what though....he's earned my respect back by posting EDD and helping with his groups spreadsheet. We have an understanding that this is his FINAL chance. If he's in trouble, he gets a hold of me or any of his November brothers/sisters. If he pisses away the opportunity this time, I'm turning my back and wishing him well in life as a slave to the can. So instead of being in the upper 100's like myself, LH is set to hit 100 sometime in November.

Cancer isn't a fucking game. Quitting isn't a game. You're personally disrespecting me and other people who are fighting for their lives, who aren't nic users. If you feel like knowing why that disrespects me, send me a PM.

You had 12 days quit. I have 187. You lose. I win.

Time to grow a pair and become a man.
This guy...fuck him. We have fresh quit in the fog in December Â’14, they earned our support.
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline THansen2413

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #74 on: August 28, 2014, 05:17:00 PM »
Quote from: longhorn83
After reading about the caves today - I am sad.

I know exactly what you are going through. I've been there. What you do right now though will resonate into your future. I know you have shame and you are embarrassed. Great. Get your ass in December 14 and post your day 1. This isn't a license to be a fucking waste of space and keep dipping. How does that work anyways? "Oh, fuck me, I didn't mean to dip. I guess I'll just dip for a few more months? Ha, I'm such a silly bitch!" Fuck that. I was that bitch, but you don't have to be. Be a fucking man and go post day 1.
Take Longhorns advice. Although, I doubt you will. Get on the horse, man up, and post. Longhorn was a member of June 14 with me. He caved, disappeared into the shadows. We had all forgot him. We moved on. We gained freedom. We saved money. We saved our health. Low and behold, LH came crawling back here. He'd caved. Pissed on all of us and went back to finger banging a can. We were pissed, I was pissed, that he didn't reach out to us. Guess what though....he's earned my respect back by posting EDD and helping with his groups spreadsheet. We have an understanding that this is his FINAL chance. If he's in trouble, he gets a hold of me or any of his November brothers/sisters. If he pisses away the opportunity this time, I'm turning my back and wishing him well in life as a slave to the can. So instead of being in the upper 100's like myself, LH is set to hit 100 sometime in November.

Cancer isn't a fucking game. Quitting isn't a game. You're personally disrespecting me and other people who are fighting for their lives, who aren't nic users. If you feel like knowing why that disrespects me, send me a PM.

You had 12 days quit. I have 187. You lose. I win.

Time to grow a pair and become a man.
Quitters I've met in person : Keddy, boelker62, Big Brother Jack, baitbanjo, SirDerek, Chewie, Scowick65, theo3wood, mcarmo44, MonsterEMT, Bronc, dforbes, rocketman, Lance from SD, kdip, wastepanel, quitspit, basshaug, greenspidy, 30yrAddict, btdogboy, cmark, chrisTKE1982, Jeffro Dolfie, Clampy, carlh2o, JGlav, ReWire, Chewrouski_Philly, Sranger999, walterwhite, DWEIRICK, spit cup, FranPro, ericfluck

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #73 on: August 28, 2014, 04:32:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: instaham56
pretty pathetic to read this... i'm on Day 12 and feel like dog shit, and the only thing my mind is telling me is "put a big fatty in your mouth and that headache of yours will be long gone"

FUCK that! i'm staying quit TODAY
Indeed, just keep making a the right decision, and live without regret. In a few days those right decisions will pay huge dividends.

Regrettably, Heisenberg may never know what that feels like.
Sure don't look like he will. He hasn't logged on for over 24 hours.

Like Jimmy Buffet said :

"The gross dips and snuffs
Put his ambition at bay
And Summers and Winters
Scattered like splinters
And four or five years slipped away."

See ya in 2019 buddy

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #72 on: August 28, 2014, 02:45:00 PM »
Quote from: instaham56
pretty pathetic to read this... i'm on Day 12 and feel like dog shit, and the only thing my mind is telling me is "put a big fatty in your mouth and that headache of yours will be long gone"

FUCK that! i'm staying quit TODAY
Indeed, just keep making a the right decision, and live without regret. In a few days those right decisions will pay huge dividends.

Regrettably, Heisenberg may never know what that feels like.

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #71 on: August 28, 2014, 02:38:00 PM »
pretty pathetic to read this... i'm on Day 12 and feel like dog shit, and the only thing my mind is telling me is "put a big fatty in your mouth and that headache of yours will be long gone"

FUCK that! i'm staying quit TODAY
"Victory feels so damn good, I crave it every day"

"If you got QUIT in your heart let it out"

Alcohol Free: 27-Aug-2017
Alcohol Free: 20-Nov-2017
Alcohol Free: 1-Jan-2018
Nicotine Free: 29-Aug-2017

you can call me "Ham" or "Insta"

Offline longhorn83

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #70 on: August 27, 2014, 06:54:00 PM »
After reading about the caves today - I am sad.

I know exactly what you are going through. I've been there. What you do right now though will resonate into your future. I know you have shame and you are embarrassed. Great. Get your ass in December 14 and post your day 1. This isn't a license to be a fucking waste of space and keep dipping. How does that work anyways? "Oh, fuck me, I didn't mean to dip. I guess I'll just dip for a few more months? Ha, I'm such a silly bitch!" Fuck that. I was that bitch, but you don't have to be. Be a fucking man and go post day 1.

Offline Bignate76

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #69 on: August 27, 2014, 06:40:00 PM »
Man... I had a really rough day 12 too..

Difference is I put on my big boy panties and fucking dealt with it. I may have been in the fetal position in the corner crying, but guess who got to post Day 71 this morning... This guy ;-)

Put on your big boy panties, answer the 3, and post up in Dec... Grow up and stop being a drama queen.

Offline G

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #68 on: August 27, 2014, 06:06:00 PM »
You're not "more addicted" than any of us. I hope you don't have that same defeatist attitude in other aspects of your life. And please don't come back here telling us you're sucking off Nic as you type. What a turd move.

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #67 on: August 27, 2014, 06:01:00 PM »
If any of y'all have Heisenberg's number you need to be blowing up his phone. I doubt he's ever gonna see any of these posts. At least not until he drags his butt back here 2 years and 800 cans later.
Quit date: July 24,2014
HOF date: October 31, 2014
HOF speech: You're an idiot if you still dip.

my intro

"When I am weak, He is strong!" II Corinthians 12:10

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #66 on: August 27, 2014, 04:45:00 PM »
Quote from: ERDVM
This is the pussyiest post I have ever read. You think you're fucking special? "If this helps just one person...." :vomit.

Grow the Fuck Up. You want to keep packing and scraping your lip every morning, then by all means get after it. Drink your booze too. Fuck anyone who is offering you help. But do not EVER bring this juvenile, attention-seeking, lack of personal responsibility, addict speak in here again.

Quitting has been an will always be about BALLS.


Vadge 957.
You will only "be quit" when you've acknowledged the You're an addict and decide to do something about it.
Slavery or Freedom. The choice is ours to make ODAAT.
I choose freedom with all KTC quitters who posted this a.m.
My quit group is still strong after more than 2 years. If we can do it, so can You.
Do or Do Not, There is no Try.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Ron_Cross

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #65 on: August 27, 2014, 04:09:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
You keep acting like you have no control. Bullshit.

You keep putting faith in someone other than yourself when it comes to physical actions. Bullshit.

You keep talking about helping "just one." How about you make that just one yourself? I am a damn selfish quitter, always looking out for #1 first.

For fucks sake, all you have to do is climb the walls, rant, run, eat, scream, whatever for a bit when it comes to a crave. You chose to make a stop and get a can and feed the addiction; guess what, cancer cant be beat with ranting, raving, running, eating, etc. Chemo / radiation / amputation is a real motherfucker.

In the end, we are all going to quit. I choose to do it on my terms, and I will deal with God's choices when the time comes. You choose to roll the dice and will quit on a doctor's table. Good luck with that. Make sure you hug and kiss your wife and kids while you can. Tick tock.
That is the cold hard truth. Everyone controls their own destiny with the choices they make. You made your choice. Don't you dare blame God or anyone else while they are removing half of your GOD DAMN face. You selfish pussy.

Offline CastleHusky

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #64 on: August 27, 2014, 03:26:00 PM »
Fog rage omitted.
Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #63 on: August 27, 2014, 03:26:00 PM »
Pathetic. Not even worthy of pity.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Doc2quit4good

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #62 on: August 27, 2014, 02:55:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
You keep acting like you have no control. Bullshit.

You keep putting faith in someone other than yourself when it comes to physical actions. Bullshit.

You keep talking about helping "just one." How about you make that just one yourself? I am a damn selfish quitter, always looking out for #1 first.

For fucks sake, all you have to do is climb the walls, rant, run, eat, scream, whatever for a bit when it comes to a crave. You chose to make a stop and get a can and feed the addiction; guess what, cancer cant be beat with ranting, raving, running, eating, etc. Chemo / radiation / amputation is a real motherfucker.

In the end, we are all going to quit. I choose to do it on my terms, and I will deal with God's choices when the time comes. You choose to roll the dice and will quit on a doctor's table. Good luck with that. Make sure you hug and kiss your wife and kids while you can. Tick tock.
Check, Check and Check... God was there with him when he put his first dip in. Not much use praying to him to get him to stop. He has to do this himself....
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
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