Today marks 6 years for me. It’s hard to believe. One single day at a time. If you are considering quitting, or new to it, please know that the more you put into it here, the better your chances. The method here works. Nothing else I ever did worked.
Build a network here of quitters in your group and other longer quits. Learn all you can about this awful addiction. Communicate all you can. I used this intro as a sort of diary to remind me later of the SUCK I went through, conquered, and never want to go through. It also let others know how I was doing, and helped them help me through tough times. I read a LOT of otter intros and learned that someone else always had it worse than me, and that others experienced every weird symptom that ever hit me. And that’s nothing too normal! Haha!
I keep posting still, and meet as many quitters as I can. It keeps me accountable, and I’ve made some friends for life. I’ve lost some friends too- to the damned disease from this addiction. But that makes me keep committed too. And new friends keep showing up in our Jan 14 class and otherwise. Go for it- you can have a better life without nicotine than you can even imagine if you have been hooked as long as I was!