Hey smoke-stack... just came by to visit bro!! good shit you got in hrrrr. I speant the entire time laughing my balls off!! Hilarious stuff.
Now eat shit you pillow biter and have ur-self a super dooper homo day!!
Wildcat :ph43r:
Wildcat, you ninja-gaiden wanna-be motherfucker. I will give you a sho-ryu-ken if you ever show your patent-leather face around here again.
'Finger' :ph43r:
:ph43r: 'ninja2' 'nutkick'
Have a nice day,
Nice New Green Dot Wildcat!!! 500! 'Finger' :ph43r:
Dude, you noticed my new green dot!! I call it "cyber-bling" for all intents and purposes.
Man, I can't believe you and I got off on the wrong foot (actually, in retrospect I probably owe you an apology). Ur a good fucker man!! I kind of like ur punk ass (although not in the kind of way you would like me to like you, queer).