There is a troubling conversation happening in one of the quit groups. IÂ’m not going to name anybody or the group; if youÂ’re that interested go find it on your own. Lots of drama, and a lot of issues are hitting the fan; but one issue in particular is quite dire and if there are people here that donÂ’t find this concerning, then maybe this whole quitting thing isnÂ’t for you. That issue is posting roll. Apparently there are some that believe this to not sacred and half-assing the roll posting is acceptable. IÂ’m going to say strait up, it is not acceptable and if you think that way, then you are wrong.
The following is an excerpt from the conversation I was reading. I hope it irks you as much as it did me.
Idiot: I don't post unless I am at work and I don't work on the weekends. I post when I want and how I want and that will never change. You should feel blessed that I make my daily appearance M-F and if I get a little bad weather or go out of town than I'm not posting.
About a year ago, I made a similar post about the value of posting roll, because there were people in my quit group beginning to trail off. In that post I stated what posting roll meant to me and why it is paramount. At that time, I said:
Posting roll, for me, has become more than a simple promise, itÂ’s a creed and a gracious act. It tells my fellow brethren that:
1) I promise to be quit today
2) I care about you being quit today
3) Thank you for saving my life
Hopefully after reading this post you agree with me and not the idiot. DonÂ’t be the idiot. When it comes to nicotine addiction, the idiot loses.