Author Topic: 9-11 marks 5 Years of Freedom for me  (Read 5153 times)

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2010, 06:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Bean
Does anyone know how long a guy like me (20 yr dipper) has to stay quit before the risk of cancer returns to that of the general public.
Ok - I am reaching here - but my life insurance co was only concerned about "tobacco" use within the last year - ie, you had to be nic free for at least a year to qualify for lower rates. I damn sure as hell aint no expert but maybe that means something.

Quit Date 10/09/2010; HOF 1/17/2011
Cancer and Death will not work on your Time Table, why work on Theirs - Quit Today.
If you fail to plan, plan to fail.
The older I get, the better I was - made an even bigger improvment the day I quit dip.
HOF Speech

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2010, 06:51:00 PM »
Does anyone know how long a guy like me (20 yr dipper) has to stay quit before the risk of cancer returns to that of the general public.

I'm not caving...promise. I'm kicking nic's ass one day at a time. Just wanted to know when I can breathe easier. I've heard it takes 15 years for a dipper to return to normal cancer risk levels.

If so, the next 15 years will be such a more enjoyable journey than the last 20 years...cancer-wise.

Offline brianl

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2010, 08:32:00 AM »
Quote from: Bean
Tomorrow marks 4 weeks for me and I want to thank the folks on this site. I couldn't have done it without you.

To all new quitters - you can do it. "Yesterday + 1" is what you must focus. Believe you can do roll...keep your word...and you'll stay quit.

Keep focussed, remember the suck and why you're going through (or went through it) and think Yesterday + 1...before you know it, you're living life nice free.
Way to go Bean!!!!

Keep it rollin' brother!

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2010, 08:54:00 AM »
Quote from: Bean
Tomorrow marks 4 weeks for me and I want to thank the folks on this site. I couldn't have done it without you.

To all new quitters - you can do it. "Yesterday + 1" is what you must focus. Believe you can do roll...keep your word...and you'll stay quit.

Keep focussed, remember the suck and why you're going through (or went through it) and think Yesterday + 1...before you know it, you're living life nice free.
Great post !! 4 weeks is HUGE !! Keep addding ones..

Offline redyota

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2010, 07:37:00 AM »
Quote from: Bean
Tomorrow marks 4 weeks for me and I want to thank the folks on this site. I couldn't have done it without you.

To all new quitters - you can do it. "Yesterday + 1" is what you must focus. Believe you can do roll...keep your word...and you'll stay quit.

Keep focussed, remember the suck and why you're going through (or went through it) and think Yesterday + 1...before you know it, you're living life nice free.
Congrats on the 4 weeks bro.
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

Offline Bean

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2010, 10:04:00 PM »
Tomorrow marks 4 weeks for me and I want to thank the folks on this site. I couldn't have done it without you.

To all new quitters - you can do it. "Yesterday + 1" is what you must focus. Believe you can do roll...keep your word...and you'll stay quit.

Keep focussed, remember the suck and why you're going through (or went through it) and think Yesterday + 1...before you know it, you're living life nice free.

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2010, 11:54:00 AM »
Quote from: teaka
Quote from: brianl
Quote from: Bean
I'm taking a cue from VMADMAN and just continuing to tell you guys a little more about me and my quit.  This is by no means important, but it helps me to remember the exact moment I decided to quit...and it just might help you.  The key is that I found my motivation. 

I dipped for 20 years, since high school baseball.  I had "tried" to quit, "took a break" or "gave it up for Lent" many times before.  But I always returned...until now.  Never again.

I have a wonderful wife, 3 month old little girl, and a 2.5 year old little boy.  I love them more than I can describe.

I had just finished mowing the lawn on Saturday, September 11.  I came inside dripping with sweat, and flicked on the TV.  Some news special about the Trade Center was on.  They interviewed a woman who lost her husband.  I HATE seeing those stories...they really get to me.  But nothing got to me like the moment they showed her little boy...he was now about 12/13 yrs old. 

In a split-second, I thought of all the things that little boy has missed, and will miss, growing up without a father.  I tried to imagine how that family must have hurt night after night, the unrelentling pain of their loss and the fact that he could not do one damn thing to prevent or change what had occurred.  No more tucking in at night, no more little league games/dance recitals, no more family holidays...nothing.

And that's it...just like that, I quit.

I can't change the fact I've dipped for 20 years.  But I can sure as shit commit to minimizing the chance my family will lose me to fucking Copenhagen!!!  Who would be there for my boy when he has problems?  Who would show him how to mix gas for a two-cylce engine, how to tie a tie, shoot gun a gun or throw a baseball?  Who will teach him to sit up straight at the table or use manners and silverware properly?  Who would explain to him that I'm not around...and why?  How would they explain it..."You see son, your father made a bad decision when he was in high school, and he was simply too weak to quit.  That's why he is gone...good luck in life."

"Ooh the cravings." "Oh, I want a dip so bad"...BULLSHIT...FUCK THAT!!! 

I plan on being around for my family as long as I possibly can.  I want to be the one who raises my children, gives them advice, and checks the room for monsters one more time before night-night.  And I will be, dammit.  I will be.

That's my motivation.  Thanks for reading if you got this far.  Like I said...this helps me to remember why I WILL STAY QUIT.  And I hope it helps you. 

- Bean
Wow Bean.... That's good stuff!

I had a similar revelation. I'm 40, been dipping since 13.
Now I have 2 boys, 4 and 2. Sadly I wasn't man enough to quit when the first one was born, wasn't man enough to quit when the second one was born.
Finally one day I imagined my boys without a father, my wife without a husband.
Here I am living the good life while soldiers are being killed in the Mid-East. Thousands of kids without Dad's now because they made the ultimate sacrifice.
And here I am stuffing that fucking shit in my face, killing myself, being a sellfish mother fucker.

But now I'm 34 days quit and LUVIN IT!!!!

good stuff guys. similar situation here, 37 yo with a 3 year old daughter. One of the great things about having children is it gives you a chance to go back and do things over, try to make things right through your children. I know we all regret being a slave to a nicotene for years, buts that history. We now have the opportunity to make sure our children don't make the same stupid fuckin decisions we did. And that starts by us staying Quit, today and everyday.
I'm 26, married with no kids...but MY thought was "I want to have kids someday, and that would be kinda hard if I'm not around." I want to spend every day with my wife, and I want her to be my number 1...not the shit I was stuffing in my face.

You all are great! I come back daily..the wife laughs and said shes glad I made this my "addiction" instead of snuce. :D

Stay Strong everyone! We'll get there, and stay there!

Offline teaka

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2010, 08:15:00 AM »
Quote from: brianl
Quote from: Bean
I'm taking a cue from VMADMAN and just continuing to tell you guys a little more about me and my quit.  This is by no means important, but it helps me to remember the exact moment I decided to quit...and it just might help you.  The key is that I found my motivation. 

I dipped for 20 years, since high school baseball.  I had "tried" to quit, "took a break" or "gave it up for Lent" many times before.  But I always returned...until now.  Never again.

I have a wonderful wife, 3 month old little girl, and a 2.5 year old little boy.  I love them more than I can describe.

I had just finished mowing the lawn on Saturday, September 11.  I came inside dripping with sweat, and flicked on the TV.  Some news special about the Trade Center was on.  They interviewed a woman who lost her husband.  I HATE seeing those stories...they really get to me.  But nothing got to me like the moment they showed her little boy...he was now about 12/13 yrs old. 

In a split-second, I thought of all the things that little boy has missed, and will miss, growing up without a father.  I tried to imagine how that family must have hurt night after night, the unrelentling pain of their loss and the fact that he could not do one damn thing to prevent or change what had occurred.  No more tucking in at night, no more little league games/dance recitals, no more family holidays...nothing.

And that's it...just like that, I quit.

I can't change the fact I've dipped for 20 years.  But I can sure as shit commit to minimizing the chance my family will lose me to fucking Copenhagen!!!  Who would be there for my boy when he has problems?  Who would show him how to mix gas for a two-cylce engine, how to tie a tie, shoot gun a gun or throw a baseball?  Who will teach him to sit up straight at the table or use manners and silverware properly?  Who would explain to him that I'm not around...and why?  How would they explain it..."You see son, your father made a bad decision when he was in high school, and he was simply too weak to quit.  That's why he is gone...good luck in life."

"Ooh the cravings." "Oh, I want a dip so bad"...BULLSHIT...FUCK THAT!!! 

I plan on being around for my family as long as I possibly can.  I want to be the one who raises my children, gives them advice, and checks the room for monsters one more time before night-night.  And I will be, dammit.  I will be.

That's my motivation.  Thanks for reading if you got this far.  Like I said...this helps me to remember why I WILL STAY QUIT.  And I hope it helps you. 

- Bean
Wow Bean.... That's good stuff!

I had a similar revelation. I'm 40, been dipping since 13.
Now I have 2 boys, 4 and 2. Sadly I wasn't man enough to quit when the first one was born, wasn't man enough to quit when the second one was born.
Finally one day I imagined my boys without a father, my wife without a husband.
Here I am living the good life while soldiers are being killed in the Mid-East. Thousands of kids without Dad's now because they made the ultimate sacrifice.
And here I am stuffing that fucking shit in my face, killing myself, being a sellfish mother fucker.

But now I'm 34 days quit and LUVIN IT!!!!

good stuff guys. similar situation here, 37 yo with a 3 year old daughter. One of the great things about having children is it gives you a chance to go back and do things over, try to make things right through your children. I know we all regret being a slave to a nicotene for years, buts that history. We now have the opportunity to make sure our children don't make the same stupid fuckin decisions we did. And that starts by us staying Quit, today and everyday.
a strange game. the only winning move is not to play

Offline brianl

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2010, 06:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Bean
I'm taking a cue from VMADMAN and just continuing to tell you guys a little more about me and my quit. This is by no means important, but it helps me to remember the exact moment I decided to quit...and it just might help you. The key is that I found my motivation.

I dipped for 20 years, since high school baseball. I had "tried" to quit, "took a break" or "gave it up for Lent" many times before. But I always returned...until now. Never again.

I have a wonderful wife, 3 month old little girl, and a 2.5 year old little boy. I love them more than I can describe.

I had just finished mowing the lawn on Saturday, September 11. I came inside dripping with sweat, and flicked on the TV. Some news special about the Trade Center was on. They interviewed a woman who lost her husband. I HATE seeing those stories...they really get to me. But nothing got to me like the moment they showed her little boy...he was now about 12/13 yrs old.

In a split-second, I thought of all the things that little boy has missed, and will miss, growing up without a father. I tried to imagine how that family must have hurt night after night, the unrelentling pain of their loss and the fact that he could not do one damn thing to prevent or change what had occurred. No more tucking in at night, no more little league games/dance recitals, no more family holidays...nothing.

And that's it...just like that, I quit.

I can't change the fact I've dipped for 20 years. But I can sure as shit commit to minimizing the chance my family will lose me to fucking Copenhagen!!! Who would be there for my boy when he has problems? Who would show him how to mix gas for a two-cylce engine, how to tie a tie, shoot gun a gun or throw a baseball? Who will teach him to sit up straight at the table or use manners and silverware properly? Who would explain to him that I'm not around...and why? How would they explain it..."You see son, your father made a bad decision when he was in high school, and he was simply too weak to quit. That's why he is gone...good luck in life."

"Ooh the cravings." "Oh, I want a dip so bad"...BULLSHIT...FUCK THAT!!!

I plan on being around for my family as long as I possibly can. I want to be the one who raises my children, gives them advice, and checks the room for monsters one more time before night-night. And I will be, dammit. I will be.

That's my motivation. Thanks for reading if you got this far. Like I said...this helps me to remember why I WILL STAY QUIT. And I hope it helps you.

- Bean
Wow Bean.... That's good stuff!

I had a similar revelation. I'm 40, been dipping since 13.
Now I have 2 boys, 4 and 2. Sadly I wasn't man enough to quit when the first one was born, wasn't man enough to quit when the second one was born.
Finally one day I imagined my boys without a father, my wife without a husband.
Here I am living the good life while soldiers are being killed in the Mid-East. Thousands of kids without Dad's now because they made the ultimate sacrifice.
And here I am stuffing that fucking shit in my face, killing myself, being a sellfish mother fucker.

But now I'm 34 days quit and LUVIN IT!!!!


Offline Bean

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2010, 06:20:00 PM »
I'm taking a cue from VMADMAN and just continuing to tell you guys a little more about me and my quit. This is by no means important, but it helps me to remember the exact moment I decided to quit...and it just might help you. The key is that I found my motivation.

I dipped for 20 years, since high school baseball. I had "tried" to quit, "took a break" or "gave it up for Lent" many times before. But I always returned...until now. Never again.

I have a wonderful wife, 3 month old little girl, and a 2.5 year old little boy. I love them more than I can describe.

I had just finished mowing the lawn on Saturday, September 11. I came inside dripping with sweat, and flicked on the TV. Some news special about the Trade Center was on. They interviewed a woman who lost her husband. I HATE seeing those stories...they really get to me. But nothing got to me like the moment they showed her little boy...he was now about 12/13 yrs old.

In a split-second, I thought of all the things that little boy has missed, and will miss, growing up without a father. I tried to imagine how that family must have hurt night after night, the unrelentling pain of their loss and the fact that he could not do one damn thing to prevent or change what had occurred. No more tucking in at night, no more little league games/dance recitals, no more family holidays...nothing.

And that's it...just like that, I quit.

I can't change the fact I've dipped for 20 years. But I can sure as shit commit to minimizing the chance my family will lose me to fucking Copenhagen!!! Who would be there for my boy when he has problems? Who would show him how to mix gas for a two-cylce engine, how to tie a tie, shoot gun a gun or throw a baseball? Who will teach him to sit up straight at the table or use manners and silverware properly? Who would explain to him that I'm not around...and why? How would they explain it..."You see son, your father made a bad decision when he was in high school, and he was simply too weak to quit. That's why he is gone...good luck in life."

"Ooh the cravings." "Oh, I want a dip so bad"...BULLSHIT...FUCK THAT!!!

I plan on being around for my family as long as I possibly can. I want to be the one who raises my children, gives them advice, and checks the room for monsters one more time before night-night. And I will be, dammit. I will be.

That's my motivation. Thanks for reading if you got this far. Like I said...this helps me to remember why I WILL STAY QUIT. And I hope it helps you.

- Bean

Offline brianl

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2010, 06:12:00 AM »
Quote from: g
Quote from: Bean
Another personal entire round of golf without a dip.  I'm only 15 days into this, my boss is playing (he dips), all the potential triggers and justifications were ther and I stayed quit!!!  Let me say that again...I STAYED QUIT!!!  I actually thought of this site when I was offered.  It was hard to say no, but also really fucking cool to tell my boss no.  It was as if I challenged him...I can quit, can you?  He was very impressed when I told him I quit on Sept other words, not just yesterday or thisorning, but a real quit.  I don't even know you guys, but keeping my word to you was all important to me today.  So thanks...even if you didn't know you were helping me today!!! 

Stay quit!!!
good job bean its tough when people use around you about every one i work with dips it has made it hard on me but it makes you feel good when you can pass it up hang in there it gets better
Congrats on the dip free golf!! That is a major trigger and you stomped the shit out of it. Isn't it weird the power of keeping your word to a group of people you've never met? PRETTY FUCKING COOL AINT IT!!!!


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2010, 10:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Bean
Another personal entire round of golf without a dip. I'm only 15 days into this, my boss is playing (he dips), all the potential triggers and justifications were ther and I stayed quit!!! Let me say that again...I STAYED QUIT!!! I actually thought of this site when I was offered. It was hard to say no, but also really fucking cool to tell my boss no. It was as if I challenged him...I can quit, can you? He was very impressed when I told him I quit on Sept other words, not just yesterday or thisorning, but a real quit. I don't even know you guys, but keeping my word to you was all important to me today. So thanks...even if you didn't know you were helping me today!!!

Stay quit!!!
good job bean its tough when people use around you about every one i work with dips it has made it hard on me but it makes you feel good when you can pass it up hang in there it gets better

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2010, 09:36:00 PM »
Another personal entire round of golf without a dip. I'm only 15 days into this, my boss is playing (he dips), all the potential triggers and justifications were ther and I stayed quit!!! Let me say that again...I STAYED QUIT!!! I actually thought of this site when I was offered. It was hard to say no, but also really fucking cool to tell my boss no. It was as if I challenged him...I can quit, can you? He was very impressed when I told him I quit on Sept other words, not just yesterday or thisorning, but a real quit. I don't even know you guys, but keeping my word to you was all important to me today. So thanks...even if you didn't know you were helping me today!!!

Stay quit!!!

Offline davenc

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2010, 12:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Bean
Tomorrow at about noon (whenever I finished mowing the lawn two Saturday's ago) marks two weeks without snuff. I doubt anyone really gives a shit, but I do!!!

After 20 years, I'm quit...and quit for good. I've got a long way to go, but I could never have made it this far without the words of encouragement and support so from this site. So I just wanted to say thanks.

Now, if I could just get back to sleeping at night....
Thats awesome. Sleep will get back to normal in time. Give it another couple of weeks. When I went thru it I thought my sleep was fucked forever and it felt that way too. Hang in there.
Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

QD: 07/28/2010
HOF: 11/04/2010
2nd Floor: 02/12/2011
3rd Floor: 05/23/2011
1 Year: 07/27/2011
4th Floor: 08/31/2011
5th Floor: 12/09/2011
6th Floor: 03/18/2012
7th Floor: 06/26/2012

Offline Bean

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2010, 12:52:00 PM »
Tomorrow at about noon (whenever I finished mowing the lawn two Saturday's ago) marks two weeks without snuff. I doubt anyone really gives a shit, but I do!!!

After 20 years, I'm quit...and quit for good. I've got a long way to go, but I could never have made it this far without the words of encouragement and support so from this site. So I just wanted to say thanks.

Now, if I could just get back to sleeping at night....