Author Topic: 9-11 marks 5 Years of Freedom for me  (Read 5272 times)

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #85 on: September 13, 2011, 02:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Bean
But there are no short-cuts. No pills, no patches, no bullshit. You just get your fucking head on straight, give your word that come Hell or high water you are not going to put that shit in your face for just one day. Then wake up the next day and do it again.
I freaking love this site and it's shit like this that remind me why. You are a bad ass mofo and I'm giving you a freaking cyber high five and bro hug for that shit! Very nicely said. I'm already motivated in my quit but thanks for topping it off with those words. Congrats on the year!

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #84 on: September 13, 2011, 11:50:00 AM »
What a fantastic post. Grats on the year.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #83 on: September 13, 2011, 11:22:00 AM »
Quote from: Bean
Tomorrow is obviously a special day in America. But let me share (again) the significance to me.

9/11/10 - Came in from cutting the grass...dip in my mouth as usual...flicked on TV. It was as "survivors' story." I usually hated watching those. But I was too hot, tired, lazy to turn the channel. So I watched...and watched...and began tearing up and continued watching....

They interviewed a little boy who was about 12 or 13 about losing his father that fateful morning. I was tearing up like a baby. Nobody to play catch with, talk about girls, help with homework or watch baseball, etc. Other fathers tried to chip in, but nobody could fill his father's shoes. That little guy got choked up a couple of times telling his story. His mother could only stroke his head and brush his hair out of his face as they both fought back tears...

AND I'M SITTING THERE WITH A FUCKING DIP IN MY MOUTH!!! That was it. Done. Finished. I was madder than Hell at the Nic Bitch who would have me do that to mine own kids (3 yr boy, 1 yr girl).

That little guy's loss was completely beyond his a lightening strike or freak accident. And it devastated him. It devastated his family. That family was missing a husband and father. There was talk of "good days and bad days." The events of 9/11 tortured that family for years. AND I WAS WILLFULLY DOING IT TO MINE!!! WTF?!!! I would strangle anyone who hurt my little boy and yet I went out of my way to buy Copenhagen and hide from my family and kill myself slowly. I was SICK.

That was it. I spit it out right then and there after 20 years of dipping Copenhagen. I found this site 9 days later at about 4:00 in the morning. And, with they help of you folks, I'm one day shy of 1 year without nicotine.

To new folks...yes, it is hard...hardest thing I think I have ever done. But there are no short-cuts. No pills, no patches, no bullshit. You just get your fucking head on straight, give your word that come Hell or high water you are not going to put that shit in your face for just one day. Then wake up the next day and do it again. I still fight urges (Dove season started on Sept 1...huge trigger). But I think back on that day, that other family, that little boy;s face...and the urges are babyshit.

So, 9/11 is an especially powerful day for me. I remember the folks we lost, the survivor families and their struggles, the soldiers since that time, all the heros. But, I think I found my silver lining...I QUIT and I'm still here quitting to help every person I can spare him/herself and their loved ones of the pain that 9/11 has come to symbolize.

Stay strong, stay quit. Living nic-free is totally worth it.
This is a awesome. So often we would feed our addiction in times such as these. This is a great illustration of what to do.

Offline WoweeZowee216

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #82 on: September 13, 2011, 11:19:00 AM »
good job dude!!!

Offline luby

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #81 on: September 09, 2011, 07:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Bean
Tomorrow is obviously a special day in America. But let me share (again) the significance to me.

9/11/10 - Came in from cutting the grass...dip in my mouth as usual...flicked on TV. It was as "survivors' story." I usually hated watching those. But I was too hot, tired, lazy to turn the channel. So I watched...and watched...and began tearing up and continued watching....

They interviewed a little boy who was about 12 or 13 about losing his father that fateful morning. I was tearing up like a baby. Nobody to play catch with, talk about girls, help with homework or watch baseball, etc. Other fathers tried to chip in, but nobody could fill his father's shoes. That little guy got choked up a couple of times telling his story. His mother could only stroke his head and brush his hair out of his face as they both fought back tears...

AND I'M SITTING THERE WITH A FUCKING DIP IN MY MOUTH!!! That was it. Done. Finished. I was madder than Hell at the Nic Bitch who would have me do that to mine own kids (3 yr boy, 1 yr girl).

That little guy's loss was completely beyond his a lightening strike or freak accident. And it devastated him. It devastated his family. That family was missing a husband and father. There was talk of "good days and bad days." The events of 9/11 tortured that family for years. AND I WAS WILLFULLY DOING IT TO MINE!!! WTF?!!! I would strangle anyone who hurt my little boy and yet I went out of my way to buy Copenhagen and hide from my family and kill myself slowly. I was SICK.

That was it. I spit it out right then and there after 20 years of dipping Copenhagen. I found this site 9 days later at about 4:00 in the morning. And, with they help of you folks, I'm one day shy of 1 year without nicotine.

To new folks...yes, it is hard...hardest thing I think I have ever done. But there are no short-cuts. No pills, no patches, no bullshit. You just get your fucking head on straight, give your word that come Hell or high water you are not going to put that shit in your face for just one day. Then wake up the next day and do it again. I still fight urges (Dove season started on Sept 1...huge trigger). But I think back on that day, that other family, that little boy;s face...and the urges are babyshit.

So, 9/11 is an especially powerful day for me. I remember the folks we lost, the survivor families and their struggles, the soldiers since that time, all the heros. But, I think I found my silver lining...I QUIT and I'm still here quitting to help every person I can spare him/herself and their loved ones of the pain that 9/11 has come to symbolize.

Stay strong, stay quit. Living nic-free is totally worth it.
Absolutely fantastic! I just had one of those shit days. You know tired, grumpy, fuck it all kinda days.... Get on KTC to help reaffirm my quit, and I find this! Reading this didn't reaffirm my quit it made me stronger. Thank you for sharing, congratulations on the year.

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #80 on: September 09, 2011, 06:42:00 PM »
Nicely done !! Congrats on the year !!


'clap' 'clap'

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #79 on: September 09, 2011, 06:10:00 PM »
Tomorrow is obviously a special day in America. But let me share (again) the significance to me.

9/11/10 - Came in from cutting the grass...dip in my mouth as usual...flicked on TV. It was as "survivors' story." I usually hated watching those. But I was too hot, tired, lazy to turn the channel. So I watched...and watched...and began tearing up and continued watching....

They interviewed a little boy who was about 12 or 13 about losing his father that fateful morning. I was tearing up like a baby. Nobody to play catch with, talk about girls, help with homework or watch baseball, etc. Other fathers tried to chip in, but nobody could fill his father's shoes. That little guy got choked up a couple of times telling his story. His mother could only stroke his head and brush his hair out of his face as they both fought back tears...

AND I'M SITTING THERE WITH A FUCKING DIP IN MY MOUTH!!! That was it. Done. Finished. I was madder than Hell at the Nic Bitch who would have me do that to mine own kids (3 yr boy, 1 yr girl).

That little guy's loss was completely beyond his a lightening strike or freak accident. And it devastated him. It devastated his family. That family was missing a husband and father. There was talk of "good days and bad days." The events of 9/11 tortured that family for years. AND I WAS WILLFULLY DOING IT TO MINE!!! WTF?!!! I would strangle anyone who hurt my little boy and yet I went out of my way to buy Copenhagen and hide from my family and kill myself slowly. I was SICK.

That was it. I spit it out right then and there after 20 years of dipping Copenhagen. I found this site 9 days later at about 4:00 in the morning. And, with they help of you folks, I'm one day shy of 1 year without nicotine.

To new folks...yes, it is hard...hardest thing I think I have ever done. But there are no short-cuts. No pills, no patches, no bullshit. You just get your fucking head on straight, give your word that come Hell or high water you are not going to put that shit in your face for just one day. Then wake up the next day and do it again. I still fight urges (Dove season started on Sept 1...huge trigger). But I think back on that day, that other family, that little boy;s face...and the urges are babyshit.

So, 9/11 is an especially powerful day for me. I remember the folks we lost, the survivor families and their struggles, the soldiers since that time, all the heros. But, I think I found my silver lining...I QUIT and I'm still here quitting to help every person I can spare him/herself and their loved ones of the pain that 9/11 has come to symbolize.

Stay strong, stay quit. Living nic-free is totally worth it.

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #78 on: July 29, 2011, 04:58:00 PM »
Quote from: Ruderunner
Bean is it wrong if I masturbate everytime I crave dip?
Pulling it is only wrong if you're doing with your left hand...unless you're trolling for strange. I stick my thumbs in my ass and never wash my hands. That way I couldn't pinch any into my mouth. But now, like the jalapeno seeds, I'm addicted to sticking my thumbs in my ass. Is there a site to get off of that?

Offline davidc67

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #77 on: July 28, 2011, 09:58:00 PM »
Quote from: sts
Quote from: Ruderunner
Bean is it wrong if I masturbate everytime I crave dip?
only if you're at work when you crave
anywhere, just not at church :D
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Re: Newbie
« Reply #76 on: July 28, 2011, 08:24:00 PM »
Quote from: elkhills
Quote from: chunkles
Just discovered David sunflower seeds: "Jalapeno Hot Salsa" flavored.

BBQs tasty too.

Atomic Fireballs round out the crave dodging trifecta for me.
eating dill pickle seeds whilst slamming ones nuts in the desk drawer. If a particularly nasty crave, a drop of tabasco in both eyes and one on the tip of your manhood but make sure you put on a pair of wool mittens rolled in honey, broken glass and yellow jackets first.

Real deal cure? realize that shit lasts less than 7 minutes on average. Realize it fucking sucks ass, but it is temporary and can't hurt you. Realize this is the price you pay for your freedom and accept it. Now move on to something else, you don't do that shit anymore.

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #75 on: July 28, 2011, 07:51:00 PM »
Quote from: chunkles
Just discovered David sunflower seeds: "Jalapeno Hot Salsa" flavored.

BBQs tasty too.

Atomic Fireballs round out the crave dodging trifecta for me.
Last can I opened was a can of whoop ass.

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #74 on: July 28, 2011, 09:24:00 AM »
I get pissed about the fact that something is trying to have that much control over me. It is a life or death fight literally, treat it like that everytime a crave comes along.

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #73 on: July 28, 2011, 08:42:00 AM »
Quote from: LLCope
I make sure and not dwell on the crave and just accept it. I try to change what I am doing---get up and go for walk and think about how great it is to be a non-dipper!
I'll second this. If you have a pattern where you do a certain thing, change up the pattern. Be proactive. Get your mind away from the old pattern.

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #72 on: July 28, 2011, 06:34:00 AM »
I make sure and not dwell on the crave and just accept it. I try to change what I am doing---get up and go for walk and think about how great it is to be a non-dipper!
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #71 on: July 28, 2011, 04:26:00 AM »
Just discovered David sunflower seeds: "Jalapeno Hot Salsa" flavored. those little fuckers are hot!

Takes my mind right off the chew! (of course I'm addicted to those seeds now)