Author Topic: I'm done with this Sh#%  (Read 4357 times)

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Offline schaef418

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #61 on: August 27, 2014, 02:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Guys, re-read his initial post. His brother lasted 5 days. He lasted 12. Now he has bragging rights in the family, and we all lost spending time on him. It was all a game from the get go, I am moving on now.
I tend to agree here. I think it's a waste. That was his final visit. I don't see him coming back to check any of this.

Offline Sap

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #60 on: August 27, 2014, 02:54:00 PM »
I wish I had more fight in me, but we all know I'm done. I said I'd be done if I caved and I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. If there is just one guy out there willing to pray for me I ask to do so. God is my only hope now. Again, I apologize and wish you all nothing but the best in your quit.
Oh give me a break, princess. So, you're just giving up. You failed, we all know that, but now you're just gonna come on here, talk about typing this with shit in your mouth and say you are trying to help people? Haven't you noticed that dudes who don't have shit in their mouths and haven't for over 200 days are trying to help people and they still don't get it? And you and your massive fucking ego thinks you can come and here and make yourself out to be some sort of saving grace because you offer an example to others even at your worst? No, dude, that is not an example, that is a miserable failure trying to find some self effacing redeeming quality in his deplorable actions. If you want to set an example, own this quit. Post a Day 1, show some fucking resolve and quit again, today, right now. Do it. You don't have to decide that you aren't good enough to quit, but in order to do so YOU MUST DECIDE THAT YOU WILL QUIT.
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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #59 on: August 27, 2014, 02:42:00 PM »
Guys, re-read his initial post. His brother lasted 5 days. He lasted 12. Now he has bragging rights in the family, and we all lost spending time on him. It was all a game from the get go, I am moving on now.
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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #58 on: August 27, 2014, 02:40:00 PM »
I posted this in the November Quit group, but maybe Heisenberg isn't going over there any longer. So here is my rant and hopefully you read it.

I know that piece of shit Heisenberg is probably a 1000 miles away from me, but I feel like I just got kicked in the balls by him. What an asshole and what a ridiculous, pussy post to let us know he caved. Man up you pussy and be a man to your wife and a father to your kids. Maybe get off your ass and back off from your computer, go look at some pictures of your wife and kids and take the fucking fatty out of your mouth and be done with it. Grow a set of balls. I'm not sure you realize how pathetic you sounded, but take the shit out of your mouth and start your quit again. Maybe in 100 days you can look back at this day, at yourself and all of us and say, "You know what, that was the best damn day of my life, because that day saved my life" But until you grow a sack and man up, you are on a straight path to death. I know I don't say much on this site. I read, educate myself, post roll early and every fucking day, and text about 5 brothers daily to see how they are doing. They do the same. Couple vets have taken me under their wings, which I truly appreciate it. But I am in a fucking rotten mood today because of Heisenberg's post. Here is another reason why besides the fact he is a piece of shit with now willpower. I found out about 4 hours ago my buddy, who was in my wedding, his wife has Stage 3 breast cancer. yep, stage 3 out of 4. She is only 40 fucking years old Does she smoke? Nope, she is a dentist and a health freak. 2 little kids. So she got cancer and is in for the battle of her life, and probably has more willpower to beat cancer than Heisenberg does to beat his addictin, even though her odds are probably a 1000 times worse than yours to beat it. So hopefully that will bring you to reality you piece of shit. Man up. My friend might have to raise his kids by himself one day. You want to do that to your wife? ask yourself that the next time you go to put a big fat wad of poison in your mouth.
Flannywho is out and pissed!

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #57 on: August 27, 2014, 02:37:00 PM »
You keep acting like you have no control. Bullshit.

You keep putting faith in someone other than yourself when it comes to physical actions. Bullshit.

You keep talking about helping "just one." How about you make that just one yourself? I am a damn selfish quitter, always looking out for #1 first.

For fucks sake, all you have to do is climb the walls, rant, run, eat, scream, whatever for a bit when it comes to a crave. You chose to make a stop and get a can and feed the addiction; guess what, cancer cant be beat with ranting, raving, running, eating, etc. Chemo / radiation / amputation is a real motherfucker.

In the end, we are all going to quit. I choose to do it on my terms, and I will deal with God's choices when the time comes. You choose to roll the dice and will quit on a doctor's table. Good luck with that. Make sure you hug and kiss your wife and kids while you can. Tick tock.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #56 on: August 27, 2014, 02:35:00 PM »
Too much pride to save your life? Pick up your skirt, answer the 3 questions, and get your ass into December.

Do not come back here ever again with a dip in your mouth though. As long as that is happening, you are not welcome.

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #55 on: August 27, 2014, 02:28:00 PM »
I remember when I.first saw this site in 2012, I was amazed at how many people were able to quit an addiction I didn't think I could live without feeding. On 2/7/14 I believed someone who said "if I can do this, you can too." In quitting, like life, there are good days and bad days. Days 1- 20 are hard, but it gets do much better. Leave or stay, it is just like the decision to be quit, only you can make it.

If only I would have done that in 2012....I could be celebrating 800 days instead of 200...and saved $3,000...

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #54 on: August 27, 2014, 02:27:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
P.S. If you ever post here again, at least have the respect to spit that shit out of your lip first 'Finger'
Oh, and this right here ^^^

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #53 on: August 27, 2014, 02:26:00 PM »
Another victim to the nic bitch. Damn frustrating. All the tools and resources a person needs is right here.

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #52 on: August 27, 2014, 02:21:00 PM »
Sad, disappointing....a shame.
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Offline 30yraddict

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #51 on: August 27, 2014, 02:10:00 PM »
Its a shame that you choose to be owned by addiction that can be defeated... you were 12-0 and then threw the game.

I read somewhere that it takes an average of 3 years for someone who failed the quit to try again. Here's to three more years of slavery. 3 more years of playing hide and seek from cancer, 3 more years of feeling like a worthless piece of shit every time you stuff your lip with dogshit.

The saddest part of all? It is completely self-inflicted... completely preventable.

P.S. If you ever post here again, at least have the respect to spit that shit out of your lip first 'Finger'

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #50 on: August 27, 2014, 02:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: Tuco's
Note to Self:

Brian, if you've come back to this post your mind is fucking with you right now. You want to cave. That voice inside your head is telling you "just one dip. One more dip and I'll leave you alone. You've proved to yourself you can stop if you want, so what's the harm of just one more dip?" Well guess what mother fucker, one dip is what got you here. One drink is what led to this. 20 years of this shit. 20 years you selfish prick, and why? Because it made you feel better? Because you thought you weren't doing any harm to yourself or the people you love? You fucked up. You fucked up 20 years of your life and now you're reading this thinking about fucking up another 20. Bullshit. You just made it through the toughest 4 days you may ever have to face, and there is no way you'll ever find the motivation to go through that again. If you made it yesterday you can definitely make it today. Tomorrow? Who fucking cares about Tomorrow. You might be dead tomorrow. Get through today, that's all I'm asking of you. Don't ever forget what this shit did to you. You're life revolved around this shit and you were miserable. Don't ever forget that. You made yourself a promise and you're going to stick with it. Day 5 and this is probably the best you have felt since you were a young teenager. The physical withdrawal of alcohol and nicotine has subsided. You feel fantastic right now. Don't fuck this up. Not even once. Once got you here. I plead with you, Do not listen to the voices trying to talk you into a cave. You're in control. You can do this. If you fail you know deep inside you'll never get here again. Be strong. One day at a time.
Goddamn if that didn't just give me a chill. Thanks for that, Heisenberg. The real you is starting to take over and is pummeling the shit out of the addict side.
Well, you fucked up.

Spare us the self-immolation bullshit. It's not like we were going to mount your rotting, fetid quit attempt carcass out on a pike to serve as a "warning" to other noobs. You give yourself far too much credit.

In reality, you will be quickly forgotten the moment you walk out that door. A veritable popcorn fart caver in the spacetime fabric of KTC.

You made us a promise and you chose to break it. Plain and simple. You had a fucking goldmine of excellent choices at your disposal, and only one truly bad one. Guess which one you went with.

Maybe you'll luck out and catch lightning in a bottle again someday and come to the same moment of rational clarity that you did 13 days ago. Maybe. Until then, know that you have allowed the addict back in the driver's seat. Allow that to sink in, because that is exactly how I will frame and define you.

Thank you for making my quit stronger today.
Why would ye come back and post that garbage. Ye know damn well ye still want to quit. God won't help ye, prayer won't help ye. Sacking up and understanding where ye went pete tong will help ye. Ye posted this because ye still want to quit. Ye are a fanny flaps that's for sure. Eat y'r cack buttie and get back on the horse. Goat romper.

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #49 on: August 27, 2014, 01:42:00 PM »
Quote from: Heisenberg
I've exchanged digits (which I never used)
From what I've seen you did everything right but this^^ Quitting CANNOT be done alone.

Noobs take notice: digits don't mean crap if you don't use them! Texting and calling turns accountability partners that you've never met into friends that will save your butt!
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HOF speech: You're an idiot if you still dip.

my intro

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Offline Tuco

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #48 on: August 27, 2014, 01:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Tuco's
Note to Self:

Brian, if you've come back to this post your mind is fucking with you right now. You want to cave. That voice inside your head is telling you "just one dip. One more dip and I'll leave you alone. You've proved to yourself you can stop if you want, so what's the harm of just one more dip?" Well guess what mother fucker, one dip is what got you here. One drink is what led to this. 20 years of this shit. 20 years you selfish prick, and why? Because it made you feel better? Because you thought you weren't doing any harm to yourself or the people you love? You fucked up. You fucked up 20 years of your life and now you're reading this thinking about fucking up another 20. Bullshit. You just made it through the toughest 4 days you may ever have to face, and there is no way you'll ever find the motivation to go through that again. If you made it yesterday you can definitely make it today. Tomorrow? Who fucking cares about Tomorrow. You might be dead tomorrow. Get through today, that's all I'm asking of you. Don't ever forget what this shit did to you. You're life revolved around this shit and you were miserable. Don't ever forget that. You made yourself a promise and you're going to stick with it. Day 5 and this is probably the best you have felt since you were a young teenager. The physical withdrawal of alcohol and nicotine has subsided. You feel fantastic right now. Don't fuck this up. Not even once. Once got you here. I plead with you, Do not listen to the voices trying to talk you into a cave. You're in control. You can do this. If you fail you know deep inside you'll never get here again. Be strong. One day at a time.
Goddamn if that didn't just give me a chill. Thanks for that, Heisenberg. The real you is starting to take over and is pummeling the shit out of the addict side.
Well, you fucked up.

Spare us the self-immolation bullshit. It's not like we were going to mount your rotting, fetid quit attempt carcass out on a pike to serve as a "warning" to other noobs. You give yourself far too much credit.

In reality, you will be quickly forgotten the moment you walk out that door. A veritable popcorn fart caver in the spacetime fabric of KTC.

You made us a promise and you chose to break it. Plain and simple. You had a fucking goldmine of excellent choices at your disposal, and only one truly bad one. Guess which one you went with.

Maybe you'll luck out and catch lightning in a bottle again someday and come to the same moment of rational clarity that you did 13 days ago. Maybe. Until then, know that you have allowed the addict back in the driver's seat. Allow that to sink in, because that is exactly how I will frame and define you.

Thank you for making my quit stronger today.

Offline ERDVM

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Re: I'm done with this Sh#%
« Reply #47 on: August 27, 2014, 12:59:00 PM »
This is the pussyiest post I have ever read. You think you're fucking special? "If this helps just one person...." :vomit.

Grow the Fuck Up. You want to keep packing and scraping your lip every morning, then by all means get after it. Drink your booze too. Fuck anyone who is offering you help. But do not EVER bring this juvenile, attention-seeking, lack of personal responsibility, addict speak in here again.

Quitting has been an will always be about BALLS.


Vadge 957.