Author Topic: I"m in- just found my way  (Read 31625 times)

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Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #405 on: October 24, 2019, 01:00:07 AM »
Today marks 6 years for me. It’s hard to believe. One single day at a time. If you are considering quitting, or new to it, please know that the more you put into it here, the better your chances. The method here works. Nothing else I ever did worked.

Build a network here of quitters in your group and other longer quits. Learn all you can about this awful addiction. Communicate all you can. I used this intro as a sort of diary to remind me later of the SUCK I went through, conquered, and never want to go through. It also let others know how I was doing, and helped them help me through tough times. I read a LOT of otter intros and learned that someone else always had it worse than me, and that others experienced every weird symptom that ever hit me. And that’s nothing  too normal! Haha!

I keep posting still, and meet as many quitters as I can. It keeps me accountable, and I’ve made some friends for life. I’ve lost some friends too- to the damned disease from this addiction. But that makes me keep  committed too. And new friends keep showing up in our Jan 14 class and otherwise. Go for it- you can have a better life without nicotine than you can even imagine if you have been hooked as long as I was!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #404 on: April 15, 2019, 05:42:40 PM »
2000 days. Hot damn! If that ain't a challenge I'm willing to accept I don't know what is. I'll post my 2001 days in 5.5 years and hopefully inspire some other guy in his first 60 days like you just did me. Congrats brother, stay quit!

Thanks so much sir and I’m glad you are inspired! One day at a time adds up!  Be sure you let me know when you make it,
In case I forget to check!   You will do it if you stay in the game each day here! Quitting with YOU today Rose!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #403 on: April 15, 2019, 05:40:17 PM »
Dangle #2!

Badass brother!
Thanks Bro your support has been a real cornerstone!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline AppleJack

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #402 on: April 15, 2019, 10:55:50 AM »
Dangle #2!

Badass brother!
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.


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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #401 on: April 14, 2019, 01:12:05 PM »
2000 days. Hot damn! If that ain't a challenge I'm willing to accept I don't know what is. I'll post my 2001 days in 5.5 years and hopefully inspire some other guy in his first 60 days like you just did me. Congrats brother, stay quit!
"Those who think that they can and those who think that they can't are both often right."- Henry Ford

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #400 on: April 14, 2019, 12:12:04 PM »
2-0-0-0 days! I don’t post as much any more, but I still hit roll in Jan 2014 daily, and that is the secret.  My quit is one of the best accomplishments in my life. I’ve been through all kinds of tests, but I stay quit thanks to the koolaid here, and the fellowship.  If you are new or deciding whether to do it, just QUIT and follow the methods here. Go all in. I chewed for over 30 years, always failing to quit until I jumped in here.  Come on, join us!
You CAN do it if you do what they say here.
It was the only way for me.

And p.s.  I still get craves or urges. Some don’t at this point.  I’m really good at smacking them down
By now though.  You get good at it when you quit, with intention, daily. 
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #399 on: April 14, 2019, 12:09:38 PM »
2-0-0-0 days! I don’t post as much any more, but I still hit roll in Jan 2014 daily, and that is the secret.  My quit is one of the best accomplishments in my life. I’ve been through all kinds of tests, but I stay quit thanks to the koolaid here, and the fellowship.  If you are new or deciding whether to do it, just QUIT and follow the methods here. Go all in. I chewed for over 30 years, always failing to quit until I jumped in here.  Come on, join us!
You CAN do it if you do what they say here.
It was the only way for me.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #398 on: November 26, 2017, 12:10:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
First: Happy 11th KTC. I"m soooo greatful. New quitters, follow the program, if i can do it you can too!

Second: For another cause i believe in 100%, I am requesting help from fellow Quitters and have a challenge--- ENDS SOON! I will shave my head totally bald if you help me reach my fundraising goal for a great community nonprofit in my home area, by Tuesday! For more info Click HERE!
Ok, we extended the challenge. It's still on, through this TUESDAY-- please give me a little birthday gift, or an upcoming 1500 day quitversary gift, in the form of a donation to my fundraiser for a great charity. If i make my goal, i'll give $500 to KTC as well! Click above, at the link in the text , to go to the page. THANKS SO MUCH!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #397 on: November 21, 2017, 10:36:00 AM »
Quote from: brettlees
First: Happy 11th KTC. I"m soooo greatful. New quitters, follow the program, if i can do it you can too!

Second: For another cause i believe in 100%, I am requesting help from fellow Quitters and have a challenge--- ENDS SOON! I will shave my head totally bald if you help me reach my fundraising goal for a great community nonprofit in my home area, by Tuesday! For more info Click HERE!
Today's the last day for the "no hair" challenge- please consider clicking through and a donation, however small! Thanks quitters!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #396 on: November 20, 2017, 12:06:00 PM »
First: Happy 11th KTC. I"m soooo greatful. New quitters, follow the program, if i can do it you can too!

Second: For another cause i believe in 100%, I am requesting help from fellow Quitters and have a challenge--- ENDS SOON! I will shave my head totally bald if you help me reach my fundraising goal for a great community nonprofit in my home area, by Tuesday! For more info Click HERE!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline rdad

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #395 on: August 22, 2017, 04:00:00 PM »
Congrats on reaching the 14th floor today Brett. Well done!

Offline Mike1966

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #394 on: October 23, 2016, 11:44:00 AM »
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: worktowin
3 years of bad ass quit and healing here. This guy knows how to win.
Damn right! Way to go B!
'oh yeah' m'man Brett! Just keeps getting better and better. Congrats brother!
Hell Ya Brett! Way to be!
Believe that qualifies as stud material Brett!
Congrats on your 3 years man! Badassery!
Congrats Brett! It is amazing all you have accomplished during that time. Thank you for the steady support to me and KTC, brother.

Adding my congrats! Three years is killer. I still sometimes point new quitters to your signature block to read that article about how nicotine 'f's" with your head. You, sir, are a stud!
Thank you all so much for the support! This life is SO much better and continues to amaze me! Freedom is better than I ever imagined- probably because I never knew freedom in my adult life. Three years is surreal. Now I can get cheaper insurance! Haha! Honestly I feel like I just hit one year a few weeks ago. The "game" really does slow down. But I still find that I need the tools at times, and I prefer the daily quit insurance policy of posting daily and keeping a network of quitters alive, to risking what I've built so far. Honestly I don't think I could go through what it took again, so I'll take the easy route and maintain it as good as possible. Keep quitting hard everyone, and if you are lurking, wondering, just jump in and quit with all your might. You can do it with the program here! Nothing else ever worked for me.
Congrats on 3 years Brett, proud to quit with you every day!
Just one and you will be back where you started.
And where you started was desperately wishing
you were where you are right now.

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #393 on: October 23, 2016, 10:40:00 AM »
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: worktowin
3 years of bad ass quit and healing here. This guy knows how to win.
Damn right! Way to go B!
'oh yeah' m'man Brett! Just keeps getting better and better. Congrats brother!
Hell Ya Brett! Way to be!
Believe that qualifies as stud material Brett!
Congrats on your 3 years man! Badassery!
Congrats Brett! It is amazing all you have accomplished during that time. Thank you for the steady support to me and KTC, brother.

Adding my congrats! Three years is killer. I still sometimes point new quitters to your signature block to read that article about how nicotine 'f's" with your head. You, sir, are a stud!
Thank you all so much for the support! This life is SO much better and continues to amaze me! Freedom is better than I ever imagined- probably because I never knew freedom in my adult life. Three years is surreal. Now I can get cheaper insurance! Haha! Honestly I feel like I just hit one year a few weeks ago. The "game" really does slow down. But I still find that I need the tools at times, and I prefer the daily quit insurance policy of posting daily and keeping a network of quitters alive, to risking what I've built so far. Honestly I don't think I could go through what it took again, so I'll take the easy route and maintain it as good as possible. Keep quitting hard everyone, and if you are lurking, wondering, just jump in and quit with all your might. You can do it with the program here! Nothing else ever worked for me.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline CavMan83

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #392 on: October 22, 2016, 07:39:00 PM »
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: worktowin
3 years of bad ass quit and healing here. This guy knows how to win.
Damn right! Way to go B!
'oh yeah' m'man Brett! Just keeps getting better and better. Congrats brother!
Hell Ya Brett! Way to be!
Believe that qualifies as stud material Brett!
Congrats on your 3 years man! Badassery!
Congrats Brett! It is amazing all you have accomplished during that time. Thank you for the steady support to me and KTC, brother.

Adding my congrats! Three years is killer. I still sometimes point new quitters to your signature block to read that article about how nicotine 'f's" with your head. You, sir, are a stud!

Offline ChristopherJ

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #391 on: October 22, 2016, 06:52:00 AM »
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: worktowin
3 years of bad ass quit and healing here. This guy knows how to win.
Damn right! Way to go B!
'oh yeah' m'man Brett! Just keeps getting better and better. Congrats brother!
Hell Ya Brett! Way to be!
Believe that qualifies as stud material Brett!
Congrats on your 3 years man! Badassery!
Congrats Brett! It is amazing all you have accomplished during that time. Thank you for the steady support to me and KTC, brother.

Don't be afraid.  You are not alone.